Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners)

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Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners) Page 9

by Crescent, Sam

  She shook her head.

  “I just want you to be sure, Prudence. We name ourselves ‘The Owners’.” He whispered the words against her ear. The possessive way he held her neck was making her nipples tighten and her cunt clench for so much more. “We own our women. They are ours to keep.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I’m telling you this because there are some women who could not handle being truly taken by a man. There are times when our possession goes wrong.”

  “Not always?”

  “No. I’ve only heard of it once, but that once was enough. The woman in question is permanently scarred by what happened. Be careful what you wish for.”

  His touch did not calm her.

  “I’m going back to our table. When you come back I want to discuss what you’ve done.” He kissed her cheek and let her go. His arms unwound from her. She watched him take a step back until he was out of the door. She’d never been so turned in all of her life.

  Prue held onto the sink to try to gain support to her shaking limbs.

  If this is what he could do from small touches, she wondered what he could do with more time in his arms.

  She gave herself a quick glance in the mirror before making her way to the table.

  Her plate had been taken away while she’d been gone.

  “The dessert menu will be with us shortly,” James said.

  Nodding her head, she sipped her water wishing she’d let the waiter fill her glass up.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m okay.”


  The waiter handed them the dessert menu. She gave a quick look and settled on a chocolate cheesecake with whipped cream. Closing the menu, she waited for him to finish.

  “Do you know what a safe word is?” he asked, still looking at his menu.

  “Mine is ‘rose’.” She answered the question without hesitation.

  He glanced up.

  “It is my favourite flower.”

  “What else have you done?” he asked.

  “I don’t know everything. I’ve been tied up once, to a bed for a short time, and my ass has been spanked.” Prue didn’t know why she was telling him everything. She wanted to show him she wasn’t some simpering girl. She knew her own mind and what she liked in the bedroom.

  “Have you ever needed to use your safe word?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Have you been in a BDSM club?”

  “Only a few and I’ve never joined in. Everything I’ve experienced is at home in the privacy of my room.”

  “Would you like to see?”

  Prue smiled. “I’d love to.”

  The waiter took their orders for dessert. They didn’t speak. James caught her hand in his, and his thumb stroked the pulse in her wrist.

  When the dessert came, she took a forkful of her cheesecake without letting go of his hand. She liked the comfort her gave her. His fingers continued to stroke her and soothe her. When the meal was finished, James grabbed his wallet and pulled out a card.

  She felt the blush creep into her cheeks.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. The waiter left.

  “I prefer to pay my own way.”

  “I don’t want you to pay. When you’re with me, you won’t be paying for anything. I will look after you.” She nodded her head and waited for the man to come back.

  He came back and handed the card to James. She made to get out of her seat. James gave her a look that made her sit back down. He helped her out of her seat then escorted her to get her coat. The chill from the night air caught them both as they made their way outside. The taxi they’d arrived in was waiting by the curb.

  James eased her inside then followed in behind her. She didn’t say anything as he took her hand once again. The car pulled away from the curb and began the short journey to his club. Once they were there, Leo opened the door for his boss. James moved him out of the way to help her out of the taxi.

  “Don’t you need to pay the driver?” she asked.

  “They have an account with my name on it. I don’t like driving around the city anymore. I prefer to be taken.”

  Leo remained at the door as James escorted her through the club. She felt gazes following them around the room. James kept a firm grip on her, taking her back to the room she’d found earlier that day. The guards were on the doors, and James took the elevator instead of walking down the stairs. When the doors closed, James turned to her.

  “When you go inside, you’re going as my guest. I will make them aware that you’re a new member and are learning the ropes.”


  He cupped her cheek. “Prudence, for this short time I need you to be my sub.”

  She licked her lips wondering what it would be like to be entering his part of the club as his sub. “I can do that.”

  “Doms will not approach you if you’re with me. You’ll be able to look around freely.”

  Prudence nodded her head. “Don’t I need to wear something?” she asked.

  “Yes.” She watched him remove a silver chain with a cross on.

  “You can wear this.”

  She’d never seen the necklace before.

  “I wear it whenever I go out. It was my father’s, and when I have a son, I’ll pass it on to him.”

  Prudence nodded, moving her hair off the back of her neck so he could place the necklace around her neck.

  “Let me take your coat.”

  She turned to him, letting him take off what he wanted. He moved the arms of her dress up to cover more of her chest. “I don’t want other men looking at what is mine.”

  What words followed that comment?

  “I’m going to press the button to open the doors. I need you to keep this place absolutely private. The people and where it is.”

  “I’d never tell anyone, James. I promise.”


  His palm slammed against a button. “Show time.”

  James pulled her close to his side. She kept her gaze lowered, pressing her body against his. Her mind was a whirl of activity. Everything he’d told her was playing over her mind. To be owned by a man and in James’s case, to be owned and dominated. She shivered, feeling the pulse of the thought take effect throughout her body.

