Scarred Beauty

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Scarred Beauty Page 8

by Sam Crescent

“Turn around.”

  Noelle closed her eyes and then turned around. She kept her eyes closed. She couldn’t bear to look at him at the moment.

  “Look at me. I want to see those big beautiful eyes.” She shook her head. “Do it for me, Elle.”

  His voice was hypnotising her. With a final sigh of frustration, she opened her eyes and stared at him. He stood close to her. His lips so close to touch. He rubbed her scar and cupped her face, his lower body pressing against her.

  Where she thought she might be falling in love with him, looking at him and responding to him the way she was, Noelle knew she’d already fallen. What hurt her the most was the fact she had no claim to him. Isaac wasn’t hers and could never be. She could not offer him any real life as she didn’t have a great one.


  Isaac had no idea what was going on inside her head. She looked so distressed. He wanted to ease her pain, but he didn’t know what was wrong. The money meant shit to him. Hearing her words made him realise the potential damage he and Brad could have done. He would find some way of transferring the funds back into her account.

  He had only just found her. There was no way he would be giving up his chance of being with her. “Tell me what you want. I’ll give you anything.” He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her tear filled eyes.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Isaac knew she was lying.

  “Look at me. You promised me total honesty. Now is not the time to lie to me. Tell me what you want.”

  More tears fell from her eyes. He knew the kissing wouldn’t last. Being together but not being together had hurt them more than he could have imagined.

  She opened and closed her mouth several times, not saying any words.

  “I want to be wanted,” she said. “I want to know what it feels like to have a man who wants to be with me.”

  Isaac heard her words and felt sick. Hadn’t he been trying to show her how much he wanted her? He was a sick bastard for the things he wanted to do to her, be with her. She made him feel as if he could be alive once more.

  Staring into her eyes, he made a split-second decision. Grabbing her hand, he pressed her against the hard length of his cock through the fabric of his trousers. “Do you feel that? That is how much I want you. I fucking ache to be inside you. I know you’re a virgin, but I want to be the first one to ever open those sweet thighs and taste you. Elle, I leave here, and all I want to do is be with you put you on the bed, spread you open and take you, hard, fast and slow. I want you any way I can get you.”

  Fuelled by pure need, he tore the pants from his body until he stood with his shaft out for her to touch. He opened her hands and curled them around his length. Every action he did with speed so he wouldn’t stop.

  “Feel that? Feel how much I want you?”

  Her mouth was slightly open as if amazed by what he’d done.

  “You want me?” she asked.

  In answer, he slammed his lips down on hers and showed her the true meaning of want. Isaac gave her everything.

  Wrapping his hand in the length of her dark red hair, he spun it in his fist. Pulling her head back, he plundered her mouth taking everything she had to offer. He unleashed the beast inside him. For the first time he knew what it felt like to need to possess a woman, to have her as his own. The thought of any other man having her sent him into a rage. He was the only man who could touch her. No other. Her body, heart, and soul would belong to him and him alone.

  God help him, he wanted to be the one to fuck her. He wanted to hear her scream his name as she orgasmed.

  He moved her hand away as he begun to unbutton her blouse. She stood frozen, her lips responding. Isaac showed her what it felt like to be needed. Tonight, he would make her his.

  Her hands curled into his hair. She pressed her body against his. Isaac pushed her away slightly without stopping the kiss. He pushed her shirt from her body and followed it with her bra. He pulled away to stare down at her body.

  “Do you see how much I want you?” he asked.

  She nodded. Her face flushed.

  “Are you going to want me to pay for it?”

  Her question cut him deep. Tightening his grip in her hair, he forced her to look at him. Her eyes filled with more tears after she spoke the question.

  “There will be no money passed between us. I never took the damn money. You can have it. I want you, Elle. I always wanted to be with you. The money was only an excuse.” He finally admitted the truth to her.


  “Because you give me a reason to look forward to my day. Before I met you I was falling into a black hole. You’re the only salvation I have.”

  “I’ve not been the same since I met you. I think I love you, Isaac.”

  Hearing those words made his chest ache. He wanted to say them back, but something held them in.

  “You’re something special,” he said before taking her lips once again. No more words needed to be spoken. Her naked chest pressed against his, the hard nipples poking at him. He kept one hand bound in her hair as the other thumbed her red, swollen buds. She melted against him.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Isaac pressed her to the wall. He loosened his hold on her hair and watched as it fell around her face. The colour was wrong from the picture Brad showed her. He wanted to see her natural beauty displayed for him. His gaze moved to her breasts. The glorious round mounds filled his hands to perfection. They were pert. He bent his head and took one nipple inside his mouth. She cried out, thrusting her tit inside his mouth. He cupped the other and thumbed the nipple.

  She screamed as he bit her nipple. His cock was on fire with the need to be inside her.

  Pulling away, he bent down and removed the skirt from her body. Her legs were thick and curvy. He smiled placing his hands on her and feeling the soft, supple strength of her body. Thin women no longer did it for him.

