The Laws of Love

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The Laws of Love Page 12

by Belle Winters

  I offered to do the cleanup, it was the least I could do. After dinner I started the dishes and it wasn’t long before Cassie saddled up beside me. “You wash, I’ll dry.” She offered.

  My eyebrows rose. “You’re offering to help me?”

  She nodded. “There’s a lot. Plus, my mom would probably talk my ear off about how bad of a hostess I’m being. This is a hell of a lot easier on my life.”

  We stood in comfortable silence doing the dishes together. “This is pretty weird you know.” Cassie commented.

  I looked at her and arched an eyebrow in question. “What’s weird?”

  She gestured to the plate I was holding out to her. “You, this. I never pictured you washing dishes or doing something so mundane. It’s like you have to see it to believe it. It’s impossible to picture you doing actual chores.”

  I frowned. “Why not?”

  She shrugged. “Really, I don’t know. It just doesn’t fit in with your image. It’s too normal.”

  I paused washing the dishes and turned my body to face her and she did the same. “What exactly is my image? Are you implying I’m not normal?”

  “Is that a trick question?” she asks with a smirk. When she notices my scowl she sighs and throws her hands up in defeat. “Look, you’re rich, you’re broody, you’re an arrogant asshole, and you’re temperamental. It’s your way or no way and you can be more than impossible. Your image? It’s just that. Unattainable, someone out of reach from us mere mortals. Your swag insinuates that you’re above most. People see you and they picture the huge penthouse apartment that’s furnished out of MTV Cribs, models and actresses on your arm for red carpet events, different woman in your bed every night. You don’t have to wait in line for anything and there’s no such thing as a problem. An array of people at your beck and call to cook for you or wash your underwear. Your money and status is enough to handle it. You look like a freaking model yourself for Christ sakes.” She waved a hand at me. “Besides let’s not pretend. You’re a fucking CEO. People know you, people respect you and again your filthy stinking rich. You’re not normal.”

  I shake my head. “So what? I have money… and? You see where I live and it’s not a penthouse. So what if I’m aggressive and I take control of situations, you have to. As you pointed out I am a CEO and there are responsibilities and expectations that come with the role. You have to be firm otherwise people would steamroll over you. I do not sleep with a different woman every night either. Yes, I’ve dated models and actresses before, although date is a strong word. I don’t date and I don’t do relationships.”

  Cassie crosses her arms. “But you’ve slept with lots of woman?” she asks. I refuse to think about why she seems focused on that part of the conversation.

  I shrug. “Sure. But does it mean anything? No. You’re a human too… we have needs. No one would judge you from pleasuring yourself or letting someone else do the same. If they were to say it’s wrong they’re damn liars.”

  She blushed and ducked her head. “I didn’t say that… I’m just proving a point here.”

  I took a step closer. “So am I. Besides, the fact of the matter is I don’t really give a damn about what most people think of me anyway. It doesn’t make my life worse or better in any way so why should I care?”

  “Everyone cares about what people think.” She whispered.

  I shook my head in disagreement. “No. Some people care about what everyone thinks of them. Most people care about only what certain people think about them. The people that matters in their lives.”

  With that said I turned back to the dishes. It was a few minutes of silence before she spoke up again. “Do you care what anyone thinks of you?”

  I nodded. “Sure I do. People that matter to me, most just don’t.” With that she dropped the conversation even though her face told me she wanted to ask more. I had a feeling what the question would be and I was prepared for it, it just never came.


  Call me a chicken all you want. Obviously I wanted to know if I mattered, but I didn’t think I could face the rejection I’m sure would be the answer. We finished up the dishes and put them away before I led him to the den. My parents didn’t really come down here, it was more like my space. I thought he could use some time away not having to hang with my folks.

  We didn’t have a cable box down here but I was able to access Netflix and things on the TV. There was a well-worn out couch down here and some blankets. This is where I spent most of my time doing homework, lounging around, listening to music. All of my DVD’s, our old home recorded videos, my CD’s, my laptop, pretty much all my entertainment was down here. Even my Nintendo 64 – shut up I know it’s ancient but I love my Mario games – and a VHS player.

  I flicked on the TV and turned to Drayden. “Any requests?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “We can browse Netflix.” He suggested plopping down on my sofa.

  I cut on the TV and threw the remote to him to start browsing. I pulled out my favorite quilt and took the seat beside him. The couch wasn’t large so we were really close. I rubbed the arm of the chair as I realized how much I missed this space. He ended up choosing V for Vendetta and I smiled, I really liked this movie. He got up to cut out the lights and I got comfortable tucking my legs underneath me pulling the blanket up.

  We were only about 35 minutes into the movie when I felt Drayden shiver. I looked over and saw the goosebumps prickling his skin. It was cold outside and unlike the rest of the house the heat doesn’t exactly extend into this room so much.

  I tried to ignore it like the asshole I am. Well really in this case it’s me being a punk. If the man was cold, there were only so many options on how to fix it. When I felt him shiver for a second time fifteen minutes later I caved. I couldn’t be responsible for the man turning into a popsicle while at my parents’ house.

