Hunger Pangs

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Hunger Pangs Page 38

by Joy Demorra

  He licked his thumb and middle finger, then snapped them together. A thin bolt of lightning sparked between his fingertips. Grounding in the receptive hearts of the crystals on the table, blinding light burst forth.

  The crystals crackled; power surged between them as they rotated, pushing and pulling like magnets spinning against each other. Caught in the middle of the pulsating light, the jar began to wobble. It was a slight tremor at first which graduated to a violent rocking, as though whatever was inside was trying to escape.

  But there was nowhere for it to go.

  The quartz crystals began to sing. Discordant at first, but then harmonizing as they found the proper resonance. It sent vibrations deep into Vlad’s undead bones.

  “Is it working?” Nathan asked, raising his voice over the incessant thrumming of the stones.

  “Well, something’s happening!” Vlad answered, taking a prudent step back.

  Conversely, Ursula shifted. Took a step forward—as though she was drawn toward the blight. Her hand drifted upward from her side like she was locked in some kind of siren’s song. Vlad wanted to call out a warning, but the words stuck in his throat. As if able to hear Vlad’s unspoken warning, Nathan’s arm flew out to catch her and haul her back.

  The jar toppled, still shaking and jumping as the blight tried to escape. If possible, the light from the singing crystals grew stronger, more determined.

  In Nathan’s arms, the witch tried to shake him off, her hands outstretched. Something must be calling to her. Magic? Or something more. Vlad didn’t know.

  The jar touched one of the quartz crystals with a tiny clink. The world seemed to pause—hold its breath—and Ursula stilled within the werewolf’s embrace.

  And then the jar exploded.

  The glass splintered outward, cutting through the air with a soul-piercing shriek as the sludge broke free. The blight twisted and writhed. Little tendrils reached out for Vlad, for Ursula, desperately seeking some kind of magic to sustain it. But they were too far away. The fungus lurched and shuddered. Crying out in its death throes before burning to ash.

  The singing stopped.

  The light dimmed.

  A deafening silence ensued.

  “Is that it?” Nathan asked at last. “Is it dead?”

  Vlad held a tentative palm over the scorch marks on the table. Nothing rose to greet him. “That’s it. It’s dead.”

  “Oh, thank the Gods,” Nathan breathed out as he passed a weary hand over his face.

  “To hell with the Gods! This was the two of you! Oh, I could just kiss you both!” Ursula crowed.

  Vlad shot Nathan a questioning glance; Nathan responded with a slight tilt of his head. It felt like permission to Vlad, and if it wasn’t, the werewolf could punish him for it later, which was something they’d both enjoy. Turning to Ursula, Vlad shrugged and said, “Well, if you’re offering…”

  Ursula shoved the book into Nathan’s hands and hauled Vlad down by the lapels of his waistcoat to plant a breathtaking kiss on his lips. Her lips were soft, like Nathan’s, but somehow softer still, and Vlad fought the urge to sink into that golden warmth and let it consume him.

  “Oh my Gods,” Nathan moaned, and Ursula pulled away from Vlad, who let her go despite his desire for her touch.

  “Sorry!” Ursula squeaked, grasping Nathan by the shirt collar and kissing him just as soundly on the mouth as she’d kissed Vlad.

  Vlad’s stomach did a funny little lurch at the sight. He knew he’d started the joke about Ursula joining them. He’d also escalated it by leaning into her flirting: a game he was more than adept at. But watching the witch and the werewolf kiss was far too enjoyable to be laughable.

  There has to be a word for it, he decided. A word that means the opposite of jealousy. If he remembered, he’d snag a dictionary on the way out and look it up. But for now, he just stood back and watched the tension melt from Nathan’s shoulders as Ursula kissed him, the memory of Ursula’s lips still tingling on his own.

  When Ursula finally ended the kiss, she snatched the book back from Nathan’s unresisting hands and scampered off with a giddy squeal.

  The vampire and werewolf stared at each other, stunned. Slowly, Vlad reached up, pressing cool fingers to his mouth. After a breathless pause he asked, “Did she use her tongue with you? Or…”

  Nathan gave him an arch look, not bothering to answer. But it was obvious from the pink tinge rising to the werewolf’s cheeks that she had. It took a lot to make the werewolf blush.

  The pair turned to watch her retreating back. Although if Vlad was honest, his gaze traveled a little lower. He glanced sideways at Nathan and noted the werewolf was doing the same. After a moment, Vlad asked, “She does realize she can’t leave here with that book, right?”

  Nathan shrugged lopsidedly. “Do you think she cares?”

