Only His Touch: Part Two (The Untouched Series Book 5)

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Only His Touch: Part Two (The Untouched Series Book 5) Page 17

by Lilly Wilde

  Anna announced that all the single ladies should gather around for their chance to catch the bouquet. Once they were all positioned, I tossed it into the crowd of squealing women. I turned to face them and my mouth gaped open when I discovered that Sloan had been the person to catch it. I caught her expression as she looked over toward Kellan and then back at me. From the looks of it, she had it bad for Kellan.

  Next it was Aiden’s turn to grab my garter. Removing my shoe, I positioned my leg on the pedestal that had been set up for this part of the reception and then I watched Aiden stroll toward me. He met my welcoming smile with a smirk and then he lifted my gown. He didn’t raise it to reveal my thigh…oh no. Aiden kneeled in front of me and his head disappeared underneath my dress and what was more shocking…he lingered there as hundreds of shocked people looked on. My eyes shot over to Sienna, but then I snapped them shut when I felt Aiden’s finger on Virginia. He eased my panties to the side and I felt the warmth of his tongue. One lick and that was it. He emerged from underneath my gown…without the garter. So, of course, he went back in a second time. With his mouth on my thigh, he grabbed the garter between his teeth and eased it down my leg to my ankle and then slid it over my foot. Nicholas and the groomsmen cheered him on, but Sienna was not pleased. She came to us afterward with a stern grimace on her perfectly made-up face.

  “Aiden, why would you do such a thing? You do realize there’re photographers here from all over the world,” Sienna said, and frowned her disapproval.

  “Looks like I’ve given them one hell of a photo opportunity,” Aiden said. “Relax, Mother. Enjoy your accomplishment. Everything has been to your specifications so far.” He grabbed my hand and led me toward the champagne. While still in Sienna’s hearing range, he said, “Mrs. Raine, I want to get you drunk.”

  “Oh my God. You’re so bad. I promised your mother we’d behave. You shouldn’t distract me from my promises.”

  “You shouldn’t be so beautiful.”

  “She’s going to think I’ve corrupted you.”

  We laughed and took a sip of the light golden bubbles as Sienna eyed us.

  Aiden tipped his glass to mine and said, “If she only knew how much of the other way around it is.”

  “Why do you want me drunk? Or was that just for your mother’s benefit?”

  “It was for Mom. She’s been wound so tight throughout all of this, and I gave her that, but it’s done. Everything went off without a hitch except—”

  “Except what? I thought everything was perfect.”

  “When the palace doors opened and you were to start walking to me, I sensed your hesitation.”

  “I don’t know what you mean. I had no reason to be hesitant.”

  “You wanted to run,” he accused.

  “That’s not true.”

  “Yes it is, but it didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to let you. I damned near passed Lyric to Nick. I was about to run down the aisle and drag you to the minister. You were going to marry me one way or another.”

  “Even against my wishes?”

  “Hell yes.”

  “Well, that’s something.”

  “I’ve earned you and I was going to have you.”

  “Earned me?”

  “Yes, every bit of you. And you know it.”

  There was no need for him to explain. I knew what he meant. He had earned me. He’d earned my trust, my love, and my hand in marriage. I may have temporarily considered bolting, but what bride hadn’t? The important thing was, I didn’t run, and that was saying a hell of a lot for someone like me who relied on running when things got too complicated. And my relationship with Aiden had been loaded with complexities since the start.

  Emilie’s voice sounded throughout the room, announcing it was time for the cake and requesting everyone follow the staff to the desserts area. Aiden and I led the way, stepping into a large room filled with a variety of five-star pastries. Antoine’s staff was positioned at the forty or so dessert tables, and in the center of the floor was an extravagant eight-tiered white chocolate cake. It was exactly as Antoine had promised—too beautiful to cut. It was a curl torte enrobed in marzipan with edible pearls and orchid flourishes.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I warned Aiden, when he motioned as if he were going to entertain the guests with the messy cake ritual.

