The Duke of Yu's Daughter

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The Duke of Yu's Daughter Page 7

by Commander James Bondage

  There was a whistling sound, a smack, and Bo Lien felt a line of drawn across her bottom-globes. She shrieked in pain and clapped her hands to her burning parts. When she looked back, she saw that Zhao had a dog-whip in his hand and a frown on his face.

  “Get to it, little slut,” he said. “I do not have all day to wait for your obedience. Take Morning Star in your arms, stroke her, fondle her, kiss her, and be quick about it.”

  Chao-Xing reached out her hand to brush away a tear from Bo Lien’s cheek. Her mouth moved close to the other girl’s ear, and she whispered, “Please, Precious Lotus, do as he requires. It will not be so terrible, I promise. It pains me to see you suffer.” She slid her arms around Bo Lien’s waist and drew her closer with gentle strength. Bo Lien stiffened for an instant when their naked bodies came together, then relaxed when she realized that, as Chao-Xing had promised, the sensation was not unpleasant.

  Morning Star’s words of kindness melted both Bo Lien’s heart and the last of her reservations. She imitated Morning Star, imprisoning her partner in the circle of her arms, and pulling her nearer until their warm flesh pressed together at the breast, belly and thighs, and murmured, “Thank you, Chao-Xing. Please just tell me what to do, my friend.”

  After she was able to put aside her fears and preconceptions, Bo Lien began to appreciate the pleasant sensation of Chao-Xing’s gentle hands stroking her back, which started at her shoulders and ending by cupping the pale moons of her buttocks from below. When she felt the stiffness of the girl’s engorged nipples rub against her own aroused nubs, Bo Lien was forced to concede that the experience was surprisingly agreeable, and more.

  “This is very nice,” she whispered to Chao-Xing, her eyes closed as she sank into a warm lassitude of pleasure, while her hands roved over the silken surface of Chao-Xing’s flesh. “What else should I do?”

  Before she could receive an answer, Bo Lien felt another stroke of the whip cut into her upper thighs, making her lurch forward and cry out. “Kiss her, fondle her tits, little fool!” Zhao said. “Do you require instructions for even the simplest things?”

  “Poor Lotus,” Chao-Xing mouthed silently. She held Bo Lien’s face in her hands, brought their lips together and opened her mouth. Bo Lien imitated this last action, and was a little startled when Morning Star’s slippery tongue entered her mouth, as she had never before experienced this kind of kiss. As before, her initial discomfort quickly gave way before a dizzying rush of pleasure. Before she quite knew what she was doing, Bo Lien found herself hungrily grinding her pelvis against the other girl's body, and she suddenly knew that she was highly aroused.

  She wondered if Morning Star would be willing to touch the cleft between her legs, and was considering whether to ask when she felt a hand leave her cheek. It moved to her hip and wormed its way toward the junction of her thighs. Bo Lien obligingly moved her hips back and parted her legs to allow Chao-Xing’s hand access. She sighed, her lips still sealed over Morning Star’s, when she felt slender fingers delicately stroke her and then enter her.

  As the late Count’s daughter stoked her internal fires, Bo Lien had the sudden urge to caress Chao-Xing’s sex in return. She floated in a cloud of pleasure, following the dictates of her body, all her former ideas of right and wrong, everything she had learned of proper behavior, for the moment forgotten. At that second, it seemed to her both right and natural to spread open Chao-Xing’s fleshy petals and to stroke the warm wetness of her peach orchard as they embraced.

  Soon the girls’ bodies were glistening with a sheen of perspiration, their hips weaving in a languid, sultry dance. Bo Lien discovered that she had at some point (she did not remember doing it) lowered her head to draw one of Chao-Xing’s long, pink nipples into her mouth. The stiff button felt delightfully warm and supple. She sucked in as strongly as she could, and then used her tongue to flick the girl’s tumescent protuberance rapidly up and down. She looked up when Morning Star reacted, hissing through her teeth.