  Worried, Vlad hurried after her.


  “Are you sure you’ll be all right?” Nathan asked for the umpteenth time since they’d reached the train station.

  Ursula smiled fondly at him as she leaned out of the carriage door to give him a reassuring pat on the cheek. “I’ll be fine, Nathan.” She looked exhausted—all three of them did—but there was a light behind her eyes that burned bright and fierce. “I have what I came here for.” She patted the pouch at her hip, the leather unable to fully hide the glow of the crystals Vlad had given her. They would run out of charge eventually, but Vlad had poured all of his energy into the stones. They would last. For now. “It’s time for me to head back and fix this.”

  “Are you sure? Because you don’t have to go alone—” he began.

  She pressed a gloved finger to his lips. “You’ve already done enough. I can’t ask more of you. And besides, it’s only an eight-hour journey. I know Alfbern frets, but I promise you, I’m accustomed to being on my own.” She smiled again, though Nathan caught a hint of sadness behind it. “Thank you, Nathaniel James Northland. I’ll never forget your help. And neither will the trees. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Ominous statement,” Nathan said, rubbing the back of his neck, “but okay. Be sure to remember Vlad as well.”

  “Oh, trust me, I will,” Ursula promised as she peered over Nathan’s shoulder.

  The werewolf turned to face Vlad, who leaned against his cane at the far end of the platform, his customary top hat—retrieved from their hotel—tipped down over his eyes to protect them from the sun. She waved at him, and the vampire waved back, winking.

  Even now the two of them were finding ways to flirt. It was adorable.

  Turning back to him, Ursula pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek. “Take care, Nathan.” Her voice was warm and seemed to linger on his name. “I should say I hope our paths never cross again and you’ll be able to forget about me, but I’d be lying.”

  Nathan huffed with laughter. “Trust me, Lady Ursula, there’s no way I’ll ever forget you. Take care of the Ironwoods for me.”

  “I will,” she promised. She pulled back from the door as the train whistle blew, announcing its imminent departure. “I will fix this. You have my word.”

  “I know,” Nathan said, certain that she would. He closed the door after her. Standing contemplatively, he watched the train blow steam down the length of the platform as it pulled away, heading north, bound for the family he’d left behind just yesterday and simultaneously an eternity ago. He felt oddly bereft watching her go—like he was losing a part of himself.

  Probably that fairy boon, he thought, shaking his head as he walked back toward Vlad. He couldn’t wait to see how that came back to bite him on the tail. Gods, he was fucked.

  “Well,” the vampire said, “that was quite the eventful evening. I can’t remember the last time I helped save the world.”

  He sounded as sarcastically chipper as ever, but Nathan saw the dark circles under his eyes and longed to kiss them better. “Can’t you?” he asked, falling into step beside the vampire as easily as falling into their familia
r banter. “I still remember when you saved mine.”

  Vlad’s step faltered, then resumed, and the vampire’s shoulder brushed up against Nathan’s in a gesture too clumsy to be anything other than deliberate. “It’s strange,” Vlad said after they’d walked the length of the street in silence.

  “What is?”

  “To think the world can be saved so quietly and no one will ever know. All of the men and guns and banners in the world didn’t do it. It was just three people, an old library, and a little cleverness. The Nevrondian front line will move a few feet forward, and they’ll claim a great victory, but we saved everyone from a disaster they didn’t even know about, and our only reward is the knowledge that we’ve done it.”

  Nathan shrugged and rubbed his aching shoulder. “I suppose that’s how you know you did it right. By stopping things before they get worse.”

  “I suppose,” Vlad replied, his cane tapping a staccato rhythm on the paved slabs under their feet. “Well, let’s hope that’s the last of such things for a while. I’m not meant for this much excitement. I’m old, you know,” he informed Nathan primly, arching his eyebrows. “My heart can’t take it. My energy reserves are quite thoroughly spent.”

  “That’s a shame,” Nathan said mildly as he observed the vampire out of the corner of his eye. “I seem to recall you asking me for something very particular last night. But if you’re not feeling up to it…”

  Vlad’s breath hitched audibly, and the vampire quickened his pace.

  Nathan chuckled, following faithfully after him. A part of him wished Ursula was still with them. Wished that he’d gotten more time to get to know her and all the secrets the Sìdhe was willing to share. But Vlad was here, and his. And Nathan still owed him a kiss.

  Not caring who saw them, he caught Vlad’s hand, pulling the vampire in for a lingering kiss. Vlad melted against him, moaning softly.

  “What was that for?” the vampire asked.

  “For saving the world. For being you.”

