Only His Touch: Part Two (The Untouched Series Book 5)

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Only His Touch: Part Two (The Untouched Series Book 5) Page 14

by Lilly Wilde

  “Is that what this is about? The fact that she’s your fiancé’s sister? Or is this about you not wanting me, yet not wanting me to have anyone else?”

  I felt as if I’d been punched in the gut. “That’s not true. I want you to be happy. I just didn’t think it would happen like this. And I think you knew this wouldn’t go down easy, which is why you didn’t tell me earlier.”

  “I’m sorry for not telling you, but she and I both knew it would be awkward.”

  “For who? Aiden? Or me?”

  “Both.” He looked up and grimaced. I followed his gaze to see Aiden glaring at the two of us. “She’s nothing like her brother,” Kellan said.

  I don’t think anyone in the world is like Aiden. The world can’t handle two of him walking around.

  “And you had sex with her already? That doesn’t sound like you.”

  Kellan shook his head in disbelief. “Trust me—it’s not. I don’t know what happened. One minute we were talking, and then the next we were—well, it just kind of happened.”

  “How did Aiden happen to find you two?” I asked.

  “He came to Sloan’s room before the rehearsal.”

  This didn’t sound like the Sloan I thought I knew, either. She seemed more the type to date for several months before giving a guy so much as a kiss, let alone sex. Come to think of it, I didn’t think I’d ever seen her with or heard her mention a guy before. I’d come to care for Sloan. She was a great person, and she’d been supportive of my relationship with Aiden since day one. I had no right to feel anything but happiness for her and Kellan, but it bothered me that they had hooked up. “So…you like her?”

  “That’s rather obvious by now, knowing what you know, but yeah, we really hit it off.”

  “Then that’s all that matters. I’m all for what makes you guys happy, although I know it’s too soon to predict anything”


  I reached up and gave him a hug. “Thank you again for being here. And I’ll try my best to keep Aiden away from you and Sloan.”

  “Don’t bother. I can handle Aiden.”

  Glad you think so, because I’m not so sure. “Knowing that you’ve slept with his sister…and with me…this won’t be easy for him.”

  “It wasn’t easy for me to let you go, but I did. Aiden’s a big boy. He’ll be all right. And I’m sorry for putting a damper on your night.”

  “No more confrontations or negativity?”

  “None. I promise. Now, let’s get you married.” he added, and pulled me back toward the celebration.


  After a while, Aiden and I snuck away for a walk along the Rialto Bridge. As soon as we were out of everyone’s earshot, I started the questions. He’d told me that his contact had communicated one final message: At 8 o’clock, show the Maggie Siner painting to Aria. That was where I’d found the note. Aiden didn’t know very much, or so he led me to believe, and he was firm on his position of not continuing his investigation.

  “No, Aria.”

  “But, Aiden—”

  “My first priority is to protect you and Lyric. I will not look into anything further, because it would only place you at risk. As difficult as this is, you need to let this go.”

  Let it go? How can he say that?

  I needed to know. “Does this mean my mother is alive? The police said she was killed in the accident—that her body had been burned beyond recognition. Was that all a lie? Did Mom let us go through that hell for nothing?”

  “Aria. Stop. Think about it. Your father is in witness protection for something that placed all of you in danger. Your mother is in an accident, the car was destroyed. If that was a ploy, and she let her children grieve for her, if the government has gone to such extremes, what does that tell you? Don’t you realize how dangerous it would be if you were to get the answers you want? You can’t know any more than you already do. You must accept that.”

  He was right. All I had were questions and suspicions, and I couldn’t act on either because it could place us all in danger.

  “And for the record, if your mother is alive, I’m willing to bet my life this ruse was not of her doing. I think whatever happened was out of her hands. And the simple truth is, we may never know any more than we do at this point.”