  “And if I do?” he teased.

  “Your choice. Sweet stuff in your face now or sweet stuff in your face tonight. You won’t have both,” I replied.

  “But it’s my wedding night,” he teased. “Your sweet stuff is a given.”

  “I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  Anna interrupted our first marital bicker and directed Aiden to stand slightly behind me. He placed his palm on my hand and together we sliced the first piece of cake. We fed each other a small piece as the photographers recorded our marzipan memories. After a few shots, Anna stepped in, passing Lyric to his father then passing a small plate with a piece of cake on it to me. I lifted the plate to Lyric, encouraging him to grab the white frosted treat. He grinned and then stretched out his pudgy little hand, mushing Antoine’s masterpiece between his tiny little fingers. He then went for his mouth, smearing most of the cake and icing over his face as the photographers captured the messy scene, snapping more pictures of the three of us. When they finished, Dianna scooped Lyric out of Aiden’s arms to get him cleaned up, and then the staff took over serving the guests.

  “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are, and how crazy I am for you?” Aiden asked after we’d sat at our table.

  “Hmm. Let’s see. Not since about an hour ago,” I said and smiled at him. “But I can bear to hear it again.”

  Aiden winked at me as I offered him a forkful of cake. He moaned his delight as I eased the fork from between his lips. We then somehow ended up feeding each other small bites of the delectable pastry. We were lost in each other, exchanging grins that veiled our playful thoughts—smiling at each other like two kids who shared a huge secret.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Now?” I asked.

  “Yes. It’s time to get you out of that dress.”

  We strolled over to say good-bye to Lyric, Dianna, my sisters and my new family.

  “You two enjoy your time together, and we’ll take care of Lyric,” Sienna said, warmly.

  “Just make sure he’s still Lyric when we get home, and not some mini-CEO,” Aiden said, looking at Connor.

  “Aiden, don’t be ridiculous. That’s not for another, what? Two…three years out?” Connor replied, smiling.

  If Dianna hadn’t agreed to be glued to Lyric for every waking moment we were away from him, he would have been honeymooning with his parents.

  “Aria, I know we didn’t get off to the best of starts, and I know I’m not your mother, and I don’t dare claim to be able to replace her, but I want to be as much of a mother to you as you will allow.”

  Her eyes were glistening as I reached to hug her. “You couldn’t have given me a better gift, Sienna. Thank you.”

  “Son, I’d like to impart some of my infinite wisdom,” Connor said.

  This can’t be good. Connor is the last person I want giving advice to Aiden on how to be a husband or father.

  “Dad, I think I’m good.”

  Connor held up his palm to Aiden. “I can understand why you would think you’d fare better without advice from your father, considering how I’ve disappointed you, but just hear me out.” He pulled Aiden to the side, and I watched them. I didn’t know what Connor had said to Aiden, but when the conversation ended, they shook hands and hugged.

  I gave my baby boy one final kiss and then Emilie and Anna ushered everyone onto the steps outside. Aiden and I made our grand exit as family and friends tossed red orchid petals and cheered our successful celebration and future together.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cradling me in his arms, Aiden carried me over the villa’s thresho
ld. No sooner had he closed the door, than his lips were covering mine. It was a long, warm kiss that began softly and then slowly gained a passion that left me short of breath. Moaning as he pulled away, I placed another soft kiss on his lips before he set me on my feet.

  “Finally,” he said. “I have you all to myself, Mrs. Raine. Now, what am I going to do with you?”

  “My guess is you’ll continue misbehaving. You’ve been a very bad boy.”

  “Mischief is one of the things I do best,” he said.

  If there was one thing I did know…it was that. No one did mischief quite like Aiden Raine—no one. Throughout most of the evening, he’d elicited torment in the way of endless whispers of obscenities and sexual expectations. The rawness of his taunts had stirred a craving that couldn’t be satisfied in the presence of others, so I’d been just as eager as he to leave the reception.

