Collected Poems 1947-1997

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Collected Poems 1947-1997 Page 42

by Allen Ginsberg

  green winter’s brown vegetable

  hair—washed by transparent trickling

  ice water freshets

  earth’s rusty slough bathed clean,

  streams ripple leaf-bottomed

  channels sounded vocal, white light

  afternoon sky end—

  Goat bells move, black kids bounce,

  butting mother’s hairy side & tender tit

  one maa’ing child hangs under Bessie’s udder

  ducks waggle yellow beaks, new grass flooded,

  tiger cat maeows on barn straw,

  herb patch by stone wall’s a shiny marsh,

  dimpling snow water glimmers, birds whistle

  from icecrystal beds under bare bushes,

  breeze blows rooster crow thru chill light

  extended from the piney horizon.


  Falling Asleep in America

  We’re in the Great Place, Fable Place, Beulah, Man wedded to Earth, Planet of green Grass

  Tiny atomic wheels spin shining, worlds change Heavens inside out, the planet’s reborn in ashes,

  Sun lights sparkle on atomic cinder, plants levitate, green moss precedes trees trembling sentient,

  Stone eats blue skies solar dazzle with invisible mouths & flowers are the rocks’ excrement—

  Each million years atoms spin myriad reversals, worlds in worlds interchange populations—

  from worm to man’s a tiny jump from earth to earth souls are borne ever forgetful—

  populations eat their own meat, roses smell sweet in the faeces of horses risen red-fac’d.

  Consciousness changes nightly, dreams flower new universes in brainy skulls.

  Lying in bed body darkened ear of the bus roar running, only the eye flickering grass green returns me to Nashville.

  April 1969

  Northwest Passage

  Incense under Horse Heaven Hills

  Empty logger trucks speed

  Lake Wallula’s flatness shimmering

  Under Hat Rock painted w/

  white highschool signs.

  Chemical smoke boils up

  under aluminum-bright cloud-roof—

  Smog assembling over railroad

  cars parked rusting on thin rails—

  Factory looming vaster than Johnson

  Butte—Look at that Shit!

  Smell it! Got about 30 smokestacks going!

  Polluting Wallula! Boise Cascade

  Container Corp!

  The Package is the Product, onomatopoeticized

  McLuhan in ’67—

  Wall Street Journal Apr. 22 full

  page ad Proclaimed:

  We got the trees! We got

  the land beneath!

  We Gotta invent More Forms

  for Cardboard Country!

  We’ll dig forests for Genius

  Spirit God Stuff Gold-root

  for Sale on Wall Street. Give

  us your money! order

  our cardboard Wastebaskets!

  We just invented throwaway Planets!

  Trees crash in Heaven! Sulphurous Urine

  pours thru Boise, Chevron & Brea

  Wastepipes where Snake & Wallula

  ripple shining

  Where Sakajawea led White Men thru blue sky

  fresh sweet water roads

  Towards mountains of juicy

  telepathic pine & open Thalassa

  Thalassa! Green salt waves

  washing rock mountains, Pacific Sirhan lives!

  to hear his jury say

  “We now fix the penalty at Death.”

  Green salt waves washing Wall Street.

  Rain on gray sage near Standard

  Oil junction Eltopia,

  Static at Mesa! Yodeling ancient


  Gaté Gaté Paragaté Parasamgaté

  Bodhi Svaha!

  Way Down Yonder in the Bayoux

  Country in Dear old Louisian,

  Hank Williams chanting to country

  Nature, electric

  wires run up rolling brownplowed wheatfields—

  Wallula polluted! Wallula polluted! Wallula polluted!

  “For most large scale gambling enterprises to continue over any extended period of time, the cooperation of corrupt Police or local officials is necessary.” P. 1 Oregonian, “Mapping a $61 million war against organized crime, President Nixon suggested …”

  “Even Jesus Christ couldn’t have

  saved me.” Sirhan …

  “shed no tears.

