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Mason's Revenge

Page 13

by Lorena Jackson

  And now he was kicking himself for dwelling on it for so long. He should have waltzed into town with his new-found wealth and bragged about it. He should have whisked Polly off her feet and stayed away from Charlie White but his brooding and need for revenge had ruined everything. Somehow, he had to make it up to her.

  Chapter 63


  * * *

  All the men in her life had made such a fool of her. First, there was gross Charlie White. She shuddered as she shook the image of him out of her head. Then Mason using her for revenge. And Rupert – who knew everything. Had he been making a fool out of her as well? She stomped back into town to get her car and drive home.

  At home later, she texted Rupert.

  Why didn’t you tell me?

  Because I made a promise to him like I made a promise to you. But I also need you to have all the facts so you can make an informed decision – him or me.

  Oh god, it was almost noble of Rupert. She should have texted him back; I pick you! I pick you! Because maybe he was the one who loved her the most. But she knew she’d be settling. As for Mason, he was engaged so it was all irrelevant.

  Let’s talk tomorrow.

  I’m back in London.

  That was quick. A final text to confirm she’d come and visit him tomorrow. She owed him that much at least.

  The next day, she rang work to tell Louisa she was having the day off.

  “Another one. You’re never here lately.”

  That was true; the old workaholic Polly was turning into a skiver. That’s what men did to you – made you take your eye off the game. It was okay, this would be the last day off she’d have for a while. And then the old Polly would be back.

  She arranged to meet Rupert in a bar near his office. This was going to be painful but doing it alone at his flat would have made it feel worse. He was already there.

  “Hi gorgeous,” he greeted her.

  He stood up and kissed her on the cheek before they sat down.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  Yes, she definitely needed one, so she ordered a gin and tonic. He made a toast.

  “To the parting of ways.”

  That toast made her feel sad. Poor Rupert’s doleful eyes looked as though they were slightly teary.

  “Don’t, otherwise you’ll make me cry.”

  This touching moment was spoilt by an interloper who apparently knew Rupert – a slightly sloshed interloper.

  “Oi oi! Rupert, my old man. I haven’t seen you since Hong Kong, nudge nudge, wink wink.”

  Rupert shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “What happened in Hong Kong?” asked Polly.

  “Are you his girlfriend?” this stranger indicated to Rupert.

  She shook her head, unfortunately not.

  “Well, he only got off with the most stunningly beautiful woman in Hong Kong. That’s all.”

  “Really?” she directed the question to Rupert. He shrugged.

  “And then what happened,” she asked this man.

  The man held his hands up; he didn’t know what to say.

  “Er, I suppose whatever always happens next. He probably pursued her with wild claims of love and devotion. Took her to Paris and then got bored with her and dumped her after a few weeks. So stay away from him, love.”

  “I will,” she promised.

  “Are you still hanging out at that dump, Stillwaters? Is that why we haven't seen you?”

  Rupert coughed. “Go away, I’ll talk to you later.”

  A loud laugh and a slap on Rupert’s back and the man left. Rupert looked like he was going to say something.

  “So is that true? You went with some woman in Hong Kong?”

  He stared at the ground.

  “After we had sex at the office for the first time?”

  His silence was deafening. Oh god, he’d made a fool of her too.

  “I genuinely thought you loved me?”

  Rupert was now sheepishly checking his nails.

  “I can’t believe I felt so bad about coming here and finishing with you.”

  “I don’t know what to say…”

  She interrupted him. “And all that love stuff. Do you tell every woman you ever meet that you love her?”

  He grimaced – caught red-handed. With a slow clap, she congratulated him.

  “Well, Rupert, you had me well and truly fooled. I can’t believe I fell for it. All those visits to Stillwaters and hanging out at the office...I must say I’m impressed by your persistence and the lengths you’ll go just to get a woman in bed. Was it all a game to you? A boost to your ego? Did you and Mason laugh about the poor, stupid townie girl?

  “No. No. Mason would never laugh about you. He’s always loved you and I was truly fond of you.”

  “Fond?” she laughed at that. “Until you got bored of me?”

  “I suppose.”

  “You know what Rupert. I don’t care. I felt bad about letting you down and still having feelings for Mason. At least I don’t have to anymore.”

  And it was true, there was a sense of relief. She hated carrying around guilt. She hated being the bad person. Even if it meant being played and made to feel like an idiot.

  She stood up and held out her hand; “Rupert, it was fun while it lasted so thank you.”

  He shook her hand back. “Why don’t you stay?”

  She didn’t want to. She just wanted to go home. Mason text her, he wanted to see her.

