The Handyman's Dream

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The Handyman's Dream Page 37

by Nick Poff

  She marched out of the room, while Ed shook his head, finally managing a smile. Oh, Norma was a bossy, opinionated old broad, but Ed realized he hadn’t done bad at all in the mother lottery.

  He fell asleep, but woke up sometime later to the sound of someone moving around his kitchen. Aw, crud, he thought, sitting up. I’m sick in bed and now I’m being robbed.

  “Hello?” he rasped.

  He heard footsteps, and much to his surprise, Laurie appeared in the doorway.

  “Hey, you. Mom asked me to come over and heat up some soup for you, since I’m not working today. After Todd and the kids got this mess and I didn’t, I’m guessing I must be immune or something. Mom’s at home, washing her hands thirty times, bitchin’ up a storm about being in Dr. Weisberg’s office with all those sick people.”

  They shared a laugh, Ed’s ending in a cough.

  “Oh, Lord, I’m sorry,” Laurie said, handing him his juice glass. “No more Mom cracks. I swear! I’ll be back with your soup in a minute.”

  Laurie returned with a bowl of chicken noodle on a bed tray she’d brought with her. Ed sat up, gratefully spooning the hot soup down his sore throat.

  “This is great of you,” he murmured, “coming over like this.”

  “No problem.” Laurie shrugged it off. “I tell you, though,” she continued, petting Jett, “after seeing Todd and both kids through this, I’m about half tempted to go back to school and see about a nursing degree. I still can’t believe I didn’t get it.” She shook her head.

  “Hey, maybe you’re like those people in that Stephen King book Rick’s reading,” he said, putting his spoon down. “Almost everyone in the world dies of the flu, then this handful of survivors has to go about rebuilding society.”

  Laurie shuddered. “Rebuild our society? No, thanks. I’d rather be one of the dead ones. Hey, I can take off if you want to be alone. I know how crummy you feel.”

  “Actually, it’s kind of nice to have some company.” Ed went back to his soup.

  “Well, then.” She smiled. “If you’re up to it, tell me about your weekend.”

  Ed, in between spoonfuls of soup and coughing fits, managed to fill Laurie in on the plans he had made with Rick.

  “I’m so glad, Ed,” she said, nibbling on one of the crackers from the tray. “I remember last fall, telling you that you’d know if you were really in love with him or not. Well, you don’t have to convince me. You guys are completely perfect for each other. I mean, watching the two of you together? It’s like reading a romance novel where the main characters are both men. So what’s the bottleneck? Why isn’t he moving his stuff over here?”

  Ed explained Rick’s concerns about the children’s feelings. Laurie shrugged impatiently.

  “The kids will be fine. He’ll only be a phone call away, for God’s sake. Maybe I’m being selfish for your sake, but I think dragging it out is a mistake.”

  Ed shook his head. “No, I don’t want him moving so much as a pair of socks in here until he’s right in his mind about it. You don’t know him as well as I do, Laurie. He’s such a responsibility freak. I know those kids will be a part of our lives for a long time, and I’m okay with that. If he’s gonna be here with me, though, I want him with no guilt.”

  Laurie frowned. “How long is this gonna take?”

  “Soon, he says.”

  “It’d better be,” she grumbled.

  Ed sighed, shifting around under the covers. Every bone and muscle in his body ached, and he couldn’t find a comfortable position.

  “It will be. If either one of us had any doubts about us, they’re gone now. I know we just spent two days away in an incredibly romantic setting, and I know it’s not day-to-day life, but, Laurie, I knew. I knew, talking with him on Sunday, that we’d be together, probably forever. Am I crazy?”

  She shook her head, a faraway look in her eyes. “I remember one time when Todd and I went over to Cedar Point. He hadn’t asked me to marry him, but I was sure he was going to. I’d thought about it, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to, wasn’t convinced he was just the right guy or whatever. Anyway, he dragged me on the Blue Streak. Remember how that roller-coaster scared me when we were kids?”

  Ed managed a chuckle without coughing. “Oh, how I tortured you on that thing. Telling you I saw the support beams coming loose and all. Remember Mom threatening to send me back to the car for making you cry? Oh, that was a day. I never got you on a roller-coaster ever again.”