  I didn’t want to accept what Aiden said, but I knew I had to. I didn’t know how to feel or what to think about all of this. I pulled the note from my purse and studied it. It had to mean what I thought…nothing else made sense. I sighed and tucked it back into my purse. So Aiden’s reason for marrying in Italy was not just because. He’d wanted to give this to me—a small piece of my family. Although my heart felt full and empty at the same time, I’d been given an amazing wedding gift—the love of my parents.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The dreams had finally stopped. And because I understood their purpose, I no longer applied the label of nightmares to the visions that had plagued me for months. Everything made sense now. The dreams had foreshadowed Aiden’s role in leading me back to my father.

  Every twist and turn, as painful as some of them had been, were part of the path I had to take. And Aiden was the conduit to restoring the part of me that I’d thought was lost forever. He’d unearthed memories I’d buried. He’d restored my belief in love.

  Although Mom and Dad weren’t in my life in the capacity I wanted, I knew in my heart they were both alive. I knew my father hadn’t abandoned his family. Aiden couldn’t have given me a greater gift, other than Lyric, of course.

  I didn’t know if I’d ever really committed to the fact that my dad was dead. However, there were times when I’d thought he must have been—because that was the only way I would have imagined him leaving Mom. In many ways, he’d never left her. He’d been with her every day… not in body, but definitely in spirit.

  Mom didn’t have to worry or hope anymore. She was with the love of her life. I could only imagine the joy in her heart and the contentment of her soul. Dad had been everything to her. She’d been everything to him. I could identify with that now, because Aiden had become everything to me. It had always been about Aiden. I never stood a chance of having a life without him. He was meant to be a significant part of my existence.

  I still mourned that my whole family couldn’t be with me, but I had an inkling of hope that one day, we’d all be together. For now, this had to be another piece that I locked away. The knowledge that Mom and Dad were reunited would have to be enough. They had a chance to share their love, the love that I’d witnessed as a child, the type of love I now had with Aiden.


  With an anal-retentive Emilie looking on, I reluctantly said good night to Lyric. He would be sleeping in the villa with Connor and Sienna. I was able to part with Lyric much easier knowing that Dianna would be there, too. Lyric would more than likely be under her watchful eye, because Sienna’s attention was divided. She was in full mother-of-the-groom mode. And Connor, well, he was a presence that should be allowed in small doses.

  I glared at Emilie when she cleared her throat.

  Aiden laughed. He knew I wanted to tell her to go the hell away, but I’d committed to being good, so that meant I had to say good night to Aiden, too.

  “I’ll miss you tonight,” I said. I reached up and traced the line of his jaw.

  “I’ll miss you more,” Aiden whispered, his gaze hot on my face. He leaned down and pressed his full lips to mine. He didn’t move, he simply lingered and allowed me to breathe him in. I clutched his shirt and pulled him closer, capturing his bottom lip between mine and softly sucking. When I opened for him, his tongue slipped inside, flicking the tip across mine.

  Emilie cleared her throat again and Aiden pulled away from me. “I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, Ms. Cason,” Aiden said.

  “It’s back to Ms. Cason, is it?”

  He unpeeled my fingers from his shirt. “Nope. I just wanted you to hear it
one last time.”

  Oh God. This is really happening! We’re actually getting married tomorrow. No more Aria Cason.

  Aiden traced a finger across my worry line. “Stop doing that,” he said. “We’re meant for each other. You know that, right?”

  I nodded. I had hoped my nervousness wasn’t still so obvious.

  “Good. Now get some rest and I’ll see you in a few hours. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He kissed my forehead and he walked away—headed back to his bachelor’s party. I stood by the door and watched him until he was no longer in sight. I looked behind me and sneered at Emilie. At least I’d be rid of her after tomorrow. Satisfied that she’d fulfilled her role, Emilie offered a pert smile and said good night.

