Double Jeopardy

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Double Jeopardy Page 7

by Cooper, KaLyn

  “I won’t be gone long enough for you to burn,” Ryleigh reassured her and trotted toward the tree line.

  Before she dropped into the jungle vegetation, Ryleigh called Blake and let him know her plans. When she saw him lean on the railing outside the Wainwright’s cabana, she gave him a brief wave. Stepping through the dense bushes that rimmed the developed area around the cabanas was like stepping back in time. During her all-female special operations training, she’d been assigned to a team with Katlin Callahan, Harper Tambini, Nita Banks, and Grace Hall to rescue three nuns who had been taken captive in Bolivia. Until that operation, Ryleigh had never been in a jungle. Thankfully, Katlin had spent many years in South America and seemed quite comfortable in that environment. Her insider knowledge had made the mission a success while teaching the other women how to read the signs Ryleigh would never have seen.

  A pang ran through her heart. She missed those women, her sisters in arms. She made a promise to herself to reconnect with them as soon as she had a free weekend.

  As she’d been taught, Ryleigh made her way through the few acres. It was easy. The canopy, a hundred feet above her, had kept growth on the ground to a minimum, allowing her to see exceptionally well in every direction. The few ferns that grew under holes in the thick branches and leaves high above were too short to hide a person. The dead leaves under her feet had not been disturbed in years, except where large combat boots had walked a few feet inside the perimeter. Satisfied no one was hiding, ready to attack Ella, Ryleigh returned to the beach giving herself a moment to inhale the moist salty breeze and enjoy the surprisingly soft sand that crept over the sides of her durable hiking sandals.

  What an amazing place for a honeymoon, or simply an escape with the right man for several days of fun in the sun. As she passed the edge of the trees, her gaze wandered to the deck where Blake still leaned casually on the rail. She knew behind those sunglasses that he constantly scanned for potential danger. For a fleeting moment she wondered what it would be like to spend a few days in this tropical paradise with him. Just the two of them. Nothing to do but enjoy the sun, the ocean…and each other.

  But that was not to be. Certainly not now, since they were both on duty, and definitely not here. Ryleigh’s research had shown that the price tag of this resort was far beyond hers and Blake’s lifestyle. Perhaps, some day, she could afford a long weekend in the Caribbean. Flights to Cancun from New York City were relatively cheap. But thinking about a vacation when she only started the job a few days ago was a little on the ridiculous side.

  As she passed Ella, she could hear the woman’s deep breathing and hoped she’d found some rest.

  It took only a few minutes to clear the other side as it was not as deep as Ryleigh had thought. There was another pairing of cabanas fifty yards away. Assured that Nigel and Antonio would carry through with their promise to check every guest that week, as well as every employee, Ryleigh returned to the ever-so-inviting chaise next to Ella. She gave Blake a thumbs-up before turning her back on him and sitting down to face the ocean.

  Ella had been asleep for over an hour when she stirred and sat up. “Do you think they offer room service on the beach?”

  “I don’t know, but let’s find out.” Ryleigh picked up the phone and called Blake. After a brief discussion, he agreed to call for food and drinks. Not surprisingly, he was hungry, too.

  A few minutes later, Ryleigh’s phone buzzed with the text. Food was on its way down. Half expecting to see Blake carrying a tray when she heard someone on the steps, she was surprised to find Mario and Diego with their hands full.

  “Well, I’m so happy to see you out enjoying some of the amenities our resort has to offer.” Mario sat a tray with several covered dishes on top of the wooden table sitting between the two lounge chairs.

  In a flamboyant gesture, Mario lifted the lids to reveal a plate of fruit so artistically arranged Ryleigh was tempted to take a picture of it for Pinterest. A second plate had an assortment of sliced cheese fanned out as though they were petals of a flower. Under a third was a basket of varied crackers.

  “This looks amazing,” Ryleigh admitted.

  “Oh, honey, you haven’t seen amazing yet,” Mario gushed. “Wait till you see the spread our kitchen prepares for Thursday night’s dinner and show. I hope you’ll both be able to attend.”