  Laurie giggled. “I was so mad at you that day. Still, I got even with you. I made Dad make you take me on the Scrambler ten times in a row. But the thing was, here was Todd making me go on that thing again. I was scared, and I didn’t want to admit it. But he knew, without me saying anything. You know how those ride guys tell you to hold on to the safety bar and stuff? Todd didn’t. He put his arm around me, told me to relax and just enjoy the ride. And for the first time ever, I did. I loved it. Can you believe it? I wanted to go on it again. Anyway, we got off, and I looked at Todd, saw his smile, and all of a sudden I knew. Don’t ask me how, I just knew. And two weeks later when he showed up with a ring, I was ready to take it.”

  “Hmm. I’d love to go on the Blue Streak with Rick, but I doubt they’re open for the season yet.”

  “Ha, ha, smart-ass. What I am trying to tell you, and I guess I’ll have to spell it out for your fevered brain, is that, no, I don’t think you’re crazy. I fully intend to be with Todd, until death do us part, and I’m predicting it will be the same with you and Rick. I know gay relationships are different, but I also know a thing or two about love. You guys are the real thing. Period. Just tell him to get his butt over here, and start making those dreams come true.”

  Laurie had been smiling, but her face went very serious. “When Dad died, so young like he did, I realized that life is damned short. Don’t put off anything that’ll make you happy. That’s why I’m making Todd take me to Hawaii next winter.”


  “Yeah. I’ve always wanted to go, so why wait until we’re too old to appreciate it?”

  Ed thought about that. He shrugged painfully. “Soon, Laurie. That’s all I can say.”

  “Okay, okay,” she said, taking the tray. “But you can tell him for me I fully expect to have a brother-in-law by summer, you hear?”

  * * * * *

  Ed went back to sleep after Laurie left. He didn’t know how long he’d been dead to the world when he felt a hand on his forehead. He pushed his eyes open, and saw Rick sitting on the bed, smiling at him.

  “How ya doin’, baby?” Rick asked softly.

  “I’ve had better days.” Ed groaned, trying to sit up, but Rick wouldn’t let him. “What time is it?” he asked, looking toward the clock.

  “It’s time for some supper, if you want any. Looks like you managed some soup at lunch. You want some more? I brought the ice cream, like I promised.”

  Ed blinked at the clock. It was almost six, he noted, surprised he’d slept so long. “Laurie came over and fixed the soup. Sure, I can probably eat some more. Why aren’t you at home?”

  “I told Claire I had a sick kid of my own to take care of. She shooed me out of the house and told me to stay over here as long as you needed me.”

  Ed coughed, then coughed again. “Damn! Darlin’, you know your being here is great, but I don’t want you to get sick, too.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” Rick said, stroking Ed’s hair. “If I was living here, it’d be no different. Now, what kind of soup do you want? I’m not sure what’s in the cabinet.”

  Ed thought about his earlier conversation with Laurie. Yes, if Rick was in permanent residence, getting sick from each other was a chance they’d take, just like any other couple. Geez.Why am I protesting?

  “I think there’s some vegetable soup out there,” he rasped. “I bought a bunch of it while it was on sale.”

  “You got it.” Rick kissed Ed’s cheek. “I may hold off on a real kiss for a few days, if you don’t mind

  Ed just rolled his eyes. Rick got up.

  “Eat all your soup,” he said, trying to imitate Norma’s voice, “and you’ll get some ice cream. Honestly.”

  “Oh,” Ed moaned. “Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.”

  Ed managed to eat all of his soup, so Rick brought him a bowl of rocky road as a reward. The cold ice cream felt as comforting as the hot soup had.

  “Can you believe this?” Ed sighed. “I couldn’t even tell you the last time I got the flu. Man, am I paying for it. I’ll be honest, I feel like strung-out shit.”

  “You look it, too,” Rick said, and smirked.

  “Oh, thanks. I really needed that.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve seen worse, living with three kids. Hey, you want me to sleep on the couch tonight?”

