Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance

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Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance Page 35

by Mia Ford

  “You did not just say that!” I rolled my eyes and looked out my window. The city was bustling with people and cars stopped and started with the traffic lights. It was really beautiful to watch when you weren’t seeing red.

  "I did and the reason I'm calling is that Luke asked me to and tell you to just talk to him. He has something to tell you."

  “Luke? Did you just call him Luke? His name is Lucas Prine and he’s up to something. Now he’s got you people involved. Dad is with him you said?”

  “Yup. They’re probably at The Duncan right now.”

  For some reason, my parents insisted on putting the word "THE" in front of everything. The Dunkin, The Netflix, The Pinterest. You get the idea.

  “Mom, could you have dad call me when he gets back?” I asked as politely and quietly as I could.

  “Of course. Oh, and he said he sent you some flowers too. Were they nice?”

  “Yes, mom. They were nice. Everyone was laughing at me because my office looked like a funeral parlor there were so many.”

  “That’s just jealousy. Trust me on that.”

  “Mom, trust me. Lucas Prine is a spoiled brat. I don't know what he wants from me but I don't want anything to do with him. Can you get that message across to me? Can you help?"

  “What don’t you like about him, honey?” My mom’s voice sounded worried. I worried her. My panicky, paranoid, alarmist ways made her nervous and now she was going to worry. That was the worst thing to do to my mom especially when she was far away from me.

  “I don’t know, mom.” I stopped. “He’s not that bad. It’s just that we are too different. Way too different.”

  “Well, I’ll tell him what you said. But Tilly?”

  “Yeah, mom?

  "I get the feeling this guy isn't going to give up so easily. He reminds me of your father."

  “What? Oh my God! I can’t hear any more of this. Dad wasn’t an asshole.”

  My mother let out a whooping laugh and it was directed right at me.

  “Honey.” She guffawed. “You have no idea.” She squealed as if laughing about my father, her husband, was the most fun she’d had in had in years.

  My whole body slumped as my mom gave kisses on the phone and then hung up.

  “You can’t do anything from here, Tilly. Dad will feel him out and see right through him. That will be the end of things. Dad will handle it.”

  "Tilly, I don't know what you're getting all worked up about." My dad said over the phone almost three days after Lucas had been to their house.

  "I'm worked up because this guy is trying to put you and mom against me."

  “Honey, your mother and I were already against you. Luke had nothing to do with that.”

  “Very funny.” I chucked despite my frustration.

  “It’s true. We were always secretly hoping you’d fail so you’d move back home. Then your mom would have the maid she’s always wanted.”

  “You’re a riot, dad.”

  “Seriously, Luke and I had a real man-to-man. He told me some things that happened between you two and I told him if he ever spoke to you that way again I’d beat him within an inch of his life.”

  “Oh, dad.” I sighed.

  “He sounds a lot like me when I was trying to get your mother’s attention.”

  “I’m feeling lightheaded.” I flopped down on my couch and pulled my feet up underneath me. “Were you mean to mom when you were dating?”

  “I didn’t mean to be mean.” He muttered. “I thought I was being cool. You know, playing hard to get.”

  “I thought that was the girl’s job.”

  "Yeah, I think that's why it didn't work out too well for me."

  “So how did you win her over?”

  “I apologized. Then I went to her father and apologized to him.”

  “Really? What did grandpa say to you?”

  “The same thing I said to Luke.”

  I snorted then started to chuckle.

  “What do you think I should do? Luke, I mean Lucas keeps leaving me voicemail messages at work and every once in a while I see his Ferrari in town and I know he doesn’t live around me. He’s too high brow for this neck of the woods. Stop at a Piggly Wiggly for milk and Doritos? I think he’d rather cut off his own hand.”

  “I’m not going to tell you what to do, honey. I will say this. I’m not convinced he’s good enough for you. But I don’t think he’s hopeless either. It’s up to you to decide.”

  I let a couple days go by and just lived life. I didn’t talk to anyone about Lucas. Sandy had stopped by more than once bearing gifts of apple pie and chocolate chocolate-chip ice cream to make up for the disaster that was my date with Karl. I couldn’t blame her. She thought she was doing me a favor, getting me out and possibly making a love connection. How was she supposed to know the night would turn into a carnival freak show.

  Then, after talking with my father I felt more confused than ever. But tonight was going to be all about me. It was the weekend, after all. Sandy invited me over for dinner and some hot cider but I was ready to lock my front door and stay put. Maybe all weekend. I decided to treat myself to a little pampering. The rain and wind officially brought fall to my doorstep. The idea of a nice hot bath, the fireplace crackling and an old black and white movie on television sounded perfect.

  "I don't even care what the movie is," I said to Spike as I passed by him on my way up the steps. I wanted to stop thinking about Lucas and my parents and just have a quiet night. But that wasn't going to happen.

  My phone started to buzz with a 312 area code phone number that I’d never seen before. I let it go to voicemail and continued upstairs to take a bath.

