Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1)

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Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1) Page 8

by Michelle Howard

  Kale thrust roughly and her thighs tightened at his waist. “I want to make you mind. I don’t want another to even look at you.”

  If he could fuck her hard enough to leave his mark permanently, he would.

  “Shhh,” her voice soothed. “We’ve done this dance before.”

  He tipped his head down to read her face and was surprised by the soft smile. She really had no fear of him harming her. Him. Kale Serano, one of the most dangerous dark djinn ever born.

  “Kalessando,” he said.


  He’d thrown her off. Fighting the clawing sensation in his stomach, Kale continued. “Kalessando is my full name.”

  Her mouth opened. Carolyn threaded her fingers through his hair. “Thank you for that. I never would have asked but promise your trust isn’t misplaced.”

  Years. Years of living with the betrayal and if someone told him he’d share his name with another lover he would have waged a portion of his worth denying the possibility. “Don’t leave me.”

  Her lips curled. “Never.”

  When her hips bucked up he knew she was done talking. With a thought, Kale removed their clothing. Heated skin brushed against him. Turgid nipples pressed into his chest.

  He imagined his room and they were there in a blink. His bed cushioned their weight. This was better. Now he had all the room necessary to work. Kale planned to keep Carolyn busy for a very long time.

  Chapter 14

  Carolyn cried out, her hands reaching down for the head buried between her legs. What an ecstatic way to wake up. She tossed her head on the pillow, but his assault continued to devastate her.


  Her wail had no impact. His tongue flickered over her delicate lips then stroked up the seam. Her thighs quivered.

  “One more,” Kale growled.

  She’d heard those words two orgasms ago. He was relentless. Carolyn arched up as pleasure bubbled inside. Thick fingers pistoned within her core. Blood pounded through her veins. Higher and higher he pushed her desire.

  Then stopped.

  Carolyn whimpered. Kale lifted his head and she was overcome with lust. His tongue licked the wet juices from his lips. Those golden eyes were doing their glowing thing again.

  “Do you want me?”

  Oh, God. “Yes.”

  “Then give it all to me.”

  The rough whispered demand shouldn’t have turned her on. But it did. “Kale.”

  He nipped the skin of her belly and lowered his head. Fingers resumed. And his tongue. Dear God in heaven. Carolyn tried to close her legs. To catch her breath and steady.

  His hands took her thighs in a ruthless grip. Then spread them wide and held them up. The position tipped her hips. His mouth devoured her like a starving man.

  Pleasure exploded through her brain. Carolyn screamed. The lights went out behind her eyelids and when she finally came to, Kale was deep in her driving her to the top again.

  His thick length slammed into her, rubbing over sensitized nerve endings. Carolyn opened her eyes to the harsh angles of his face, teeth clenched and throat bared.

  Her fingers brushed his flat nipples. Kale gasped, hands tightening on her. She smoothed her palms over his golden shoulders. He was broad. Big. Her first impression of him had been brute. Nothing changed there, but the tough physique was only slightly softened by the expensive suits he wore. Out here in jeans and dressed more casual, he was different. Not soft but not the relentless business man.

  The next orgasm slammed into her without any buildup.

  She yelled his name.

  Kale shouted above her, his body coming down hard. “Marry me.”

  Carolyn’s chest pounded. With fear. Excitement. “What?”

  His arms tightened, but he kept his head turned away from her on the pillow. “I don’t want to let you go. Marry me.”

  Her hands stroked through the damp waves of his hair. “Kale, are you sure?”

  Because her heart and mind screamed yes.

  He faced her. “I’ve never been more certain of anything.”

  “Yes.” A tear tracked down her cheek. “Yes, yes! A million times yes.”


  Kale released the breath he’d been holding. Relief exploded in his chest. He wasn’t sure why her answer was important. All the women he’d fucked, all the women he’d had in his life yet it was this one who had the potential to break him.

