Amazon Fall

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Amazon Fall Page 11

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "You shouldn't have allowed this," Jakez said through clenched teeth after the pirates had locked them in the hold.

  "That man is disgusting." Rena shivered.

  Jakez glared at her. If she hadn't provoked him, he'd have locked them all together.

  "What did you want me to do, let him rape me?" she complained.

  "Marlen knows what she's doing." Alexia was always ready to defend the princess.

  "You're Rena's bodyguard, you should have volunteered," Jakez snapped.

  Alexia frowned too and he did his best to turn his back on both, worried for Marlen's fate.


  Marlen looked around the messy cabin while he freed her hands. Absentmindedly, she massaged her wrists while he went to sit on the bed, observing her.

  "What's your name?" he asked, breaking the silence.


  "How old are you?"


  "I like you." He lay back, still staring at her. "Take off your clothes, Marlen."

  She stared back, puzzled. He flashed an impish smile at her.

  He rose and went to her, undoing the laces of her tunic.

  "You're beautiful," he said, sliding a hand in the opening to cup her breast.

  Marlen was startled by the gentle touch – she couldn't tell if it gave her pleasure, surprise or disgust. He grinned, pulling her closer to give her a long, lustful kiss that took her breath away.

  "Take off your clothes," he repeated, letting her go and going back to the bed.

  Marlen gulped – pleasure, surprise, disgust – then took off her boots. She turned her back on him and undressed.

  "Turn around," he said. He sounded breathless.

  Marlen closed her eyes and obeyed. She stood stiff and still, and managed to force herself to look at him.

  He signaled her to come forward and lie next to him. He didn't look cruel or sarcastic anymore as he stared at her body, smitten more than lustful.

  "I will not hurt you," he promised before kissing her again.

  He didn't look like he'd rape her, but Marlen decided not to help him undress. She let him touch her, thinking she'd never respond to his caresses and butterfly kisses.

  And then she found herself shivering with pleasure in his arms, dazed by her own feelings for him. The lovemaking left her happy and contented – definitely not rape and she obviously enjoyed it.

  As they lay side by side, she looked at him more thoroughly, since he was asleep. She remembered only his blue cat eyes, but on a second look she realized he wasn't ugly. He wasn't as tall as Jakez, but he was well built. He had curly hair tied at the nape and nice lips. And a shadow of beard and a hairy chest neither Mikis nor Jakez had.

  At first glance she'd thought he was older than Jakez, but now he looked younger. She liked him more than she thought.

  The cat eyes stared at her, sending shivers down her spine.

  "I expected you to try to kill me," he said, sarcastic. "But maybe you enjoyed my company. I made a deal when I took you."

  She stiffened and averted her eyes. Now he was being the ruthless pirate again.

  "I enjoyed your company very much," he added, thoughtful. "You're very beautiful. I'd love to keep you with me."

  "And who's stopping you?" she snapped. "I'm your prisoner, am I not?"

  "Unfortunately." He sighed and sat to hold his knees.

  Marlen noticed he had a nice back, then cursed herself for thinking about his body in such an obsessive manner. She wanted him again – what was so attractive about him, damn him?

  "Dress up," he ordered without looking at her.

  She obeyed. Glancing at him, she noticed he looked sad. Could he have feelings too? Feelings for her? He was a man after all, and what a man...

  She was taken to the hold and locked with the others – and he didn't look at her or talk to her again.

  "How are you?" Rena asked, anxious. Alexia looked both worried and guilty, Jakez just worried.

  "I'm fine," she answered absentmindedly, still thinking about the strange pirate captain and the feelings he stirred in her.

  "That horrible man didn't hurt you?" Rena insisted,

  "He's not horrible," she replied. "He's very sweet."

  "You like him?" Rena protested. "You're crazy!"

  "You're the crazy one, and blind as usual," Marlen retorted. "He's wonderful, has true blue almond eyes and he's the most tender man in the world!"

  "Talk about love at first sight." Jakez sounded relieved. "I'm glad he didn't hurt you."

