involve interactions taking place in multilevel structures.
A description of an approach to economics, however, is not a research pro-
gram. To build a research program around a process-and-emergence perspec-
tive, two things have to happen. First, concrete economic problems have to
be identified for which the approach may provide new insights. A number of
candidates are offered in this volume: artifact innovation (Lane and Maxfield), the evolution of trading networks (Ioannides, Kirman, and Tesfatsion), money
(Shubik), the origin and spatial distribution of cities (Krugman), asset pricing (Arthur et al. and Brock), high inflation (Leijonhufvud), and persistent differences in income between different neighborhoods or countries (Durlauf).
Second, cognitive and structural foundations for modeling these problems
have to be constructed and methods developed for relating theories based on
these foundations to observable phenomena (Manski). Here, while substan-
tial progress has been made since 1987, the program is far from complete.
The essays in this volume describe a series of parallel explorations of the
central themes of process and emergence in an interactive world—of how to
study systems capable of generating perpetual novelty. These explorations do
not form a coherent whole. They are sometimes complementary, sometimes
even partially contradictory. But what could be more appropriate to the Santa
Fe perspective, with its emphasis on distributed processes, emergence, and
self-organization? Here are our interpretations of the research directions that seem to be emerging from this process:
COGNITION. The central cognitive issues raised in this volume are ones of
interpretation. As Shubik puts it, “the interpretation of data is critical. It is not what the numbers are, but what they mean.” How do agents render their
world comprehensible enough so that “information” has meaning? The two
papers by Arthur, Holland, LeBaron, Palmer, and Tayler and by Darley and
Kauffman consider this. They explore problems in which a group of agents
take actions whose effects depend on what the other agents do. The agents
base their actions on expectations they generate about how other agents will
behave. Where do these expectations come from? Both papers reject common
knowledge or common expectations as a starting point. Indeed, Arthur et al.
Proce ss and emergence in t He economy [ 95 ]
argue that common beliefs cannot be deduced. Because agents must derive their expectations from an imagined future that is the aggregate result of
other agents’ expectations, there is a self-reference of expectations that leads to deductive indeterminacy. Rather, both papers suppose that each agent
has access to a variety of “interpretative devices” that single out particular elements in the world as meaningful and suggest useful actions on the basis
of the “information” these elements convey. Agents keep track of how use-
ful these devices turn out to be, discarding ones that produce bad advice and
tinkering to improve those that work. In this view, economic action arises
from an evolving ecology of interpretive devices that interact with one
another through the medium of the agents that use them to generate their
Arthur et al. build a theory of asset pricing upon such a view. Agents—
investors—act as market statisticians. They continually generate expectational models—interpretations of what moves prices in the market—and test these
by trading. They discard and replace models if not successful. Expectations
in the market therefore become endogenous—they continually change and
adapt to a market that they create together. The Arthur et al. market settles
into a rich psychology, in which speculative bubbles, technical trading, and
persistence of volatility emerge. The homogeneous rational expectations of the standard literature become a special case—possible in theory but unlikely to
emerge in practice. Brock presents a variant of this approach, allowing agents to switch between a limited number of expectational models. His model is
simpler than that of Arthur et al., but he achieves analytical results, which he relates to a variety of stylized facts about financial times series, many of which have been uncovered through the application of nonlinear analysis over the
past decade.
In the world of Darley and Kauffman, agents are arrayed on a lattice, and
they try to predict the behavior of their lattice neighbors. They generate their predictions via an autoregressive model, and they can individually tune the
number of parameters in the model and the length of the time series they
use to estimate model parameters. Agents can change parameter number or
history length by steps of length 1 each period, if by doing so they would have generated better predictions in the previous period. This induces a coevolutionary “interpretative dynamics,” which does not settle down to a stable
regime of precise, coordinated mutual expectations. In particular, when the
system approaches a “stable rational-expectations state,” it tends to break
down into a disordered state. They use their results to argue against conven-
tional notions of rationality, with infinite foresight horizons and unlimited
deductive capability.
In his paper on high inflation, Leijonhufvud poses the same problem as
Darley and Kauffman: Where should we locate agent cognition, between
the extremes of “infinite-horizon optimization” and “myopic adaptation?”
[ 96 ] Complexity and the Economy
Leijonhufvud argues that the answer to this question is context dependent. He claims that in situations of institutional break-down like high inflation, agent cognition shifts toward the “short memory/short foresight adaptive mode.”