  Her agreement eased the mounting tension he’d only just become aware of. Now he could relax. Carolyn would always be his. He vowed to love her beyond her limited human life. She’d be forever protected and sheltered in his arms.

  A djinn’s vow was a promise never broken.

  Chapter 15

  There should have been something tacky about this, but there wasn’t. Carolyn’s heart overflowed and she wanted to shout from the rooftops.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  Carolyn couldn’t believe it. Her hand trembled as Kale held it steady to slide a diamond encrusted band on her finger.

  “I am yours, Carolyn Serano.”

  Her cheeks hurt from smiling and tears made his image waver. Blinking rapidly, Carolyn withdrew her own surprise from her purse. Hoping he wouldn’t be offended, she grasped his left wrist.

  Kale froze. Praying he’d understand, Carolyn fastened the clasp of the brown leather cuff. She’d purchased it in the lobby of the quickie wedding chapel while Kale arranged their ceremony.

  When finished, she stood there quietly and held her breath.

  “Carolyn,” he whispered.

  She released his wrist, but he caught her hand entwining their fingers. “Its...well...because I know you probably wouldn’t want a ring. Considering.” She cleared her throat. “But I wanted something to show that you mean everything to me.”

  With his free hand, he cupped her jaw and nudged her face up. “I’m never letting you go, sweetheart.”

  Carolyn’s mouth hitched in a smile. “That’s good, right?”

  His lips curved up. “It’s very good. I’ll always wear it, thank you.”

  The Vegas officiate pushed papers at them to sign. Carolyn scrawled her name after him. Kale shoved money in the older man’s hand and leaned over to speak in his ear. Carolyn heard the words clearly.

  “You don’t speak of this to anyone. Understand?”

  The balding man who’d married them nodded frantically.

  “Keep the records hidden until I tell you otherwise.”

  “Of course, Mr. Serano.” Sweat gleamed on the top of his head.

  A sharp pain pierced her chest just as Kale turned toward her. Why didn’t he want their marriage on public record? The hole in the pit of her stomach ate at a portion of her happiness.

  “Carolyn, no.” Quick steps and he was by her side, arms locked around her waist. “Just a few more days. A few more days where I don’t have to share you. Then I’ll introduce the world to Mrs. Kale Serano.”

  Sincerity laced his words. Carolyn released a deep breath. She believed him. Knowing how jealously he guarded his privacy, she couldn’t be angry. “Let’s do something to celebrate.”

  His face darkened with a frown and Carolyn smiled brightly to cover her disappointment. “Never mind. We can go straight back to the cabin.”

  She’d never been to Sin City but it probably wasn’t a place to remain anonymous if that was Kale’s intent.

  He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Where would you like to go?”

  What? She did a double take and studied his face. Not jumping for joy, but at least his eyes were still melty. He wasn’t angry that she wanted to explore.

  “Can we visit the hotel with the fountains?” Everyone talked about how beautiful the fountains were outside of the hotel on the main Vegas strip. They could maintain a low profile in the crowds of tourists.

  “Of course.”

  As they left the small wedding chapel, Carolyn thought there was no greater moment than walki
ng arm in arm with her new husband.

  As if reading her mind, Kale turned toward her, hands at her waist. His head lowered, the kiss hard and deep.

  “Wait.” Carolyn pushed at his chest.

  “No.” He nipped her lip, tongue gliding over the hurt.

  Carolyn freed one hand and waved her cell phone. “We need a wedding picture.”

  They were both in jeans and tees, but she didn’t care. She wanted a picture to mark this important day.

  Kale sighed. “Fine.” She noticed he didn’t let her go.

  Carolyn snickered and changed the angle of her cell. She hit the button twice in rapid succession and checked the pic. The head and shoulder shot showed her beaming from ear to ear and Kale glaring at the camera.


  “Yes,” he agreed instantly as he looked at her.

  Carolyn flushed. “Right. Shall we walk?” There were so many sights to see and despite the oppressive heat, Carolyn wanted to take in the full effect.

  The glance Kale slanted her way assured he did not share her joy.