  Vlad dipped his head, smiling shyly. When he looked up there was a playful glint in his eye. “Really? What else do I get for being me?”

  “Nothing I can give you in public,” Nathan rumbled, grinning when Vlad turned pink.

  “I suppose, we’ll have to go back to the hotel then,” Vlad said.

  “I suppose we shall.”

  Keeping their hands linked, the vampire and the werewolf scurried off into a day full of hope and endless possibilities.


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  The Blutstein Brood

  Viscount Vlad Blutstein

  Lady Elizabeth

  Lady Margarete

  Riya Blutstein

  Count Blutstein

  Miss Rikki Grosskopf (Patreon)

  Miss Katrina Grosskopf (Patreon)

  Miss Cait (Patreon)

  Jaunty (Patreon)

  Miss Lottie (Patreon)

  Beau Ashford (Patreon)

  Miss Renae (Patreon)

  Rev (Patreon)

  Miss Hannah (Patreon)

  Swithin the Thrall


  The Northland Pack

  Captain Nathaniel J. Northland

  Tam Northland: The Wolf Lord

  Moira Northland

  Ivar Northland

  Miles Northland

  Bran and Lachlan Northland

  Gwen and Elayne Northland

  Darshan, Nila, and baby Purnima Northland

  Eleanor Northland (Patreon)

  Miranda Northland (Patreon)

  Amy Northland (Patreon)

  Brioni Volk (Patreon)

  Kai Northland (Patreon)

  Connor Northland (Patreon)

  The Supernatural

  Lady Ursula Brandr

  Lord Alfbern Brandr

  The Ghostly Margaret (Patreon)

  Noriann the Selkie (Patreon)

  Rook the Unknown (Patreon)

  The (Alleged) Humans

  Dr. Allan (Patreon)

  Admiral James Tate (Patreon)

  Sister Anastasia (Patreon)

  Agatha (Patreon)

  Mrs. Kairn (Patreon)

  Lord Foxley

  Lord Woolcroft

  Lord Twoforths

  Lord Wintercrow

  The Witches

  Madame Jenee the Witch (Patreon)

  Nikolai the Witch (Patreon)

  Sage the Witch (Patreon)

  Mx. Mel Addams the Witch (Patreon)

  Young Widow Sarah the Witch (Patreon)

  The Eyrie Guard

  Captain Hammond

  Lieutenant Octavius Humperdink Fiddildy

  Lieutenant Paola Cameron (Patreon)

  Corporal Irian the Guard (Patreon)

  Corporal Hobbes the Guard (Patreon)

  The Collins Women

  Mrs. Amelia Collins

  Lydia Collins

  Kitty Collins

  Ree Collins (Patreon)

  Sophie Collins (Patreon)


  If you’ve made it this far, congratulations and thank you for persevering through this monster of a book. When I first started ‘Phangs’, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined it would end up being this size. It was, like most things in my life, intended as a joke. It was meant to be a gag where I flipped some tropes, jingled my metaphorical jester hat, and pranced along my merry way to whatever hyperfixation next gripped my ADHD fancy.

  Having just read nearly 500 pages, I think it’s safe to assume you know this is not what happened.

  Things like ‘plot’ and ‘character development’ started to crop up. Worse yet, world building ensued. What was meant as a one-off funny bit for the Internet had now morphed into a fully realized novel with the potential to be a series.

  And I promise you no one was or is more surprised by this than I am.

  When I first started writing Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, I had no idea the terrifying rollercoaster my health was about to embark on. The years 2016-2018 are a blur of gradually worsening illness, progressing into 2019 when the decline became less gradual, and more of a short sharp drop off the edge of a cliff. And until this very moment, I always believed my work would be published posthumously.

  I wrote as much as I could, for as long as I could because I wanted to give something back. To say thank you for all the love and support my followers have shown me over the years. I wanted to give you everything I had left. And everything I had left was ‘Phangs’. A queer, disabled-centric, polyamorous love story, where the monsters are loved and triumph over adversary not because of their physical strength or their supernatural prowess, but because of their capacity for kindness.

  So, imagine my surprise to still be alive, no longer actively dying, and having to edit nearly 500k worth of words into something that might, if you squint, pass for an actual novel and not merely a bludgeoning prop in a murder mystery scenario.

  2020 has, for many of us, been a turbulent and wildly unpredictable year. But I’m wholly glad to still be here and writing this to you. Thank you for your love, your support, your encouragement, and your unwavering patience in waiting for this book to finally manifest in the world. I hope it was worth your wait.

  Take care of yourselves, and each other. You’re more important than you’ll ever know.

