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Biker's Little Secret: Carolina Devils MC

Page 23

by Brook Wilder

  “I was just trying to help.” Her voice was chocked with disbelief and desperation.

  “Your self-righteous, sanctimonious actions are impairing our ability to find him. I had computer geeks tracking down a shit ton of leads all over the state. They all had to close up shop when we got raided. The shit they were doing would have gotten us all arrested, but it was necessary to get my kid back. I lost precious time…time that I didn’t fucking have, because of you. Do you have any idea what that feels like. He’s been gone for days. I was so close to tracking him down, then you had to stick your stupid face in our business.”

  She turned her back to him, wrapping her arms around her waist. “I didn’t know all that. You wouldn’t tell me anything. You left me no choice.”

  “You sure as hell had a choice. You just made the wrong one. None of this concerns you. Just stay out of it, Alina.”

  “I can’t.” Squeezing her tear filled eyes shut she whispered. “I just can’t. I care too much…about him…about you even.”

  Hammer closed the distance between them in three powerful strides. Staring down at her, his expression unreadable, he ground out. “Say that again, you sexy bitch.”

  Turning towards his angry voice she shook her head. “Say what again?”

  His voice softened. “Say it one more time, baby. I need to hear it again.”

  She looked down, assessing her options before deciding to go with honesty.

  “I really care about Jaden. He’s a good kid. Tough, street smart, perceptive…just like his father. You’re both everything that I’m not and I respect that. I hate seeing you so broken up about this. It’s tearing me up inside. I feel like I have to do something…anything to help you.”

  Stepping forward until they are face to face hammer spoke again. “You care about my son? About how I feel?”

  The mood in the room shifted around them and the space between them suddenly seemed charged with electricity. The anger and conflict was being replaced by anger and something else.

  Seeing the large man standing there questioning her motivations, increased her awareness of him. Needing to feel her hands on him, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. He tensed, not returning her embrace.

  “I tried not to, Hammer. I really did. I just couldn’t quite make it happen no matter what I did. Tell me what to do?”

  He pulled away slightly. “Why should I bother? I’ve been telling you but you just won’t listen. You just run right off and do what you want.”

  He might have still been a little angry with her but there was little evidence of it in his tone. He seemed more broken and desperate than angry.

  “I promise that I will this time.” Pulling him closer, she rested her cheek on his chest. “Whatever you need, I’ll do.” Wanting a connection with this man, she glided her fingers up to touch his jaw. He stilled beneath her touch but still didn’t hug her back. What was it going to take to get through to him?

  Shock ripped through her when he grabbed her by the arm and spun her around, pushing her against the wall face first. Pressing his massive body against her, he whispered in her ear.

  “Do you want to know what I need more than anything from you right now?”

  Nodding slightly she whispered her reply. “Yes, tell me.”

  His voice was suddenly raw and rasping. “I want you to stand right here and let me fuck you into this wall. I’m frustrated as hell and I need this. I need it from you, no one else, kitten. Just you.”

  She didn’t respond, which in his world definitely meant consent was given. His hands begin roaming beneath her clothing as he whispered dirty words in her ear. Words that shouldn’t have aroused her but sent her body into heat for him. It felt strange to have her body respond to things no decent woman would want to hear.

  “You’re a little trouble making bitch, you know that don’t you? I should take you over my knee and spank that lush ass of yours.”

  One hand moved up to wrap around her throat as the other delved under her skirt and into the front of her panties. As his fingers graze over her mound teasing the light dusting of neatly trimmed hair, her body began to tremble.

  “Have you ever had a really angry man give you a good punishment fuck, kitten?”

  Without thinking she shook her head slightly, as his thumb stroked her skin.

  “Let me tell you about it. I get to hold you down, cram my thick cock into your pretty pink pussy then I fuck you good and hard. It’s going to be for me, not necessarily for you.”

  A small whimper escaped her lips. It sounded needy even to her own ears.

  “You like the sound of that? I think maybe you like my body pressed against you. Knowing I have all the control. That I can hold you down and fuck you in any position I want.”

  “Go to hell. No woman would like that kind of crap.”

  “If it’s not because you like rough men, then why? Doesn’t matter. You’re all kinds of fucked up, you know that right? You’re willing to allow a dirty biker that you despise fuck you and I doubt you even know why. I’m the man you wouldn’t be caught dead having dinner with at a nice restaurant, remember?”

  “I’m not like that.”

  “The hell you’re not. You refused to get on my bike today because you didn’t want anyone to think you were with a man like me, yet here you are, willing to let me fuck you just to what? Make some kind of point? Wonder what the good citizen of Pine Heights would have to say about that?”

