Scarred Beauty

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Scarred Beauty Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “He’s trying to fix the past, but unless you talk to him, Brad will remain in the dark. He should be at an interview now. You could stay until he comes back, but I imagine he’ll come looking for you. He won’t give up easily.”

  Ben nodded and smiled.

  “He doesn’t talk about you much,” Ben said.

  “I don’t imagine he would. He’s trying to deal with whatever happened in your past.” Noelle sipped at her water.

  “He won’t let it go.”

  “Maybe you should wait for the right time to tell him?”

  Ben nodded his head. “You’re not going to ask about it?”

  “Brad’s and your business is not mine. You’ll only work through your problems together. Besides, I’ve got my own problems to deal with.”

  They stood in silence. Ben looked deep in thought.

  “Do you love him?” Noelle asked.


  “Do you love him? Love Brad?”

  “I can’t answer that. So much has changed since I saw him. I’m not going to discuss my feelings with you. It’s nothing personal. And I’ve got a lot of crap to deal with.” Noelle watched as Ben’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Everyone has problems. You’d be surprised at how hard he had to fight to get where he is today. The only person he would mention through the worst part of his rehabilitation was your name.”

  “He hasn’t said I helped him through it.”

  “Give him a chance, Ben. He’s changed now, and he’ll be there for you. He wants a chance to make it right between you two.””

  “Yes. I had noticed he is persistent. I kind of like seeing him around. Thanks for the water.” Ben placed the glass on the counter. “It was nice to meet you, Noelle.”

  “Likewise, Ben.” They shook hands before she saw him out.

  Closing the door, she leaned against the wood, frowning. That had been the strangest meeting. Touching her face she wondered if her scar was even there.

  Shrugging her shoulder she went back to her studio and started her painting, losing herself in the creative art. Friday couldn’t come soon enough. Her thoughts kept straying to the man who’d captured her heart.

  Chapter Seventeen

  He stood in the hotel room on Friday night waiting for her arrive. Holding the keys inside his pocket made him wonder if he was making the right decision. For a week he’d been away from her, and in that week he’d organised to keep her as part of his life.

  Was he a selfish bastard for wanting to keep her to himself? If it wasn’t for Brad he would have taken her somewhere and spent all of his free time with her where no one could find them.

  Glancing down at the time he knew it was only a matter of minutes until she was at the door. His hands were sweaty. What if she didn’t like it? What if she said no?

  Shutting out the thoughts he stood as he heard the key in the lock. Seconds later she opened the door and there she stood, the woman who’d become a vital part of him.

  If she’s so important to you, why haven’t you told her he truth about who you are?

  “Isaac.” She said his name with a smile which lit up her whole face.

  He went to her, wrapping his arms around her. She felt so good under his touch. Her beautiful lemon scent comforted him. In seconds his cock was rock-hard, and all he wanted to do was fuck her and absorb her. If he could bottle her in a jar and keep her with him he would do it. The obsession he was feeling towards her was startling him.

  Isaac kissed her. He’d been away from her for a week and felt like it had been longer since he last saw. She opened to him, accepting his kiss and the love he was showing her. The love he couldn’t give her with words. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was in love with her, but he couldn’t say the words.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  “I’ve missed you, too. I dreamt about you every night.” She caressed his chest.

  “That sounds promising.” He ran his hands down her back to cup her ass.

  “It wasn’t as good as you.”

  He chuckled, taking her lips in another kiss. She tasted of lemon, a highly addictive flavour.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked as he pulled back staring into her eyes.

  “You know I do, Isaac. More than anyone in my life.”

  He took her hand and led her out to his car. She got in without question. Her trust of him touched him far more than anything else. Placing the seat belt around her, he shut the door before climbing into his own side. Starting up the engine, he pulled away from the hotel. He’d spent a great deal of time with estate agents to find the perfect loft space for her, which could combine into a studio. Also, he no longer wanted to meet her in a rundown hotel. She deserved the finer things in life, the finer things he could offer her.

  The drive was a short one. Neither spoke as the tension between them rose. In no time, he parked in the secluded parking space. Isaac got out of the car, went round to her side, unbuckled her seat belt and helped her out of the car.

  Taking her hand, he led the way to the elevator. Wrapping an arm around her waist he tapped his thigh, impatient to get her to his gift.

  “Close your eyes,” he said as the elevator stopped. Her eyes closed. He opened the door. With a hand on her arm, he led her out into the main part of the loft.

  Going behind her, he leaned down, kissed her neck. “Open your eyes,” he whispered against her ear.

  Seconds later she gasped, her hand going to her mouth. Twirling the key on his finger, he watched her move around the short space. The skirt she wore tempted him to bend her over the sofa and take her hard and fast.

  “What do you think?” he asked, leaning against the post.

  “This is amazing. The light and space. How did you find this place? How can you afford this place?” She looked so happy.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I love it.” She skipped over to him, the smile on her face brightening up her whole features.

  “It’s yours.”


