Scarred Beauty

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Scarred Beauty Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t mind getting a taxi,” she said. She didn’t like the thought of putting him out. Also, what would happen if he came to her apartment while Brad was there? There were so many problems, and she wanted this to be hers alone without the fear of what others would say.

  “I want to take you home. Get in.” He opened the door and took her hand to help her inside his car. The touch of his hand sent electricity up her arm making her gasp.

  Isaac placed the seatbelt around her, securing her into the car. She was touched by his action.

  He moved round the car and got into the driver’s side. The engine roared to life the moment he turned the key in the ignition. He pulled away from the parking space. She gave him directions to her apartment. The space between them felt huge in the small car. The closeness they had shared in the hotel room was gone. She would be going back to her secluded life while he went and saw other women.

  Biting her lip, she glanced out of the window. Would the next woman get his attention? Would she have flawless skin with natural beauty?

  Stemming the thoughts inside her head, she watched the city go by. Before she knew what was happening, Isaac was parked outside of her apartment. She stared at the steps leading into the big house.

  He made a move to get out, and she stopped him with a hand on top of his.

  “You don’t need to get out. Thank you for driving me home.” She unbuckled her seat belt.

  “I look forward to seeing you again. Wait.” He started searching his coat. She saw him pull out a piece of paper. “If you need anything at all, call this number.” He passed her the piece of paper with the number to get in touch. “Phone any time. Day or night.”

  She nodded her head and got out of the car. Isaac didn’t pull away from the curb. She walked into her building, gave him a wave. When the door shut safely, he pulled away and was gone.

  Brad sat waiting for her when she let herself into the apartment.

  “You should have gone to bed,” she said.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. It’s not like you to leave for any length of time.”

  “I’m sorry. I enjoyed myself and might go out again.” She ran her fingers through her hair recalling the feel of Isaac’s touch. “How was your day?”


  “Did you see Ben?”

  “He doesn’t want to talk to me. I’m going to hit the hay. I’m glad you had a good time.” Brad got up from his seat. He walked to her, kissed her head and left to his room.

  Nothing. She had no reaction to him. Brad’s touch was nothing like Isaac’s. Touching her scar, she thought of him. He hadn’t pulled away from her, repulsed by her scar.

  Smiling to herself, she got a glass of water from the kitchen. One week until she saw him again. Could she last that long?

  Grabbing the piece of paper from her pocket, she saved the number into her phone. No matter what time it was she would be able to get in touch with him.

  She went to bed and dreamt pleasant dreams.


  Isaac lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. The paintwork was flawless, not a single bit of imperfection within the paint. So many people demanded perfection. Anything less than the best was considered second place. Is that how Elle had lived her life since she’d gotten the scar?

  When he’d seen her scar he’d felt an overwhelming need to protect her. Brad had not told him the full extent of her pain. Isaac saw it on her face as she looked at him. At every turn she expected him to leave. His cock thickened with the thought of her body under his. One meeting was all it had taken for him to want her. She had no idea who he was. He could be the man he wanted to be without the social media destroying their time together.

  Her body made him ache. Lying next to her without touching her had been a miracle. She held everything he was looking for. He wished he’d seen her hair before she dyed it the dark red colour. Closing his eyes, he saw the image of her standing before him. He remembered her breasts in the white, lacy bra. Through the white lace he’d been able to see the dark areola of her nipples. The temptation to take her bra off had forced his attention back to her eyes. The sparkle in her eye had grown with the time she spent with him.

  Isaac couldn’t believe he was hard and aching for a woman twenty years his junior, a woman with more complications than he usually liked. His women had to come to him for sex. Nothing else. Conversation wasn’t high on his list. Fucking was the only thing he wanted to do. Hard and rough. Elle needed tenderness and time.

  Wrapping his hand around his shaft, he thought about her on her back. The next time he saw her he would get her naked, her legs splayed open so he could see her cunt. He masturbated harder as he saw her spread out on the bed, looking at him with wonder in her eyes. She would trust him. Her reactions would not be rehearsed. Elle would be natural, and he would be her first. The thought of another man touching her sent a bolt of jealousy and rage through him. He would not allow another man to touch her. Elle was his. He didn’t want the world he lived in to spoil her precious quality. Two minutes in his world would destroy everything about her.

  Imagining taking her, Isaac wanked his cock. She would be tight, hot, and welcoming. He imagined taking her long and slow, then hard and fast.

  Fucking his fist, Isaac came with a loud growl, his sperm shooting up his stomach. Using the blanket to wipe himself, he waited for himself to calm down.

  In the morning he knew Brad wanted an update on what happened. Closing his eyes, he allowed sleep to claim him. His dreams were filled with a red headed, scarred beauty.

  Chapter Eight

  Brad phoned Isaac from a café. He’d decided to go out for breakfast before he went straight on to work.

  His brother answered on the first ring.