  From his position on the floor, he could scent her arousal. Taking hold of her panties, he removed them. They were wet with her arousal. Standing up, he looked into her drooping eyes and pressed his hand between her thighs. Her cream coated his fingers as he slid them through her slit.

  She gripped his arms, her eyes opening wide with shock.

  “You want me, baby.”

  “I don’t know.”

  He moved his hand away from her dripping pussy and showed her his glistening fingers.

  “This is the proof that you want me.” Isaac sucked his digits into his mouth, tasting heaven. Her cream was addictive. He pressed his finger between her thighs, grazing her clit with short sharp flicks.

  Her legs pressed together stopping him from touching her openly.

  “In this room, you’re mine, Elle.”

  “I don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt anything like this before.” He saw the panic in her eyes and knew he had to slow down or risk losing her forever.

  Leaving his hand on her clit, he stopped moving. She relaxed against him.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  She bit her lip, the action sending a jolt to his cock. He wanted those full lips wrapped around his cock.

  “I want you to be clear about what’s going to happen,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When I take you, and I will, you’re going to be mine. No other man will be allowed to touch you. Do you understand what I mean?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Don’t think, know what I want, Elle. I’m a demanding lover, and I’m going to want everything from you. And more. I will want you to give me everything you possess. I want to know what turns you on and makes you click.”

  “But this is an arrangement. You’re getting money for this.”

  “No, I’m not. When I take you, it will make you mine.”

  “But what about your other women?”

  “Since I met you there haven’t been any other women for me. I want you. Only you.”

  Tears formed in her e
yes. “Really?”

  “I swear you’re the only woman in my life.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him. “I’m yours, Isaac. Everything you want. I’ll give you it.”

  He knew he was a bastard for demanding it of her. She didn’t know him really. She knew what he wanted her to see. The real Isaac wouldn’t care about what she wanted. He would have found some way to get her.

  Picking her up in his arms, he felt the weight of her. A protective instinct overcame him. He wanted to be the one to make sure she was always taken care of.

  Isaac laid her in the centre of the bed. He wanted to take her to his place, but to do so could ruin what she felt for him.

  He took off his watch and the remaining bits of clothing he had on. When he took her he wanted nothing to separate them. Not clothing or condoms. Skin to skin. He knew he ran the risk of getting her pregnant by not using a condom, but he’d run a check on her.

  It was another thing he hated about himself. While she remained in the dark about him, he knew almost everything there was to know about her.

  He grabbed her hand and bought it to his lips. He kissed each of her fingers, then her knuckles, then laid a fleeting kiss in her palm. Placing her hand above her head, he took her lips, plunging his tongue inside her mouth and coaxing a response from her.

  The pleasure from her response shook him to the core. Elle would be his first virgin. He’d taken many women to bed. All of the women he’d taken were experienced in sex and fucking. With Elle, he was the teacher.

  For most of his adult life he’d made it a rule to never seduce a virgin, and yet here he was anticipating popping her cherry. He hated the way he sounded to himself. Grazing his hands along her arms he settled over her tit. Tweaking the nipple, he had her writhing underneath him from the pleasure he created.

  “That feels so good,” she said with a gasp when he pulled away from her lips.

  “I’m only getting started.”

  Moving over her, Isaac opened her legs and gazed down at her pussy. Her blonde pubic hair was covered with her cream. Staring up into her eyes, he was taken aback by the trust in her eyes. It was the one emotion he rarely saw in anyone else.

  He kissed her on the lips and trailed kisses down her body. He licked, nibbled and sucked as he travelled down her neck to her breasts. He couldn’t resist devoting some time to the full mounds. Her tits were one of his favourite features, and he was determined that he would fuck her tits at some point.

  Isaac wanted to share everything with her, including the pleasure which can be found in the rougher side of sex. By the time they left each other he would have claimed her completely. She wouldn’t be able to look at another man without thinking of him. Feeling like a total bastard, he grabbed her hips roughly with his nails digging in. He heard her wince and trailed down her body past her belly button until he was staring at her cunt.

  Running his hands up and down her legs, he kept his gaze on her slit.

  He slid his fingers through her lips and watched as her cream coated his fingers. She was so responsive. There was nothing fake or rehearsed in her voice. Her gasps were natural. Her hips thrust up to meet his hand.

  “Please, Isaac,” she said.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I don’t know.” She whimpered with frustration. He wanted to taste more of her creamy juices. Going down until his face was directly above her pussy, he used his fingers to open her slit and reveal her hidden jewel.

  Her clit swollen with desire, she cried out from the smallest of touches. He wouldn’t touch her cunt. Taking her virginity would be a treasure he would hold dear to his heart. Isaac fought the battle inside him to take her and claim what he’d never had before and the fight to give her the perfect night in his arms. The battle inside him was between the Isaac who’d gotten everything by being a ruthless bastard with no thought to other people’s feelings and the Isaac who he was in her company. A man of worth. A man who deserved to be with her.