  "Thank you, Jakez," Marlen grumbled. "I hope it was mutual or something."

  "You mean you fell in love with that bastard son of a bitch of a pirate captain who decided to play the gentleman only to seduce a stupid girl like you?" Rena was furious.

  "You're the stupid one!" Marlen's anger flared back. "You always hated men, what do you know of love at first sight!"

  "Oh, right, it wasn't love at first sight when I met you, it was fucking unrequited love!" Rena screamed.

  "Enough!" Jakez said, determined. "You have different personalities, now calm down, will you?"

  "I'm calm." Marlen took control of herself. "Alexia, give my respects to the Queen, I'm not going back to Maadre."

  "I hope you know what you're doing," Jakez said, serious.

  "You will go back to Noavaria, Rena to the Queendom. I want to be where my heart is," she replied.

  Rena was speechless.

  "Marlen, I can't believe you succumbed to that man," Alexia chided.

  "Alexia, you can thank your precious princess who couldn't keep her mouth shut!" Marlen snapped. "If she hadn't provoked him, none of this would have happened!"

  Jakez made a face meaning "I daresay she's right." Alexia pursed her lips. Rena looked on the verge of tears.

  "I... I don't understand!" she said at last with a whiny voice.

  "It's simple, Rena, I want to be with him, therefore I'll follow him until he accepts me as his woman," Marlen replied. "You stay with Jakez and give him a chance – he deserves it."

  "But he loves you!" Rena protested.

  "We never talked about love." Marlen looked at Jakez who slowly nodded.

  "Good luck, Marlen," he said. "I'm sure Gareth Angell won't be able to resist you."

  Alexia and Rena didn't look happy, but there wasn't much they could do.


  Rena, Jakez and the other Amazons were released when the ransom was paid and disembarked at Ixos, capital of the Tattoo Country – one strait away from home. Still Marlen remained onboard after the hostages were gone.

  "Why are you still here?" Gareth snapped. "I told you you're free."

  "But you're not," she replied. "You won't get rid of me that easily."

  "You're an Amazon!"

  "Half-Amazon. My father was a pirate before having me and retiring to live with Olimpia."

  "Your father." He hesitated. "What's his name?"

  "Xavier Bennison."

  He gasped. "Xavier's daughter! I should have known..."

  "They didn't attack Amazon ships," she observed.

  "We didn't, until Shariman was captain." He shrugged. "Old treaties with our king's ancestors and blah blah blah. Then Xavier came looking for him – used to be his first mate, told him it was time he left the ship to younger people. So Shariman passed on his command and went back to dry land. Well, the Amazons Country. We adored our captain, so even if I'm grateful he bestowed the ship on me, I have some anger issues with the Amazons."

  "Because we turned your kingdom into a colony?" she asked, amused.

  He nodded. "That didn't help either."

  "And what did Shariman do in the Queendom of Maadre?"

  "He went looking for his daughter, I think. With Xavier, who said he'd spent two years with her."

  "Shariman..." Marlen remembered the two years on the Yasmine, and her mother's diary. She grinned, thoughtful. "Shariman is Rena's father. And I'm in love with you, Gareth Angell."

p; He stared at her, incredulous. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed back with passion.

  "My captain's daughter was my hostage," he said then.

  "And you almost raped her," she chided.

  He chuckled. "Like I said, I made a deal when I switched her with you," he whispered, caressing her cheek. "A great deal."

  She lost herself in his mouth, overjoyed.


  "Welcome back, Rena!" The blonde and still beautiful Queen hugged her daughter. "How was sailing with Xavier?"

  "It was great," Rena answered. "We found trouble once or twice and he always managed to save us."

  "What about the pirate ship, where were they from?"

  "I don't know, Mother, and I sure hope you didn't pay for that dumb Marlen," Rena grumbled.

  "No, she didn't want to be rescued, and she made it clear." Julianna smiled. "Listen, Rena, would you like to meet your father?"

  Rena stared at her mother with a mix of horror and disgust.

