Dennis the Conqueror: A Harem Fantasy (Sword and Sorority Book 1)

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Dennis the Conqueror: A Harem Fantasy (Sword and Sorority Book 1) Page 6

by Scot C Morgan

  As soon as giant Mr. Sniffles made a play for my women, my inner savage came out. The fists flew—mine, his, mine, his. Lot's of pain. Lot's of grunts. Plenty of sweat. Plenty of blood. Mine. His. Mine. His. We went on for two minutes—actually a long time for a no-holds-barred-pummel-each-other-until-one-of-you-doesn't-get-up kind of fight. I don't know what anyone else in the room was doing. All I could see was the bastard in front of me. I think Alara or Nithia, probably both of them, called out for us to stop, but I was too enraged to hear their exact words.

  All the nice tables and pictures on the walls, and anything else that had looked nice before we started fighting, soon looked like crap. Throwing each other around, knocking each other back, picking up whatever we could find to smack each other with—we managed to break about everything in the room.

  We stopped when both of us were on the floor, squinting to see through our sweat and blood, breathing like we'd been under water for way too long. Laying on the floor felt good. Not swinging my arms anymore or getting pummeled by the other man's also felt good. We looked at each other. And, though he hadn't apologized, I figured I'd made my point. I could tell he was ready to let the disagreement go by the way he nodded to me and started to say something—but he choked instead, then spit out some blood. After he cleared his mouth, he said, "You're alright." He took a couple of breaths. "Willing to fight for your women." He nodded. "Respect."

  I nodded in return, breathing too heavily to talk.

  "Cormac," he said.

  I gave a grunt to acknowledge him, then I reciprocated. "Den."

  Nithia rushed over to my side once we had stopped fighting. She leaned down to me and I turned my head to get a better look at her breasts as she nearly plopped them onto my face, but the damn sweat from my forehead rolled down into my eyes, robbing me of the pleasure.

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  My ribs hurt when I started to laugh. Holy shit that's a dumb question. But I knew what she meant. She cared for me, and that made some of the pain go away. Not most of the pain, though. Most of the pain was right there where my new friend had put it. And I'm sure he felt the same.

  Alara stepped over to me, but didn't lean down. "That was really stupid, you know?"

  I managed to move my hand up to wipe clear an eye, so I could see her better. "Yeah. You're probably right." But I could see she wasn't really angry. She looked that way for a second, but her expression softened.

  "I don't want you to…" She trailed off with a quiver of her lip, before biting it to hold herself together. Obviously she was still emotionally vulnerable, and my unbridled display of… whatever it was, hadn't helped. I felt a little guilty, but I also felt a lot more relaxed, almost at peace. It was as if I had packed two years of therapy into two minutes—not that I'd ever been to therapy, but I felt like I'd just gotten the results—worked out my latent issues.

  "I'll be alright," I said. I glanced across the floor—my face just inches off of it—to my partner in stupidity. "We worked it out." I looked back to Alara. "Don't worry. Just a misunderstanding. I think we're good now."

  I heard laughter behind me from the man. I couldn't help but laugh too. Then we both cut it short as we each moaned from the pain we were feeling.

  "Ooh, men!" Alara had her hands on her hips.

  Nithia looked up at her, as if trying to understand what she meant. Then she looked at me again with her big blue eyes and smiled. "Men." She said it much more softly than Alara had.

  Chapter 7

  It turned out Cormac owned the place, and my scuffle with him—okay, my wild-ass brawl—wasn't the first he'd had in the place. Once he and I managed to drag ourselves off the floor, we draped ourselves onto a couple of chairs and rested the upper half of our bodies on a tabletop. Alara and Nithia sat with us, and two over-worked employees—a young man and a significantly older woman—set about cleaning up the place. Several regulars among the townsfolk chipped in, getting the place back to normal—or close to it—in little time. A few chairs were brought out from a back room to replace the ones Cormac and I had broken.

  A few people had left, possibly going upstairs to their rooms. Maybe some left altogether. But the ones who remained seemed less troubled by what had happened than I would've expected. It was as if they'd seen it all before.