  “Stop acting like you know me.”

  “That’s the thing, bitch. I don’t have to know you. You’re all just alike.”

  Kicking her legs gently apart, he pulled her panties until they tore from her body. Holding the tiny scrap of silk in front of her face he asked. “Did you really think something like this would keep a man like me out of that sweet cunt? Trust me, it won’t. I’m the kind of man who’d fuck you even knowing you hate me. That’s what kind of person I am.”

  Shoving the tiny bit of fabric loosely in her mouth, he slid his hand between her legs again. Dipping his fingers into her core, he sucked in a deep breath.

  “You’re fucking drenched for me, you sexy lying bitch. Deny it again. Say you don’t want me.” “Fine. I’m attracted to you. Happy?”

  “The nice little school teacher likes being manhandled by big fucking scary bikers after all.”

  She rocked against his fingers, enjoying his large hands and expert technique. The man had just the right touch. All the angry dialogue flowing from his lips only aroused her more. She knew it was wrong, but found she had no defenses against his persistent fondling.

  His voice turned tender. “I never would have guessed that, kitten. Thought you were just trying to prove a point. Now I know better, don’t I? I promise I’m not a total bastard. Come here. I got a little something for you.”

  The sound of a zipper echoed softly through the room just before something large and hard slid between her legs. Hammer ran both hands up under her bra cupping and squeezing her breasts. His fingertips slowly mapped every square inch of her breasts and it drove her mad for him.

  “Ride that cock babe. Get it wet for me. Let me feel that pretty little kitty of yours.”

  Alina rocked her hips back and forth sliding along his huge cock, allowing her clit to enjoy the long languid strokes.

  “Does your kitty like that, baby? Does she like riding my thick hard cock?”

  A soft moan was her only reply, as she melted back into his arms.

  Suddenly, he pumped hard against her clit, sending jolts of pleasure zinging through her body. She couldn’t hold back the small cry that escaped from her lips, surprised to find she spoken his name.

  “God, you feel so damn good. Never had a man like me before, have you?”

  Thrusting his hips roughly, he honed in on her clit hitting it over and over until her knees became unhinged. Feeling like a conquering warrior he continued dominating her.

  “Bet you’ve only been with nice men who wear but
ton down collars. They don’t fuck. They make love like little boys. That sweet little kitty deserves a man who knows how to fuck. Now, stick that pretty little ass out. It’s time for your punishment fuck.”

  The moment she complied, he shoved himself full force into her.

  “You are so goddamn tight, woman. Virgin tight. God, don’t you fuck?”

  She shook her head, unable to talk about her year long dry spell. He probably wouldn’t understand anyway.

  He grabbed her by the back of the neck and tossed her face first over his desk. Picking up one leg he placed her knee on the top of the desk, opening her fully to him.

  “You’ve got a beautiful body. Gonna enjoy this.”

  Plunging deep inside her, she instinctively moved away. He was almost too much, bordering on the cusp of thrilling and painful. Grabbing her by the shoulder, he pulled her back over and over as he thrust into her, hitting places she never knew she had. Grasping onto the edge of the desk she allowed him to ride her as hard as he wanted. He didn’t hold back and she was shocked by how good it felt.

  “Fuck, I haven’t had to open a woman up like that since high school.”

  Each stroke spiked them both closer to climax. Suddenly, he was out of her again. She was so fucking hot for him, it was unreal. Yet somehow it wasn’t enough. He pulled her up into his arms, pivoted slightly, and pressed her down onto his lounger. Coming down on top her, face-to-face was the perfect position. Her mile long legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him to her. He brought up one hand to her neck and the other drifted down to her clit. It was the magical combination that drove her absolutely wild for him.

  This was a good idea for both of them. It was clear to Hammer that she needed this as much as he did. Maybe every goddamn thing in his world was totally out of control but he could damn well control this. He needed this woman and this moment to ground him and enable him to focus on the hunt for Jaden.

  He loved hearing her beg him for release. His mouth came down on hers and he had a hard time remembering why he didn’t normally kiss women. Her lips were pure and innocent. Something about fucking her mouth with his tongue just like he fucked her cunt really flipped her switch.

  Before he knew it she was coming apart underneath him. He sent her straight to heaven once, then twice and on the third time she drug him over the edge as well. It was by far the very best fuck of his entire life. Driving her relentlessly over the edge made him feel powerful and in control. He really needed that at the moment.

  Laying on top of her, taking most of the weight on his arms he continued to kiss her. She ran her hands up and down his back as she floated back to reality. Her breathless voice sounded in his ear.