  Carolyn hid her smile as he tugged her into a side street between two buildings selling tee shirts, shot glasses and other cheeky paraphernalia. The moment they were out of sight from curious passersbys, he snapped his finger and they stood next to a busy street where traffic zoomed along the road.

  No one paid them any attention. Kale now wore a black ball cap with the bill pulled down low. He placed his arm over her shoulder and held tight as they navigated their way through the crowded sidewalk.

  The fountains proved every bit as beautiful as people said. They stayed for close to an hour before the other sights and sounds tempted her. Carolyn ate until her stomach complained. Took pictures of the hotels and other tourist attractions. Kale stayed at her side and kept his head down. If anyone stared too long, they hurried along the strip, disappearing in the crowd.

  She stopped outside a tourist shop and picked up a miniature statue of a cartoon genie. The figure was dressed in baggie pants and a vest. Carolyn turned to Kale. His upper lip twisted. “You can’t be serious?”

  Carolyn barely stopped herself from chuckling at the horror defined on his face. “I didn’t bring money with me.”

  He gave in with a deep sigh. “Whatever I have is yours now, Carolyn.”

  Her heart threatened to jump from her chest as he paid for the toy and met her gaze over the vendor’s head. “Really? That’s a pretty big statement considering your worth.”

  He snorted and handed her the tissue wrapped trinket in a plastic bag. Once she accepted the package, he flicked his fingers and a plastic card appeared.

  “Whatever I have,” he repeated.

  Carolyn glanced at the credit card he’d handed over so casually. Going for humor she asked, “Do you even use this?”

  It was a shock to her senses when he clasped her hand and entwined their fingers after she tucked the card in her pocket. “No one will question any purchases you make with that card.”

  She didn’t need his money, but the card spoke to more. It was a visible sign of his trust in her. The idea of shopping or spending more time on the strip suddenly lost its appeal.

  “Hmm, what should we do next?” Carolyn had an idea of what she wanted to do and it involved removing her husband’s clothing.

  Kale growled. “Hold that thought.”

  His power whipped around them and they were back in the cabin. A cabin she was beginning to associate with home and Kale.

  Kale picked her up immediately. A cell beeped. Not hers. Kale ignored it, taking the steps two at a time. His lips were on hers the moment they entered the bedroom. His phone continued to chirp.

  Kale placed her on top of the tussled sheets and ripped the phone from his back pocket. “What?”

  Passion faded and his brows creased. The person on the other end of the line said something causing Kale to step away from the bed. His eyes met hers briefly. She sensed his struggle. “Fine. Yes. I can still make it. I’ll be there tonight, Jadon.”

  He slid the phone back into his pocket.

  Carolyn didn’t like the way he stared. She pulled on the collar of her shirt and sat up.

  “Look at me, Carolyn.” Kale came down on the bed and kneeled beside her. “I wish I didn’t have to leave, but there’s something I need to take care of tonight. I’ll be back as soon as I’m done.”

  It was their wedding night. But then he’d spent every moment with her over the last couple of days. Ignored phone calls that had to be important.

  “It’s okay,” she lied.

  “It’s not but I’ll make it up to you as soon as I come back.”

  She forced her lips to move in a facsimile of a smile.

  He shook his head at her poor effort and rose to his feet. “Tonight.”

  “Tonight,” she agreed. She climbed to her feet, hesitating only briefly. Then decided to heck with it and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Kale’s arms immediately enfolded her in a warm cocoon. “I belong to you, Carolyn. Never fear.”

  Could someone like Kale Serano truly belong to anyone? Her skin crawled as if a ghost walked over her grave.


  Kale adjusted the sleeves of his shirt. The cuffs completely covered the leather band from Carolyn. His conscious twitched at hiding such a visible symbol of love from the woman who’d changed his heart. That she understood he would never have worn a ring under any circumstances made him want to leap to her side instantly and skip tonight’s event. Everything felt new. Intense.