  She knew she was a submissive. The thought of dominating a man or women held no appeal. Being dominated by a man she trusted and loved was different. James, with his words, had filled her with a deep yearning she couldn’t stop from building.

  He was a dream come true.

  They made their way over to his table. He sat down and then patted the seat next to him. “You may look around,” he said.

  She lifted her head seeing that the soft lighting of the room only highlighted what needed to be.

  “What happens here?” she asked.

  “Everything and nothing. This is where we hold a munch, a place for a submissive and Dominant to meet without expectation.”

  She’d never been to one. Her experiences were purely down to the experience at home.

  “I’ve also given classes here. Doms will bring their subs and give classes in certain styles of kink.”

  “Like what?”

  “Rope play, roleplaying, spanking, and then the extreme classes.”

  “Extreme classes?” she asked.

  “Yes, and I’m not telling you about them.”

  He tapped her knee looking out at the crowd.

  “What is happening tonight?”

  “Nothing. This is merely a social gathering where they can be themselves.”

  Prue looked around the room seeing several couples dotted around the room. She saw a female sub sitting at her Master’s feet with her head bowed and her hair being stroked. Another master had the sub curled up against his side. She fondled his cock as he talked to another.

  “This place is free, Prudence. There is no judgement here.”

  She liked it and pressed
her body against his.

  “Veronica didn’t like it here, did she?” she asked.

  He froze by her side.

  “No. She did not.”

  “I like it here.” She snuggled against his side, watching and enjoying the feel of James by her side.


  James stared out at the room feeling Prudence go lax by his side. She’d surprised him from the phone call down to her last words. He’d never expected her to like his place. This was his world. He felt happy and content when he was here. The club at the top was a great earner, but this was his life.

  A couple of fellow Doms raised their glasses to him. He frowned refusing to acknowledge his new sub. Once tonight was over, Prudence was not being allowed back down here. He didn’t want to watch other men vying for her attention. She would be working in Ravage at the bar.

  Her body grew heavier by his side. He glanced down to see she’d fallen asleep in his arms. Her face relaxed in sleep. She looked younger, and he felt like a bastard for doing this to her. He’d wanted to startle her and make her run in the opposite direction.

  Shaking his head, he stared out at everyone. This was who he was. He’d never be able to change who he was.

  He laid her down on the booth’s plush cushion and found her house keys out of her pocket. When he had her keys, he picked her up and made his way out of the club. A couple of Doms assisted him.

  The taxi was called back. The driver showed no signs of being irritated by the constant calls. James made a note to pay a personal bonus to the driver. He wondered how the guy would feel being his personal driver.

  He’d think of that at another time. He wanted to get Prudence settled. She opened her eyes and snuggled in closer before falling back to sleep. James held her close during the drive through the city to her place. The night was thick with mist, and he knew it would be frozen solid the next day.

  Her fingers curled into the flesh of his leg. He took the time to look at her in sleep. She really did look too young to be with him. James knew he was old. He should be shot for the way he felt about her.

  There was no way in hell she’d ever be his submissive.

  You want her to be.

  You want her to look at you with so much love and trust that no man stands a chance.

  Can you live with yourself if she ends up with the Michaels of this world?

  He knew she was a passionate woman. James didn’t know how passionate she was. He couldn’t watch another woman look at him with the same revulsion that Veronica had.

  Not with Prudence.

  The car pulled up outside her house. Using some careful manoeuvring, James got her out of the car without waking her. Someone must be looking down at them from the above. The driver got out and took the key to open the door. James thanked him and asked him to wait. He carried her up the stairs. The sound of the door closing didn’t worry him. He found her bedroom. The double bed looked inviting. He liked his poster bed. In his room he kept silk ties to bind a woman to his bed.

  “Stop thinking about it,” he said to himself.

  He laid her on the bed, removed her shoes, and then slowly eased her dress off. She wore a lacy black bra. The sight of her full body in the black underwear made his cock thicken inside his pants.

  James eased her under the sheets, and he saw the interlocking black rose tattoo along the base of her back. He’d seen it in the club, but in the light he’d not been able to make out the picture. This design showed a tattoo with interlocking stems and thorns. The dark design stood out against her pale skin.

  He made sure she was warm enough before leaving her bedroom. Once he was downstairs, he moved to the kitchen to set the timer for the heating and hot water to come on.

  At the table, he found the paper with her job interviews. He took the paper and left her a note. She wasn’t working for anyone else but him.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week later

  The bar was in full flow. The noise of the patrons was deafening to her ears. Jermaine was doing everything he could to bring her up to speed with working in the bar. Nothing she did was ever right. Since the moment she’d lost her job, James had been everywhere she went. The night they’d gone out on a date, he’d carried her home and stolen the paper with all of the interview details. He’d left her a note telling her the only job she needed was at Ravage.