  See you in the next book — Joy x


  With profound thanks to my Patreon and Ko-Fi supporters, who made this book possible and helped to keep my lights on.

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Verzaal ✧ Mabel June Trager ✧ Madeleine ✧ Madeleine LJ ✧ Madeline Hunter ✧ madison easley ✧ Mads ✧ Mae Bretz ✧ Magda_lena ✧ Magdalena Łoszakiewicz ✧ Maggie Klureza ✧ Maggie Miller ✧ Maggie Warren ✧ Maja Lund Petersen ✧ Malin ✧ Manda ✧ Mara Wilson ✧ March4fun ✧ Marcus Hartree ✧ Maria Gral ✧ Maria Schrater ✧ Maria Sven ✧ Mariah Orsburn ✧ Marianna P. ✧ Marianne ✧ Marie ✧ Marie Blanchet ✧ Marie Darling ✧ Marie Drescher ✧ Marie S ✧ Marie Sullivan ✧ Marie-Odile Müller ✧ mariknickerbocker ✧ Marissa Rosser ✧ Mark Sherry ✧ Martha Wolfe ✧ Mary Lowe-Hentges ✧ MauveSockss ✧ Meagan ✧ Meagan Abel ✧ Mechalith ✧ Meg Petz ✧ Megan ✧ Megan G ✧ Meghan Elledge ✧ Meghan Snyder ✧ Meghann ✧ Mel ✧ Mel Addams ✧ Mel B. ✧ Melanie Shukost ✧ Melinda Campbell ✧ Melissa ✧ Melissa Cebrian ✧ Melissa Edwards ✧ Melissa Riggio ✧ Melissa Velez ✧ Meredith Hainsworth ✧ Meyari McFarland ✧ Micaela Pearson ✧ Michael ✧ Michael J Bearfoot ✧ Michael Scarpa ✧ Michelle Chilkotowsky ✧ Mikayla ✧ Milo ✧ Mina Busby ✧ MiqoRems ✧ Mira Stone ✧ Miranda Latham-Jackson ✧ Mireille Beaulieu ✧ Miri ✧ Miriam W. ✧ Mirumoto Tsubasa ✧ Misha ✧ missblackmrblue ✧ mkp ✧ Molly Patton ✧ Molly Pearl ✧ Molly Speck ✧ Monae Budmayr ✧ Monika Grzelak ✧ Morgan Biddlecom ✧ Morgan Goolsby ✧ Morgan Shock ✧ Morgan Walker ✧ Morgrianna Brandon-Bowers ✧ MsWhit ✧ Mylène Morgado ✧ Myranda Bolstad ✧ Naomi Siegel ✧ Natalie Fhir ✧ Natalie Guerena ✧ Natasha George ✧ Nerfherder ✧ Nicholas Hinds ✧ Nick ✧ Nick Dunn ✧ Nicky ✧ Nicole Smith ✧ Niennas ✧ Nikki Wilkinson ✧ Nikolai Lininger ✧ Nina Jasmin ✧ Ninna ✧ Nonnie Tacker ✧ NotYourAmelie ✧ Old Willy Pete ✧ Olga Lisinska ✧ OliviaUnglued ✧ Pablo Mendez ✧ Paloma Kapitany ✧ Paris & Pompeii ✧ Patti Glad ✧ Pauline ✧ Paweł Grzesiak ✧ Persephone ✧ Phoenix Wesley ✧ Pip Nah ✧ Pixial ✧ Platonicallyinlovewithtrees ✧ Portia McMahon ✧ PrinceSouffle ✧ Priya B ✧ Quality Vanilla ✧ Rachael Schweizer ✧ rachaell black ✧ Rachel ✧ Rachel Adams ✧ Rachel Cole ✧ Rachel Dexter ✧ Rachel H. ✧ Rachel Haemmerle ✧ Rachel M ✧ Rachel Tennyson ✧ Rachel V ✧ Rachel Windsor ✧ Rachelle Aviv ✧ Rachelle Swafford ✧ Rae McIntosh ✧ Raeven ✧ Ramie ✧ Randa Bear ✧ Ravyn ✧ Reanna Fesler ✧ Rebecca Allen ✧ Rebecca Burrows ✧ Rebecca Camp-Allen ✧ Rebecca Cornell ✧ Rebecca Jarrett ✧ Rebecca Moore ✧ Rebecca Nortz ✧ Rebekah Polega ✧ Red ✧ Reed