  His face was ashen” AP

  America’s heart Broken,

  Chessman, Vietnam, Sirhan.

  52% People thought the War

  always had been a mistake,

  by April 1969. Gallup Poll.

  May Day parade canceled for Prague

  says Police Radio to

  the old King of May faraway—

  SDS chanting thru consciousness megaphones

  in every university.

  By now, Beatles & Beach Boys have

  entered the Sublime

  thru Acid The Crist of Kali Yuga, thru

  Transcendental Meditation, Chanting Hare Krishna climbing Eiffel Tower,

  Apollinaire & Mira Bai headless

  together with Kabir transmitted

  over Apocalyptic Radios, their voice-

  vibrations roaring

  thru a million loudspeakers in Green

  Autos on the world’s roads—

  Matter become so thick, senses so sunk

  in Chickens & Insulation

  “Love aint gonna die, I’m gonna haveta

  kill it”

  god cries to himself, Christ merging with

  Krishna in Car Crash Salvation!

  “Prosecutor John Howard called Sirhan a cold-blooded political

  assassin with ‘no special claim to further preservation.’ ”

  Mao reelected Chinese Premier.

  Where the Mullan Rd

  meets route 26

  by 2 giant Sycamores

  approaching Hooper,

  Has anyone here any “Special

  claim to further preservation”?

  These lambs grazing thru springtime

  by Cow Creek, quiet in

  American yellow light—

  “Even J.C. couldn’t have saved me.”

  Magpie, Meadowlark, rainbow

  apparitions shafted transparent

  down from gray cloud.

  Dogs see

  in black & white.

  A complete half-rainbow

  hill to hill across the highway

  pots of gold anchoring the pretty bridge,

  tumbleweed passing underneath

  “Saigon (AP) U.S. B52 bombers made their heaviest raids of the Vietnam War last night near the Cambodian border, dropping more than 2,000 tons of bombs along a 30 mile stretch Northwest of Saigon, the US COMMAND reported. ‘They are harassing enemy troops so as not to let them get organized,’ an American SPOKESMAN said.”

  Czech student strikes unreported in Prague

  Howard Marquette & George Washington U. sit-in:

  Hail on new-plowed brown hilltops—

  Black rainclouds and rainbows over Albion way—

  Drive down valley to Main Street

  Seattle First National Motor

  next to Everybody’s Bank.

  April 24, 1969

  Sonora Desert-Edge

  “Om Ah Hu? Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hu?”

  —Drum H. from Gary S. from Tarthang Tulku

  Brown stonepeaks rockstumps

  cloudless sunlight

  Saguaro green arms praying up

  spine ribs risen


  nose-pricked limbs

  lifted salutation—

  orange flower eyes lifted on

  needly Ocotillo stalk

  Jumping Cholla pistils closing pollened

  eyebrow-vagina bud
s to the

  poked pinkie—

  Palo Verde smooth forked branch

  above prickly-pear ears

  Smoke plumed up white

  from scratched desert plain,

  chemical smoke, military copper

  airplanes rotting,

  4% Copper Smelter smog

  —in wire cage, ivory hook-beaked

  round black pupiled

  Bald Eagle’s head, tailfeathers

  hung below claw’d branch, symmetric

  body plumes brown webbed like dollarbills,

  insecticides sterilized many


  —green duck neck sheen spectral as

  moon machines

  Raven hopping curious black beaked

  Coyote’s nose sensitive lifted to air

  blinking eye sharp

  as the rose bellied Cardinal’s ivory whistle

  —tiny bright statues of Buddha

  standing, blue desert valley haze—

  cactus lessons in sentience,

  Trees like mental carrots—Anaconda

  smelters white plumesmoke in

  San Manuel, or Phelps-Dodge

  in Douglas?—

  Yellow’d Creosote bushes in granular

  dust, hills jeep tracked,

  Prairie dogs stand quivering-spined in

  cactus-shade. A museum,

  minds in Ashramic City—tweetling

  bird radios—Hopi Rain:

  April 29, 1969

  Reflections in Sleepy Eye

  For Robert Bly

  3,489 friendly people

  Elm grove, willow, Blue Earth County’s

  red barns, tiny feoff with

  gas nozzle snout on hillock,

  Large beetles & lizards—

  orange-painted steel

  cranes & truck cabs,

  Green seeder down-pointed

  Science Toy earth-cock.

