Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1)

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Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1) Page 12

by Michelle Howard

  Carolyn stumbled and rushed toward the door. Her breath stalled as her hand hit the door handle. She hoped, prayed he’d call out to her. But he didn’t. She opened the door and left. Head down, Carolyn never looked right or left as she made her way to the elevator. Leaving was the hardest thing she’d ever done.


  “What. The. Hell.” Kale ran a shaking hand through his hair and glared at Jadon.

  “I’ve no idea but I’ll find out.”

  “Where’s the report from the investigators? I want to know where I was, who I was with and what I did during that week, Jadon. I want to know NOW!” Kale reached for the small paperweight on his desk and threw it at the far wall, not flinching when it shattered on impact.

  His chest rose and fell rapidly. Her eyes. He kept seeing the pain in Carolyn eyes when he’d let Jadon threaten to have her removed by security. But nothing was as bad as her final expression when she left his office. Carolyn had looked devastated when he denied her ridiculous claims to marriage.

  The holes in his memory covering his dinner date with her couldn’t miss that. From the little time they’d spent together at her hotel room and at his house, he hadn’t expected Carolyn to be one of those women that came with hands open and demands. She’d seemed...genuine, for lack of a better word. But then that made him a fool and Kale knew better. Women in general couldn’t be trusted. Look at what Isolde had done to him.

  But, he remembered Carolyn Sutherland’s expression when she’d first seen him. She didn’t look like she was about to hit her payday. Kale puzzled her reaction. She’d looked like a woman excited to see someone she cared about. When she’d hugged him, he hadn’t known what to do.

  The greeting was foreign and so far from what he’d expected that he’d stood there, arms uselessly by his sides while he fought the urge to fold them around her.

  Jadon spoke into his phone, eyes never leaving Kale. When his forehead creased and his frown deepened, Kale froze. Jadon’s shoulders tightened.

  “Tell me!” Kale ordered, forgetting the need for calm.

  Jadon paused in his conversation. “It’s the investigator. One store owner has confirmed that you were in Vegas shopping. He has video footage from his security cameras to prove it.”

  “What else?” There had to be more. Kale visualized wounded brown eyes and clenched his hands at his side.

  “There were fifteen other women shopping and no way to confirm if you were with any of them. Some of the faces are blurry or angled wrong and you can’t see on the camera. Charges on your account confirm you spent five grand there. He’s looking into another rumor or sighting.”

  Calm. Calm. He had to remain calm. Kale walked to the window and stared out. Below on the streets, Caroline’s hunched figure raced out, head down. A tiny dot among many other moving dots. She stopped at the corner and his chest clutched when she faltered. He pressed a palm to the glass. She straightened and forged ahead until he lost sight of her.

  “I want to know everything, Jadon.”

  Jadon ended the call and came to his side. “It’s only been two days. Liam has two of his best guys on it. Half hell hounds, half human. If there’s something to find, they will.”

  It wasn’t enough. Kale fingered the leather around his wrist. Something was missing and not just his memories. “Have them find out everything they can about Carolyn Sutherland.”

  Jadon turned from the magnificent view. “You’re serious? You can’t believe what she said, Kale.”

  Kale glanced at his friend. A muscle flexed in his jaw. “Which part? That I married her?”

  Because he didn’t doubt that part of her claim had to be a lie. But there was more and somehow in some way she connected to the holes in his memory and Kale wanted to know every detail of what took place during those missing seven days.

  “If she married you, it would be all over the media. No way in hell you could keep that a secret and she certainly wouldn’t.”

  Because everyone wanted a piece of the Serano empire. Kale walked back to his desk wanting to believe Jadon. He’d know if he fucking married someone. Which meant Carolyn Sutherland wasn’t as innocent as she acted. She wanted something from Kale.

  Everyone did.

  It was only a matter of time before she made her demands. Kale would be ready.

  Chapter 22

  “Carolyn Sutherland is here to see you.”