  The fireplace in the corner warmed the room nicely, which I now started to notice, since my blood was no longer at a boil. Alara and Nithia looked less nipply, but no less amazing. Both of them were leaning in close to me, partly to avoid sitting too close to Cormac, I'm sure. But their actions weren't out of place considering the vibes I'd gotten from both of them before we came inside, and my already established relationship with Alara.

  Wow. I'm in a relationship. How weird is that?

  "Thanks, Sylvia," Cormac said to the older woman beside him who was placing four beers on the table. She said nothing. She had carried two beers in each hand. The ceramic mugs had handles, making the task easy enough. She'd probably been handling drinks for years, and from the nonchalant look on her face, I guessed she'd been cleaning up after Cormac for a long time too.

  A sweet fragrance was floating in the air, though my sweat mostly overpowered it. I took my drink and drank a sip. I wasn't a beer guy, but it was better than I expected. Evidently Cormac could see that I enjoyed the taste.

  "It's got a little honey in it," he said, raising his mug as if toasting me, before he took a drink too.

  We took two rounds of drinks, Cormac and I. Alara finished half of one. Nithia wet her lips with hers, but I don't think she drank any. As we drank, some of the aches in my body dulled, for which I was thankful.

  Cormac told us how he'd come to be an innkeeper. He'd bought the place ten years back, after what he said was too much adventuring. He'd served under a warlord in a land beyond the Sea of Ronak, then left the company when the territory disputes died out. He moved around for a few years, selling his skills as a fighter to whoever was willing to pay him his worth. Getting on in years and weary of having no place to call home, he decided one day when he road into town that he was done traveling. And so, with the spoils of his years of hiring out his skill at killing men who may or may not have deserved it, he took up the offer of an ailing elderly innkeeper and bought the place.

  "It's been the peace and quiet I wanted," he said, finishing off the last sip of his beer. He placed his mug on the table and stared at Alara.

  Wait. Didn't we already deal with this?

  But I quickly realized he wasn't ogling her. He looked at her with sympathy. "But no place can hold on to peace and quiet forever. Can it?"

  Alara simply shook her head.

  Right. The women of her order.

  I thought I needed to say something to break the silence, but Cormac spoke again before I did.

  "Well," he said, abruptly standing up. "The three of you will stay here tonight."

  He slapped my back and grinned at me. "No coin needed."

  How is this guy suddenly fine. I feel like a truck ran over me… twice.

  I heard Nithia sigh with relief.

  Alara sat her mug down. She'd been holding it, though not drinking from it much. "Thank you, Cormac."

  "Yeah, thanks," I said.

  "Den, I haven't felt the thrill of a good fight in a long time. I'm happy with my simple life here, but sometimes I miss pounding some blood out of a guy."

  Glad I could help?

  In spite of my body not wanting to, I made myself stand. "Yeah. It was great." I felt several sharp pains—my ribs, my lower back, my left foot. "Good times."

  As much as I was selling it, Cormac must not have been buying it. "You three have had a long day, I'm sure," he said. He glanced to the stairway at the back of the room. "Take the room at the end of the hall. It's nice." He glanced to Alara and Nithia, then back to me. "Big bed."

  Alara and Nithia stood, and Nithia ducked herself under my right arm, giving herself to me for support.

  "Thanks again," Alara said. S
he turned to me. "I need to go see my friend. You two go rest and I'll be back in an hour."

  I wasn't crazy about her leaving, but I couldn't argue with the idea of lying down in a bed. I was basically spent from the fight with Cormac. "Alright. But don't be too long, and be careful."

  Sure could use some of your sex magic boost right about now. I wanted to say that aloud, but I knew better.

  Cormac slapped me on the back again. Evidently in one of the spots where he'd given me a good wallop earlier. "I'll send some food up shortly," he said.

  "I appreciate that," I said, trying to keep any expression of pain off my face.

  Alara left, but not before Cormac had someone bring her a fur-lined cloak.

