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Reaper's Girl (Rockin' Country #5)

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by Laramie Briscoe

  Reaper’s Girl

  Book #5 in the Rockin’ Country Series

  By Laramie Briscoe

  Copyright © 2016 Laramie Briscoe

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, without express permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or any events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. The author recognizes the copyright of Sons of Anarchy, SiriusXM, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Edited by: Lindsay Gray Hopper

  Cover Art by: Kari Ayasha, Cover to Cover Designs

  Proofread by: Dawn Bourgeois

  Beta Read by: Keyla Handley & Danielle Wentworth

  Formatting: Paul Salvette, BB eBooks

  Photography by: MH Photography

  Cover Models: Ashley & Jack Edmund

  Heaven Hill Series

  Meant To Be

  Out of Darkness

  Losing Control

  Worth The Battle

  Dirty Little Secret

  Second Chance Love

  Rough Patch

  Beginning of Forever

  Home Free

  Shield My Heart

  A Heaven Hill Christmas

  Rockin’ Country Series

  Only The Beginning

  One Day at a Time

  The Price of Love

  Full Circle

  Hard to Love

  Reaper’s Girl

  The Red Bird Trail Trilogy




  Stand Alone



  Trick (January 2017)

  Moonshine Task Force Series

  Renegade (March 2017)





  Reaper and Harmony have been enjoying being Garrett and Hannah since their respective tours ended. They’ve become closer, learned to live as a married couple, and been successful in keeping relevant without having their faces on the cover of tabloids. Raising their eighteen-month-old son, is the highlight of both their lives.

  Now that they’ve settled into a routine, Hannah misses the studio, and decides to give Harmony one more shot. Because he’s always been supportive, Garrett agrees. Neither one of them are prepared for the sheer popularity their marriage and the birth of their child has given them as a couple. When the album drops, it sets forth a series of events neither one of them are prepared for.

  To everyone’s, surprise Harmony Stewart becomes more of a household name, has a Pop number one, and gets way in over her head with commitments.

  The success, the pressure, and the fame all gets to be too much. It doesn’t take long to realize there’s only one title she’s ever wanted to have.

  Reaper’s Girl


  To Nicole, Carrie, Danielle, Keyla, Heather, Reva, Amanda, and anyone else Reaper & Harmony have touched. I’m super proud to be a Reaper’s Girl with you ladies!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also by Laramie Briscoe

  About the Book


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Connect with Laramie

  Sneak Peek of Trick

  Sneak Peek of Renegade

  Chapter One

  * * *


  “I think it’s time. I wanna go back into the studio.”

  Hannah Thompson glanced over to her left at her husband, who sat behind the wheel of their Range Rover. Her gaze washed over him, taking in the way he shifted against the leather of the seat, leaned back further, and spread his knees wider, taking up almost all of the room under the wheel. She didn’t miss the way his green eyes flashed to the rearview mirror, gazing in the back to their son, EJ, in his booster seat. Garrett licked his lips before taking a drink of coffee from its white cup—from that place he always gave her crap about—before his eyes took in her profile.

  “Is that what you want, babe?”

  His deep voice calmed her, and she knew he wasn’t asking for him, he was asking for her.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure. He’s almost a year and a half old now. I mean nobody probably even cares about me as anything more than a wife or a mom anymore.”

  Hannah could feel the heat of his gaze on her. “Trust me, Han, nobody thinks of you as just a wife or a mom.”

  “It’s not a bad thing if they did,” she was quick to defend.

  He laughed loudly. “That’s not it at all, but lately I’m on the internet way more than you are. I know you see your comments, but I also know you’ve taken a step back. Shell may not be telling you, but people are constantly asking when you’re going to have something out, when I’m gonna let you out of the house.”


  “Yeah, people think I’m keeping you home and that I want to keep you knocked up so you don’t have a chance to go back in the studio or on the road. You know that’s not the case, right? Anything you wanna do, you can do. I’m not going to hold you back from anything, but it has to be right for us as a family.” He glanced back at EJ, who was now sleeping, as they made their way into downtown Nashville.

  “I agree.” She turned in her seat so that she could look at her husband. “Never would I want to put him in any kind of situation where he wasn’t a priority. Our family always comes first, and that’s why I’ve been hesitant to do anything.”

  “But you’re ready now?” he asked as he checked his blind spot and exited the interstate.