  After closing the door, I wandered into the bedroom. Scanning the lavish extravagance of the large space, I immediately felt lonely. Now what? It was just a little after ten o’clock. My girls’ night slash bachelorette party had come to an abrupt halt a half hour ago. The joy-killing, cock-blocking Emilie had said our time was up. She insisted upon my having the proper amount of rest before the big day. I really shouldn’t be upset with her, though—she was only doing her job. But damn, did she have to be so anal about it?

  I picked up one of Lyric’s toys from the small table near the patio window. I missed my baby boy. I’d barely seen him all day. He’d been with either Dianna or his grandparents while I endured last minute fittings and trial runs. Before the bachelorette party, Sienna had stopped by with Lyric for a quick hello, but abruptly left with him when Anna called about some last minute change with the reception. If I counted that five-minute visit, it would total twenty minutes I’d spent with my son today.

  A yawn signaled it was time for sleep. I was damn near exhausted. I didn’t bother to undress, I just climbed into bed on top of the covers. I was sure I’d fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and I did, only to be later awakened by a text from Aiden.

  I miss you.

  I tapped a quick reply.

  I miss you more.

  I’d grown accustomed to being with him every night, and I felt odd and very lonely without him.


  Anna pulled me out of bed just as the sun rose. I felt like a zombie. I sat on the edge of the bed and forced my eyes open, my gaze falling to the white envelope on the nightstand. I immediately perked up because I knew it was from Aiden. I rushed to open it.

  Good morning, princess,

  I would have preferred if you had awakened to the sound of my voice, but this note will have to suffice. I actually attempted to sneak in, but I was commandeered. I think Emilie has surveillance setup all over the place!

  Aria, I know you’re worrying. You needn’t be. You were born for me. You’re my person…you’re my other half. Above all else, remember that. I promise to take care of you, to protect you, and to love you. Forever.

  I’m anxious to see you. I’ll meet you at the end of the aisle.


  My heart was in my throat. I loved him so much and today we’d confess our love to the world. Today’s my wedding day! I read the note twice more and was about to read it again, but Anna rushed me off for some time with yet another member of the team Emilie had assembled to coordinate the necessary bridal details. She’d said I appeared overly tense at last night’s rehearsal. No shit, Sherlock. Is that so unheard of? Then again, my angst was quadruple that of most brides. News of my parents, introduction to motherhood, overzealous in-laws, dominating groom, and overcoming a fear that had been harboring inside me for nearly twenty years…yeah, I’m tense.

  After a two-hour massage, I was given a breakfast of fruit and coconut water and then ushered to the bridal area, which more resembled a movie star’s dressing room than a space of intimacy for the bride. Sienna was already there bossing everyone around. She faced me when I walked in, and her brows puckered as she stalked toward me.

  Oh, what now?

  “Did you get any sleep, Aria?” she asked as she traced her fingertips underneath my eyes.

  I wasn’t surprised if I had dark circles, because I was a mess last night. As tired as I was, after texting Aiden, I couldn’t go back to sleep. I’d been left alone with my thoughts and worries about Mom, Dad and the ceremony. Needless to say, I’d gotten little-to-no rest.

  “Don’t worry, Mrs. Raine. We have something that will conceal all signs of a sleepless night,” Anna said. She pressed the button on her earpiece and a blue light flashed. “All guests and staff must check their phones with the attendants. Absolutely no photographs. Tiffany? Nicole? Where are you? I need you both in makeup.”

  I was sitting on the bench at the vanity watching the wide-eyed woman in the mirror. She was happy, she was excited, and most of all, she was nervous. If Mom were here, she would be fussing over my hair, and she would definitely be upset the stylists were taking on the role that belonged to her.

  I watched the busyness behind me. The five ladies in my bridal party were chatting incessantly as they were being primped and prodded. I had to give it to Emilie and her team—they hadn’t missed a beat. Everything up to this point had gone off without a hitch. I smiled when I caught sight of my maid of honor. I couldn’t believe April was here! She’d arrived as one of my surprises last night, just before we’d begun the rehearsal.