  “Why were you in such a hurry to be alone with me?” I teased.

  “I’m pretty sure you have some idea.”

  “I do. But I’d much rather you tell me,” I replied. “You know…just to make sure we’re on the same page.”

  He grinned and winked at me. “Okay. Let me explain in a way that someone in your line of work can relate. Let’s say you’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of a book from your favorite author. You wait in line for hours for the bookstore to open, rush to the bookshelf, grab the book and you’re so overwrought with anticipation that you start reading it right there. You’re pulled in so deeply that you can’t stop, so you spend the next five hours buried in that book. Then you get home and start reading it all over again…because you need more.”

  “So…are you saying being alone with me is like reading a good book?” I asked.

  “What I’m saying, princess, is that your pussy is like an excellent book—one that I can’t wait to get my hands on. And after one read, I’m left wanting more. I want to read it over and over again, burying myself in it for hours…devouring every word.”

  “What a perfect analogy,” I said, smiling at the one man who could imprison me with his words alone. “And wouldn’t you just know it? Virginia has already opened to the first chapter for you, so you can start whenever you’re ready.”

  For a few quiet moments, we faced each other, his emerald gaze enmeshed with mine. I couldn’t believe I was looking into the eyes of my husband, but I was…and we had a lifetime of love awaiting us.

  Taking my hand in his, Aiden led me across the room and down a short hall. A fragrant bouquet touched my nose just as we entered the bedroom. There were flowers and petals on almost every surface. It was as though I’d stepped into a fantasy—the room had been transformed into a luxurious honeymoon suite, entirely illuminated by candles. Champagne was chilling on a table, and alongside it were fruit, cheese, covered domes and decadent chocolates.

  Aiden released my hand and I walked around, taking in the romantic scene, picking up this and looking at that. I bit into one of the chocolates and continued my wanderings. On the dresser, I found an envelope. It was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Raine. I held it out to Aiden.

  He stepped behind me. “Open it,” he said.

  Unsealing the envelope, I pulled out the note and read it aloud.

  Aria and Aiden,

  Thank you for sharing your beautiful day with us. We wish you every happiness as you embark upon this new journey.

  Aria, welcome to our family. We love you.

  Be good to her, Aiden.


  Mom & Dad

  I glanced at Aiden, taking in his shocked expression.

  “What have you done to my family?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  He shook his head. “They’re saying and doing things that are more than a little bit out of character.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe it’s the wedding. I think we all made a few concessions to make it successful.”

  His brows lifted. “Maybe,” he said. “Are you still happy?”

  “Happier than I ever thought possible. Are you?” I asked.

  “How could I not be? Look at who I have.” He was standing behind me, staring at our reflections in the mirror. In the measure of one heartbeat, we were lost in each other—I forgot about the note, about his family and about the wedding. Every part of my brain was filled with Aiden—the man who’d changed my life, the man who was now my husband.

  As my eyes rested in his, a longing for him crept toward me, taking over, and centering at my core. Unable to withstand the absence of his touch, I reached behind me—I wanted to hold him—to feel him beneath my fingertips. Aiden grasped my hand and guided me so that I was facing him. Lowering his head, he kissed me, his full lips caressing mine with a loving, tenderness, and his touch weaving a slow web of seduction that inextricably bound me.

  He slowly pulled away, severing our kiss way too soon. “Dance with me,” he said.

  “If by dance, you mean introducing Mr. Kingston to Mrs. Virginia, then by all means, yes, let’s dance.”

  He chuckled. “No, that’s not what I meant. We have all night and several nights afterward for Kingston to settle in quite comfortably—no need to rush.”

  “But I thought—”

  Placing a finger to my lips, he said, “I know what you thought. And I was thinking along the same lines until looking at you just now. I want to take things a little slower. I want to savor every part of this night.”