  “Cold?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Nah, I’m good.” He said and I rolled my eyes. When I continued to stare at him he sighed. “Fine yes, it’s fucking freezing down here.”

  I chuckled and scooted even closer. Our sides were pressed together and I lifted the blanket up on the side in offering. He pulled it over to cover himself and I saw that we were still too far to share it. So here’s the thing, I’ve had this for years. I mean since elementary school… it wasn’t big enough to cover a bed but it was big enough for me. Looking at this huge rock hard body beside me I knew we would have to be close for this to work.

  I sighed. “Look, this is a small blanket and as much as it pains me to say this, we’re going to have to get closer for this to work.”

  He nodded and tossed his arm across the back of the couch. I untucked my legs and bought my feet up onto the couch and wrapped my arms around my knees. “I don’t bite Cassie… just lean on me. That’s the closest we can get.”

  I figured as much but I had been procrastinating, prolonging the inevitable. I turned my body to face him and leaned into his side. He adjusted the blanket and we were both now covered. We were both rigid sitting on the couch, stiff as a board. I wanted to relax because I was getting a cramp from sitting that way but I just couldn’t. I must’ve eaten way too much because right at the part when the girl realizes she wasn’t really captured and had her big revelation the world turned black.

  I woke up really warm and really comfortable. I blinked slowly a bit disoriented until I realized where I was, my den. I looked at the TV and I see that it was dim and sitting on the Netflix main page… fell asleep with the TV on, nothing surprising there. I smelled Drayden and smiled, god I love that smell. I mean it’s not like I have to like him or anything, he just has good taste in scents is all. I turned my head slightly and realized there was a solid body underneath me. I titled my head up slowly and looked at our position.

  Drayden was fast asleep his back against the arm of the chair. His head was resting on the back of the chair. He had half of his leg up on the couch bent at the knee his foot dangling off. I was laying on h
is chest, my ass seemed to be cushioned in the crook of his leg awfully close to his crotch and both of my legs were up as I was curled up. One arm was thrown over his face and the other was around me. I noticed that we were covered in a larger blanket which means someone – my mother – came down here probably to check on us and covered us with a larger blanket.

  I was comfortable, very comfortable, and I was really tired. My eyes were drooping ready to reclaim sleep but we really shouldn’t be this close. I started to move and his arm around me tightened. I sighed admitting defeat, when really it was pure laziness and went back to sleep. I dreamt about him in the bathroom again, when I barged in assuming it was empty since I’d left both my parents downstairs. I had run to my room for something and needed to pee. I didn’t expect to walk in on him, with his manhood whipped out. I was stunned and more than a bit curious. Sure I’ve watched porn before but I’ve never seen one in person. I’ve touched it before – not that he knows this – but I’ve never seen it. It was even bigger than I thought it was and I watched as he pleasured himself. It was erotic as hell and I couldn’t move my gaze. I was fascinated and well turned on watching him in wonder. I don’t know how that thing could fit into anyone… I guess maybe he only puts in half? Anyway the whole time I wished it was my hand feeling him. I imagined tasting him. In my dream I got exactly what I wanted.

  When I woke, there were fingers moving along my back. I titled my head up resting my chin on his chest to meet Drayden’s stare and I realized he was playing with my hair. I gave him a tentative smile, not sure how he feels about waking up like this. He chuckled low and I felt it vibrate underneath my chin.

  “Well this is close enough to share a blanket.” He says.

  I laugh despite myself and shook my head. I put my head back down and sighed. “Yea, I guess it is.” I agreed.

  Neither one of us moved for a couple of minutes. I don’t know why because we really shouldn’t be like this, but here we are. When the urge to pee became too much I pulled myself free and stood. There was a bathroom down here and I practically ran to it. When I emerged I almost screamed in shock, Drayden was standing right in front of the door waiting his turn.

  “Do I need to lock the door?” he asked with a smirk.

  I rolled my eyes. “That was a mistake… get over it.”

  His eyebrow arched but he didn’t respond. Instead he found his way to the bathroom and used it. I looked through my games and found Mario Kart. I put it into the Nintendo and cut it on. “What’s that?” he asked from behind me.

  “This, my dear boss is a classic. Mario Kart.” I informed him. I grabbed a controller and stood. “Want to play? I have another controller.”

  “Depends, are you a sore loser?” He asked and I could tell he was closer than before.

  I scoffed. “Doesn’t matter because I’m not going to lose.”

  He chuckled as I passed him a controller. I snatched the blanket off the couch and put it down on the floor for us to sit on. He took the seat beside me and snatched my controller tossing me his. “HEY!”

  “I want to be first player.” He stated and I shrugged.

  “Whatever, it’s not going to help you win. Be prepared to cry sucker.” It doesn’t matter how old I get, when it comes to these games I’m back to being five years old.

  “I should warn you, I was the king of pretty much all Nintendo games. Don’t be surprised when it doesn’t turn out the way you’re expecting. You can gloat all you want now, but I don’t want to hear no crying later.”

  I rolled my eyes. I was so ready.


