Reaper's Girl (Rockin' Country #5)

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Reaper's Girl (Rockin' Country #5) Page 4

by Laramie Briscoe

  If there was one thing she’d missed, it was the closeness they’d adapted to while she’d been off. More than anything, she missed the quiet nights with him in front of the television. She was different than he was. When she got home from the studio, she needed to decompress, needed to have quiet for a little while. He’d been able to go headlong into family life with her and EJ when their roles had been reversed, and she hadn’t realized how hard it had been for him.

  Garrett raised his eyebrows at her as she went down to her knees on the soft rug they’d laid over the hardwood once EJ had started walking. It wasn’t often she did this, but he’d always enjoyed it, and she enjoyed herself when she allowed her insecurities to go away. Tonight she was determined to do that. She wanted to say thank you for all the support he’d given her, but more than anything, she wanted to feel as close to him as she had before she’d started going back to work.

  “You sure about this, Han?” he asked, cupping her jaw in the palm of his hand. “You have nothing to prove to me, you have nothing to thank me for. I’m supporting you. I’m your husband, that’s what I’m here for.”

  “I know.” She cleared her throat. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t express to you in a way we’ll both enjoy just how much I appreciate it. Right?”

  He ground his back teeth together as she reached up and ran her hands down his bare abdomen until she encountered the waistband of his shorts. She loved the way his stomach clenched, the way the moan sounded as if it was ripped from the back of his throat. As she slipped her hands beneath the material, all she heard was a whispered,

  Fuck me.

  Chapter Eight

  * * *

  Hannah felt powerful as she leaned over Garrett’s waist, holding him steady with her hand as she enveloped him between her lips.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  She loved to hear whatever would tumble out of his mouth when she decided to give him this pleasure. To her, this was the same thing as him treating her like a groupie. While she liked him to be in control, she was also becoming more comfortable in her role so that she could also exert control. It turned her on in ways nothing else ever had.

  Squeezing her thighs together, she balanced on her knees as she dipped down again, taking him further down her throat. Using the flat of her tongue, she licked up the underside and swirled around the head, loving the vibration of his body against hers.

  His fingers tangled in her hair, holding her closer as he lightly thrust into her mouth. She stopped, breathing through her nose until she was comfortable, and then took him back down, moving along with the rhythm he set.

  “Damn, babe,” he growled.

  She looked up at him, not removing her mouth from his hard length, watching as he disentangled his hands and put his arms on the back of the couch. She watched as his big palms curled around the back and used it for leverage as he lifted up, pushing himself further into her throat.

  Hannah used one hand to stroke the length she couldn’t get inside her mouth and then used the other to cup his balls, squeezing gently. She’d always been shy about doing that, but she and Shell had gotten into a conversation the other day, and Shell had convinced her it was okay and Garrett would love it. Judging by the way he moaned and threw his head back against the couch, he seemed to really enjoy it.

  When she couldn’t breathe anymore, she lifted off his length and gasped.

  She watched as Garrett’s chest heaved and he breathed out a long sigh, his mouth forming the most perfect “O” she’d ever seen in her life. He rubbed his hands down his ab muscles and then flexed them against his knees. “I don’t know where the fuck you learned what you’re doing, but keep doing it, Han. Jesus Christ,” he whined again as he took him back into her mouth.

  It wasn’t very often she saw him lose control at her ministrations. Normally Garrett let her come first, always made sure she was taken care of, and then he’d let himself go. Tonight though, she wanted this, she wanted his orgasm more than she wanted hers. Gathering her wits about her, she took him down her throat, pausing slightly to adjust, and then swallowed against the girth.

  “Fucking hell, woman,” he gasped, his eyes popping open, mouth gaping.

  He watched her like he had no idea who she was, and it made her want to giggle, that this far into their relationship she could still surprise him.