  Nithia and I made our way to the room at the end of the hall on the second floor. It wasn't exactly spacious, but it was several steps up from the stone cottage.

  "He wasn't kidding about the bed," Nithia said.

  Nithia and I stood at the foot of the Disneyland of beds. Okay, maybe not the right image to invoke, but this bed was working overtime. For starters, I was concerned there might be giants in this world, because the bed was freakin' huge. Why? Then I mentally slapped my forehead, remembering I'd already planned to have Alara and Nithia in it with me. Not a novel idea, I'm sure.

  It was a four-post number, like I'd seen in old movies. The kind you knew rich people had. The posts were thick dark wood, spiraled, and almost reaching the ceiling. There was some odd patchwork on the top thick blanket. What is that called? But it looked damned comfortable. There were four pillows at the head of the bed, and probably a couple more tucked underneath. I knew I could stretch across the thing sideways and still not reach the edges.

  "So," I said, also staring straight ahead at the bed, like Nithia still was.

  She turned and stepped over to a water-filled basin on a small table at the side of the room. "I'm going to wash up. All that walking."

  "Yeah, walking," I said, about as awkwardly as possible. "I'll…" I looked around the room to find something else to do. I was confused by my own behavior, by my nervousness. Why is it different with her? You were ready to go not too long ago.

  "Wait," I said, stopping myself.

  "What?" Nithia didn't turn around. She was reaching for the small folded towel next to the basin.

  Come on, Den. You've got this.

  I looked at her. "Oh."

  She turned to face me and it was as if I was seeing her again for the first time. She had left her top on the table beside the water basin. Her beauty was so different than Alara's. Her breasts were slightly smaller than Alara's, but still nothing less than large. They had a youthful buoyancy to them. The light in the room, provided by two lanterns hung on iron hooks at opposite walls, was bright enough to see the color variation from her nipples to the full body of her breasts. But the light left room for soft shadows, which only accentuated every curve her body had to offer.

  She stood, presenting herself to me. I marveled at her form. Feeling the moisture under my tongue pool, I realized my mouth was hanging open. I closed it and swallowed before speaking. "You're absolutely beautiful."

  The smile that formed on her pushed her now rosy cheeks up into smooth balls. Her blue eyes drew me in, somehow managing to pull my gaze from her naked torso for a few moments. I don't know how many seconds I stood looking at her. But I was probably longer to take action than was sensible, given what was before me. But I wanted to drink in every inch of her with my eyes.

  "Are you tired?" she asked.

  I was exhausted, and sore. No. I was still in pain. But damned if I was going to call it a night.

  "If I was," I said, "you seem to have made me forget."

  She demurred, lifting her eyes up at me.

  Damn she's good at this.

  She walked—deliberately slowly—to the side of the bed. Facing away from me, she reached to the sides of her loin-skirt and undid the tied strings, which miraculously were all that held the cloth on despite all we'd been through the whole day.

  The small piece of cloth dropped silently to the floor. Her ass was round and full. I knew it would be easy to get ahold of and use to guide her onto me. The image of coming at it directly flashed in my mind too. She stood for a three count before pulling the covers back and sliding into bed. She turned at the last second, giving me a peak at her breasts before pulling the cover up to her shoulders. She leaned her head back onto one of the pillows and smiled—somehow giving off innocence and vixen at the same time.

  A knock sounded at the door behind me.

  You're fucking kidding me.

  "The food," I said to her. I must've sounded apologetic. She said it was okay, and told me to get the door.

  "But make it quick," she said, as she lowered the edge of the blanket a few inches, revealing the tops of her breasts. She quickly pulled the cover up and giggled.

  "Yeah," I said. "They'll be gone fast."

  I was so intent on getting the door open, the food in and set somewhere out of the way, and the door closed, that I didn't notice I had a massive hard-on pushing my blue and white boxers to the limit of the fabric's structural integrity.

  The young woman at the door holding our tray of food did notice.

  I think it was her saying, "Oh, my god!" that tipped me off. That and the fact that she was staring at the sword in my shorts. Okay, dagger. But I gotta say, since Alara magicked me up…well, it worked all over.