  “What happened?” he asked. Small talk wasn’t going to get him the answers he wanted. Noelle had walked through the door looking happy. At the time he wanted to question her but thought better of it. She would suspect him of something if he bombarded her with questions.

  “Good morning to you, too, Brad,” Isaac said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Cut the shit. Tell me what happened.”

  He heard the other man sigh down the line.

  “We met and talked. She’s a lovely woman, Brad. Are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?”

  Never had his feelings gone beyond the bounds of friendship. He wasn’t attracted to women at all. Just then, Ben walked into the café while Isaac was talking. Ben glanced to where Brad sat. Brad’s heart pounded. He had had no idea Ben visited the café. Otherwise he would have started coming more often.

  “Are you listening to me?” Isaac asked.

  “Sorry. I was distracted.”

  “You phoned me, cursed down the line, and then ignored me. Do you really care for your friend or not?”

  “I care for her, dammit, but I have my own life to lead as well.” Brad knew he sounded selfish. Noelle had sacrificed so much to help him. The least he could do was try to care about her the same.

  “I asked if you had feelings for her?”

  “No. I care about her, but I’m not in love with her. We’re best friends. That’s it. I wasn’t lying to you when I said I was gay.”


  “You let her down gently?” Brad asked. Ben was served his coffee and turned to make his way to where Brad was sitting.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Good. I’ll talk to you soon.” Brad closed his mobile phone as Ben approached his table.

  “You’re not going to give up?” Ben asked.

  “No. I’m just having a coffee before I go to work. I’m not here to stalk you or anything. I didn’t know you came here.”

  Ben stared at him for several seconds. Nothing mattered but the two of them. They were the only ones who existed. “How about we have some breakfast together?”

  “Love some.”

  Ben called out an order to the woman on the coun
ter, smiling at him the whole time. It was a small, reserved smile, but it was a start. Brad released the breath he’d been holding the moment Ben took the seat opposite him.

  He forgot about the blunt response from Isaac or how quickly he answered his question. Ben had spoken to him and was sitting with him.



  Isaac put his phone in his pocket, disappointed that the call hadn’t been Elle. His work day was boring him, the contracts tedious. His secretary had told him several women were waiting for his call back. The glossy magazines were spreading more gossip about his current relationships. The pressure was too much.

  Added to the pressure of work, his mother had asked to see him. And he had had another shocker. His father requested some time as well. It had been over twenty years since he’d last seen his father face to face. Functions were a different matter. When he attended functions where his father was present, he couldn’t help but see him. Willingly seeing and talking to his father had been twenty years ago.

  What to do? He would see his mother at her country estate at the weekend. His father, he refused to respond to.

  Checking his phone for the hundredth time, he hoped Elle would make the first call. He was a grown man with many relationships behind him, whereas she was a virgin with no relationships. Why couldn’t he take the lead? Be the person to control what happened in their meetings?

  He would not spend his nights fucking his hand when she would be open and ready for the taking. Elle was a challenge. Her beauty was more than skin deep.

  His phone rang as he began to sign through the endless stack of paperwork. The screen flashed with the warning of an unknown caller.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Isaac?” He smiled when he recognized her voice.

  “Elle. I was wondering when you were going to phone.”

  “You were?”

  He chuckled. Being the easy-going Isaac came to him instantly. Usually, he lived for his work whereas now, he wanted something more. Working full time was no longer satisfying his craving.

  “Yes. I liked spending time with you.”

  “I did as well.”

  “I want to see you again.”

  “We’re meeting next week.”

  “No, Elle. I want to see you tonight. Can you meet me tonight?” he asked. He hadn’t planned on seeing her so soon. Asking her to see him came naturally to him. The only other plans he would have had would have been trawling through bars looking for a willing woman.

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “Sure you can. Come and see me. I want to see you and touch you.”

  His secretary came through the door, and he waved her away. Getting up from his seat, he closed the door behind her.

  “Do you want me to meet you at the same hotel?”


  “I’ll see you there at eight-thirty. I’ll transfer funds into your bank account.”

  He wanted to tell her not to bother. The money would stay in the account until he found some way of giving it her back.

  “I look forward to it, and, Elle.”


  “Wear your hair back.”

  “I will.”

  He hung up the phone with a huge grin on his face. His plans for the evening had improved.

  Chapter Nine

  For the second time she sat on the bed waiting for Isaac to turn up, only this time she wasn’t in a state of panic but in a state of anticipation. Her heart threatened to thump out of her chest. The palms of her hands were sweaty, and her stomach was knotted.

  The knock came at exactly eight-thirty. Brad hadn’t been home all day, and she’d left him a note to say she would be out looking for inspiration. He shouldn’t ask too many questions as her funds were beginning to run out. She would have to sell another painting to be able to afford Christmas.

  She opened the door and there he stood. Her god.

  “Hello, Elle.”