  Ed looked at him surprise. “You’re spending the night?”

  Rick nodded with his warm and tender special. “I spent this whole day worrying about you. How would I get any sleep, not knowing how you are?”

  “Geez, it’s just the flu. I’m not dying. I may feel like it, but I’m not.”

  “People have been known to die of the flu,” Rick said sternly. “I’m sure you’re not going to be one of them, but all the same, I’ll stay here where I can keep an eye on you. Someone has to. You want me to call your mother?”

  Ed coughed in alarm. Rick laughed.

  “I thought so. Now, bed or couch for me?”

  Ed thought about it. “I’d rather have you here, next to me, but if I can’t handle it, then I’ll throw you out. I have a feeling you may be better medicine than those pills Dr. Weisberg gave me.”

  * * * * *

  Rick spent most of the evening in the living room, engrossed in his Stephen King novel. Ed thought about joining him, but instead stayed in bed, eyes closed, letting his thoughts ramble. At one point he heard Rick moving around, and soon after soft music came from the stereo. Ed smiled, recognizing the song, Mercy’s “Love (Can Make You Happy).” As awful as he felt, Ed had to admit that love, indeed, had made him happy.

  Rick’s face appeared around the door. “Is that bothering you?” he asked anxiously.

  “Not one bit,” Ed assured him. “But hold off on the rock-and-roll records, okay?”

  Rick smiled and nodded. “I thought of that. Nothing but slow and easy stuff. I just wish you were up to another dance.”

  “The minute I’m better,” Ed promised. He noticed Rick was holding on to his book. “How’s the state of the world?”

  “Not good,” Rick said. “It seems to be setting up for some epic battle between good and evil. It’s good reading, but scary to think about. I tell you though,” he said, shaking his head, “all these characters sitting back and watching their families die around them. Baby, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. I’d probably end up on the evil team, just out of spite.”

  “You couldn’t be evil if you tried.”

  Ed motioned for Rick to sit on the bed. The record changer clicked, and New Colony Six came on with “Things I’d Like to Say.”

  “This song is so sad,” Ed murmured. “But I love it. Always have. You think of me dying, well, I can’t imagine you leaving me for someone else. Trust me, that would make me evil.”

  “The guy in the song is so resigned,” Rick said. “I mean, listen to the words. He’s just letting her go marry some other guy. I can’t imagine doing that. I’d fight like hell for you.”

  “Well,” Ed said, “he’s asking her, really, if this guy’s good enough for her. I mean, he was hoping she loved him enough to marry him, but she loves this other guy that way. I just can’t imagine my heart breaking like that.” Ed felt tears in his eyes. “Oh, don’t mind me,” he said, embarrassed. “It’s just the flu making me all weak and stupid.”

  “You may be temporarily weak, but you’re anything but stupid.” Rick wiped away the tears. “I love you, baby, and you’re the only man I want to marry. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  Ed sniffled, then coughed. “Yeah, I know,” he croaked.

  Rick laughed softly. “I think you’ve had enough for one day. Why don’t you try and go back to sleep? I’ll do my best not to disturb you when I come to bed.”

  Rick left the room, closing the door behind him, muting the music from the living room.

  Ed lay back against the pillows, sighing. He didn’t really think Rick would ever leave him for someone else. However, the mere thought of Rick looking at another man the way he looked at Ed made him ache even worse. He shook his head, trying to knock such thoughts out of his head. He knew his illness was making him gloomier than he needed to be. Still, Ed wondered how he would feel if he was in a position to sing “Things I’d Like to Say” for real. He figured it would hurt a hell of a lot more than the flu.

  He fell into a fitful sleep, and barely noticed when Rick crawled into bed beside him. He came fully awake later, surprised to see Rick there next to him. Ed got up for more aspirin and a glass of water. When he returned to bed, Rick was still asleep, snoring away as he usually did. Ed quietly slid in, carefully putting his arms around him. Ed snuggled against Rick and sighed happily, in spite of the pervasive ache in his body.

  No, darlin’, he thought to himself, I wouldn’t just turn evil if someone tried to take you away from me, I’d kill ’em.