  Hannah took a moment. Was she really ready? Or was she bored? That was something she asked herself a lot—especially lately. EJ didn’t need her as much as he had when he was a newborn, and she found herself having time that wasn’t preoccupied anymore. “I think so, but my thought goes back to what do I do with him while I’m in the studio.” She nodded back to

  Garrett reached over and grabbed her hand. “You know we’re on a break right now. We’re going to be writing our record, and we have a year to do that. Do you have songs and stuff already picked out?”

  “I’ve been listening to demos,” she admitted. “The good ones Shell has been hearing, she’s been forwarding my way. I’ve found songs I really like, and there are a few songs I’ve written that I think are something. I won’t know until I get into the studio though.”

  Bringing her hand up to his lips, he grinned. “Then why don’t you figure out if they’re something or not? I say if this is something you wanna do—we’ll make it work.”

  And that was exactly why she had the best husband in the world.

  Chapter Two

  * * *

  Two Months Later

  Hannah juggled the slippery plastic of the Starbucks drink she held in her hand as she used a code she hadn’t used in a very long time. The June Nashville heat made condensation appear on the cup as soon as she wiped it off, but it was nothing compared to the way her palms were sweating. Her purse slipped off her shoulder, and she huffed, frustrated with herself by the way her heart was pounding at unnatural speeds.

  There was no reason to be nervous. She was a Grammy winner. Going back into the studio wasn’t that big of a deal. Squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath, she glanced at her wedding ring. Garrett was supporting her the whole way; he’d sent her off this morning with EJ on his hip and breakfast in her stomach. Along with the drink she held in her hand.

  “This ain’t your first rodeo, Han,” she told herself as she put her purse back on her shoulder, got a better grip on her cup of coffee, and opened the door.

  As soon as she entered the lobby, hellos and welcome backs were thrown at her from every direction. She smiled, knowing everyone meant it, knowing most of these people were beyond happy to see her. She was happy to see them too.

  “Harmony, it’s so good to see you back.” The receptionist who’d been hired as Hannah had gone on maternity leave waved to her. Hannah wasn’t sure of her name, so she just waved back.

  “Thanks! I’m really happy to be back.” And it hit her how true that statement was. She’d been afraid she’d get here and wish she was back home with Garrett and EJ, but getting out of the house was nice. “Do you know which room I’m in today?”

  “You’re in Studio C with Kurt.”

  Hannah smiled. She loved Kurt. She’d worked with him numerous times, and he’d produced most of the songs with which she’d hit number one. “Thanks, I’ll be seeing you around.”

  She knew exactly where Studio C was, not much had changed in this place. The halls were like the well-traveled halls of a high school she’d been going to for years. The closer she got to the room, the less nervous she was, and the more excitement won out in her stomach.

  There was no hesitation when she put her hand on the door and turned the knob. She opened it with a huge smile on her face.

  “Hannah!” she heard from an older male voice.

  Looking to her left, she saw Kurt sitting at the soundboard, but when he saw her, he got up, opening his arms.

  “I’m so excited to see you,” she squealed as she met him with a big hug. “When they told me I was in here with you, I was so relieved,” she admitted.

  “I have to tell you,” he helped her with the cup of coffee as she set her purse down, “when they called me last week and told me I’d be working with you, I asked them if they were serious. I wasn’t sure you’d ever be back.”

  “I knew I’d be back,” she admitted. “But I also knew it had to be right for my family. We’re at that point in our lives. It’s time, because I’m getting antsy.”

  “Well I have to say, I’m really glad to have you back. I think as soon as people realize you’ve scheduled some studio time, you’re gonna have more attention than you wanted.”

  Hannah was afraid of that; afraid of the pressure she knew came with what she did. In the past she’d crumbled under it, and at some points it had crippled her. But she was a stronger woman now, a stronger person, with the most supportive people behind her. Having her family and friends meant everything to her, and if there was anything Garrett had truly done for her, it was showing her how strong she was. With him behind her, lending a hand on her back when she needed the gentle reminder of his presence, she could do anything.

  “I refuse to let people pressure me this time, but I’ve heard from a couple people this could be crazy.”

  Kurt had a seat in his chair and motioned for Hannah to have a seat across from him. “I think you underestimate the love people have for you. There’s a reason you have millions of Instagram followers. People are interested in you and the love story you and Garrett have shared with the public at large. Just be aware, this could ramp it up. I don’t want you to get too overwhelmed.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m not going to. I know what I’m doing and I’m ready to work.”