  Pressing his tongue to her clit he felt shake as he licked her. She had a beauty about her. His own scarred beauty. Most men would never see the true beauty that she was because they would only look at the surface. He looked beyond the beauty of her face and saw the purity in her heart. A woman with so much love to give it was almost unbearable to witness. He could be the very man who could earn her love.

  He flicked her clit and ran his fingers up and down the piece of flesh between her entrance and clit. The pleasure she should get would drive her over the edge.

  If what he heard about a woman’s first time was true then he needed her to be taken over by pleasure. The very thought of causing her pain disturbed him.

  The sounds in the room were of her moaning and him licking her juices. She was dripping onto the sheet with her arousal. The pride he felt at being the cause gave him so much satisfaction. A couple more flicks of his tongue and she plunged over the edge with a scream.

  He lifted over her body, took his leaking cock into his hand, ran the tip through her dripping slit before seating himself at her entrance. Isaac leaned over her, took hold of her hands and pressed them against the bed at her head.

  “I’m sorry,” he said as he plunged forward tearing through the thin layer of skin that was her virginity. He forced himself deep inside her. She was tight, and he bit his lip to hold himself still as she grew accustomed to him.

  She screamed as he entered her. She fought him, thrusting away from him, which only embedded him inside her deeper.

  “Calm down.” He soothed her, capturing her lips in a kiss to try to distract her from the pain she was obviously feeling. “I’ve got you.”

  “It hurts. You’re hurting me.”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll feel better in a moment.” He hoped she felt better. She was so tight, and he wasn’t a small man. Experienced women sometimes struggled to take him.

  “I thought the books were lying,” she said.

  “They are. I’ll make you feel good, Elle. I promise.” He kissed her lips, her eyes, her neck. Isaac knew how sensitive her neck was and paid close attention to her erogenous zones until she began to move under him, her legs sliding up and down his where he sat between her spread thighs.

  Her pussy convulsed around him, tightening harder than any fist. He closed his eyes to keep himself in control. Being inside her without a condom was sending him over the edge. She was the first woman he’d gone bare-back with.

  He was pleased that he’d spent the time getting her wet to help make it easier for her.

  “It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she said.

  “Do you want me to move?” he asked.

  Noelle nodded her head.

  Keeping hold of her hands at the side of her head, Isaac pulled out of her tight cunt feeling every little ripple as he moved past her tight muscles. If her pussy was tight he couldn’t begin to imagine what her ass would feel like.

  When he pulled all the way out of her tight heat, he pushed back inside her. Each movement he did slowly and with care until she lay under him moaning with the pleasure. She grew wetter with each thrust of his hips.

  Her screams echoed off the walls of the hotel room.

  “That feels so good,” she said with a moan.

  “I’m going to let go of your hands. I want you to hold onto me and trust me.” Isaac let go of her hands. She wrapped them round his neck. He moved gown to cup her plump ass. Holding her in his hands he sped up the rhythm of his thrusts, going deeper inside her. He felt himself bump against her cervix making her cry out in shock.

  He stopped as her cries held a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She nodded her head. He bumped her again and watched as she bit her lip.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “A little, but I think I like it.”

  Isaac smiled as he took over. His grip tightened in her ass. She lay under him, her hands around his neck. Soon she began m
oving her hands down his back to his arms and back again.

  He slowed his moves to an achingly slow tease. She panted under him, her tits bouncing with ever jerk of his hips. Leaning down, he bit her right nipple, sucking the tender flesh between his teeth. He didn’t know it was possible for her to grow tighter, but she did, her pussy quivering around his shaft.

  Pulling away from her, he glanced down to where they were joined. His cock was slick with her cum. Her clit peeked up at him. He brushed her clit with his finger and felt her come apart. The speed at which she climaxed shocked and delighted him. Her body was already attuned to him. The merest touch set her off.

  Going over her, he slammed his lips down on hers. He couldn’t hold himself together any more. He needed to come. Isaac wanted to feel his sperm drowning her cunt, to mark her as his woman so no other man could have her.

  He lost control. Her hands wrapped around his neck, holding on as he gave her everything. He forgot about it being her first time and pounded inside her hot little body. Her pussy gripped him harder. He lifted her leg high above his hip and watched as his cock disappeared inside her little hole, the red, puffy flesh calling to him.

  Her cries sank into his senses.

  “Do you feel me? Deep inside your cunt? This is mine, do you hear me? Mine,” he said with a growl.

  “Yes.” She gasped as he swivelled his hips, driving hard inside her.

  Isaac felt the release from the tip of his toes course through his entire body. He slammed inside her innocent body and came with a roar, his seed shooting against her womb as he did. Pleasure sparked inside his head as dots appeared before his vision. He felt lost to the sea of sensation as his climax ripped through him. Moments later, he collapsed on top of her. He was too boneless to move. She held him to her as he gained his bearings once again.

  When the pleasure subsided, he knew he had to get up and clean her. Noelle had given him something precious, and he would keep every part of her with him. He pulled away from her, and his now flaccid cock came out of her body. Her wince made him look down at the flesh he’d just pounded. A small amount of blood was on his cock and her thighs. On closer inspection he saw it was only her virgin blood.


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