  * * * * *

  Ed wasn’t feeling any better the next morning, but sent Rick off to work, telling him not to worry. His mother called, but Ed assured her he didn’t need a thing, that Rick was taking care of everything.

  “I tell you,” Norma said. “I don’t know what you did to deserve that man, but you just thank your lucky stars, Ed. I hate to admit it, but he’s probably better than any girl I would have picked out for you. When you’re through coughing up all those germs, I want the two of you over here for dinner, you hear me?”

  “Yes, Mom,” he said, coughing into the phone.

  “Oh, honestly. Get back to bed. I’ll check on you tomorrow,” Norma barked before slamming the phone down.

  Rick returned after work and fussed over Ed all evening.

  “I could get really used to this,” Ed teased, holding out his bowl for more ice cream.

  “Well, don’t you even think about getting sick on a regular basis. I probably shouldn’t say it, but, baby, you’re about as sexy as that pile of beer cans from last weekend.”

  “Man,” Ed exclaimed, not coughing for a change. “Now that’s the incentive I need to get better.”

  “See that you do,” Rick said, leaving the room with the ice cream bowl. “I want my handyman back in full form for other things besides sleeping in that bed, ya know.”

  The phone rang. Ed heard Rick answer it, but couldn’t quite make out the conversation. Rick reappeared a few minutes later.

  “That was Mrs. Penfield,” he told Ed. “She heard through the grapevine about you being down with the flu. I swear, baby, every old lady in this town is pulling for you. Anyway, she sends her best wishes, and wants us to come for a visit when you’re feeling better.” Rick grinned. “She said something about a wedding present. What on earth is that all about?”

  Ed chuckled and coughed. “Oh, I told her that our moving in together was the same as two straight people getting married, so she wants to do something nice for us.” He shook his head, smiling. “Darlin’, what would we do without her?”

  “I don’t know, baby. I do know one thing, though. The next time my parents come to visit, I’m sending them over to her for a good talking to.”

  On Friday Ed’s temperature returned to normal, but he was very tired, and never far away from a box of tissue.

  “Baby, I never knew you had so much snot in you,” Rick said, emptying the bedroom wastebasket.

  Ed threw a pillow at him. Rick ducked, laughing, and hurried out of the room, whistling “One Man Band.”

  Saturday afternoon found Ed pacing around the house, feeling like a caged lion. He felt better, but knew he should follow
Dr. Weisberg’s advice and stay inside a few more days.

  The weather had turned warm once again, and he stuck his nose out the front door, inhaling that unique scent of spring. The trees were in full bud, and Ed imagined the leaves that would soon sprout. Spring, then summer, then back to fall again, he thought, remembering the day he was raking leaves, hoping to meet the new mailman on his front path. Where will we be by this fall? he wondered.

  Having Rick in the house with him these past few days had made being sick tolerable, and Ed suddenly knew that Laurie was right, they were wasting time. He slammed the door shut, determined to talk to Rick that evening, hoping to change soon to now. Apparently Claire and the children had survived without him this week, so maybe the time had come.

  Rick returned from work in his usual joyful Saturday afternoon mood. He was pleased to find Ed feeling stronger, and declared an end to soup eating. He was, he said, going to order a pizza for their supper. Ed, catching his mood, stacked some records on the turntable, picking out those he knew Rick enjoyed the most.

  At one point Rick cocked his head at Ed. “You trying to tell me something, baby?” he teased, as “More Today Than Yesterday” followed “This Guy’s in Love with You” on the stereo.

  “Who, me?” Ed asked innocently. “The pizza’s here. Go pay the guy.”

  They were at the kitchen table, scarfing the pizza, Ed pleased to find that his appetite was truly back, when the phone rang.

  “I’ll get it,” Rick said, starting to get up.

  “No,” Ed said, getting up. “I’ll get it. It’s probably Mom. She hasn’t called yet today.”

  He stepped into the living room and turned down the volume on “One Man Band,” anticipating Norma’s demand to “turn off that racket.”

  He grabbed the phone in midring. “Hello?”

  “Hello,” said an unfamiliar man’s voice. “Can I talk to Rick?”


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