  Kale lifted his head up from the files he’d been reviewing. His admin stood in the door, her pinched lips conveyed her displeasure at this interruption into his ruthlessly organized day. Jadon had left earlier to handle a separate issue, leaving Kale alone in the office for the first time in hours.

  “Why is she here?”

  She blinked. “I’m not sure, Mr. Serano.”

  “Does she have an appointment?” He was sure she didn’t since he’d checked and double checked his calendar this morning for the entire week and the weekend.

  His admin flushed. “No, but Mr. Miles said to make sure you spoke with her directly if she returned.”

  Damn Jadon. Kale shoved aside his papers and gripped the back of his neck. “Send her in.”

  He still knew no more than the night before and Liam promised him answers by noon today. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to wait another hour if Carolyn knew more than she’d let on yesterday. Or she planned to reveal the real reason for her lies. She entered and closed the door behind her. Kale dropped both hands to the top of his desk and arched his brow at a much calmer woman.

  No longer shocked or...pleased. She entered his office with confident steps. It surprised Kale to mourn the loss of the tender smile which had accompanied the caring eyes as she’d hugged him yesterday. He couldn’t explain the myriad of emotions racing around in her presence.

  Denim encased her slender legs and the sloppy red sweatshirt shouted Sunday casual on a business Friday. Kale leaned back in his chair and crossed one suit clad leg over his knee. He continued to stare and follow her approach across the broad expanse of his office. Her steps halted when she reached the opposite side of his desk.

  Pink glossed lips pursed tight together but her eyes betrayed her. For a slight second her cool expression slipped and Kale had a glimpse of something wistful shining in her brown depths. Then she masked the tell tale sign. He wanted it back and blinked at the unusual desire.

  To launch his attack first, Kale demanded, “Why are you here?”

  Her brown eyes glittered down at him. “You know why I’m here. I want to know what game you think you’re playing.”

  Cold laughter spilled from him. She thought he played a game? Kale leaned forward abruptly, his leg falling back to the floor. “Ms. Sutherland, you might as well quit while you’re ahead. How far did you really think you’d get with this fake marriage ploy?”

  “It’s not fake,” she snapped, hands going to her hips. “My name is Serano and you-” She pointed a finger at his face. “You married me.”

  “Prove it.” Challenge resonated in his response.

  Her composure dropped. Confusion darkened her gaze. “Kale, please.” The pointing finger turned into a pleading hand extended in his direction. “Why are you acting like this?”

  Blonde hair swayed in the loose pony tail. Sincerity bled through her question. Emotion pulled at Kale, but he couldn’t decipher if it was need or frustration. Did he actually want her to be telling the truth?

  Kale rose to his feet and braced his palms on the papers he’d been reading. “I’m not acting. If you can’t prove the lies you’re spewing, you have no grounds to stand on.”

  Enough was enough.

  “I’ve been patient with you. When you came here on Wednesday, I listened out of respect for the pleasurable nights we shared.”

  Carolyn’s face blanched, but Kale forged on. “You will leave and not return. If you don’t, I won’t be as nice. Do I make myself clear?”

  Her lips trembled. She folded her arms over her chest, but he didn’t miss her arms quiver. A de
ep inhale, slow exhale. “It’s the accident, isn’t it?”

  Kale stiffened.


  Carolyn’s breath caught. That was it. The accident did something.

  “What accident?” Kale growled and the familiar sound had her tingling.

  He was so handsome. Standing feet away his power reached out and enveloped her. The waves of energy reassured instead of threatened. In this environment he was the ruler of his financial empire. The black suit, pale blue dress shirt and patterned tie fit his refined elegance.

  “The accident?” His voice prodded.

  Carolyn smile tremulously. She relaxed her stance. Everything would be fine once she explained. “The helicopter accident at the museum. I thought you were dead.”

  She walked around the corner of his desk, pleased to have an explanation for his behavior. Placing a hand on his chest, Carolyn leaned into him. His warm scent washed over her. “If you knew how worried I was. Oh my God, Kale. I thought you were dead.”