  Thin floods, smooth planted acres

  upturned, brown

  cornstubble plowed under,

  tractor pulling discs over fenced land.

  Old box-alder fallen over

  on knees in pond-flood,

  white painted gas tanks by

  Springfield’s rail yard woods,

  tiny train parade by Meats

  Groceries North Star Seeds

  Our Flag at full mast

  TV antennae, large leafy antennaed

  trees upstretched green,

  trunks standing sunlit

  Sheep on stormfenced knoll,

  green little wood acres—

  one forest from Canada to these

  plains—Corn silage in net bins,

  Windmills in Tracy,

  Blue enamel silos cap’d

  aluminum, minarets in white sunbeam.

  Cannabis excellent for drying lymph-

  glands, specific relief for

  symptoms of colds, flu,

  ear pressure grippe &

  Eustachian tube clogging—

  A tree, bent broken mid-trunk

  branches to ground— Much land, few folk, excelsior grave

  yard stones

  silver tipp’d phalloi to heaven—

  Aum, Om, Ford, Mailbox

  telephone pole wire strung

  down road. Lake house

  fence poles, tree shade

  pine hill grave, Ah

  Lake Benton’s blue waved waters—

  finally, Time came to

  the brick barn! collapsed!

  Old oak trunk sunk thick

  under ground.

  Farm car plowman rolling discs,

  iron cuts smooth ground even,

  hill plains roll—

  Cows browse under alder shoot,

  bent limbs arch clear brown

  stream beds, trees stand

  on banks observing

  shade, peculiar standing up or kneeling


  Car graveyard fills eyes

  iron glitters, chrome fenders


  White crosses, Vietnam War Dead

  churchbells ring

  Cars, kids, hamburger stand

  open, barn-smile

  white eye, door mouth.

  May 9, 1969

  Independence Day

  Orange hawkeye stronger than thought winking above a thousand thin grassblades—

  Dr. Hermon busted in Texas for green weed garden-grown

  licensed Federal, Municipal-cop-prosecuted natheless—

  Sweet chirrup from bush top to bush top, orange wing’d

  birds’ scratch-beaked telegraphy signaled to and fro buttercup earlets—

  warbles & sweet whistles swifting echo-noted by fly buzz,

  jet-roar rolling down thru clouds—

  So tiny a grasshopper climbing timothy stub the birds can’t tell they’re there—

  intense soft leaf-spears budding symmetric,

  breeze bending gentle flowerheads against yarrow their persons—

  eyelids heavy, summer heavy with fear, mapletrunks heavy with green leafmass—

  closed buds of hawkeye stronger than thought tremble on tall hairy stems.


  Red shelled bedbugs crawl war sheets,

  city garbage spoils wet sidewalks where children play—

  A telephone call from Texas tells the latest police-state bust.

  O Self tangled in TV wires, white judges and laws

  your jet-thunder echoes in clouds, your DDT spread thru firmament waters poisons algae & brown pelican—

  Smog veils Maya, paranoia walks great cities in blue suits with guns,

  —are all these billion grassblades safe?

  My stomach’s bitter, city haste & money loss—

  Hawkeye stronger than thought! Horsefly and bee!

  St. John’s wort nodding yellow bells at the sun! eyes close in your presence, I

  lie in your soft green bed, watch light thru red lid-skin, language persistent as birdwarble in my brain.

  Independence Day! the Cow’s deep moo’s an Aum!


  In a Moonlit Hermit’s Cabin

  Watching the White Image, electric moon, white mist drifting over woods

  St. John’s Wort & Hawkeye wet with chance Yarrow on the green hillside

  “D’ya want your Airline Transport Pilot to smoke grass? Want yr moonmen to smoke loco weed?”