  Go away

  Another bastard. Did he really think she’d go running to him when he lied to her and was engaged to another woman?

  Chapter 64


  * * *

  Go away, she replied. Damn it. He wanted to sort this out. Talk it through properly, just the two of them. He called Rupert to see what was going on.

  “She dumped me,” he confirmed.

  Mason closed his eyes and smiled with relief.

  “Sorry. How do you feel?”

  “Ha, you know me. I’ll just go out get drunk and pull tonight.”

  That sounded like the Rupert he knew.

  “I thought this time you really loved her.”

  “She’s hot but I’m never going to settle. I don’t think it’s in me. Unlike you. So who do you choose Polly or Caitlin?”

  “Polly.” Without a shadow of a doubt. “I called it off with Caitlin as soon as you told me about Polly.”

  Although it might be irrelevant now – Polly didn’t want to know him.

  “Aah, Caitlin’s single now?” joked Rupert.

  “Don’t even think about it,” warned Mason. “Seriously, mate. Are you sure about me going after Polly?”

  “Don’t stop until you get her.”

  “I won’t.”

  He ended the call. That went well. He just didn’t understand Rupert’s attitude – he seemed so into her and now he was happy to stand back while another man took her. But he wasn’t going to question that now. Somehow he had to figure out a way to get Polly back and he knew expensive grand gestures weren’t going to cut it.

  Chapter 65


  * * *

  Back at work the next day, she was determined to forget everything and get on with the job she’d been neglecting lately. Although she doubted she’d be fired anytime soon.

  She stepped into her office, her empty office. The one she shared with Rupert and remembered all those laughs they had together. It looked so white and bare now without his noise and overpowering smell of aftershave filling up the place.

  A box sat on her desk. A brand new laptop.

  For the best financial director in the entire world.

  So what. She needed a new laptop. Not long after, a delivery. A huge bunch of flowers presented with a beautiful vase.

  To brighten up your day, like you brightened up mine.

  “Put them out in the main office so everyone can enjoy them,” she told Louisa.

  She didn’t really want to look at them. Not
much later, her favourite chocolates.

  Because you are so sweet.

  “Louisa, share the chocolates around,” she sighed.

  At lunchtime, another delivery. Her favourite Thai food. With a note;

  Stop skipping lunch and eat something decent.

  It was true, she did skip lunch. She was hungry; the aroma of the delicious food filled her office. Begrudgingly, she ate it. After, she called Louisa into her office.

  “Have you heard from him? Will there be any more surprises?”

  She had the awful feeling a puppy might show up on her desk or a singagram. Were singagrams still a thing?

  “Actually, yes. He’s been calling me quite a lot. I have some news you might be very interested in…”

  Polly interrupted her. “I don’t want to know. Could you tell him to stop harassing me and leave me alone.”


  “No buts,” she shouted. “Out!”

  Louisa backed out, surprised by Polly’s outburst. Then minutes later a text from him.

  Don’t take your foul mood out on Louisa. Take it out on me.

  Grrr. She was so annoyed. She just wanted to get on with her work.

  Go away and maybe concentrate on you fiancee instead.

  What an arrogant jerk. She couldn’t believe a man about to be married was doing this. And then her phone rang. It was him. Up until now, she’d ignored his calls but at that point in time she was so angry with him she answered – purely to tell him exactly what she thought of him.

  “Mason, stop calling me. You’ve ruined everything. And you’re engaged. You’re such a scumbag for doing this to Caitlin. I have a good mind to tell her…”

  “Slow down,” he interrupted. “I’m glad you answered. Please hear me out.”

  “There is nothing I want to hear from you.”

  “I finished with Caitlin. The engagement is off.”

  Oh, that was interesting. Her heart pounded. The various scenarios flashed in her mind. That little fact muddied everything.

  “Polly, are you listening? I only want to be with you so tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

  “Okay, go back in time and tell me who you really are and that you’re angry at me and then give me a chance to explain. Then don’t mess with my work and don’t fire me.”

  “I wish I could but I can’t do that.”

  “Then you can’t make it up to me. Just go back and hang out with your buddy Rupert. Have a good laugh about me. Goodbye Mason.”

  She hung up on him. She couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the afternoon so went home to talk to her mum.

  At home, it was like stepping into a florist shop. Each room filled with her mum’s favourite flowers. Her mum sat at the kitchen table scoffing chocolates and trying on pieces of jewellery that Polly had never seen before. The man was trying to get to her through her mother.

  “You’re giving it all back, Mum,” she ordered before her mother got too attached to any of her new gifts.

  “I don’t think you can return flowers, besides he said it was to apologise for deceiving me.”