  I heard Cass and Drayden a little while ago so I knew they were awake although they hadn’t come upstairs. When it became apparent they got into something else I decided to put on some bacon, eggs, and pancakes so they don’t starve themselves. Knowing Cass, she probably turned that damn game on. That would explain some of the cheers I heard a bit ago. From when they first arrived I knew that something was up with the two of them.

  I know Cass, she doesn’t date. My daughter is beautiful and guys have always been after her like little blood hounds. It used to worry Jordan to no end, while I was never concerned. She was completely oblivious to all of the attention, she was also so stuck in her head about leaving this town she never even wanted to date. When she moved to the city I thought that might change knowing that NYC was a whole different playing field. I thought for sure she would branch out and I would be getting calls about all the guys she’s dating. That didn’t happen, in fact the few times I broached the subject she said guys don’t like me mom. I know they’re not blind out there and if the number of guys chasing her out here was any indication then she must have hundreds out there.

  The problem is she doesn’t recognize the attention. Then there’s Drayden. I’ve heard of him before but never in the context that I would expect. My daughter and I could chat, she would talk to me about cute guys and hot actors. So imagine my surprise when she’s standing on the doorstep with this hunk of a man. It didn’t take long to learn that he gets under her skin. She’s always been a hot head but it usually blows over. Her feelings towards him remain and simmer under the surface. She’s totally into him even if she doesn’t know it yet.

  Drayden wants her also, I can see it in his eyes when he watches her. He provokes her on purpose and he likes her feistiness. I’ve caught him more than a few times stealing glances and watching her when she’s not paying attention. His eyes spark alive sometimes and when he looks at her body he looks like he’s ready to pounce. I was weary of the whole thing at first but I watch how he speaks about her, how he watches her.

  Then the whole thing with the mites. They were at a motel and both beds were infested and attacked. Who do they think I am? They were definitely sharing a bed together. I don’t think they’re sleeping together, they don’t have that vibe coming from them but it’s going to happen. I just worry whether it’s going to be a good thing or a catastrophe. Anyway, if I had any questions before they certainly put them to rest last night. They were cuddled up together asleep downstairs when I went to check on them.

  I made their plates and went towards the den. I opened the door as was greeted by Cass’s voice and paused.


  A chuckle followed by, “No I’m not, you’re just losing.”

  “Go to hell you jerk.”

  “Why don’t you use your powers and poof me there?”

  “A witch joke?”


  I started to descend the stairs and just as my foot touched the bottom I heard a toe curling scream. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Cass screamed as she slammed down the controller.

  “I told you that you were going to lose. You’re lucky we tied as many times as we did, but if you cry I won’t play with you anymore.” Drayden teased.

  Her eyes narrowed and she lunged for him tackling him to the floor. You could hear his laughter as they wrestled around. After a minute he flipped her over and pinned her to the ground with his body. Her arms were stretched out above her head and they were touching head to toe. I chuckled.


  I heard laughter and both of our heads spun around. My mother was standing there with two plates of food looking at us while her eyes danced with laughter. I felt the heat creeping up from my chest showing the embarrassment I felt at being caught fighting with my boss by my mother. He was on top of me, his body plastered to mine from head to toe and he was holding my hands down against the floor above my head. Not to mention I could feel his cock start to harden against me. Oh my god! I could only imagine what she was thinking. This position did not look good.

  I pushed my body up off the ground trying to knock him off of me but all it did was make it look like I was humping him. Great. “Get off of me.” I whispered through gritted teeth.

  He rolled off of me to the side and hold on – are his cheeks pink? That made me feel a little bit better, at least I wasn’t the only one embarrassed here.r />
  He cleared his throat. “Good morning Irene.” It was the first time I heard him use her name, I guess he figured if he gave into that one demand she might take it easy on us. I on the other hand had no idea what to expect. I’ve never been caught in a compromising position by my parents before in my life.

  “I was just bringing down breakfast, I figured you two would be up by now.” She said.

  I gave her a timid smile. “Thanks mom.” I got up off the floor and grabbed the plates from her. Drayden reached for them and I plopped back down on the floor with him and placed one in my lap.

  She turned to leave and threw over her shoulder, “please don’t kill each other.” And left. We ate in a comfortable silence and I mulled over what just happened. She was probably waiting to catch me alone so she can attack.

  When we were done I lay flat on the floor and looked over at Drayden. “We’re supposed to meet Carl in two days… what are we going to do until then?” I asked.

  Drayden shrugged. “I was thinking about going to a shopping place somewhere to get some warmer clothes for the rest of the trip. I wasn’t expecting it to be this cold.”

  I nodded. “Yea, it’s pretty odd. There’s a mall not too far from here we can go to, but it’s not fifth avenue.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’ll survive. When do you want to go?” he asked.

  “The earlier the better. We can get up and dressed now…” I offered.

  He nodded and stood. “That works.”


  It didn’t take long for us to get ready and head out. The mall wasn’t far at all but it was crowded. We made our way inside and Cassie dragged me into one of the first stores we passed. There were a lot of people in there but I see why she came here. They had a bunch of winter gear. As we were walking I heard a girl say, “did you see the news? That storm that’s supposed to be coming? They’re saying we’re going to actually get snow, a good amount to play in.”


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