  “Where did you learn that, Bo Lien?” she asked in a husky whisper. “It feels wonderful. Please don’t stop.”

  Bo Lien was puzzled whether to answer, which would necessitate her releasing the nipple she held in her lips, or to continue what she was doing as Chao-Xing had requested, in which case it would be impossible to speak intelligibly. Before she could make up her mind, she felt the sting of Zhao’s whip across her buttocks for the third time.

  “Morning Star, lay on the bed,” he ordered. “Precious Lotus, you will use that clever tongue of yours in her slot.”

  They reluctantly separated. Chao-Xing took Bo Lien’s hand and led her to the bed. The late Count’s daughter lay down on her back with her legs spread wide, displaying thighs gleaming with her own love juice. Bo Lien knelt at her feet and lowered her head to Chao-Xing’s mound. Her head swam with desire, her only thought to please this beautiful creature with whom she had, in a few minutes, become infatuated.

  In her present state, the Lotus thought the slightly fishy fragrance of Morning Star’s sex a delight, and she did not hesitate when her lips met the entrance to the other girl’s peach orchard. She plunged her tongue into her, uncertain what parts needed her attention but immediately gentle hands on the back of her head were directing her, and she heard Chao-Xing say in a strange, throaty voice, “Up at the top, dear Lotus. If you care for me, I beg you to take me in your sweet lips.”

  When she did, sucking, nibbling and flicking with her tongue simultaneously, Morning Star responded dramatically. Her hips rose up in a sudden, automatic response, and she moaned. “There, Bo Lien! Lick me there! Do not stop, I beg you.”

  Bo Lien had no intention of stopping. She pressed closer, jamming her nose against Chao-Xing’s pelvis and slipping her hands under her lover’s firm buttocks to draw her closer still. Morning Star went wild, snaking her pelvis back and forth, arching her back, and crying out wordlessly from deep in her throat. Bo Lien continued to lick and suck throughout Chao-Xing's long, intense orgasm, not ceasing to ply her tongue until the other girl’s body slowed and came to rest at last.

  Morning Star raised her head to look at Bo Lien. Her green eyes were filled with gratitude and wonder.

  “Thank you, Precious One,” she said. “I am unworthy of so great a gift, but perhaps I will be permitted to repay some small part of what you have given me.” She looked over at Zhao for his approval.

  “Yes, yes, you may service the little minx at some other time, perhaps,” he answered, motioning impatiently with his hand. “But there is no time now, for she has much still to learn today.” To Bo Lien, he said, “Keep licking the slut. You should have her flowering again soon.”

  He rose from the chair, shedding his robe as he did. It was obvious that he had found the performance by the two girls edifying, as he boasted an erection so stiff that it pointed straight up at the sky. “While you do that, I shall introduce you to the art of pleasing two partners at once,” he said. “Keep your ass up.”

  Zhao advanced until he stood directly behind Bo Lien. She did not dare turn her head to see what he was doing, but continued to work her tongue in Chao-Xing’s sex as ordered. She started when she felt his fingers invade her, but she did not slow the action of her flickering tongue, even when he found her aroused sex button and began to bat it playfully back and forth.

  Zhao’s teasing digit forcefully reminded Bo Lien of how aroused lovemaking with Chao-Xing had made her, and how maddeningly unfulfilled she was. When he took the knob of her sex in his fingers and began to twirl it rapidly back and forth, her hips rotated back and forth as well, as if he was steering her body like a ship using her stamen as the rudder.

  “Pllllsss, hhhrrrr!” the Lotus mumbled, indistinctly (because her face was pressed into Morning Star’s crotch), but with great intensity.

  Zhao looked up and removed his hand, making her moan in frustration. “What’s that, Bo Lien?” he asked as if puzzled. “Oh, you want me to stroke harder, is that it?”

  “Yyyyy!” she
answered fiercely, nodding as well as she could without losing contact with Chao-Xing.