  “We’ll have to wait and see how Mr. Wainwright is feeling by then.” Ella said as she chose a cracker and picked up a piece of cheese.

  Diego chose that moment to make himself comfortable on Ryleigh’s chaise as he sat down next to her thighs. “You want amazing, darling? I can show you amazing, right now, right here.”

  The close proximity to the Latin hunk made breathing impossible for Ryleigh. But then he rubbed the salty rim of a cold margarita over her lips.

  “Lick your beautiful lips, sweetheart,” he commanded in his soft Spanish accent. “Then take a slow sip and allow the margarita to caress your tongue like a lover’s kiss.”

  Ryleigh sank into his deep chocolate eyes as she carefully followed his instructions. When she finally swallowed, his grin was so seductive she felt like her bones had liquefied. She knew her bikini bottom was wet and not from the brief dip she and Ella had taken while waiting for their food.

  Diego took his thumb and ran it over the bottom of her lip. “You missed a little salt.”

  When the tip of his tongue licked the granules off his thumb, Ryleigh squeezed her knees together.

  “Mmm. Delicious.” He licked his lips. “I’ll bet you taste delicious, too.”

  Ryleigh’s jaw dropped a fraction and a whimper escaped. She could only imagine what this man could do to her body.

  He leaned across her to set the drink on the large tray. On his way back to sit up he offered in a whisper, “I’m off at eleven tonight.”

  She shot a glance at Ella who was deep in conversation with Mario. Her mind raced. She could do that. She was off at ten since the second team would take their twelve-hour shift starting tonight. And damn, if getting laid didn’t sound like the best idea she’d had in months. Who better as a rebound man than someone she would never see again after this week?

  The incoming text broke the spell of the tall, dark, and handsome man.

  She picked up her phone and grinned when she saw it was from Blake.

  If she were to sneak off and spend a few hours enjoying Diego, she would feel as though she were betraying Blake. She wasn’t sure why, because they weren’t together anymore. She couldn’t do it, no matter how much her body ached for a man’s touch.

  Of course, his text was work related. Their phones were the property of Guardian security and most likely monitored. Not that she expected a personal message. He simply wanted her to know that the other two men were already on the ground in Panama City and waiting for the plane from Indulgences Resort. They would arrive around six o’clock.

  “Good news?” Diego’s sultry voice captured her attention.

  She didn’t bother to hide her grin. “Not for you.” In a low tone she continued, “Your offer is ever so tempting, but I’m sorry. My heart wouldn’t be in it.”

  With the sexiest smile Ryleigh had ever seen, he answered, “Hearts have no place in the pleasures of the body.”

  That’s where you’re wrong, Mr. Super Stud. Sex was so much better when hearts were involved. Yes, it could end disastrously, like when she thought she was in love with Michael, who was really Mikha’il, the double agent. Her whole life had felt broken after the discovery of his duplicity. But that didn’t compare to the emptiness she’d felt after her brief time with Blake had been cut short because of her career choices.

  Ryleigh believed in karma. She had seen it in action when Michael’s Taliban leader shot him once in the head in front of a hundred faithful followers after declaring a man can only have one master. When he’d sent a second bullet into the traitor’s heart, her tears had been hidden behind the mandatory veil. Later, after several counseling sessions, she’d b
elieved that shot was for her sake.

  Karma had thrown her and Blake together in paradise for a reason. Maybe it was so they could see a relationship could work for them, now. Or to prove they had no future together at all. Blake had stirred the embers of passion inside her once again. It had been too long since she’d had a man. Though Diego was tempting, a fantasy to scratch an itch, Blake was a known entity. He’d always known just how and where to touch her. He’d been able to quickly bring her to the brink and guide her over, wrapped in his safe arms, as the fell together. The thought of Blake made her lady parts tingle and ache.

  Her mind was made up. Tonight, she was going to take advantage of their location…and Blake.

  “I’m sorry, Diego, but I’m seeing someone.” At least Ryleigh hoped she was going to see all of Blake later that night. Naked.

  Ella’s excitement crashed across the space between the two lounges in a wave. “We’ve just been invited to go scuba diving. Are you interested?”