  When I came back downstairs there was a message. As I listened to it I nearly dropped the phone and fainted. Her name was Jenna Holstom-Prine. She was calling about Lucas Prine.

  Chapter 29 – Jenna

  I didn’t even know how to start the conversation. I couldn’t believe I was making a call to a strange girl on behalf of my stepson. I hated calling him that. He was a grown man, for heaven’s sake, and I had no part in raising him.

  But, he called me. It was the first time he ever called me on his own.

  “What is it, Lucas. I’m getting my nails done.” I was at Jillian’s Day Spa for a manicure and pedicure. Thankfully my girl hadn’t started on my fingernails yet or I wouldn’t have answered at all.

  I heard him take a deep breath on the other end of the phone and grew increasingly annoyed that he hadn’t said anything yet.

  “What is it?”

  “Jenna, I know you are going to find this shocking but I need your help.”

  You’re damn right I found it shocking. I was sure it was some kind of set-up.

  “What could you possibly need my help with, Lucas? And truthfully, what makes you think I’d help you. I don’t owe you a thing.”

  “I know.” He mumbled. “That’s why it can only be you.”

  So I told him I wasn't going to leave my appointment. Michael and I had an event coming up where he was being honored for some philanthropic project he was involved with. What did I know or care about that? My nails had to get done and then I needed my hair highlighted.

  "Well, is there anytime within the next couple of days where your primping and preening will be finished that we can talk?" he snapped.

  “Do you want to tell me what this is about?” I snapped back.

  “No. We need to discuss it in person.” He insisted.

  “Look, Lucas, if you are trying to get to your father to tell him what a big mistake he made marrying me that ship has sailed. We’re married. Your father is finally getting his health back and he’s feeling better than ever. The last thing he needs is to hear your complaints.”

  “Jenna, if you’d calm down and come off the ledge you’d have heard me say that I need to talk to you, not my father.”

  "Fine. When are you coming to Chicago?"

p; “I’m already here.”

  That shocked me.

  “So who’s minding the store, Lucas? You are supposed to be running the Minnesota branch. Ned is stepping down in just a few more weeks and your father hasn’t received one report that indicates you’ve got the place ready. Is that what you need to talk to me about?”

  The Minnesota branch will be operating like the trains in Germany. I'm meeting with Alison White while I'm here in Chicago. She's the COO of Logistar and a little bird told me she's looking for a fresh start. So, I am handling the Minnesota branch." Lucas sounding all grown up for the first time ever. "Now, can we fucking meet for coffee tomorrow morning?"

  I agreed to meet him near the hotel he was staying at. He didn’t come to the house anymore. His room was transformed into my office where I continued my real estate business on the side, just for those extra niceties like a trip to Cartier or maybe a weekend at the spa.

  I liked the Starbuck’s on Howell Street. It was in the middle of a huge shopping area. The weather was cool but not cold. I wore my Toga Pulla Elvis boots with my Row cable knit sweater that Michael had bought me after we’d had a fight about my hiring an assistant. I don’t get the assistant but I’m the envy of the neighborhood with my four thousand dollar Row sweater.

  So sat outside with a hot caramel macchiato people watching and counting how many people stared at my boots as they walked past. I was up to nine when Lucas arrived.

  He looked healthy and well dressed but even though I wasn't a mother I could tell something important was on his mind. He didn't say hello as he took a seat across from me and it was several awkward seconds before he looked me in the eyes. It was upsetting to see this. That normal snobby brat that I had come to know as my husband's one and only child was not there. It was almost like I was looking at a stranger and it made me slightly nervous.

  “Are you sick, Lucas?” I prodded before he had a chance to tell me anything. “Are you in trouble? Do you owe anyone money or something like that?”

  “You watch too many Lifetime movies, Jenna.”

  There it was. The sarcasm I had been missing. I took a sip of my drink and leaned back in my chair.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to apologize.”

  Needless to say, I was floored.

  "What?" I looked around expecting to see some bloke with a camera hiding in a trashcan or something. "You're joking, right?"

  "No." Lucas gulped like he was swallowing two-day old cold spinach.

  “Well, what are you apologizing for?”


  I couldn’t find any words. Mainly because I thought the little twerp was full of shit. There had to be an angle. He was up to something.

  “I’m not up to anything.” He replied as if he were reading my mind. “Did you ever just wake up and think what the heck am I doing?”

  "At least three times a week," I admitted.

  “I met a girl after high school graduation. She had been in my class all four years but I never knew her. Then we ran into each other and I instantly liked her.” He stopped talking for just a second.

  “What was it about her that you liked?”

  “She didn’t care about the money. Not one bit. Don’t get me wrong, she was beautiful and built. Just the way I like them.”

  “Of course.” I rolled my eyes.

  “But she was funny. I laughed when I was around her. Do you know how hard it is to find a woman who is funny?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. I left funny to the comedians. But I didn’t interrupt.

  “She acted like she really liked me. Not the heir to Cambridge Logistics. Just Lucas Prine.”