  * * *

  Who was this woman and what had she done with his wife? Innocent? Not anymore. He’d done a great job of corrupting her from their dating days, and he couldn’t help but be proud of not only himself but her too. Back then she’d had a shell around her body, scared to admit who she really was, scared to let him in, to let herself feel too much. Somehow he’d managed to break through, and he was glad every damn day he’d not given up. Many times he could have, and nobody would have blamed him. What resulted now was the most pure, uncompromising love he’d ever experienced.

  Twining his fingers through her dark hair, he pulled her mouth back, but she fought against his grip, not wanting to let go. The force tightened the strands against her head, and she moaned against the pressure he exerted.

  “Like that?” He forced the words between gritted teeth. There wasn’t much about her that didn’t turn him on. Even now, he had goosebumps all over his body, running up and down his arms, his nipples were hard, and his balls were drawn up tight. She knew how to work him, and fuck if he didn’t love it.

  Finally slipping her mouth off his length, she directed her gaze towards him. “Yeah.”

  The husky quality of her voice, the stretched appearance of her lips, the half-lidded eyes she fixed on him with were enough to wreck the control he had over himself. “You want me to come?”

  He wanted it so bad, but he wanted her to make the decision. It was killing him to hold back, taking everything he had, but he’d do it for her. He’d do it to let her bask in her independence. She’d started this encounter, and he wanted to be everything she had dreamed of, wanted her to walk away from it feeling like she’d accomplished everything she wanted.

  Hannah nodded, swallowing so hard her throat muscles bobbed before she bent over again, taking him down in one slip of her mouth over the head of his dick.

  It was the best and worst kind of torture he’d ever been subjected to in his life. Garrett loved the warmth of her mouth, the resistance when he slightly hit the back of her throat, the way she enthusiastically hollowed out her cheeks for him, and fucking appreciated the way she got her hands involved with his balls. This wasn’t the same Hannah he’d met years ago, and it still struck him stupid how much she’d changed. How much she’d blossomed and grown in the strength of their relationship just with him giving her his patience. All those other people who’d made assumptions about her? He knew he was the luckiest bastard in the world.

  Garrett thrust his hips against her mouth. Taking his other hand off the back of the couch, he circled it around the base of his cock. It felt good as he tightened his grip, slipping his palm up the small portion she couldn’t fit in her mouth.

  “Keep going, babe,” he whispered, giving her the encouragement he knew she needed.

  With one hand in her hair, one hand around his cock, and her mouth encompassing him in a heat they’d built together to drive him wild, they worked in tandem to get him there.

  He threw his head back against the couch, closing his eyes as he immersed himself in the sounds of the room. She slurped against his skin; his fist beat a rhythm echoing against the quietness of the house.

  “Fuck.” He breathed loudly, feeling himself let go against her lips. It seemed to last forever, another wave taking over his cock as he felt himself bump the back of her throat again. He did his best not to shove himself against her, but damn it felt better than anything had in a long time. “Shit, babe.” He pushed deeper into her mouth before pulling out and throwing his body against the couch cushions, slumping as he tried to wipe the sweat out of his eyes.

  She sat back on her knees, shoulders shaking as she
wiped her mouth, her eyes meeting his. There was a heat there, but also something that looked like mischief.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, putting a hand up to his chest, trying to slow his pounding heart.

  She glanced up at him, a huge smile on her face as she wiped her hand on her shirt. If anyone could see her now, they would swear this wasn’t her, this was someone else, but they’d become much more comfortable with each other and within their marriage. “It’s in my hair.”

  He laughed loudly, pride washing over his face. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” But really he wasn’t, she’d blown his fucking mind, and he’d come fucking hard.

  “It’s okay.” She giggled. If this had happened back when they’d first started dating, she wasn’t sure how she would have dealt with it, but today she was happy with herself. To make her usually in control husband completely and utterly lose control? Heady stuff. “But can we take this to the shower?”