  He walked into the room, shutting the door as he did so. She smiled at him, her words hard to find when she stared. He really was a beautiful man, sexy and handsome. She imagined many women were dazzled by him. When he reached out to touch her, she froze. The action was unexpected. He tilted her head back with a finger under her chin.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Wondering why you are so different from the other women.”

  “I know you could have any woman you wanted,” she said, crushed at how it hurt her to think of the endless sea of beautiful women she could only imagine panting at his feet.

  “And yet, I stand here in your company as there is no other place I’d rather be than with you, Elle.”

  “Why won’t you say my name?”

  “Because Elle is what I want to call you. No one has called you Elle before?”


  “Then that is the name I want to call you to make it special for me.”

  He leaned down and kissed her on both cheeks. When he went to touch her lips she pulled back, fright stopping her in her tracks. No man had ever kissed her before. The experience frightened her. Twenty years old and she’d never had any practice. What if she was bad at it?

  “How was your day?” she asked, pulling out of his hold.

  “Tedious and not important.” Noelle watched as he removed his coat. “I spent most of my day thinking about you.”

  “What about the other women you’re with? Don’t you have to think about them?”

  “I wasn’t with other women today. I’m rarely with many women.”

  “But you’re an escort.”

  “Escorts can pick and chose the women they want. Are you a natural red-head?” he asked changing the subject. “The colour of your hair. Is it natural?”

  “What does my hair colour have to do with you being an escort?” she asked with a frown.

  “Nothing. I wanted to know what your natural hair colour is.”

  “I’m blonde, usually. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Feel free.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. She touched the scar at the side of her face, shocked that she’d forgotten about it in his presence.

  “What is your hair colour?”

  “The one I’m wearing now. I’ve never felt the need to dye it. You know most women would love to be a natural blonde?”

  “Most women don’t have an ugly scar to deal with.” She didn’t know why they were fighting.

  “So the little red mouse has claws.”

  “What are you doing, Isaac?” she asked him, uncomfortable with the way he was talking.

  “I want to know everything about you, Elle. I feel driven to see what you see and to know what you know.” He stood up crowding her with his sheer size and presence.

  “I’m no one.”

  “No. You’re someone. At least to me you are. I never want to see you hide when you’re with me. Do you understand me, Elle?”

  “I promised you I would be open to you. I’m being honest.”

  “Then why do you dye your hair?”

  She stared at him wanting to lie. She wanted to refuse him.

  “I don’t want to tell you.”

  “You promised me no secrets.”

  “I don’t want to lie, so please let me keep this one to myself.” She took a step back, and he followed her until she stood with her back to the wall.

  “Don’t be afraid of me, Elle.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then why are you stepping away from me?” he asked.

  Licking her lips, she glanced up at his face. “You make me nervous, but I’m not afraid.”

  “You really don’t want to answer my question?” Isaac tucked a stray curl behind her ear, his thumb resting along her scar.

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Then don’t answer it, but beware, Elle. I’ll want an answer at some point.” He was so close she was struggling to breathe. His scent invaded her senses, and the feel of him pressed against her was more tha
n she’d ever felt before. He moved down to rub her bottom lip. She gasped as his gaze went to where his thumb lay. Her lips felt dry with the intensity of his stare on her mouth.

  “Why can’t I get you out of my head?” he asked.

  She refused to say anything. He held her under his spell. Isaac pressed closer, and she felt the press of his arousal on her stomach. He dipped his thumb inside her mouth and rested the digit on her tongue. Without thought, she sucked him inside her mouth. The action was as natural as breathing to her.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me. What I want to do to you should have me shot.”

  His words sounded promising. She didn’t understand what he exactly meant by the words. He pulled his thumb out of her mouth and moved away.

  “I can’t think when I’m close to you.” He sat on the edge of the bed, his hands running through his hair. Her gaze caught in the different tones of colour. For a forty year old man, his hair had the healthy sheen of someone younger. She walked to the edge of the bed where he sat and ran her fingers through the strands of his hair.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I want to touch you.”

  Isaac relaxed. He held onto her waist as she stroked his hair. The soft wavy lengths fascinated her. He stroked her stomach through the fabric of her top. She’d chosen a thick one to beat against the cold outside. His touch moved under her shirt until he was on her skin. She held her breath from the electric. Whenever he touched her, the fire in her veins ignited, and she struggled to think coherently.

  “You’re skin is soft.”

  “I use good soap. Do you have your hair professionally done?” she asked.

  “I have it cut by the only man I’d let near me with a pair of scissors. How do you have your hair cut?” He looked up and touched her hair, one of his hands on her stomach while the other twirled a curl of her hair between his fingers.

  “I do it.”

  “Why don’t you go to the hairdressers’?”

  Noelle blushed. She never thought she would have to look good for anyone. Staring at the strand of her hair he held, she saw the split ends. She used scissors and simply cut bits of her hair until they lay down her arm.


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