The causative relation between institutional and cognitive shifts becomes
reciprocal. With the shrinking of foresight horizons, markets for long-term
loans (where long-term can mean over 15 days) disappear. And as inflation
accelerates, units of accounting lose meaning. Budgets cannot be drawn in
meaningful ways, the executive arm of government becomes no longer fiscally
accountable to parliament, and local governments become unaccountable to
national governments. Mechanisms of social and economic control erode.
Ministers lose control over their bureaucracies, shareholders over corporate
The idea that “interpretative devices” such as explicit forecasting models
and technical-trading rules play a central role in agent cognition fits with a more general set of ideas in cognitive science, summarized in Clark.2 This work rejects the notion that cognition is all “in the head.” Rather, interpretive aids such as autoregressive models, computers, languages, or even navigational
tools (as in Hutchins6) and institutions provide a “scaffolding,” an external
structure on which much of the task of interpreting the world is off-loaded.
Clark2 argues that the distinctive hallmark of in-the-head cognition is “fast
pattern completion,” which bears little relation to the neoclassical economist’s deductive rationality. In this volume, North takes up this theme, describing
some of the ways in which institutions scaffold interpretations of what con-
stitutes possible and appropriate action for economic agents.
Lane and Maxfield consider the problem of interpretation from a differ-
ent perspective. They are particularly inte
rested in what they call attributions of functionality: interpretations about what an artifact does. They argue that new attributions of functionality arise in the context of particular kinds of
agent relationships, where agents can differ in their interpretations. As a consequence, cognition has an unavoidable social dimension. What interpreta-
tions are possible depend on who interacts with whom, about what. They also
argue that new functionality attributions cannot be foreseen outside the par-
ticular generative relationships in which they arise. This unforeseeability has profound consequences for what constitutes “rational” action in situations of
rapid change in the structure of agent-artifact space.
All the papers mentioned so far take as fundamental the importance of
cognition for economic theory. But the opposite point of view can also be
legitimately defended from a process-and-emergence perspective. According
to this argument, overrating cognition is just another error deriving from
methodological individualism, the very bedrock of standard economic theory.
How individual agents decide what to do may not matter very much. What
happens as a result of their actions may depend much more on the interac-
tion structure through which they act—who interacts with whom, according
Proce ss and emergence in t He economy [ 97 ]
to which rules. Blume makes this point in the introduction to his paper on population games, which, as he puts it, provide a class of models that shift
attention “from the fine points of individual-level decision theory to dynam-
ics of agent interaction.” Padgett makes a similar claim, though for a differ-
ent reason. He is interested in formulating a theory of the firm as a locus of transformative “work,” and he argues that “work” may be represented by “an
orchestrated sequence of actions and reactions, the sequence of which pro-
duces some collective result (intended or not).” Hence, studying the structure of coordinated action-reaction sequences may provide insight into the organization of economic activity, without bringing “cognition” into the story at all.
Padgett’s paper is inspired by recent work in chemistry and biology (by Eigen
and Schuster3 and by Fontana and Buss,4 among others) that are considered
exemplars of the complexity perspective in these fields.
STRUCTURE. Most human interactions, even those taking place in “eco-
nomic” contexts, have a primarily social character: talking with friends, asking advice from knowledgeable acquaintances, working together with colleagues,
living next to neighbors. Recurring patterns of such social interactions bind
agents together into networks.6 According to standard economic theory, what
agents do depends on their values and available information. But standard
theory typically ignores where values and information come from. It treats
agents’ values and information as exogenous and autonomous. In reality,
agents learn from each other, and their values may be influenced by oth-
ers’ values and actions. These processes of learning and influencing happen
through the social interaction networks in which agents are embedded, and
they may have important economic consequences. For example, one of the
models presented in Durlauf’s paper implies that value relationships among
neighbors can induce persistent income inequalities between neighborhoods.
Lane examines a model in which information flowing between agents in a
network determines the market shares of two competing products. Kirman’s
paper reviews a number of models that derive economic consequences from
interaction networks.