  “What about the dirty little nothings you whispered in my ear practically all evening?”

  “I plan to deliver on everything I said. Just at a slower pace.”

  A slow, heavenly dose of Aiden Raine on my wedding night—yes it was worth the wait. “I think I can work with that,” I said.



  “But what?” he asked.

  “What should I tell Virginia?”

  “Tell her I’ll lick,” he said, and kissed my neck. “And suck.” He kissed my lips. “Every inch of her…but only if she allows you the chance to dance with your husband first.”

  “You’re not playing fair,” I pouted.

  Placing his finger beneath my chin, he lifted my gaze to his. “Have I ever played fair?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Why would you expect me to start now?”

  I sighed in defeat. There was no way I’d be able to sway him. “Okay, we’ll do things your way,” I said. “Do we have music?”

  “Yes, but I’d like to sing to you first… as one of your wedding gifts.”

  Aiden drew me to him and placed my palm over his heart. Then he hesitated, his intense gaze drifting over my face. Standing on my toes, I stretched upward to kiss his lips and then he started to sing. I stared into his striking emerald eyes, spellbound as he serenaded me, coating me with the richness of his voice. His embrace tightened, and I rested my head on his chest as we swayed to the melody of his words and to the music in our hearts.

  It was familiar—a tune I’d heard before, but couldn’t name. As he continued to sing, it suddenly came to me—it was the song he’d played for us in Chicago during Christmas. At the time, I’d thought the song could have been a story about us. And now, I knew it was.

  “When did you write that?” I asked, once we’d stopped dancing.

  “In my head? Since the day I couldn’t stop thinking about you…that’s when it started. But on paper…it was when you were back in the house, after coming back from Belize.”

  “It was beautiful, by the way. Thank you. I hope you’ll record it for me one day.”

  “I already have,” he said. “It’s on your phone’s playlist. It’s also programmed in your Bugatti.”

  “I don’t have a…” I stopped midsentence. “What have you done?”

  “I’ve noticed how much you love driving mine. Now you have your own.”

  A silly grin crossed my lips. He was right—I did love driving his car. “Are you kidding?
Thank you,” I said, reaching up to hug him. “I can’t wait to see it.”

  Aiden’s eyes shined as he took in my excitement.

  “Not that I don’t totally love your surprise, but you didn’t need to do that.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “I want to spoil you.”

  “That’s a pretty amazing gift. I just happen to have a gift or two for you, but not Bugatti-sized gifts, so I hope you didn’t do anything else.”

  “Of course I did. You can expect a host of wedding gifts—each of which will be revealed over time.”

  “You’re so good to me.”

  “Whatever you want…you will only need to think of it and it’s yours.”

  “Well, right now I’m thinking, we need less talk and more, you know,” I said, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

  He nuzzled his mouth against my temple. “Let’s see what we can do about that.”


  With his hands on my shoulders, Aiden turned me and I was again facing the mirror. Lowering his head, he placed a warm kiss on my neck. I loved when he kissed me there—it sent a steady stream of chills all over my body. I moaned as he started to suck, pulling the heat of my skin into his mouth. His fingertips made slow trails down my arms, and then his hands were at the back my dress. “Is this what you’ve been waiting for?”

  I looked on in silence as he started with the trail of buttons. Once he’d unfastened the last one, he looked in the mirror, and helped me slip out of the wedding gown.

  “I’d like for you to remain just like that.” Reaching into his pocket, Aiden pulled out his phone. He tapped a button and then snapped a picture of our image in the mirror.

  “Do you have any idea how hard I always get for you?” he asked.

  I closed my eyes and swallowed. Does he have any idea how wet I always get for him? I stood in front of the mirror, only wearing my undergarments, as he crouched behind me, his hand trailing up my leg.

  “I love seeing you in these.” He kissed the exposed skin above my stockings.

  If his plan was to reduce me to a mass of lustful whimpers, it was working.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.


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