  Her voice broke and she fell against him, arms going around his waist as tears ran down her face. She didn’t care. On the way over, her mind taunted her. What if it was a dream? What if she came to his office this morning only to find out that she’d imagined it all and he really had died?

  “Tell me more about...the accident, Carolyn,” he murmured above her.

  Pleased that he was listening, she ignored his odd tone. Carolyn walked through those last hours. “When the blades cut through the window, I was so scared. You wanted me to run toward you but...but things were flying and I panicked.” Thinking about it made her grip Kale’s dress shirt tighter.

  “Then the helicopter crashed through the window and I tried to reach you, but you used your magic to protect me. To send me away. You told me you loved me right before the building exploded and I thought I’d lost you.”

  His arms came around her at last. Large palms stroked up her back and down again before grasping her waist firmly to pull her back. “So beautiful. So full of lies.”

  Kale shoved her away.


  He slid his hands into his pants pockets and rocked back on his feet. The smile on his face curled with a cruel edge. “You almost had me.” He shook his dark head and chuckled. “I actually thought you might have information to tell me. But you’re like every other grasping female hoping for a pay out.”

  When Kale leaned around her to open a desk drawer, Carolyn stepped aside. He pulled out a leather case and reached for a pen. Her mouth parted.

  He wouldn’t.

  He couldn’t.

  “How much?”

  Her stomach dropped. Standing there with his pen and checkbook in hand, Kale waited.

  “You don’t believe me?” Of all the things she imagined, this wasn’t one. Her stomach churned.


  “You don’t remember the accident?”

  He hesitated and hope rose. “No.”

  “We’re married, Kale.” His gaze hardened and impatience vibrated from his pores. Carolyn fingered the diamonds on her finger and rushed out. “Trust me.”

  His mouth slanted. “I don’t trust anyone except my friends. You’re a woman I spent the night with looking to have fun. And it was. Fun from what I recall.”

  Pain tore across her middle. She couldn’t utter a response. How could any one forget their marriage? Her heart splintered as she remembered the one defining promise he’d made. Kale watched her, smirk still in place.

  Carolyn gathered the remnants of her pride and straightened. “Fine.” Her eyes dropped to his checkbook. “I don’t want anything from you.”

  She turned to leave when he tossed the checkbook on his desk. The cuff of his sleeve shifted to reveal the brown leather around his wrist.

  Carolyn froze. Was he intentionally trying to rip her heart out? “Tell me this, why still wear it?”

  Gold heated and dimmed as he searched for what held her attention.

  “There,” Carolyn whispered. “On your wrist. If the marriage meant nothing to you, why are you still wearing my gift?”

  His large palm covered the bracelet. Her heart bounced around her chest and air pushed through her lungs at a rapid rate, causing her vision to narrow and sharpen.

  “This is nothing.” His words cut like the sharpest blade. “Show me a marriage certificate. Proof, Carolyn. Give me something more to make me believe I’d marry you over all the women I could have.”

  Carolyn had asked herself the very same question. Macy didn’t ask, but Carolyn could see the question in her eyes. She slumped, allowing pity to way her down. It seemed like no one thought she was anyone special. Not Peter. Not Macy. And not Kale.

  Thinking of how secretive Kale had wanted to be, the delay on filing the marriage, Carolyn could only assume she’d been played by a master. “You’re right. I’m nothing special.” Her mouth twisted as she walked away. “I’m sorry I bothered you.”

  Every step across the room pained her. Every step like a dagger tearing into her heart, but she put one foot in front of the other. Later, later she’d pick up the shattered pieces.


  Her hopes soared when he called her. Carolyn turned around, unable to prevent the eagerness in the action.

  His knowing look sent heat to her cheeks. “Before you go.”

  Carolyn clasped her hands together and waited.

  With measured steps he came to her side. Kale lifted his wrist and asked, “If you did buy this, why?”

  Carolyn’s spirits took a nosedive. An easy answer since it didn’t mean anything. Even as the thought passed, her mind protested. It meant everything to her. And once, once it had meant everything to Kale.