Ioannides, Kirman, and Tesfatsion consider the problems of how networks
emerge from initially random patterns of dyadic interaction and what kinds
of structure the resulting networks exhibit. Ioannides studies mathematical
models based on controlled random fields, while Tesfatsion works in the con-
text of a particular agent-based model, in which the “agents” are strategies
that play Prisoner’s Dilemma with one another. Ioannides and Tesfatsion are
6. There is a voluminous sociological literature on interaction networks. Recent entry points include Noria and Eccles,7 particularly the essay by Granovetter entitled
“Problems of Explanation in Economic Sociology,” and the methodological survey of Wasserman and Faust.8
[ 98 ] Complexity and the Economy
both primarily interested in networks involving explicitly economic interactions, in particular trade. Their motivating idea, long recognized among soci-
ologists (for example, Baker1), is that markets actually function by means of
networks of traders, and what happens in markets may reflect the structure
of these networks, which in turn may depend on how the networks emerge.
Local interactions can give rise to large-scale spatial structures. This phe-
nomenon is investigated by several of the papers in this volume. Lindgren’s
contribution is particularly interesting in this regard. Like Tesfatsion, he
works with an agent-based model in which the agents code strategies for play-
ing two-person games. In both Lindgren’s and Tesfatsion’s models, agents
adapt their strategies over time in response to their past success in playing
against other agents. Unlike Tesfatsion’s agents, who meet randomly and
decide whether or not to interact, Lindgren’s agents only interact with neigh-
bors in a prespecified interaction network. Lindgren studies the emergence of
spatiotemporal structure in agent space—metastable ecologies of strategies
that maintain themselves for many agent-generations against “invasion” by
new strategy types or “competing” ecologies at their spatial borders. In particular, he compares the structures that arise in a lattice network, in which each agent interacts with only a few other agents, with those that arise in a fully connected network, in which each agent interacts with all other agents. He
finds that the former “give rise to a stable coexistence between strategies that would otherwise be outcompeted. These spatiotemporal structures may take
the form of spiral waves, irregular waves, spatiotemporal chaos, frozen patchy patterns, and various geometrical configurations.” Though Lindgren’s model
is not explicitly economic, the contrast he draws between an agent space in
which interactions are structured by (relatively sparse) social networks and
an agent space in which all interactions are possible (as is the case, at least in principle, with the impersonal markets featured in general equilibrium analysis) is suggestive. Padgett’s paper offers a similar contrast, in a quite different context.
Both Durlauf and Krugman explore the emergence of geographical segrega-
tion. In their models, agents may change location—that is, change their posi-
tion in a social structure defined by neighbor ties. In these models (especially Durlauf’s), there are many types of agents, and the question is under what
circumstances, and through what mechanisms, do aggregate-level “neighbor-
hoods” arise, each consisting predominantly (or even exclusively) of one agent type. Thus, agents’ choices, conditioned by current network structure (the
agent’s neighbors and the neighbors at the sites to which the agent can move), change that structure; over time, from the changing local network structure,
an aggregate-level pattern of segregated neighborhoods emerges.
Kollman, Miller, and Page explore a related theme in their
work on
political platforms and institutions in multiple jurisdictions. In their
agent-based model, agents may relocate between jurisdictions. They show
Proce ss and emergence in t He economy [ 99 ]
that when there are more than three jurisdictions, two-party competition outperforms democratic referenda. The opposite is the case when there
is only one jurisdiction and, hence, no agent mobility. They also find that
two-party competition results in more agent moves than does democratic
Manski reminds us that while theory is all very well, understanding of real
phenomena is just as important. He distinguishes between three kinds of
causal explanation for the often observed empirical fact that “persons belong-
ing to the same group tend to behave similarly.” One is the one we have been
describing above: the behavioral similarities may arise through network inter-
action effects. But there are two other possible explanations: contextual, in which the behavior may depend on exogenous characteristics of the group (like
socioeconomic composition); or correlated effects, in which the behavior may be due to similar individual characteristics of members of the group. Manski shows, among other results, that a researcher who uses the popular linear-in-means model to analyze his data and “observes equilibrium outcomes and the
composition of reference groups cannot empirically distinguish” endogenous
interactions from these alternative explanations. One moral is that nonlinear
effects require nonlinear inferential techniques.
In the essays of North, Shubik, and Leijonhufvud, the focus shifts to another
kind of social structure, the institution. North’s essay focuses on institutions and economic growth, Shubik’s on financial institutions, and Leijonhufvud’s
on high-inflation phenomenology. All three authors agree in defining institu-
tions as “the rules of the game,” without which economic action is unthink-
able. They use the word “institution” in at least three senses: as the “rules”
themselves (for example, bankruptcy laws); as the entities endowed with the
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