The Laws of Love

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The Laws of Love Page 3

by Belle Winters

  “What’s the name of your condition?” I asked her.

  She frowned harder. “Excuse me? What are you talking about?”

  “What condition do you have?” I repeated.

  “I don’t have any condition; I’m looking for Drayden.” She said impatiently crossing her arms.

  I shook my head and chuckled. “There must be something wrong with you if you just did what I think you did. You have to be borderline out of your damn mind.”

  She sneered at me. “You should know Drayden is my boyfriend and he owns this place. Run along before I get you fired for talking to me that way. Go fetch him for me.” She said shooing her hands at me.

  I picked up my headphone and smiled sweetly at her. “I don’t give a damn who your boyfriend is girl, who you’re looking for, and what you think you could do. Go fetch your own damn man.” I returned my attention to my screen and reinserted my headphone. I growled, the bitch made me miss my favorite part. She’s definitely on my hit list now.

  She stood there for about a minute stewing. I guess when she learned I was serious she stormed off towards his office. She tried the knob but it was locked and I snickered. She tried peering through but the shades were turned on. She lifted her hand to knock and I couldn’t stop my full on belly laughter. I knew what a slut he was and I’ve seen two women here ‘stop by’ since I started, but he was serious on not being disturbed. He was trying to save the Mavorik case and he’s been working like a madman. I hadn’t seen him today so I know he’s home working his ass off making sure he truly wasn’t disturbed.

  She threw me a glare and I blew her a kiss. She knocked harder than I think she intended and crossed her arms with a smug look. I shrugged and smiled at her. She lifted her hand to knock again and the door swung open. We were both looking on surprised, me more than her when I heard his voice begin to boom through the partially opened door.

  “Cassie, I will – “when he had it fully opened and saw who was there his mouth snapped shut.

  She reached a finger out and touched his chest. It was the barest of movements but I saw him tense. “Drayden baby…” she cooed.

  “What are you doing here?” his voice was sharp and his face was murderous. Holy hot damn, not even I got that scathing look before.

  She faltered. “I haven’t heard from you and you missed our date so I dropped by.”

  He frowned and crossed his arms. “You’re not supposed to stop by. We weren’t dating or anything that’s not a part of our arrangement… that is currently done with.” His gaze swung to mine and his eyes narrowed more. “And why didn’t I know she was here? You were just letting her into my office after I specifically told you I didn’t want to be disturbed?”

  I frowned back. “Watch it mister. I’m not one of your hoochies that you can just dump. I’ll bite your ass back. Now I would say take care of your personal situation or if you want we can go at it in front of her.” I raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  The one thing I learned about him is that he only fought with me in private. I think it had more to do with his image. No one talks to him the way I do and I don’t think he wants people to know that anyone does. He sighed and scrubbed his face with his hand. It was then I noticed how exhausted he looked.

  “Veronica leave, we’re done. I haven’t answered you because I wanted to do it in person… well you’re here so now you know. I’ve been too busy to worry about that, and I would’ve preferred a more fitting environment but it is what it is.”

  Her mouth was gaping open. “That’s it? You’re breaking up with me?” she asked with water filling her eyes.

  I had to hold back my laugh. No I didn’t have a love life, but a person couldn’t be that dense. I haven’t been privy to any of their conversations or anything but just listening to this I knew they were probably fuck buddies. Her showing up here unannounced and his reaction says she probably got her lines crossed and forgot whatever the hell they were to each other and thought it was more. Honey, just save the little pride you have left and just go.

  “I can’t break up with you, we weren’t in a relationship.” He told her with a stony face.

  A tear fell from her eye and she spun and ran out. I heard her sob as the elevator door closed and I shook my head. I felt his gaze on me so I turned around slowly.

  I threw my hands up in defense. “Honestly, I didn’t think you were here. I didn’t see you come in.”

  He sighed and his shoulder drooped. I took in his unshaven face, disheveled hair and clothes and I frowned. “Did you stay here last night?” I asked.

  He nodded reluctantly. “Yea. By the way do you think you could stay late tonight?” he asked. “I need your notes and your opinions.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. “You want to know what I think.”

  He looked at me as if I was slow. “Yes.” He said slowly and I rolled my eyes.

  “I just didn’t think you would care.” I admitted.

  “I wouldn’t have taken you and had you take notes if I didn’t think you wouldn’t be able to be some help. Contrary to popular belief I don’t make people tag along and do errands for no reason. Come in when you’re ready.” He said turning and heading back into his office. He left the door open for the first time in days and I watched on both shocked and confused.

  Right before I got up to go to his office I had a second thought. I put my stuff down for a second and took out the Chinese restaurant menu and ordered us some food. I knew he wasn’t eating when he was here, and I have no idea what he did outside of work, but he wasn’t dying with me being the only witness. With our history I’m sure I’m suspect number one. When that was all said and done I grabbed my notes and went into his office.

  His desk look like a tornado has breezed through, there was stuff all over the place. His desk chair was empty and I frowned. I scanned the office and found him sitting on the sofa against the far wall with more papers surrounding him. I walked over and took a seat on the floor close by. He looked up at me and frowned.