  "No!" she snapped, turning her back on the Queen.


  "Mother, do not insist. I don't want to see him."

  Julianna surrendered with a sigh.


  The sand was almost white and still warm. The moon shone over the two figures walking on the beach. Wind in her hair and barefooted, Marlen was conscious of the warmth of Gareth's hand. The pirate captain had given up his colorful rags for a simple white tunic. He even cut his hair that now curled at the nape of his neck. He listened to the waves' song, fully aware of the beautiful woman walking by his side.

  They'd been together for a full year now. She'd given him a daughter on that peaceful island that was the pirates' refuge and the whole community was helping raise her. Shariman's ship had stopped roaming the oceans and most men had settled, while others had left to join other ships' crews.

  And now a ship had brought Rena, Jakez and Alexia to the little island of mixed people from various countries.

  Someone had tried to kill Jakez in Maadre, so Rena had suggested he hide where nobody would look for him – on a little lost island inhabited by pirates, unclaimed by any country since it had limited resources.

  Marlen and Gareth were thoughtful because they didn't know what to do. The Amazons had given up Outremer and the new local governor didn't seem to want the old royal house back. The old Council had been disbanded by the Amazon rule, but there were obviously still enemies of the Karehen royal family around, powerful enough to pay assassins to cross the sea and try to kill the rightful heir.

  "Let's go with them, Gari." Marlen broke the silence, turning to look at her sweet love. "We can help them find mercenaries and give them a ship to move around. I'm sure my father would help as well."

  Gareth sighed. "I knew I shouldn't fall in love, but since it happened, I might as well fight for my woman and my country. Not that I want to live there anymore, but Jakez is the rightful heir... isn't he?"

  She nodded. "Maybe we can gather a group of mercenaries and join the Resistance to reinstate the Kingdom of Noavaria," she said. "And then we can come back here, if only to pick up Micaela..."

  He grinned. "Since you have no milk and she's already with a wet-nurse, why not. She'll be safe here, and then we'll decide if we want to stay here or go back to Noavaria."

  "Rena might demand I go back to Maadre. But I will only if my father is also there."

  He stopped to squeeze her in his arms. "I'm glad I found you," he whispered in her ear. Then he pulled back to look her in the eyes. "I hope it's clear that you belong to me and your friends need to keep their hands off," he threatened playfully.

  "Rena will have to give up," she retorted. "It's time she grows up or she'll never be ready to be Queen! As for Jakez, don't worry, I don't think he was ever in love with me." Her arms slid around his neck to hold him. "It's just us, me and you..."

  She gave him a long, hungry kiss. Her first physical attraction had turned into a deep love. He was the father of her daughter and all the children that would come. She was glad she'd used herbs after miscarrying Mikis's baby, so she didn't have any children from her other men. Unlike the Amazons, who used men according to their fancy, she'd wanted to start a real family with the right person.

  They fell on the sand still devouring each other and almost ripping off their clothes. His desire must be as strong as hers – the world vanished, leaving them alone with their passion.


  "Aren't you ever happy?"

  Jakez stared at Rena as if she were a rare animal. The blonde sighed, looking away.

  "We're on a ship, headed for Centropolis, where Gareth knows many people. Marlen is onboard. Isn't that what you wanted?"

  "I guess I'll have to take what I have," she whispered. "Did you see how she looks at him?"

  "She loves him, Rena."

  "She didn't look at you or Mikis like that!"

  "She didn't love us the way she loves him. And he's in love for the first time too. You have no right to interfere."

  "I know," she grumbled. "I'll be content she came with us. Although watching her with him hurts."

  "It's envy." He smiled ruefully. "She's happy and you're not. But one day you'll find the right man."

  "Or the right woman?" she challenged.

  "If you prefer. But you'll be Queen and you'll need an heir or one of your cousins will sit on your mother's throne."

  The way he talked sounded as if he was volunteering to give her that necessary heir. But he'd be king too one day, so Rena couldn't see how their relationship would work out – he'd need a wife, and she wasn't wife-material.