  Prue spilled the beer out of the cup and cursed. Jermaine came to finish the order as she tried to mix a couple of cocktails for another couple of women.

  She took the money and gave them the wrong change. Jermaine had to type in the password to open the register.

  “We’re always busy, Prue. You’ll get the hang of it,” he said.

  “I’m causing you more work. You should get James to fire me.”

  “I’m not doing that. Take a couple of the trays and grab the empty glasses from the tables.” Jermaine was doing it again. Whenever she fucked up on a busy night he moved her away from the bar. Prue didn’t argue. She caused less mess the farther away from the bar she got. She’d never get the hang of being a barmaid.

  Prudence walked around the tables, taking glasses that were empty and food wrappers. She hated this job. James hadn’t lied about meeting her salary. He paid her double what she’d gotten for working in Cadeon Ashwood’s place.

  The money didn’t stop her from hating the job. James hadn’t seen her since their date. They’d spoken on the phone, and she’d seen him in passing. He didn’t say anything about their time together. It was like their date never happened. She didn’t know what felt worse, the fact he ignored her, or that he treated her like she no longer existed.

  Prue thought they’d connected that night. She’d felt his dominance, and her body responded to him.

  “Stupid,” she said, shaking her head.

  She picked up the trays and made to move around. Someone passed her, bumping her with his hip, which sent her tray of glasses crashing to the floor. All eyes turned to her. The sound was deafening in the room. Her cheeks bloomed with her blush. She lifted her gaze to see James staring at her. Instead of cleaning up her mess she pushed past him, not wanting to see him.

  A loud cheering followed in her wake. She ignored the comments as tears filled her eyes. Never in all of her life had she looked so incompetent.

  She opened the door and closed it. Some alone time was what she needed more than anything else.

  The tears fell onto her cheeks. She rubbed them away in frustration.

  The door opened. Prue turned her back to whoever followed her.

  “Look at me, Prudence,” he said.

  She shook her head. Prue stood in a darkened room. There appeared to be no light on.

  Great, I can’t even find a room with light.

  “I need some time alone. Please leave me alone, James.”

  “You’re in a broom closet.”

  “I don’t care where I am. I need some time alone.” She folded her arms under her breasts then turned to face him. “Is this what you wanted to see? Did you want to see me miserable because I can’t do this job? I never wanted to work here. I was happy where I was.”

  His hand went over her mouth and stopped the flow of words from spilling out. The light came on. She blinked seeing his hand around the piece of rope that switched the light on.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  James eased his hand away from her mouth. She licked her suddenly dry lips. A groan escaped from his. The sound was so subtle that she thought she hadn’t heard him.

  “I can’t do anything right,” she said when no other sound came from James.

  “You can do everything you set your mind to.”

  She shook her head. Prue removed the band from her hair and moved away. The closet smelled of disinfectant and cleaning products.

  “You’re not listening. Why are you doing this to me, James? Why?” she asked, hands on her hips when she turned back to him.

  He stared down the line of her body. His gaz
e felt like a caress down her skin. Like so many times before, her nipples tightened, and her pussy clenched with fresh arousal. Seeing James and not doing anything left her in a constant state of arousal. Not a day went by when she wasn’t thinking about him in some way.

  Working for him made her thoughts run riot with images of him. There was no gap between her fantasies and needs.

  James was there all the time.

  “I like having you here, Prudence.”

  “Why do you use my full name? Why? Why? Why?” she asked, feeling frustrated with his lack of answers.

  She walked toward him, standing in front of him with her arms folded.

  “I just want you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat inside her chest. She nibbled on her lip, staring past his shoulder. Nothing she did could make him tell her anything.

  What did you expect? A confession of undying love?

  “Don’t do that!”

  She frowned at him. “Do what?”


  His hand came up, pulling her bottom lip from between her teeth. She held her breath as he rubbed his fingers along her lips.

  “I need just one more taste,” he said.

  In one instant she was standing with her arms folded, and in the next, her fingers were sunk inside his length of hair as his lips claimed hers.

  This kiss was not gentle. The man in front of her was hard and ruthless. He was taking what he wanted without permission. He owned her mouth as easily as he owned her heart.

  Prue gave him everything, pressing her body against his. He pulled back, his fingers sinking into the length of her hair, and she felt him tighten his hands into fists. The hair pulled as he tightened his hold.

  Her arousal was intense and strong.

  “Your eyes are dilated, Prudence. I bet if I was to touch your sweet pussy you’d be soaking wet for me,” he said.

  She moaned. “Please,” she said, begging him.

  He pulled her close, pressing a leg between hers. She wore jeans, but his leg against her mound made her wish she’d worn a skirt. If she’d worn a skirt this could have turned into so much more.

  James took her lips once more, rubbing his thigh between her own. She kissed him back and rode his thigh. Her pussy was weeping her cum into her panties. She didn’t want him to stop. Prue dropped one of her hands to his shirt, opening the top buttons to expose his chest.


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