  “Why are you sitting there?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I didn’t want to disturb your paperwork, besides I’m comfortable on the floor. I have more than enough space down here.” I told him gesturing to the floor.

  He shook his head and I saw a hint of a smirk. “Fine.”

  “So how do you want to do this?” I asked and his eyebrow arched. I rolled my eyes, fine I know how that sounded. “Did you want me to read out what I wrote or do you want to read it yourself then ask me questions?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “No I want us to talk about it. I want you to tell me your opinions and we’ll see where we go from there.”

  I nodded my head feeling giddy. I closed my notebook and decided I would start by just telling him what I figured the case was about. When I was done he nodded and told me to continue so I began to give him my opinion on where the case should go. When I was done and saw I had his full attention I started in on what happened at court. I began with the opposing side and described their strengths and weaknesses. When I moved onto our side I ignored him tensing and cringing at some of the mess ups. When I was done he watched me with a thoughtful look and I was extremely nervous. The 45 minutes that I’ve been talking he hadn’t said anything.

  Just when he opened his mouth to speak my cell phone went off. I checked and saw it was the food. I gave him the finger to signal to hold on and went to grab it despite his scowl. When I returned with two large bags full of food his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  “You got food?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, because I am not starving myself like you. Now scoot down here to my side and fix a plate.” I told him as I unloaded the boxes. I didn’t know what he ate so I bought some sesame chicken, general tos chicken, chicken wings, boneless barbeque ribs, shrimp lo mien, fried rice, shrimp and lobster sauce, broccoli in garlic sauce, white rice, chow mien, egg drop soup, and a handful of egg and shrimp rolls. He practically salivated and had some of everything. The
man was either starving or was a big eater – I think it was both. He had thirds and we only had a little bit of leftovers that we put in his personal refrigerator in his office. When we were both extremely full we got back to work.

  He looked at me. “Thank you.”

  I frowned. “For what?” I asked.

  “The food, I know we’re not best friends but I haven’t eaten all day. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I saw the food. You didn’t have to do that.” he confessed.

  I shook my head. “No biggie. Now you were about to tell me how much I sucked before the food interrupted us. Go ahead and tell me, I can take it. Just rip it off like a band aid, I’m ready.” I reassured him.

  He let out a low chuckle. “I was actually going to tell you that I need you to work this case with me. I agree with everything you said and you actually caught a few more things than I did. You did exceptional for a person that had no insight to any of the actual paperwork or conversations on the case. That’s instinctual and can’t be taught. Your brain can analyze a situation and make precise deductions, that’s what makes an excellent lawyer. You need to be able to notice a lie when you see one and expose it. I’ve been working like a mad man these last few days and I need a hand. The only thing is you know how sensitive this case is, so all details need to be kept under lock and key.”

  I gave him a genuine smile. “You mean that?” I asked hopefully.

  “I do.” He reassured me as he nodded.

  I jumped up off the floor in a heartbeat and began doing a horrible version of the running man as a celebratory dance. I didn’t give a shit who saw it, for the first time I was being recognized for my skills as a lawyer. If you asked me, there was no better reason to dance than that.

  When I stopped to catch a breath I chanced a glance at him. He had an amused smirk on his face. “You done?” he asked.

  I nodded. “When I can breathe again we may continue.” He only laughed and nodded.

  He didn’t take his space back on the sofa but remained on the floor with me. We began spreading documents across the floor and he began explaining the case and the nitty gritty to me. We were going nonstop and I couldn’t stifle my yawns any longer. I let this one loose and I let my body fall back against the floor. I turned my head to the side and pressed on my phone and saw it was after 3 in the morning. What the Fuck? Drayden leaned over and cursed. I don’t know how time got away from us so fast, but we sure as hell did at least make progress. I stretched and stood.

  “I should probably get going, the bus runs like once an hour at this time.” I told him.

  He shook his head. “You’re coming with me to my place. I live a few blocks away and I’m too tired to drive all the way to yours. We’ll get a couple hours of sleep and I’ll drop you off to yours. Just don’t worry about being in at 6:30, I know you’re going to be super tired.” He said as he stood as well and grabbed his jacket. I opened my mouth to argue and he narrowed his eyes at me daring me to argue. I threw my hands up in defeat and gathered my stuff.

  We headed out and the night air was chilly. I shivered against it and wrapped my arms around myself to fight off the cold. I felt something drop on my shoulders and the scent of woods, aftershave, and man invaded my senses. I couldn’t help but taking a deep inhale before inspecting where it was coming from. Drayden had draped his suit jacket over me and I just sniffed him. Great, I’m the worst enemy in the world. I actually thought the man smelled good. I had to give myself a mental reprimand, ‘Cass you cannot sniff the enemy… you cannot like his scent. Stay strong!’ when that was done I felt a little better.

  He led me to his car and he immediately turned up the heat which I was grateful for. He was right of course, he lived pretty close to our upper Manhattan office. For some reason, I always pictured him staying in a condo or some top floor penthouse kind of hook up. When he led me towards a very pretty, very large, very homey looking brownstone I couldn’t hide my shock.

  I followed him up the steps and as he was inserting his keys I smiled to myself. “So, this is not the Hilton.” I commented.