  "You're Gareth Angell."

  The tall blond man blocked his way, so Gareth had to stop, and with him Marlen, Jakez, Alexia and Rena.

  "I am. But who are you?"

  "My name's Stuart Clemens and I was looking for you."

  "You found me now, what do you want?"

  "I hear you're headed for Centropolis, looking for mercenaries. What are you up to?"

  They'd barely reached Deltacity, and already people were showing up.

  "Obviously some kind of conquest," Gareth answered. "Although there won't be any spoils, just regular pay for the mercenary soldiers. Do you have men?"

  "No, I work on my own. But I'm skilled in infiltrations and strategies." He had a sword and a knife – he was probably more of an assassin that a soldier, since he worked alone.

  "I need many different skills," Gareth said. "Will you work for me?"

  The blond man nodded and shook the pirate's hand. They weren't going to say they worked for Jakez Karehen yet, so Gareth made all the transactions. Even Rena's identity was kept hidden, so the mercenaries thought they were hired by a pirate who maybe wanted to clean his slate and find a place to live.

  "You're famous," Marlen said as they rested in their room that night. "Maybe we don't even need to get to Centropolis, considering all the contacts you have here!"

  "It's a harbor town, and I've spent most of my life on ships. I ran away from home at fifteen." He was now twenty-seven and a proficient sailor, smuggler, combatant – a real pirate.

  "I guess you got yourself a name during those wandering years." She smiled.

  "People hate me," he replied. "But sometimes they also love me."

  "How many times have they loved you?"

  "Not telling you." He hugged and kissed her. "Anyway, I know where to find the right people, but it will take time to find them."

  "Men or women?"

  "Both. I once met a warrior woman, she was beautiful and unbeatable. And she wasn't even an Amazon."

  "Who won the feelings war, you or her?"

  "We surrendered at the same time."

  "A great love?"

  "No, a great passion that burned out quickly. But we're still friends. Why, are you jealous?"

  "Yes! Because I'm not famous and no adventurer ever stopped me in the street asking me for a job!"

sp; "It's actually the first time it's happened to me," he replied. "Besides, it's the first time Stuart Clemens decided to work for a fellow adventurer. He's famous too, and his story is he doesn't trust anyone. I've heard about him, and I'm not sure he's right for us."

  "Maybe his fame isn't true." She shrugged. "I mean, he was only one of a long line, right?"

  "I sure hope we find more, but if they're all like him, I give up. Stuart is not a mercenary, Marlen, he's an assassin."

  "Why hire him then?"

  "So I know where he is at all times."

  "Do you think he's here for Jakez?"

  "I don't know, but that's why I'm keeping an eye on him."



  The voice startled Marlen and Gareth who had stopped at a pushcart to drink a cool tea in the hot daylight.

  "Glad to see you again, you bastard!" The man was as ugly as one could be and pointed a knife at Gareth's neck. "What did you do with the goods you stole from me?"

  "I sold them, of course," Gareth replied, unflinching.

  "And now you pay your whore with my money?" the other roared.

  "Have you ever seen a whore with a sword?" Gareth retorted with a scoff.

  "You're a bastard, Angell, give me my money!"

  "I spent it," Gareth replied. "Take away that knife, you know I can be dangerous if I feel threatened."

  "Stay away from my cart!" the vendor said, since the place was too busy to move his pushcart. "Or I'll call the militia!"

  The man grabbed Gareth's arm and dragged him to the shadows of an alley, followed by Marlen who had her hand ready on the hilt of her sword.

  "I don't know why you're doing this, Miro, I told you I don't have your money, or your goods," Gareth said. "It's been over a year, after all."

  "I want them back," the other threatened. "Sell your bitch, but I want my money."

  "I'm not selling anyone, and you better give up," Gareth replied, narrowing his eyes.

  Before the other could speak again, Gareth attacked, grabbing the armed wrist and twisting it while he kicked the other in the leg. The knife fell to the ground and Gareth was quick to unsheathe his dagger and kill Miro.


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