  What Comedy’s this Epic! The lamb lands on the Alcohol Sea—Deep voices

  “A Good batch of Data”—The hours of Man’s first landing on the moon—

  One and a Half Million starv’d in Biafra—Football players broadcast cornflakes—

  TV mentioned America as much as Man—Brillo offers you free Moon-Map —2 labels—

  And CBS repeats Man-Epic—Now here again is Walter Cronkite,

  “How easy these words … a shiver down the old spine …

  Russia soundly beaten! China one Fifth of Mankind, no word broadcast …”

  The Queen watched the moon-landing at Windsor Castle—

  Pulling a fast one on Hypnosis at Disneyland, the Kerchief-headed Crowd

  Waving to the TV Camera—Ersatz Moon—

  “No place gives you history today except the Moon”—

  Running behind time entering Space Suits—

  And a Moon-in at Central Sheep Meadow—

  Western Electric’s solemn moment!

  And rain in the woods drums on the old cabin!

  I want! I want! a ladder from the depths of the forest night to the silvery moon-wink—

  A flag on the reporter’s space-suit shoulder—

  Peter Groaning & Cursing in bed, relieved of the lunatic burden at last—

  ’Tis Tranquillity base where the Tragedy will settle the Eve.

  Alert for solar flares, clock ticks, static from Antennae—swift as death.

  I didn’t think we’d see this Night.

  Plant the flag and you’re doomed! Life
a dream—slumber in eyes of woods,

  Antennae scraping the ceiling. Static & Rain!

  Saw the earth in Dream age 37, half cloud-wrapped, from a balcony in outer-space—

  Méliès—giddiness—picture tube gaga—

  “Men land on Sun!” decennial sentences—

  Announcers going goofy muttering “142—”

  Alone in space: Dump Pressure in the LEM!

  Hare Krishna! Lift m’ Dorje on the kitchen table!

  No Science Fiction expected this Globe-Eye Consciousness

  Simultaneous with opening a hatch on Heaven.

  A moth in the Déjà Vu!

  This is the instant—open the hatch—every second is dust in the hourglass —Hatch open!

  The Virus will grow green slime reptiles in sixty centuries,

  & gobble up their fathers as we ate up God—

  Imagine dying Tonight! Closing the eyes on the man in the Moon!

  Sighing away forever… everyone got sleepy… On the moon porch—

  A 38 year old human American standing on the surface of the moon—

  Footprint on the Charcoal dust—stepped out

  and it’s the old familiar Moon, as undersea or mountaintop, a place—

  “Very pretty on the Moon!” oh, ’twere Solid Gold—

  Voices calling “Houston to Moon”—Two “Americans” on the moon!

  Beautiful view, bouncing the surface—“one quarter of the world denied these pix by their rulers”!

  Setting up the flag!

  Cherry Valley, July Moon Day 1969

  Rain-wet asphalt heat, garbage curbed cans overflowing

  I hauled down lifeless mattresses to sidewalk refuse-piles,

  old rugs stept on from Paterson to Lower East Side filled with bed-bugs,

  gray pillows, couch seats treasured from the street laid back on the street

  —out, to hear Murder-tale, 3rd Street cyclists attacked tonite—

  Bopping along in rain, Chaos fallen over City roofs,

  shrouds of chemical vapour drifting over building-tops—

  Get the Times, Nixon says peace reflected from the Moon,

  but I found no boy body to sleep with all night on pavements 3 A.M. home in sweating drizzle—

  Those mattresses soggy lying by full five garbagepails—

  Barbara, Maretta, Peter Steven Rosebud slept on these Pillows years ago,

  forgotten names, also made love to me, I had these mattresses four years on my floor—

  Gerard, Jimmy many months, even blond Gordon later,

  Paul with the beautiful big cock, that teenage boy that lived in Pennsylvania,


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