  I had been standing near the end of the aisle watching Emilie and Anna as they provided instructions to the rest of the wedding party. Someone had tapped my shoulder, and I turned and saw the cheery eyes of my best friend. My jaw dropped—I couldn’t believe she was here. She squealed, “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God! I can’t believe you’re getting married!”

  I stared at her, too shocked to speak. April was actually here, but how? We hadn’t spoken in over eight months. And that last conversation wasn’t a very pleasant one. I’d pretty much closed the door on my friendship with her. When I discovered that she’d betrayed my trust, it severely damaged our relationship—I didn’t think I’d ever forgive her. I didn’t want to. I was certain she’d known that, yet here she was. She’d taken the chance of being rejected and showed up for me. And I was glad she did.

  We definitely had some talking to do, but for now, I was happy she was here, sharing this special time in my life. After a series of hugs and apologies, which took all of thirty seconds, we were both in tears. We knew we’d have to work at rebuilding our friendship—but not tonight. Tonight, we were April and Aria—two best friends who were happily reunited. Would our relationship ever be the same? I didn’t know, but I wanted to try. I wanted her in my life. I wanted Lyric to know his godmother. And when it all came down to it, although she made a huge misstep, April tried to do what she thought would make me happy, and I had to consider that if there was any chance of our truly moving on.

  After a few minutes, Aiden had walked over to us and I rushed into his arms. “Thank you for doing this!”

  “You’re welcome, princess,” he said. “I knew that regardless of what you were saying, you missed your best friend, and I knew you’d want her here for your wedding day.”

  This was one of those times when he was actually spot on about what was best for me. “When did you plan this?” I asked.

  “Weeks ago. Mother noticed how sad you were when she asked you about invitations. I told her about April and made a call. Mother took care of the rest. Emilie has been working with April as well, incorporating her into the wedding party. Everything’s done—the whole nine yards. Unless you don’t want her in the wedding?”

  “Of course I do,” I said, beaming at him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I said, after a series of sweet kisses.

  “Anything and everything for you. I want your day to be perfect.”

  God, I love this man. When Sienna had asked if there was anyone I’d want to invite, April had been my first thought. Kellan was the second. I felt both were impossibilities. Even though I’d tried to erase Apri
l from my life, Aiden knew this day wouldn’t be the same without her. I was insanely happy and I was being united with the man I love and it was all because of her.

  April and I barely had a chance to be alone. We did share a few minutes for her to see Lyric. I was really surprised to hear that she and Blaine had reconciled and he’d joined her for the trip. She was in a good place and I was really happy for her.

  I looked back at my reflection in the mirror. The stylist started French braiding my hair. When she had braided a little past my ear she stopped and secured it with an elastic band. She did the same with the right side. She then made a high ponytail while her assistant combined the long braid in the back in the ponytail and then tied it up. I watched as she meticulously inserted a sock bun and spread my hair over it and then secured it with a few bobby pins.

  My attention was directed to the girls behind me when one of them squealed. They were all having a great time, and I felt as if I was the one who didn’t really belong. I had a million knots in my stomach. I couldn’t laugh or even talk. I didn’t even want to think of anything for fear I’d talk myself out of the walk down the aisle, so I returned my concentration to the stylists, and saw they were nearly finished. They fluffed the braids around the sock bun and removed all of the bobby pins and finished it off with hair spray. I was motionless, staring at their handiwork. It was impeccable—not a hair out of place.

  Emilie walked up with Beth, who would be doing my makeup. They ushered me to a different part of the bridal room, with almost as many cosmetics as a counter in a major department store.

  Beth started my makeup, quietly humming to herself as she made me over. Once she finished, she turned me to look at my reflection in the mirror, but I was shocked when I didn’t see me. What happened to the Aria that I’d seen a few short hours ago? Who was the elegant, almost regal girl staring back at me now?


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