  “I want you to have it. This loft is yours whenever you need to get away. Also, I don’t want to meet at that hotel anymore. I enjoy spending time with you.” Elle wrapped her hands around his waist with a huge smile on her face.

  “How can I take this gift?” she asked.

  “Don’t consider it a gift. Consider it our place to meet and be together.” He handed her a set of her own keys. “These are for you. I want you to come here as much as you like. Let’s go and check out the bedroom.”

  He moved through the large space to the bedroom located to the far side of the loft. During the time he was away, he’d gotten a designer to decorate and convert what he needed to make it liveable. He had a weekend off. He wanted to convince her to spend the time with him. Brad would have to deal with being on his own. As far as his brother knew, she was seeing someone else.

  Opening the doors, he laughed when she squealed. In the centre of the room, a large round bed with white silk sheets dominated the room. The view would overlook the sunset every night. What she hadn’t seen was the large mirror above the bed and the several he had round the room. He wanted to see himself making love to her from every angle. He didn’t want any part of her to be in the dark from him. The furniture was a dark red wood, which complimented the white sheets and the plain cream of the walls. Isaac made a note to give the designer a bonus. She deserved the extra money for her success.

  Unbuttoning his jacket, he threw it on the available chair.

  “This is amazing. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Take your clothes off.”

  “What?” She turned to him.

  Isaac pulled his shirt out of his pants and over his head.

  “Take your clothes off. I want to see you naked, spread out on the bed.”

  She hesitated, her gaze going between the bed and him. He wouldn’t take any more clothes off until she was naked. She removed her coat first and threw it at him. He caugh
t it and placed it next to his on the chair. Next she pulled off her blouse, her actions jerky. The zipper to her skirt was at the side, and she pulled it down. The sound echoed around the room and made his cock kick in response. He adjusted himself watching the skirt pool at her feet.

  She stood in a pair of pale pink panties and lacy bra.

  “All of them. I want to see your tits hanging free.” She reached behind her and removed the bra. Her large breasts fell naturally, large nipples poking out showing him her aroused state. Her panties slid down her large hips to the floor. She was round, warm, and everything he wanted to sink in to.

  Unbuckling his belt, he pushed his pants down. Isaac winced at the pain from the constriction around his cock. The moment his pants were discarded, his length stood out in one long line.

  “Come here,” he said.

  She moved toward him, her hips swinging. She looked like his goddess. He loved the new confidence she seemed to possess. She stopped in front of him, not touching but close enough to be able to scent each other.

  Isaac cupped her hip and bought her close to him. The smoothness of her skin drove him crazy. There was nothing about her he didn’t like.

  “I want you,” she said.

  “I want you, too.”

  Her hands held his arms in place as she touched him. He moved down to her ass and moved her the last few inches closer to him.

  “I want you to paint for me,” he said.


  “Because I want to see you with the passion I know you have.”

  “I’ll paint for you,” she said.

  “Good. Do you feel how hard I am?” he asked.

  She nodded her head.

  “I’ve been thinking about taking you with you on your knees. Will you do that for me, Elle? Will you go on your knees while I fuck you?”

  “Yes,” she said with a gasp.

  “Go and kneel on the bed.”

  He knew she would see the mirrors the moment she knelt on the bed. She tensed and turned to stare at him.

  “Why do you have so many mirrors?” she asked. He noted how she tried not to stare at her reflection.

  “Before I take you, I want you to come here.” Isaac had an idea, and he hoped it worked the way he wanted to.

  She was shaking. He saw how nervous she was.

  “Come on, baby. Trust me.” In slow step she was at his side. He walked the small distance until they stood in front of the closest mirror.

  Isaac watched her close her eyes. “Open your eyes.” He covered the right side of her face.

  Slowly, she opened them up. “I want you to trust me. You’re under some horrible assumption that you look like a monster.”

  “I’ve spent many years seeing it, Isaac. I don’t need to know how bad I look.”

  “I think you do because you’re in for a big surprise. Trust me, Elle.” She bit her lip and nodded her head.

  He eased the hair off the right side of her face. The scars which he could only imagine had once been red and vicious looking, were now faded. If you stood closely, you could see the outline, but they were not disgusting or frightening to stare at.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, her hand touching the mark. “I know my sight isn’t perfect, but I see what other people see when they look at me.”

  “No. You don’t. Some people will react like assholes, but you’re beautiful, Elle. More beautiful than you even realise.”

  He gave her time to look in the mirror, smiling as he saw the amazement on her face. She really had thought she was some kind of ogre.

  “Go and get on the bed. I want to fuck you.”

  She nodded her head and knelt on the bed. He fisted his shaft at seeing her in such a submissive pose. Her tits hung down, and he wanted to suck on those large nipples.

  Her body was round, full, and utterly fuckable. Isaac grabbed her ass and opened her pale cheeks. He saw how wet her pussy was. Her cream soaked the tops of her thighs. Pushing two fingers inside her cunt, he moaned at her tight wetness.

  “Do you want me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She moaned as he turned his fingers and stroked her g-spot. Elle pushed back onto his hand, fucking his fingers inside her pussy.