  A final check in the mirror and he left his room with minutes to spare. His timing was slightly behind because he hadn’t wanted to leave his...wife.

  Kale murmured the word under his breath, unable to stop the slow smile that spread across his face. His wife. He should have been upset or concerned with his spur of the moment marriage, but he had followed his instinct and made Carolyn his. He wouldn’t regret taking the chance to have someone in his life who looked at him the way she did.

  Not because of his wealth, his looks or the power he possessed as a djinn. Carolyn gazed at him as if he were her everything and he’d fight anyone who sought to take that from him even as he planned to make sure she never doubted his love.

  Jadon met him at the bottom of his staircase wearing his customary jeans and hoodie when not at the office. The wolf didn’t have a single concern with style and fashion.

  Kale wiped the grin from his face.

  “The limo’s out front.”

  “Fine.” Adjusting his bow tie, Kale slid his cell in his pants pocket.

  “Brie will meet you on the red carpet. The limos are scheduled to arrive at the same time. You walk in together and the photographers will take plenty of pictures.”

  Kale nodded and continued down the hall. If he hadn’t already promised to attend as Brie’s date, Kale would have skipped the awards. Being seen with the actress wasn’t as important as it had been last week when he agreed to go as her date. But he’d attended functions like this in the past for purely professional reasons and Brie would benefit from the publicity of being seen on his arms as much as he would.

  The event gave Kale another means of keeping his relationship with Carolyn secret.

  When this week ended, he’d bring Carolyn back to his house, have her move in and work with Jadon on an official announcement regarding the change in his marital status. Until then, he’d protect her from the media vultures who were likely to go after her with no holds barred when they realized she’d married one of the richest men in the world.

  Kale pictured Carolyn’s innocent face. She didn’t have a ruthless or killing bone in her body. If they brought one tear to her eye, he’d destroy them.

  Chapter 16

  The hours without Kale dragged by. Despite her claims to the contrary, Carolyn wanted him with her. It was their wedding night after all. Her gaze unerringly went to the small wall mounted clock in his family room. Just after midnight. Carolyn sighed. />
  Unable to sleep she’d lounged on the large sectional and flicked through tedious reality shows in hopes something would catch her eye. Without her laptop, she couldn’t work on her latest book. Luckily she was ahead of schedule but writing helped her to focus when the real world got crazy.

  Heaving a sigh, she skipped through several reality shows. Her initial thought had been to wait for Kale’s return from whatever business matter he had to take care of. Now she wasn’t sure if he’d be back before morning. Carolyn shot a quick text to Macy, hoping she was up to talk.

  Her friend kept a busy schedule but always made time for them to get together. The message on screen remained unanswered twenty minutes later.

  Succumbing to fatigue, Carolyn turned off all of the lights, shut down his elaborate entertainment system and made her way to the bedroom. The sexy nightgown she wore would be wasted since Carolyn doubted Kale would get to see it. Standing before the huge mirror in the master bathroom, she eyed the diaphanous blue silk.

  Its ankle length should have made it demure. Instead the flowing lines held up by tiny straps hinted at decadent sex. The sheer side panels played peek-a-boo with the human eye. The nightie was one of three she’d picked up in Vegas while Kale had grumbled and tried to remain obscure in the bustling upscale boutique.

  At one point she’d thought someone recognized him but it was only another male customer complaining good naturedly about having to stand around while their women hem and hawed over silk that men never noticed. Carolyn had listened to the one way conversation with humor.

  Kale met her eyes over the dark head of the guy and sent a sharp look of annoyance. Holding in her laughter, she gathered her purchases and placed them on the counter, preparing to sacrifice her budget to buy the beautiful sleepwear.

  Only Kale had other ideas and paid so quickly, he managed to hustle Carolyn out of the store before she could lodge the first complaint. The rest of the day passed in a blur with cheap food when hunger called, visits to the different lobbies of hotels with extravagant themed décor and drinks in tall colored plastic bottles. The last of which had Kale’s lip curling in a sneer.


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