  “Thank you for that. It was something I never expected, but will always remember.”

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?”

  Her eyes got big. “Umm…I was just thanking you.”

  He looked at her incredulously. “For sex?”

  Tilting her head she nodded.

  “For fuck’s sake, you’re innocent. Men are supposed to thank women for sex, not the other way around, kitten.”

  She ran her fingers gently over his bottom lip. “I’ll try to remember that.”

  A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. “Come,” he barked harshly.

  The door swung open and Rip walked in. “Sorry to interrupt, boss. The geeks are back. Just thought you’d want to know.”

  “Get them set up in the basement. I’ll be there shortly.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He glanced down to see her smirking at him.

  “What is it now?”

  “You act like a high powered CEO.”

  He blinked at her in absolute shock.

  “You have a big private office, a slew of underlings, and everyone respects you. You’re used to being obeyed and you could care less if they see us half naked together. I’m guessing you literally don’t care what any of them think of you.”

  “You got that right, kitten. Now, you need to get the fuck out so I can see to finding my son.”

  “Will you please let me stay and try to help. I promise, I won’t get in the way from now on.”

  He looked like he was going to refuse.

  “Umm, you might need to relieve your stress again. We could fool around some more.”

  Smiling ruefully, he responded. “That wouldn’t be a good idea. You’re Jaden’s teacher.”

  “I want to help if I can. If not, at least let me be here for you.”

  Hammer looked as if he were mulling the decision of a lifetime over in his head.

  She quickly squeezed his ass. “Are you actually going to tell me no while you still have your cock inside me?”

  Snorting out a laugh he finally acquiesced. “Fine. Up to the third floor with you. My room’s the one of the right. Grab a shower and I’ll bring you up some clothes in a bit.”

  “I thought…”

  “Don’t press your luck. If I leave you downstairs at night, the men will take turns with you. I know you don’t want that.”

  She shook her head.

  “When you come back down, you can sit at the bar and talk to the whores. I’ll come for you as soon as possible.”

  “You already did.”

  “Think your funny, don’t you?”

  “Maybe not snowman funny, but I have my moments.”

  “Well, we’re knee deep in funny bitches around here. We don’t need anymore.” Something about her sense of humor really got to him. They clicked like nothing he’d ever seen before. It was hard to let her go, especially when she begged to stay with him. Her big innocent eyes left no doubt in her mind that she was here for him and Jaden. Women like her, didn’t have ulterior motives. His thoughts were interrupted by the beautiful woman beneath him.

  “Can I ask something serious?”


  “Do you think he ran away?”

  Pulling back and arranging his pants he sighed. “I honestly don’t know. He was on the compound one minute and gone the next. I can’t imagine anyone getting past my security and I know he was pretty upset at being on lockdown for so long. He was getting really restless. Kept insisting this was all his fault. The Grims sent men to his school. Trying to get to me through him. That’s what triggered the lockdown. I’m worried that he might have thought if he wasn’t here everything would go back to normal for the club.”

  Hammer stopped talking for a brief moment and rubbed his temple. “Still, if he were free I think he’d have called by now. There are no major bodies of water around here and we’ve combed the woods a couple of times. I just don’t know.”

  “Could he survive out in the world without you, if he had to?”

  Looking offended he responded without hesitation. “You mean out in the woods. Hell yea, he absolutely could. He’d sleep in the trees and trap small game or fish. We’ve done it lots of time. He’s smart that way.”

  “How about if he were lost in the city. Would he go to the police for help?”

  “Fuck no. We’ve made provision for situations like that.”

  Her serious gaze had him coming off more information that was prudent.

  “We have safe spots and caches of supplies in the city. For example, if you go into a certain Asian antique store in the heart of the city and ask for the cracked Buddha, they’ll give you old cheesy beat up statue. Inside is ten grand, a gun, extra clips, a small burner phone and everything a person would need to make a fake passport on the fly. We have them all over. In cases of emergency, I don’t want my brothers left out in the cold. Jaden knows all the locations. He helped me set most of them up. He’s fully aware that he can use them if he needs to. I checked first thing and discovered none of our caches have been disturbed.”

  “Jesus, you are thorough.”

  “I have to be in my line of work. That’s not common knowledge among the whores or outsiders.”

  “I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “I ex
perienced a bad outcome by not telling you shit. I’m trying to make that right but you need to know something. I’ll tell you shit about me and Jaden but not much about actual club business. So don’t ask me where we go, what we do, how we earn or anything like that.”

  “None of that interests me.”

  “In my experiences bitches are nosey.”

  “Not this bitch.”

  “Get going.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter 11

  First Real Clue


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