  He stood up, tucking himself back in his shorts as he pulled them back up his thighs. Reaching down, he grabbed her hand and grasped her body so she had to wrap her legs around his waist. His big hands gripped her ass as he pulled her against him. Tilting his head to the side, he captured her lips in a kiss so hot they were clawing at each other again. It wasn’t weird to taste himself on her tongue. It’d been happening more often than not. If anything it got him hotter for her. The fact she’d lost that inhibition with him was such a turn on. Feeling her grind against him, he pulled back, his dark eyes meeting hers. When he spoke the words, he knew they were true in every part of their lives.

  “We can take this anywhere you wanna go.”

  Chapter Nine

  * * *

  Hannah woke up the next morning, a smile on her face turning into a frown as she noticed Garrett was already out of bed. It was unusual for him to be out of bed before her, but their hours were all messed up since she’d gone back into the studio. He was normally the late riser and the one to go to bed last. In essence, she’d become him, and he’d become her. A look at the clock told her she’d slept a little later than she’d wanted to, but she’d been tired once they came to bed. It had been well after one in the morning when they’d finally gotten enough of each other. And even after weeks in the studio, she was still trying to get used to what was now their new normal.

  Getting up, she put her feet on the floor, wincing as she felt a soreness in her thighs. Garrett had contorted her in shapes she hadn’t been in in a long time. A grin was prominent on her face though. They’d needed last night. She hadn’t realized how much she missed being with him every day. Just the few hours they’d spent together was enough to remind her why they’d been together for so long. Grabbing a pair of sweatpants and one of Garrett’s shirts, she quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs. The scene that greeted her made her heart happy.

  Garrett and EJ lay on the couch, EJ curled up against his dad’s chest, watching cartoons. They had a blanket draped over them, and Garrett looked to be asleep.

  “Hey,” she whispered as she entered the living room, trying to be quiet. There was no telling what time their son had woken his dad up. Chances were, Garrett had taken one for the team, to let her sleep longer.

  His little voice warmed her soul as she heard him shout at her. “Mama!” No matter what, EJ was always excited to see her, and it was one of her favorite parts of being his mom.

  “Shhhh,” she shushed their son, a finger to her lips.

  “I’m up,” Garrett’s sleepy voice answered from where he laid, his eyes still closed. His arm let go of EJ, and he turned onto his back, putting his arm up at an angle against the couch.

  Garrett was sexy even when he all he did was sleep. She walked over to where they lay, sitting on the opposite end of the couch, grabbing the blanket to cover her feet up. EJ got up from where he lay against Garrett and crawled over to her.

  “Did you sleep good?” she asked as she situated him against her, putting his head in the crook of her arm. Breathing in deeply, she smelled little boy. She loved the shampoo he used, the bubble bath he loved, and the way the smell of fabric softener and dryer sheets clung to his skin.

  This was what she missed every morning when she went to the studio. The family time, the feeling of not having to run to get everything done throughout the day. What she longed for on those long days when she wasn’t sure she did anything right. There had been moments that were tense, where she wasn’t sure she’d done the right thing. Even when things went perfectly, sometimes the record company was still pissed at her; sometimes they still wanted her to make changes she wasn’t comfortable with. It sucked all the way around. But this morning with her family? This was exactly what she needed.

  “You’re quiet this morning.” Garrett gave her a sleepy smile, scratching his whisker-covered chin. She absolutely loved when he went a few days without shaving. He looked edible when he got lazy.

  “Just enjoying my time with my favorite guys.” She bent her head down to kiss EJ on the forehead before she reached over and grabbed Garrett’s hand. It felt good when he caressed her knuckles, his big thumb spanning two of them at once.

  “Hey, EJ.” Garrett sat up, rubbing his eyes, a yawn cracking his jaw. “Guess what we’re doing today.”

  Their toddler looked between the two of them, a bewildered expression on his face. It almost looked as if he wanted to shout something out, but he was unsure if it was correct or not. Instead, he continued looking between them.