  “Absolutely.” Ryleigh loved to dive but hadn’t had much of a chance in years. “I didn’t know you’re a certified diver.”

  “I am,” Ella explained, “my roommate and I got certified before we spent spring break in the Caribbean our junior year.”

  “Well, honey, you’d better get those pretty little buns in motion then.” Mario cocked one hip and pulled out a small tablet. “I’m adding both your names to the excursion right now. The boat leaves the main dock in front of the hotel in forty-five minutes. Our captain is a stickler for being on time, so please don’t be late. Speaking of being late, Diego, we need to go.”

  Before he rose, Diego quietly whispered, “Should you change your mind, remember, I get off at eleven.” He leaned in even closer and added, “And I can get you off by eleven-fifteen. I guarantee it would be a night you’ll never forget.”

  “I’m sure.” Ryleigh rolled off the chaise on the opposite side from the all-too-sexy bartender. “While we grab what we need for the dive, would you two gentlemen mind taking this wonderful food up to the Wainwright cabana? I have no doubt that it will be greatly appreciated.”


  Ryleigh watched Ella gracefully swim lower for a better look at what could only be described as an underwater caterpillar. The foot long, greenish yellow creature sported a rim of white spots and moved on top of coral much like an inchworm. Fortunately, she was smart enough not to touch it, to only observe. Ryleigh was pleased with the expertise, although obviously rusty, Ella showed in the underwater world.

  As diving buddies, they didn’t separate more than a few feet. In her peripheral vision, Ryleigh couldn’t see any other couples exploring the unusual reef. To her, it looked as though basketball sized rocks had tumbled into the ocean then sat for millions of years being covered by the ocean’s version of moss. Stick coral, looking more like scraggly tossed branches, grew atop the tumbled rocks. Ryleigh had to hold in her giggle when she realized the short fat tube coral looked more like someone had randomly planted dildos than nature’s construction by microscopic animals.

  Ella chased a hand-sized bright blue fish as it darted in and out of the scattered rocks before joining its smaller friends.

  Ryleigh was more interested in the coral. She had recently read of a U.S.-sponsored study comparing the much more visited coral reefs on the Caribbean side of Panama with those that she now observed firsthand.

  The water grew murkier as they swam closer to where Rio de Cascadas, known for its several waterfalls, spilled jungle rich soil into the ocean. The added nutrients were essential for spectacular undersea growth, but complicated buddy swimming.

  More interested in the coral than the fish that thrived within it, Ryleigh’s attention went to the neon yellow clumps that clung like mushrooms next to short purple coral that up close reminded her of elephant skin. The eighteen-inch tall, blue coral looked so much like romaine lettuce that she simply had to touch it.

  A human squeal, followed by a massive bubble burst, drew Ryleigh’s attention away from the coral. Darting her gaze in every direction, searching for Ella in the thick water, she caught the wisp of a black tail.


  Kicking hard in the direction it had come from, she quickly found Ella on the verge of panic. Her wide eyes, easily seen through the dive mask, looked relieved as soon as Ryleigh touched her shoulder.

  Out of the cloudy water, an eight-foot shark charged at them. Ryleigh grabbed Ella around the waist and kicked toward the surface as though her life depended on it. And it did. So did Ella’s. Since the dive was only twenty to twenty-five feet deep, there was no need for a resting and acclamation stop.

  A few kicks into her ascent, Ella tapped on Ryleigh and gave her the thumbs-up. Releasing the woman to swim beside her, they were able to reach the surface more quickly. A few strokes from the top, Ryleigh searched for the dive boat. Pointing it out to Ella, their strokes strong and intentional, the women made their way to the boat.

  Once topside, they could hear the crew yelling to them.

  Ryleigh wanted to roll her eyes. Like they weren’t already aware of the fact there were sharks in the water. Fortunately they were only seventy-five feet away from the boat. Swimming on the surface with a scuba tank was not an easy feat.

  Regulator still in her mouth, Ryleigh dropped her face into the water. Three dark images, the size of men, rose and disappeared underneath them.


  She picked her head out of the water to warn Ella when a two-foot tall, triangular fin broke the surface between them and the boat.


