by Tim Wendel
Players Association
Portland Beavers
Powell, Boog
Price, Jim
Prison time
Race, Dark on
Race, Gibson on
Race riots
in Detroit
and MLK assassination
Raceball (Ruck)
Racial diversity
in AFL
of Cardinals
Harwell on
on Indians
of Tigers
Racial segregation
Raglin, Dave
Red Stockings
Reese, Rich
Richardson, Spec
Rickey, Branch
Rigney, Bill
Robinson, Brooks
Robinson, Jackie
Rogers, Barney
Rohr, Bill
Rose, Pete
Roseboro, John
Rozelle, Pete
Ruck, Rob
Rudi, Joe
Runge, Ed
Russell, Bill
biographical info
coaching philosophy
on Lombardi
and NBA Eastern Division Finals
SI “Sportsman of the Year,”
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Nolan “The Express”
biographical info
National Guard service
on pitching
Ryun, Jim
Sain, Johnny
Salerno, Al
San Francisco ballpark
San Francisco Giants
Schoendienst, Red
“Science and the Altitude Factor” (Daniels)
Scoreless streaks
Second Wind (Russell)
Shannon, Mike
biographical info
on Flood’s misplay
World Series batting
World Series fielding
Shook, Rich
Siegfried, Larry
Simmons, Ted
Simpson, O.J.
60 Minutes (TV series)
Smith, Mayo
biographical info
on Brock’s base stealing
and Brown
coaching decisions
and Lolich batting in World Series
as manager of the year
Mayo Smith Society meetings
and McLain’s criticism of fans
pregame conferences at World Series
on Tigers chances in 1968
Warden’s critique
World Series lineup
World Series lineup without Horton
Smith, Red
Snyder, Brad
Something in the Air (Hoffer)
Sparma, Joe
Sporting News
Sports fans
discontent with baseball
and Horton
and McLain
and media
MLK as
players’ methods for coping with
and radio
shenanigans against Gibson
violence in Detroit
Sports Illustrated
Flood on cover
photograph of Cardinals
on Ryun
Simpson cover
St. Louis Cardinals
Astros vs
Boudreau Shift
brawl with Reds
and Busch Memorial Stadium
Cubs vs
Dodgers vs
effect of Gibson’s availability
Giants vs
lack of hitters and runners
and National League pennant
racial diversity
Reds vs
SI photographs
strengths and weaknesses
team spirit
Staley, Gerry
Stanky, Eddie
Stanley, Mickey
biographical info
and Brock
running bases
Smith moving to infield before World Series
in World Series
Stanton, Tom
Staub, Rusty
Stone, Edward Durrell
Stoneham, Horace
Stranger to the Game (Gibson and Wheeler)
Super Bowls I and II
Taylor, Tony
Temu, Naftali
Thompson, Robert
Tiant, Isabel
Tiant, Luis
biographical info
and Dark
Kaline on pitching style
stats of hitters vs
Tiger Stadium
Tigers of ‘68, The (Cantor)
Time magazine
Tolan, Bobby
Tracewski, Dick
Triple plays
Two Spectacular Seasons (Mead)
Venezuela, Tiant’s offseason play in
Vietnam War
Vietnam War protesters in Chicago
Wagner, Dick
Warden, Jonathan Edgar “Jon”
biographical info
major-league debut
on McLain and Lolich
on pitching success
on Smith
at training camp
World Series sidelines
Washburn, Ray
Washington Senators
Weaver, Earl
Well-Paid Slave, A (Snyder)
Wendelstedt, Harry
Wert, Don
Wheeler, Lonnie
When Pride Still Mattered (Maraniss)
Wilhelm, Hoyt
Williams, Stan
Williams, Ted
Willis, Ron
Wills, Maury
Wilson, Don
Wilson, Earl
Wise, Rick
Woodward, Stanley
World Series
comebacks from records
format change planned for ‘69 season
reserve a pitcher decision
strategic innovations over the years
team records
World Series, 1968
fans’ shenanigans against Gibson
as pitching showdown
Schoendienst lineup
Smith lineup
Smith lineup without Horton
Vegas bookmaking for
World Series Game One
Gibson’s pitching
McLain’s pitching
World Series Game Two
World Series Game Three
World Series Game Four
Brock’s stolen base
Eckert’s decision to ignore rain
effect of rain
Gibson’s pitching
McLain’s pitching
Tigers’ delaying tactics vs. Cardinals’ efforts to finish the game
Tigers fans’ shenanigans against Gibson
Warden on sidelines
World Series Game Five
Briles’ pitching
Feliciano’s National Anthem
Lolich’s pitching
Tigers’ motivation
Tigers punish Brock for stealing
unlikelihood of Tigers comeback
World Series Game Six
Gibson in reserve, effect of
McLain’s pitching
McLain’s preparation for
Northrup batting effort
World Series Game Seven
Flood’s misplay
Gibson’s pitching
Lolich’s pitching
Tigers punish Brock for stealing
Wright, Harry
Wright, Russell
Yastrezemski, Carl
“Year of the Pitcher,”
Year of the Tiger (Green)
Young, Andrew
Young, Dick
Zimmerman, Paul
Copyright © 2012 by Tim Wendel
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address Da Capo Press, 44 Farnsworth Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02210.
First Da Capo Press edition 2012
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publi cation Data
Wendel, Tim.
Summer of ’68 : the season that changed baseball—and America—forever / Tim Wendel.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-306-82105-9
1. Baseball—United States—History—20th century. I. Title. II. Title: Summer of 1968. III. Title: Summer of nineteen sixty-eight.
GV863.A1W446 2012
Published by Da Capo Press
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