  “Remember what we’ve been talking about all week? What sound do the elephants make?” Garrett started making a sound that was reminiscent of something dying, but EJ squealed immediately.


  His voice was so excited it brought smiles to both of their faces.

  “Yeah, the zoo.” Garrett reached out to give him a high five. “Aunt Shell and Uncle Jared are coming today too. It’s gonna be a good time, right?”

  EJ was positively vibrating as he climbed down off the couch. His mom’s arms were forgotten, hanging out with his dad was forgotten, and the TV no longer held the child’s attention. He was ready to go.

  “I think he’s excited.” Hannah laughed as she got up, grabbing hold of Garrett’s hand as he held it out to her. “What exactly was that noise you made? Didn’t sound like an elephant to me; it sounded like something dying. Was that the best you could come up with?”

  He rolled his eyes as she helped him off the couch, letting him take her against his chest. For a moment they enjoyed each other’s company, and he squeezed her tight. “No back talk about how bad my animal sounds are. Sometimes I have to improvise.”

  She pinched his side. “He’s gonna learn the wrong thing,” she protested. “When it’s time for pre-school he’ll probably think a dog meows and a cat barks if we leave it up to you.”

  He put his hand over her mouth. “Morning.” He leaned down, giving her a kiss. The heat they shared silenced her protests about his teaching prowess. Instead, she leaned back against his arms around her waist. “You ready for the zoo?”

  “My thighs are a little sore today, but I think I can manage.”

  He clasped his hands on her ass, gripping firmly as he leaned into her ear. His voice was almost ragged as he recalled the thing she’d done to him. “Your thighs? You sucked my soul out through my dick, babe.”

  Her face flamed hot. Even after the years they’d been together, she still wasn’t used to how crass he could be. At the same time, she loved it. He didn’t make everything lovey-dovey, and whether she liked to admit it or not, that kind of made her feel like a badass. Nobody ever expected the things she did with her husband of Harmony Stewart, and knowing they had their own little secrets was the most arousing thing of all.

  “Let’s go get dressed and call the crew. We want to get there as early as we can.” She leaned up, kissing him on the cheek.

  He grasped her wrist as she tried to pull away, stopping her. “What?” she asked as she looked into his eyes, not sure what she saw th
ere. Most times he was an open book, but others he could still hold back, especially when he wanted to be serious.

  “I love you, Han,” he whispered as he drew her as close to him as he could get her. “I saw the way you held EJ, and I saw the look on your face. He’s not missing a damn thing because you’re working. I promise you. He’s fine. We’ll all be fine.”

  She let him pull her into his arms, breathing in his scent. At times she loved and hated how he could read her like an open book; how he knew her fears so well she didn’t even have to speak them. Melting into his arms, she let him take those fears away. She hoped he was telling the truth. Her plans had never included EJ feeling left out, and maybe she was projecting how she felt onto their son. Either way, she’d shake it off and make sure they had the best day ever with EJ and their friends.

  Chapter Ten

  * * *

  “We beat most of the crowd,” Jared observed as he and Shell sat in the back of the Range Rover with EJ. “Give me a high-five, dude.” He put his palm up to EJ who smacked it, with a toothy grin to his uncle.

  “At least we don’t have to park out in no man’s land.” Hannah grinned as she looked back at her son. “Are you ready for the zoo?”

  He’d been once before a few months ago and he’d loved it. They’d been promising to take him since. For a moment, she glanced at him. Recently he’d lost the baby fat he’d had in his cheeks, and he was starting to grow taller, filling out, and becoming leaner. She had a feeling his second birthday in a few months was going to be much harder than his first had been.

  “Yes!” he answered, his face showing her all she needed to see. The excitement there was palpable. No matter how busy she’d been during the week and how much she worried EJ would feel neglected, she knew she would make sure his weekends were fun as they could be.

  The group poured out and walked around to the back of the SUV. “It’s gonna be a hat day,” Garrett said as he rummaged through the trunk area and came up with a hat. He plopped on his head.


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