  He pulled out and gripped his cock at the base. Running the weeping head along her slit, he gathered her wetness before slotting the head inside her entrance. With only the tip of himself inside her, he was ready to explode. The burning need to finally claim her as his own was intensifying with every passing minute.

  “How does it feel?” he asked.

  “Good. Please, Isaac. Take me.”

  He slammed inside her in one smooth, hard thrust. She cried out as he pulled out and pressed back in. He didn’t give her time to catch her breath. Isaac couldn’t control himself. The need to fuck her hard was too intense for him to control. He slammed inside her over and over and over again, holding onto her hips as he pushed every inch of himself inside her tight heat.

  Staring in the mirror over the bed, he saw her eyes closed. Her fists gripped the sheet under her, and her gorgeous tits bounced with every thrust of his hips. Smiling in satisfaction, he looked up at the mirror above the bed. From the angle he could see his cock disappear inside her body. And when he looked in front of him, he watched his soaking wet cock sinking into her cunt. She was snug, hot, and everything he wanted.

  He wanted to feel her coming around his cock. Fingering her clit, he felt the flutters begin in her pussy. Each flick of her clit sent her tighter around him. The ripples made him growl, holding back his own climax until she came. Isaac needed her to come.

  Swivelling his hips, rubbing along every part of her pussy he strummed her bud.

  “Let go, baby. Give it to me. I want to hear you scream.”

  She came apart, her screams echoing off all the walls and creating the most wonderful sound he heard. Before she had time to come down from her high, he pounded inside her sending her over the edge of another orgasm.

  His grip on her hips tightened as his climax hit him. He thrust inside her, bumping her cervix as his cum shot into her channel. A growl escaped him as he was forced over the edge. Before he could contain what he was doing, he slapped her ass as the pleasure intensified.

  After several minutes had passed, which felt like an eternity to him, he pulled out of her pussy.

  His cum slid out of her. Staring at the sight made his cock jump back to attention. He knew he should be scared about pregnancy, but seeing his cum inside her gave him a sense of calm. If anything happened she would be his for the rest of their lives. Shaking his head, he walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He cleaned her up, conscious of her silence.

  Taking the towel back to the bathroom, when he walked back into the room, she lay on the bed staring at the mirror above the bed.

  Isaac climbed between the sheets and stared at her. The mirror wasn’t there for moments like these. They were there for when they were having sex. When she was in his arms, he wanted to look at her face.

  “What’s the matter, Elle?” he asked.

  She didn’t turn to look at him.


  “I know something is going on inside that head of yours. Tell me.”

  “Why did you hit me?”

  He knew the smack would have upset her. He should have tried to gain more control over himself.

  “I was too far gone. I’m really sorry.”

  “So it wasn’t meant to hurt me?”

  “Never. I wouldn’t dream of hurting you.”

  There was a pause before she responded. “You didn’t hurt me,” she said. Isaac cupped her cheek and forced her to look at him.

  “Did you like it?” he asked.

  She tried to pull away, but he held her steady. “Don’t hide from me, Elle. Tell me the truth. Did you like it?”

  “Yes,” she said and opened her eyes.

  He leaned over and kissed her. Staring into her eyes, Isaac knew he was where he was supposed to be.
  Chapter Eighteen

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. Her naked back pressed against his front. His cock lengthened at the feel of her smooth skin. He wanted to be inside her again. Isaac stared down the front of her body, kissing her neck and shoulder.

  “I can never think when you do that,” she said.

  He’d bought this studio for them to be together. When he was with her he didn’t have to be Isaac Welch. He could be Isaac, with Elle being his only care in the world.

  “I don’t like the thought of you being able to think.” He kissed her neck as he moved his hands up to cup her large breasts. Staring over her shoulder, he felt the weight of them in his hands and was amazed by how much they filled him.

  “I wish we could stay here forever.”

  He rolled her nipples between his thumb and finger. “You’re so responsive.”

  “You know how to bring out a response. I love what you do to me, Isaac. I never want this feeling to end.”

  “Then don’t let it. The happiest part of my day is meeting you.” He sat her down in his lap, his cock pushed to one side out of the way. Her ass was so tempting and inviting. “Stay with me this weekend?” he asked.


  “Stay with me here. Paint for me, and I’ll give you the best weekend of your life,” he said.

  “Do you promise?”

  “I will make everyone of your dreams come true.” To help convince her, he pressed a hand between her thighs. Her molten heat threatened to burn his hand off.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she said.

  “I don’t play fair to get what I want.” He fingered her clit, making her arch into his touch.

  “Yes. I’ll spend the weekend with you.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  He moved his hand away from her pussy, grabbed her chin, tilted her head against his shoulder and kissed her lips.

  Isaac rubbed his nose on hers and smiled when she giggled.

  “You’re turning into a true romantic, Mr. Isaac.”

  “Because I have a reason to, Elle.” He held her in his arms and stared out at the mirror seeing her reflection. The red hair was out of place with such pale skin. He looked way too old to have such a beautiful woman in his arms.


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