  “You spoke to him?”

  Yes, he came over this morning. We had a nice chat, he explained about his family and his reasoning for doing what he did. He was a messed-up kid in a messed-up family. Just like us.”

  Mason was in town?

  “But Mum, we got over it. I didn’t feel the need to get revenge on my stepdad or Charlie.”

  “Because my beautiful daughter, you are one of the strongest people I know and I’m so very proud of you.”

  “Fine, you forgive him but I’m not going to be bought.”

  “He’s also arranged for me to visit the top specialist in the UK for my MS. I’m going to take him up on the offer.”

  That was fine, her mum’s health was important. But still, he was only doing it to get to Polly. It wasn’t for any real altruistic reasons.

  That evening, she expected him to show up on the doorstep but no – nothing.

  For the next couple of weeks, she heard nothing. Life resumed to normal. He’d got the message. Every time she returned home, she’d wondered if there were any messages or any more gifts.

  “Are you disappointed?” asked her mum.

  “No,” she lied.

  “So you won’t be interested in this?”

  Her mum waved a letter in the air. It’s addressed to you. I think it might be from Mason. She wanted to snatch the letter from her mum, but calmly took it and opened the kitchen bin.

  “Don’t be so stubborn young lady, otherwise I’ll dig it out and read it myself.”

  Damn her mother. She didn’t want her mum reading it so she took it up to her bedroom and sat on her bed. Her fingers trembled as she opened it. It was probably some airline tickets to an exotic location. But when was Mason going to learn she couldn’t be bought? It was nothing to a man with his wealth to make such empty gestures. He probably had his PA to all the dirty work for him. But she opened the envelope. There were no tickets, gift cards or fancy gestures. It was a ten-page handwritten letter. At the top, marked in block capitals were the words,


  Okay, let’s see what you’ve got to say for yourself. The letter began with his childhood. The lovely friend he made called Polly Taylor. The way he remembered her when he was little. How they walked to school together everyday and their little chats. She’d forgotten about that. It explained how he felt during the bullying years, his regret at them growing apart and being so focused on himself that he forgot about the other people around him. It went through that awful day of the beating. She skimmed it; she could barely bring herself to read it. She didn’t want to be reminded of how she didn’t help him.

  On a happier note, he explained his transformation. Meeting Rupert, the coin collection. And the dark, bitter cloud he carried around him. How he could never enjoy his wealth. His sole focus was to work. Improve himself – his body and his bank balance. Nothing else mattered. How his success was the best revenge and how he wanted to come to town and wipe everyone’s nose in it. Especially hers. He admitted when he found out she worked for Stillwaters Investments, he planned to ruin her – financially and mentally. And then he got to know her. How awful he felt about hacking her – it was an idiotic, illegal move. Sue me! The letter begged.

  She shook her head at the memory.

  And how he fell so head over heels in love with her, he didn’t think it was even possible. And then he had some stupid revenge plan on Charlie. And the heartbreak and disgust he felt when he found out she had been his girlfriend after the beating. Most of all, he now felt disgust for the way he reacted and didn’t give her a chance to explain. Because he knew Polly; she was good and she must have been desperate to go out with this scumbag. His biggest regret in life was not to hang around to find out why his friend had no choice to do what she did.

  The letter spoke of his regret for rolling over and exposing her to Rupert. At that point he was numb but he should have known Rupert would have chased her and used her like he did all other women. He should have protected her from that. This numbness led to another stupid decision – throwing himself at another woman. A woman who was beautiful, strong and successful. But he realised he was just looking for a Polly substitute when only the real Polly would do.

  He explained how he wrote this letter because he needed her to know the real him and the reasons behind his misguided actions. The end of the letter read;

  Polly, I know you can’t be bought and you may never forgive me – and I understand. But I also know that I will never love anyone as much as I love you. Even if you decide to meet someone else, just know this – I will wait for you forever. Even if that means being alone for the rest of my life.

  Yours forever Mason.

  Chapter 66


  * * *

  It took a lot for him to write that letter. He’d never been a man to express his feelings. He’d never spoke of the all the detail
s before – not even to Rupert. Knowing grand gestures wouldn’t work, he thought maybe small gestures might melt her stubborn heart of ice but when Louisa and Polly’s mum called him to tell him the gestures were annoying her – he had to think of something else.

  Hopefully, she’d read the letter. There was one final thing to do. It took a lot of work as he hurried up his solicitors to cut through the red tape – he was quite anxious to get on with the final act. If that failed, it meant a lifetime of waiting for her. He hoped it wouldn’t come to that.


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