A. Saur ✧ Renee "Elphabun" ✧ Reut Moskowitz ✧ Revolos55 ✧ Rhadja ✧ Rheridia ✧ Rhy Wu ✧ rhys long ✧ Ricarda Staudt ✧ Rick Dalby ✧ rightsidethru ✧ Riley Emerson ✧ Rin Thompson ✧ Robin ✧ Rook Hallan ✧ Rosa Tremaine ✧ Rosa Tremaine "Weller" ✧ Rose ✧ Rosie ✧ Rowan Octave ✧ Rox ✧ Rozanna Perry ✧ Ruby Harris ✧ RuneOfLuna ✧ Ryan ✧ S W ✧ Sabrina ✧ Sadé van den Berg ✧ Sage Jurado ✧ Sally ✧ Sally Tarr ✧ sally_t_mc ✧ Sam Bakker ✧ Sam Old ✧ Samantha ✧ Samantha "callioscopic" ✧ Sanna Herrala ✧ Sara ✧ Sara K Seffels ✧ Sarah Skzupon ✧ Sarah Lazytigre ✧ Sarah ✧ Sarah Anne ✧ Sarah Ashley ✧ Sarah Blackburn ✧ Sarah Gomez ✧ Sarah Hale ✧ Sarah Jaeb ✧ Sarah Johnson ✧ Sarah McCabe ✧ Sarah Meiners ✧ Sarah Mobley ✧ Sarah Natanya ✧ Sarah O'Reilly ✧ Sarah S ✧ Sarah Smith ✧ Sarah Spencer ✧ Sarah Yakimets ✧ Sarah Zeigler ✧ Sarkee ✧ Saskia den Ouden ✧ Sasskarianesque ✧ Scott Graham ✧ Seluvia ✧ Sentient Meat ✧ Serpent_moon ✧ Seth Alexander ✧ Shali Wood ✧ Shar ✧ Sharis Colvin ✧ Shawn ✧ Shay ✧ Sherri Wagman ✧ Sia ✧ Silvain ✧ Simon C Lass ✧ Simon Tenney ✧ Simone ✧ Siobhan Beaumont ✧ sleepyheathen ✧ Sofiya Brisker ✧ Sola Balisane ✧ song palmese ✧ Sophia Dempsey ✧ Sophie Dubois ✧ SpectralHyena92 ✧ Spencer Byrne ✧ Spider Perry ✧ spinachwrap ✧ sporkqueer ✧ Squid ✧ Squiggly Lines ✧ SShera ✧ SSLeif ✧ Stacey ✧ Staci Thomas ✧ Stak ✧ starbit ✧ StarlikeSilences ✧ Stealthflower ✧ Stephanie Baraniuk ✧ Stephanie Cansian ✧ Stephanie Franklin ✧ Stephanie Gagnon ✧ Stephanie Graf ✧ Stephanie Saxon ✧ Stephanie Talbot ✧ Sterlling Pedersen ✧ Storm Shoberg ✧ Summer Minor ✧ Sunny V ✧ Suzanne LaFleur ✧ Svenja ✧ Sylvía Oddný Arnardóttir ✧ Sylvia Chapman Kent ✧ Tal ✧ Taliesan ✧ tamtheotter ✧ Tara Morrigan ✧ Tarmaie ✧ Tate Robinson ✧ Taylor ✧ Taylor Franklin ✧ Tegan Thompson ✧ Tegan Wherley ✧ Tess C ✧ thatlazywitch ✧ The Ferret ✧ Theo Gabriel ✧ TheoreticallyE ✧ theroguedragon ✧ Thomas Schulte ✧ TibbaTobe ✧ Timothy Dean ✧ tinyMEEPS ✧ TJ Gallagher ✧ Tom Chaney ✧ Tomas Emil Agustsson ✧ Tony Rett ✧ Trece ✧ Trevor ✧ Tricia Connell ✧ Trinkit ✧ Trish ✧ Tyandae ✧ Tyme LaDow ✧ Unnameablethings ✧ Usuallyherdragon ✧ V W ✧ Val Benkovich ✧ Vanessa Foster ✧ Vanessa T ✧ Varian Ross ✧ Verdant ✧ Veronica Harding ✧ Veronica Walter ✧ vexed ✧ Victoria ✧ Viktor ✧ Vilja Sala ✧ Violet Elizabeth ✧ werebear ✧ Wes West ✧ Whitney James ✧ William Campbell ✧ Willow Booker ✧ Willowe Studer ✧ wiseoneinhel ✧ Wolveshowlatnight ✧ Wordstreamer ✧ Wydry Dwie ✧ Yilia ✧ Yvette Williams ✧ Zhekiel ✧ Zuki ✧


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