  She was a cute redhead. Had the pale skin. Freckles. Green eyes. Not like Alara's, but nice. I guessed nineteen. She wore a green skirt, ankle-high boots. Yellow top with the collar cut in one of those low-sitting square openings. Her breasts were small, but she had well-defined cleavage still. Not cavernous, but-

  What am I doing?

  I took the food tray from her and thanked her.

  She curtsied and said, "No, sir. Thank you."

  "I'm waiting!" Nithia called to me from the bed.

  I shut the door and placed the tray of food on a half-moon table to the left, then turned back to the matter at hand.

  I stumbled slightly as I pulled down my boxers while walking across the room to the bed. They'd gotten snagged on- Well, you get it. Thankfully, the posts of the bed were as sturdy as they looked. I kept myself from falling by shoving my hand out to one of them. I think I heard the post crack, but I didn't bother to stop and take a closer look.

  As I walked around to the side of the bed closest to Nithia, she ceremoniously drew the cover back revealing her naked body in all its glory. The surge which shot through me felt like the time I got a steroid shot to deal with a bad case of strep throat. I think I could've lifted the entire bed off the ground in that instant if I'd tried.

  I knew Nithia hadn't been part of Alara's divine sex ritual to gather my barbarian strength for me, but based on how she made me feel, Nithia seemed to have what she needed—what I needed—right there in her hot babelicious bod.

  I did a quick study of her full frontal. She moved her legs slowly, sliding a knee up to the thigh of her other leg, then down—caressing herself, as it were.

  Man, she can work it.

  I caught a glimpse of her gold before she squeezed her thighs together and, with a well coordinated move, squeezed her shoulders inward and rolled her arms in a little, giving a boost to her tits which were doing fine all by themselves. But I appreciated the extra effort.

  "Alright," I said. "We've been holding off too long, haven't we?"

  She nodded slowly and continuously as I climbed on top of her and lowered my chest to hers, and—as she opened her legs and reached down to guide me—I lowered my dagger into her sheath. She was warm and already very wet, and I felt her quiver as I entered her.

  We made full use of the oversized bed. We got going with the standards—based on knowledge I got from some of the MA movies and shows I'd seen, and what Alara and I had done. But the more I gave to her—and the more she drew out of me—the more I rebounded with energy. Maybe she didn't have priestess
magic, but she had what I needed. Every time I was spent, I only had to wait thirty seconds or so and run my hands over the curves of her body before I was ready to go again. The first three times she beat me to the punch, but no matter how much her body shook—both of us dripping with sweat—she begged me not to stop. I ran her through what I could remember from the Kama Sutra pdf I downloaded one time, and she ate it up. Then I did the same for her.

  When we first started, she made some faint almost chirping noises. I thought I'd hurt her, but when I backed off she grabbed my neck and pulled me back to her, saying, "More!" I decided to trust her judgement, and I gave her what she wanted. I was afraid my large muscular body was going to break her, but she was resilient and rode our wave of passion like she'd be waiting for it all her life.

  After we both rose to climax together, looking into each other's eyes, I decided to change things up. She had no hesitation adjusting. I rolled her over and pulled her legs off the edge of the bed and took hold of her sweet voluptuous ass I'd so admired before she climbed into bed. Amazingly, she took every inch I gave her, and with my muscles bulging, by the time we both collapsed from exhaustion, the ridiculously oversized bed was halfway across the room.

  I glanced over the mess of covers and pillows and noticed that we'd knocked over the water basin table. Somehow, I hadn't even heard the basin shatter on the floor.

  "That was-"

  "Amazing," she finished my statement.

  "Hey, you two!" Alara's voice came through the closed door. "I hope you saved something for me."


  "I'm starving," she said.

  Chapter 8

  The handle turned and the door opened before I could muster the strength to get off of Nithia. My upper body was over to her side, on the bed so I didn't put too much weight on her. But we'd both relaxed into a spooning position on the side of the bed.


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