  Instead of answering immediately, Zhao pressed the head of his rigid manhood between her legs, rubbed it up and down a few times, and then inserted the end of it into her. Bo Lien closed her eyes and raised her hips to what she hoped was the angle offering the easiest possible path for him. She by now had developed an almost overmastering need to feel his jade dragon fill her cave, and she expected him to drive into her immediately and carry off the seal of her virginity.

  But he did not. Zhao stopped when his manhood had penetrated her fastness less than a half-chi, still short of the little web of flesh that guarded her maidenhood. She made an urgent interrogatory sound: “Hmmmm?” What was he waiting for?

  “As I consider the matter,” Zhao said, making tiny motions with his manhood to keep Bo Lien on the edge of an eruption, “I seem to recall hearing that you were concerned about the loss of your most precious maidenhead, Lotus. Indeed, your own father told me on the day of our departure from Yu, that you feared I would pluck your blossom then toss you aside, leaving you in a condition that would preclude any chance for you to contract a proper marriage. I must concede that is a legitimate concern, and one worthy of… No, no! Do not stop licking her...” he said sharply when Bo Lien started to raise her head to say that she was now ready, eager in fact, to withdraw her objections.

  “Ah hanged mah munn,” was the best approximation of “I changed my mind” the Lotus was able to produce, as her mouth was still occupied with servicing Chao-Xing.

  Her muffled enunciation hardly mattered, as Zhao paid no attention. “I would not have it said that the Precious Lotus of Yu was not a virgin on her wedding night,” he continued, still working the end of his manhood in and out of Bo Lien with tiny movements of his hips, “because she had been despoiled by Zhao Hua, a common knight who cared nothing for propriety. I am a nobleman, and my conduct is circumscribed by the rules of conduct for my class, both ancient and just. I cannot take unfair advantage of my position.”

  This was news to Bo Lien, who was not aware that Zhao had the slightest regard for anything that stood between him and his desires. This paean to propriety was leading to something, and she suspected that she was not going to like it, whatever it was.

  Suddenly, she felt him withdraw. A moment later, it returned, now well lubricated, to a new and unwelcome location, sliding up the vale between the hills of her rear hemispheres. “Therefore, out of respect for your rights, I will enter you only by your garden gate until after we are legally wed,” he finished.

  So this was what he had been working up to! Under the guise of respecting her rights, he intended to take her in a way no self-respecting woman would ever permit (although she was uncomfortably aware of the possibility that some of her half-sisters might not have wholly agreed with this). Bo Lien had promised herself she would give him no excuse to punish her, that she would obey Zhao as if he were Pangu, creator of the universe, and she a common peasant. But this… this was too much to ask. She was aware that such filthy practices existed (again, she tried to forget that some of her father’s daughters might know more about such matters than any proper daughter of the nobility), but never had she dreamed of permitting so vile an act to be committed upon her person. She raised her head, turned and said, “Sir, I cannot do this thing. Have me killed this night, rather than using me in so unnatural a fashion. I will… ahhhh! Ahhhh! Eeeeee!”

  Bo Lien was obliged to end her speech prematurely, when Zhao seized her hair in one hand, plucked up a riding crop with the other (there were several disciplinary instruments hanging from hooks set in the bed frame), and began to viciously flail her naked body.

  As Chao-Xing looked on in helpless horror, Zhao dragged the screaming Lotus from the bed onto the floor, while continuously pummeling her defenseless form with the crop. As he did so, he accompanied the physical correction with a lecture, in this case consisting of a series of rhetorical questions with a blow of the crop to punctuate each.

  “You will tell me what commands you will choose to obey?” he demanded. “You will decide how I order my household and how I use my servants? You will be the arbiter of what is acceptable in the bedroom of my house?” and so forth.

  Chapter Nine: The Pride of Bo Lien

  Suddenly, after five minutes under this furious attack, Bo Lien’s eyes rolled up in her head, she ceased screaming and went limp at Zhao’s feet. Zhao struck her unresponsive body once more, and growled, “You noble bitches are far too refined for my taste. You faint from the merest tickling. But you will not escape so easily this time, my girl.”