  Truer words had never been spoken. She’d been so excited this morning, getting ready for her day and knowing she’d spend a few hours out of the house. It wasn’t that she didn’t love EJ and Garrett, or that she didn’t love her role as mom and wife, but she missed Harmony. She missed being able to let that part of her personality take over and be someone new for the night, or even a few hours. Part of her even missed the stage.

  “Good.” Kurt grinned. “I have some songs here for you. Shell sent them over last week, and I do love what the two of you have picked out, but I know you. You’ve probably got a binder of original stuff too. So let’s see what you got and get to work.”

  This is what she loved about him. He knew how she worked, respected what she wanted the process to be, and knew when to push her. “I do have a binder full of songs. Some of them I like, some I’m not sure about, but I did bring it with me.”

  She grabbed the bag she’d brought with her and pulled the binder out, grimacing under the weight of it.

  “Holy shit, Hannah. How many songs are in here?” he laughed as he saw the width of it.

  “Hundreds, if not thousands. I can’t put any more in here and close it,” she admitted, her face red.

  “Not all of them are good.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Especially the ones I wrote right after EJ was born. I was tired and couldn’t sleep most of the time, so I just wrote. I don’t expect us to record those.”

  He gave her a glance that shut her up.

  “Fuck that noise, Hannah. You know you’re a good songwriter. I would venture to say you’re probably better than ninety percent of what’s on the radio—and that’s even when you don’t try.”

  She blushed because she still wasn’t used to those comments from people in the industry.

  “We’ll go through it and see what you have. If it’s something you feel like you wanna work on, we’ll work on it.” He handed the binder back to her. “Sound good?”

  This was all happening so fast, faster than she’d assumed it would. But she was ready, more prepared for this than she’d ever been before. She could do this: be a wife, be a mother, be a friend, and be an amazing entertainer. There was no one holding her back but herself. It was time to step out of the shadow she’d held over herself for so long and show the world who Harmony Stewart really was.

  “Sounds great.” She grinned. “I know I seem shaky, but I’m really excited. Just nervous.”

  “Anyone in your situation would be, Hannah. When news of this gets out, and when people hear there’s definitely going to be a record dropped, it’ll be massive.”

  That was her fear. That it would be massive, or it would be crickets. Either way, she kind of wanted something in the middle. She was very well aware that she couldn’t predict or generally sway the outcome of any of it, but hearing the possibility did scare her slightly.

  “Whatever it is, it is, Kurt. I just wanna get started and have something to show for it by the end of the year.”

  “Oh, doll, we’
ll be done before that. You’ve got so much emotion and energy pent up, I say this thing will be ready for release in November. We might even hit the Grammy cut-off.”

  Now that was going a little too far. “Let’s not get too excited.” She laughed.

  “So here’s what we’ll do. Are there any songs you’ve written that you absolutely love and want them to be a part of this?” he asked, eyeing her binder.

  There were a few, but she’d been ready to give them up, to make room for more well-known writers. “A couple,” she hedged.

  “Okay, let’s look at those first, then we’ll move to the ones Shell forwarded over to me. If that’s not enough to make an album, then we’ll go looking. Sound like a plan?”

  She smiled, breathing easily for the first time. This wouldn’t be bad at all. “It does. Let’s get started.”

  Chapter Three

  * * *

  Hannah entered the downtown Nashville restaurant with a huge smile on her face. As the hostess stopped her, she gave the reservation name.

  “I’m meeting the Thompson party.”

  She was shown back to a private room, and her smile got bigger as she saw Garrett situating EJ in a kid’s chair, along with Shell and Jared.

  “Mama!” he yelled, holding his arms out for her.

  Her heart melted as she saw EJ’s face. There was nothing about the kid that didn’t make her smile. She leaned in, kissing him before giving Garret a kiss on the lips. Waving at Jared and Shell, she had a seat and took a drink of the water that had already been placed in front of her.

  “How did your first day at the studio go?” Garrett asked as she got settled.

  “Really good. I’m with Kurt.” She glanced over at Shell.

  “I saw that when I looked at the info the record company sent over. That’s why I didn’t offer to go with you; I knew you wouldn’t need me,” Shell took a sip from her wine glass. “He’s one of the least invasive producers around. You let me know if you need me, but I’ll let you handle it for as long as you want to.”


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