  Sharks had to keep moving, and so did they. They would not be safe until they were in the boat.

  Dropping her face back into the water and propelling her arms as fast and deep as she could, Ryleigh checked below the surface. This time she counted four sharks. These were bull sharks. Not great whites, but equally as dangerous.

  Through her peripheral vision, Ryleigh saw Ella’s arms dropping into the water, keeping pace with her. Not seeing any sharks in their path, she lifted her head to check the distance to the boat.

  Only three or four more strokes.

  Three members of the crew stood on the dive platform as it gently bobbed on small waves. Ella grabbed for the wooden deck, and Ryleigh shoved her butt up as two of the men grabbed her arms and pulled. With one last look downward, Ryleigh’s greatest diving nightmare charged toward her. Not waiting for the crew to help, she planted her hands on the dive deck and hoisted her body out of the water. As she swung her legs onto the teak planks, water splashed two feet away as the shark broke the surface.

  Not only could Ryleigh see the two rows of sharp white teeth, but she could smell its fishy breath.

  Suddenly she was in the air and completely disoriented. Her vision was limited by the dive mask, her scream stifled by the regulator still in her mouth. As she’d been trained, you never remove your mask or breathing apparatus until your feet are inside the boat.

  Someone had hoisted her over the stern and onto the bench seat that ran the length of the boat.

  She spit out her regulator and whipped off her mask.

  Everyone around her was shouting, but her concern was the woman she was paid to protect. “Ella!”

  Ryleigh’s gaze swept over the entire boat. On the opposite side, two crewmen were helping Ella out of her gear. When Ryleigh tried to stand, she realized she was still wearing flippers. She bent, quickly removed them, and sprinted to the other side of the boat, a tough task given that she still was still strapped into thirty pounds of bulky gear.

  She knelt in front of Ella, searching the woman for any sign that she was hurt. “Are you all right?”

  Ella rubbed her shoulder. “I…I…never saw him.” She gasped in a breath. “He must’ve been behind me. All of a sudden I felt this hard bump on the back of my shoulder, as though someone pushed me.”

  “Let me see,” ordered Ryleigh. “Sharks have very abrasive skin, and he may have given you a contact burn.”

  Ella wiggled out of the shoulder straps of her gear with the help of the crewmen beside her. She tried to touch the back of her shoulder but gave up and turned toward Ryleigh.

  A bright red spot, the size of a deck of cards, contrasted with Ella’s lightly tanned skin.

  “That’s probably going to hurt,” Ryleigh admitted.

  Another crewman appeared wearing a ball cap emblazoned with the Indulgences Resort logo and started barking orders in Spanish. “Unbuckle, please,” he ordered looking directly at her. Within seconds her dive gear was gone.

  The man had a good-sized first aid kit open and was cleaning Ella’s wound. “I’m terribly sorry this happened. The captain saw blood in the water but we had no way of contacting you. He was initially afraid a shark had attacked one of you, although we have never had a shark attack here before. He has already contacted the resort and the doctor will meet us at the dock.”

  The boat’s powerful engine rumbled to life. Ryleigh took a second to take in her surroundings. The anchor came up. Crewmen tended to each guest while others dunked the gear in barrels filled with freshwater. Another deftly carried a tray of ice-filled glasses and a pitcher of dark orange liquid refreshment.

  Returning her attention to the man who seemed to be in charge, Ryleigh asked, “Why was there blood in the water?”

  The man didn’t answer for a long moment as he applied a clear salve to Ella’s wound. He placed a gauze bandage over Ella’s wound before he finally spoke. Barely above a whisper, he gave them the bad news. “We believe someone chummed the water.”

  “What the hell?” Ryleigh looked around, fearing her voice carried too far but over the roar of the engines, no one else seemed to have heard.

  “We don’t know why.” He snapped the waterproof kit closed and collapsed into the seat next to Ella. “Antonio doesn’t allow shark baiting, nor do we offer such high risk dives as shark encounters.” He looked back at the area where they had just escaped a near-death experience. Dark fins occasionally broke the surface in a circular pattern around red tinged water. “This incident has already been reported to island security.”


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