  He threw her over his shoulder and carried her unconscious form across the room to a wooden frame. He strapped her into the device with the help of Chao-Xing, and made adjustments until he was satisfied with her position. Then he ordered Morning Star to bring him a basin filled with water, which he raised and dashed in Bo Lien’s face.

  She awoke with a shock. It took her a few seconds to orient herself and to realize that she must have fainted under the thrashing administered by Zhao. She already regretted her insane moment of defiance, and her first thought was to tell him that she was sorry and that she would obey him, even to freely giving him the key to her garden gate.

  But she could not. Something filled up almost her entire oral cavity, and when she tried to speak, sharp objects like the points of needles or spikes, bit into the palate on the roof of her mouth, her tongue, and the sensitive flesh below it. The thing, whatever it was, was both painful and also quite an effective way to silence her.

  Bo Lien did not know that while she had been unconscious Zhao had taken the opportunity to test another of the girl-training devices he had acquired on his journeys. The one in Bo Lien’s mouth had started as a fruit from a tree that grew in the barbarian Kingdom of Van Lang, southeast of the Middle Kingdom. The husk of this fruit, about the size of a tangerine, was covered with sharp points. It was prepared for use as a gag by extracting the fruit through a small hole then slowly drying the husk until it was as hard as a chuiwan ball.

  Now she began to notice how much pain the rest of her body was in. Her leather bracelets had been joined together behind her back at the wrists, and her elbows were also painfully bound together. This put her shoulders under a tremendous strain and forced her to arch her chest out to relieve it. A rope which ran up from her wrists through a metal loop set in the ceiling was pulled up until her hands were head-high, adding even more stress on her shoulders. To Bo Lien, it felt as if her arms were about to be torn from her body.

  Her feet had been drawn as far as possible to either side and tied to stout posts, so that they were perpendicular to her torso and she was performing a permanent “split” six chi above the floor, displaying her sex and her rear entrance. Every part of her body was exposed and available to suffer Zhao’s wrath. The punishment had not even begun, but already Bo Lien’s body was aching in every joint, her flesh burning from the beating she had previously received.

  In addition to her other troubles, Bo Lien was also blindfolded. The fact that she could not see Zhao or what he was doing added to her terror, even though she could not have defended herself even if she had been able to see. She was therefore unprepared when his hand slapped her cheek hard enough to make little spots of colored lights dance in her head and to send sudden pain knifing through her skull. She screamed again, but the object in her mouth blocked most of the sound.

  “If your little nap is over, perhaps you are ready to attend to me again,” Zhao said.

  “Ehhhch!” she agreed, nodding. She wished for the ability to clearly state her apologies for her insubordination and say that she wished only to show him how utterly submissive she was, but when she tried to form sounds which required her to bring her jaws closer together, the spiked ball in her mouth instantly made her regret it.

  “I see I was mistaken in giving your desires any consideration,” Zhao said. She felt his fingers on her sex, stroking and te
asing her, and she was quickly responding to these attentions. This was not so surprising, perhaps, as Zhao had taken the time to coat his fingers in the same salve from the Kingdom of Wo that had stimulated Bo Lien so effectively the previous day. In a minute or so, her pelvis was describing a series of little circles in imitation of the movements of the fingers caressing her. This part of the punishment was not so bad, she thought, so far at least.

  That soon changed, however. Instead of a warm wave of pleasure from between her legs, there now came a terrible bolt of agony as something hard pinched her delicate sex, squeezing it so sharply that she thought at first he had cut her.

  What Zhao had actually done was to apply another of the products of Wo to her body. He had captured the most sensitive part of her sex in one of the wooden clamps that he had used the day before on Chao-Xing’s nipples. Once again, Bo Lien was driven to shriek in pain, and again the only result was a weak, gurgling noise: “Ghhhhh!”

  “It is now clear to me that any concessions to your feelings by me will be taken by you as weakness,” Zhao continued, his voice coming from the vicinity of her thighs. “As I do not intend to foster disrespect for me in my future wife, this will not occur again.”


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