  He turned his head back and smiled to me. “Definitely not the Hilton.” He opened the door and motioned for me to enter.

  I really wanted to inspect his home. I mean come on I was in his evil lair; this is where you get all the dirt. Instead, when I walked it I felt comfortable and even more tired. I was instantly hit with an even more at home feeling than the outside. It definitely felt more like home than my place. I walked over to the living room where the couches didn’t look like they were out of a magazine but like you’d happily die sunk in one of them. I kicked off my shoes and plopped down. Another yawn escaped me and I stretched. Maybe I was hallucinating, but I’m sure the couch began to rock me and hum to me. The next thing I know I was dead asleep.


  “Hey Cassie, there’s quite a few guest rooms on the second and third level. Have your pick, they’re all clean. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I can tell you where the bathroom – “I cut off my little spiel when I found her. I went to shed some of these work clothes and started searching for her. I found her alright, stretched out on the couch knocked out. I shook my head and chuckled.

  She always did surprise me. This is my home and it’s here for exactly that purpose. I didn’t want something to be featured on MTV cribs. Although rich, my home always felt exactly like that… home. I wasn’t brought up in a museum and my parents did everything to keep me down on planet earth. Sure I have my top floor condo, and that’s where I take all my girls. The thing is, the relationships – and I cringe at the word – that I have with them are strictly sex. Therefore, they don’t need to know where I live. Besides, most of the woman that I sleep with or have the balls to come after me are usually shallow bitches. They look at the barely furnished condo and gush and the floor to ceiling mirrors… blah, blah, blah. Of course I keep a few clothes and toiletries there, but how none of them never realize that there is barely anything in there for me to actually live there is beyond me. But like I said, shallow.

  There’s no way I would bring them here where I’m most comfortable so they can turn up their noses at me. Please. I know the truth, they all say they’re down for a good time, and in the back of their mind they think they’re going to be the one to reel me in. I always see the look of disappointment when I break things off, or when holidays and such go buy and they don’t even get a phone call. They think because I’m fucking them they’re entitled to a credit card and top end jewelry. I scoffed to myself just thinking about it. Those are a dime a dozen and there will be men before and after me that fall for that shit.

  I stared at Cassie and I understood. That was one hell of a comfortable couch and I’ve slept on it more times than I can count. You’re a goner once you lay on it. I grabbed a blanket and covered her up. I went upstairs to my room and crashed almost immediately.


  I woke up disoriented. I had no idea where I was or why I felt like I was laying on a cloud. My bed was never this comfortable. I moved my arm and felt a slight restriction. I peered down and noticed I was still in my work clothes, gross. When I started to wonder why the hell I would still have this on the previous night, and well this morning, came crashing down on me. I was in Drayden’s house because we worked like animals the day before.

  Shit. I shouldn’t feel this well rested. I searched around for my phone and checked the time. 10:30!!! Holy shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I was late. I threw back the covers and jumped off the couch. Just as I was starting to lose it I noticed the stuff on the table.

  Couldn’t wake you this morning, you were out cold.

  Went to the office, get in when you get up.

  Coffee is in the kitchen, with food… hope you can cook.

  Here’s an extra toothbrush. My room, top floor at the end

  has all other toiletries you may need.

  PS. I asked my sister Shelly to stop by with something for you

  to wear since I didn�
��t drop you home.

  It’s going to be another late night so be prepared.

  I walked to the kitchen and started up the coffee maker. He had the good stuff and I was going to have me a few cups. Free good coffee just doesn’t come around often enough.

  I was just polishing off my second cup and was considering a third when I heard the door unlock. I moved to the kitchen entryway and peered around the corner. A striking brunette walked through the door with a Gucci bag on one arm and a shopping bag on the other. She peered first into the living room and then towards the kitchen, where she found me peeking at her. She gave me a wide smile and walked over.

  “I’m Sheila, Ayde’s sister. You’re Cassie.” She said knowingly.

  I nodded and extended my hand. “I am, nice to meet you.”

  She waved me off and entered the kitchen where I followed. She pointed to the coffee maker and asked, “You don’t mind do you?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not really mine, go for it.”

  She laughed as she grabbed a mug. “Listen. I know better than to come between a person and their caffeine fix. Have you been up long?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Only long enough to inhale two cups of coffee.” I confessed.

  She smiled and filled up her mug and walked over to give me a refill. She put the coffee maker back down and gave me a questioning look. “I’ve got to admit this is a bit weird for me.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean Drayden has never brought clothes for a female, let alone ask me to pick something up and hand deliver it. What is going on between you two?” she asked curiously.

  I choked on my coffee. “Absolutely nothing more than a mutual hate for each other.” I took a sip of my drink and thought about that. Damn, I probably shouldn’t be admitting this to his sister. She might help him fire me. “No offense.”

  She laughed. “None taken. I completely understand, I did grow up with him. I still haven’t forgiven him for killing my bratz doll when I was five. It was a horrible death.”

  I laughed with her. “We ended up working really late yesterday on a case and he didn’t want to drive me home. Well I don’t think either of us would’ve been up for that ride.”


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