  “Why?” He repeated, brows lowered.

  With a weary sigh, Carolyn gave him the answer he wanted. “It’s my version of your wedding ring.”

  She made it to the door before his roar stopped her.

  “Another lie when you could have simply given me the truth!”

  Carolyn glanced over her shoulder. Cold rage blasted from orbs of gold.

  She snapped. Tired of his doubt. Tired of the see saw of emotions, Carolyn laid into him. “I don’t have to lie. You don’t like rings. After what happened to you, I don’t blame you. I bought the leather cuff to signify our marriage. Silly me, I wanted you to wear a visible sign that you were taken too.”

  Dark waves of menace pulsed around them. Echoes of chilling screams. All too familiar and bringing back the fear of the last time he’d lost control and caused her to cut her finger. Tensing, she waited.

  His next words were said quietly. Ruthless intent clear. “I don’t know how you found out what you know, but if you ever repeat what you heard, I’ll destroy you.”

  If only he knew. “You already have.”

  Carolyn closed the door behind her.


  After Carolyn left, her scent lingered. The taunting honey fragrance drove him mad. Kale wanted to smash something. It didn’t make any sense. When the latch on the door clicked behind her Kale slammed his fist on his desk. The single action didn’t help.

  He dialed Jadon on his cell and his friend answered on the first ring. “I need answers now.”

  Jadon didn’t even hesitate at his short tone. “Liam sent details. You popped on a couple more security cams in Vegas. Definitely with a woman. Credit charges for clothes and a ring.”

  “Who? Who was the woman I was with?” Because more and more, Kale had the feeling Carolyn wasn’t completely lying. Maybe about the marriage but not about the fact he’d obviously decided to spend time with her beyond their dinner date.

  ‘Silly me, I wanted you to wear a visible sign that you were taken too.’

  “Shit, I can’t confirm if it was her. No airline tickets, no hotel reservations for Carolyn Sutherland in Vegas at all.”

  Kale snorted. “Why would she if she had a djinn taking her places?”

  Jadon’s heavy sigh hissed across the line. “I hate to sa
y this, but we may have a bigger issue than I originally thought.”

  None of it made sense. Sure his memory over the last week wasn’t complete, but there were some things you didn’t forget. Things Kale couldn’t possibly forget.

  Instead of going behind his desk, he paced. “What do you suggest we do?”

  “You need to make nice with her while we dig deep.”

  Dig deep? What did the wolf think he’d find? “You actually think I married...her?”

  Jadon said nothing.

  “Fuuuck!” Kale exploded and ground to a halt.

  “Despite what both of us think, Kale, there’s a strong possibility you did marry her.”

  Heat burned his cheeks. Kale rolled his head back on his shoulders while his thoughts boiled. Trickery. All these years later and he’d allowed another woman to trick him.

  Resolution filled him. Carolyn Sutherland would pay.

  Chapter 23

  Days flew by and Carolyn worried herself sick. At the end of the week, she was frustrated, unable to write and at a loss. Her deadline to get the draft to her editor was looming. She curled on her sofa in old sweat pants and a tank top wondering what she needed to do to get through to Kale. The last meeting hadn’t gone well at all.

  Maybe she should let it go. Her heart cracked wide at the thought. If she couldn’t prove their marriage was valid, what other option did she have?

  Her nose burned with unshed tears. Enough! Carolyn slammed to her feet and grabbed her purse. She had to get out of her apartment. Fresh air, anything to take her mind off the wreckage that was her life right now.

  As soon as she hit outside, she turned left and headed for the coffee shop down the street. The vendor smiled and took her order.

  “Large caramel latte.”

  In less than a minute, her drink was called. Carolyn moved up in the line and reached for the steaming paper cup. The first sip tasted like nirvana. Hands full, she managed her keys and coffee while she walked the short trip back to her apartment. Carolyn didn’t often take time to enjoy the sights of her urban renewed neighborhood. Full of independent shops, all windows displayed items guaranteed to catch a curious eye.


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