  “Okay, so you’ve met this dream woman. What’s the problem?” I watched Lucas wince and I knew exactly what the problem was. “Oh, I see. You treated her the way you’ve treated me.”

  Those words just tumbled out of my mouth. As much as I wanted to get angry at Lucas the short fuse just wouldn't light. Instead, my eyes teared up. I had never cried in front of Lucas ever. There were times his words cut so deeply I did run and hide in a restaurant or a boutique. He was the only child of the man I truly loved and he hated me. I had to prove to Michael that I was none of the things Lucas said I was. That was why I started working again as soon as Michael had gotten sick. That was why I kept my home in Forest Park that I was renting now and making quite a pretty penny on.

  But Lucas didn’t know these things. Why should he? It is really none of his business, right?

  Quickly, I wiped the tear from my cheek away and sniffed while straightening in my seat.

  “So basically, you’ve blown it with this woman.”

  “I hope not, Jenna.”

  “I still don’t know what any of this has to do with me?” I couldn’t help him, I thought. If he were looking for a character reference he wasn’t going to get a glowing review from me.

  “I thought if you could call her and tell her that I’m not that same person she’d believe you. You are the only person I think that she would believe.”

  “Why is that? I’ve never met this girl.” But then the switch flipped.

  “You’ve told her about me. Or should I say, you’ve told her your opinion of me.” MY voice was just above a whisper. I licked my lips and nodded my head. Now it all made sense. Typical Lucas was as sweet as pie when he wanted something. He couldn’t go to his father for this. Michael’s opinion of his son didn’t matter. His friends, his fitness trainer, his doorman, none of them would say anything bad about Lucas because they barely knew him. But I knew him. I knew how awful he could be.

  “If you thought I changed then I think I might have a chance with her.”

  "If I told her that," I added.


  “So, if I call your girlfriend and tell her what a great guy you are and that she should give you another chance and you dog her again then what? How do I know she really means something to you? I know you’ve been around the block a couple times, Lucas. I wasn’t born yesterday. I won’t be an accomplice in some game you may or may not be playing with this girl’s head. Or worse, her heart.”

  I watched Lucas's face and was ready for the barrage of insults and swears that would be hurled at me. But instead of a verbal beating, he just nodded his head.

  “I understand, Jenna. I thought it was worth a try.” His shoulders drooped and he pushed his chair back. “But I did mean it when I said I was sorry. My dad hasn’t been this happy since my mom died. Even with his heart problems and the stress of work when he comes to see you he’s happy. I don’t know what you do for him. Quite frankly, I don’t want to know. But whatever it is, keep it up. He deserves to be happy. So do you.”

  That was it. Lucas pushed his chair back, stood up and walked away. I was floored. My head was spinning as I tried to comprehend what had just happened. He didn't raise his voice. He didn't swear. He didn't stomp off in a huff. It was as if a completely different person had taken over Lucas's body.

  I finished my macchiato and watched the gray sky float by overhead for about another half an hour before I called Lucas.

  “What is her name?” I asked after Lucas picked up the phone.

  “Telula Grant.”

  “Telula? Is she an exotic dancer?”

  I swear I heard a chuckle on the other end of the line. It made me smile.

  “No. She’s a lawyer. Her friends call her Tilly.”

  "A lawyer, huh? Well, I'm going to call her Tilly because if you screw this up I am going to become her BFF and we will stick pins in a wax voodoo doll made in your image. I'll pay top dollar for one. You know I will."

  “One more thing, Jenna.” Lucas took another deep breath. “Did you suggest Minnesota to my dad? When you decided I should take over the shop there was that your idea? It’s okay if it was because I wouldn’t have found Tilly again. But was it you?”

  “No, Lucas.” I soothed. “I didn’t suggest your father send you
to Minnesota. It was his idea. He thought it would be good for you. I suggested the Philippines. Obviously, your father was spot on.”

  He laughed again and so did I.

  After Lucas gave me Tilly's information I called her right away and got her voicemail. The message I left had to make her think I was some kind of a spaz. But she called me back and that was all that mattered.

  Chapter 30 – Tilly

  "I'm really glad you reached out to me, Jenna," I said. "I'll admit I was shocked when I got your message. "

  “You were shocked? Try to imagine how I felt." She laughed. I wouldn't say Jenna would be nominated for any stepmother of the year awards but there was a quality about her that was likable. "I know what I've told you is a lot to take in. And I wanted you to know the truth about Lucas. That is what he asked me to tell you. He isn't the same person, Tilly. He's just not. If after everything I've said you still feel like he's more trouble than he's worth I know he'll respect that."

  “I appreciate that.” I nodded as if she could see me over the phone. “I’ll be honest. I don’t know what I’ll do. But I’m glad we talked.”

  “Good luck, Tilly.”

  “You, too, Jenna.”

  I hung up the phone and sat there for a while. The fire was crackling nicely and a wind had kicked up outside whipping the leaves around and howling through the chimney. Spike had found his place on the window ledge, his tail hanging down lazily curling at the end.


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