A Fountain Filled With Blood

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by Julia Spencer-Fleming

  Outstanding Praise for Julia Spencer-Fleming’s

  A Fountain Filled With Blood

  “The plot is complicated, and the ethical issues are even thornier. Wisely, Spencer-Fleming treats them with the same delicacy she extends to Clare’s forbidden love.”

  —New York Times Book Review

  “Julia Spencer-Fleming ‘pulls it off’ again in her second outing.”

  —Chicago Tribune

  “Despite the brutal crimes, this is a quiet and civilized story just right for those who enjoy a modern take on the old-fashioned whodunit.”

  —Denver Rocky Mountain News

  “Serious issues…add depth to the story. An exciting mountain rescue keeps the pages turning as the pace picks up at the end.”


  “Even more action, more plot-twists, and more unconsummated romance than in Clare and Russ’s notable debut.”

  —Kirkus Reviews

  In the Bleak Midwinter

  “Atmospheric…. [A] freshly conceived and meticulously plotted whodunit.”

  —New York Times Book Review


  —Library Journal

  “Terrific action scenes…. [W]hat really distinguishes In the Bleak Midwinter, however, is the author’s skillful portrayal of her protagonist’s inner conflict.”

  —Washington Post Book World

  “Filled with many twists and turns….[A] warm tale.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “A riveting page-turner from start to finish.”

  —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

  “Fleming hits a grand slam with In the Bleak Midwinter. The tension is constant. The dialogue is dead-on. The characters are interesting, thought-provoking, and honest. The prose soars above the quality usually found in this genre. To top it all off, the story twists and turns to the last page.”

  —Denver Rocky Mountain News

  “Compelling…many twists.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Without ever slighting the central situation of the abandoned mother and her abandoned child, Spencer-Fleming shows admirable resourcefulness in the changes she rings on it.”

  —Kirkus Reviews

  “The prose soars…. [T]he story twists and turns to the last page.”

  —Maine Sunday Telegram

  St. Martin’s/Minotaur Paperbacks Titles by Julia Spencer-Fleming











  There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;

  And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.

  Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains;

  And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.

  The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day;

  And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.

  Washed all my sins away, washed all my sins away;

  And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.

  Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood shall never lose its power

  Till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.

  Be saved, to sin no more, be saved, to sin no more;

  Till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.

  E’er since, by faith, I was the stream Thy flowing wounds supply,

  Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.

  And shall be till I die, and shall be till I die;

  Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.

  Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I’ll sing Thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.

  Lies silent in the grave, lies silent in the grave;

  When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.

  —William Cowper, in Conyer’s Collections of Psalms and Hymns


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Discussion questions

  Chapter One

  The yahoos came by just after the dinner party broke up. A few young punks—three or four, picked out as streaks of white in the cab and bed of an unremarkable-looking pickup. Emil Dvorak was tucking a bottle of wine under his arm and reaching to shake his hosts’ hands when he heard the horn haloowing down the Five Mile Road like a redneck hunting cry, and the truck flashed into view of the inn’s floodlights.

  “Faggots!” several voices screamed. “Burn in hell!” More obscene slurs were swallowed up in the night as the truck continued past. From their run in the back, the inn’s dogs began barking in response, high-pitched and excited.

  “Goddamn it,” Ron Handler said.

  “Did you see the license plate this time?” Stephen Obrowski asked.

  His partner shook his head. “Too fast. Too dark.”

  “Has this happened before?” Emil shifted the bottle under his other arm. The inn’s outdoor spotlight left him feeling suddenly exposed, his car brilliantly illuminated, his hosts’ faces clearly visible, as his must have been. His hand, he noticed, was damp. “Have you reported it?”

  “It started a couple of weeks ago,” Steve said. “Probably kids let out of high school.”

  “Released from county jail, more likely,” Ron said.

  “We’ve told the police. The inn’s on the random-patrol list now.”

  “Not that that helps,” Ron said. “The cops have better things to do than catch gay-bashers out cruising for a good time. The only reason we got a few drive-bys in a patrol car is that the inn is bringing in the precious turista dollar.”

  “Tourism keeps Millers Kill afloat,” Emil said, “but Chief Van Alstyne’s a good man. He wouldn’t tolerate that trash, no matter what business they were targeting.”

  “I better call the station and let them know we’ve been harassed again. Thank God our guests have already retired.” Ron squeezed Emil’s upper arm. “Thanks for coming. I’m sorry the evening had to end on such a sour note.” He disappeared behind the inn’s ornate double door.

  Steve peered up the road. “Are you going to be okay getting back home? I don’t like the idea of you all alone on the road with those thugs out there.”

  Emil spread his arms. “Look at me. I’m a middle-aged guy driving a Chrysler with M.D.
plates. What could be more mainstream?” He dropped his hand on Steve’s shoulder and shook him slightly. “I’ll be fine. Anyone comes after me, I’ll break his head open with this fine Chardonnay.”

  “Don’t you dare. That bottle’s worth more than you on the open market.”

  Emil laughed as they made their good-nights. Tucking the bottle under the passenger seat of his Le Baron convertible, he considered putting the top back up. He sighed. He knew he was getting old when a couple of drunken kids yelling out of the darkness could make him this nervous. To hell with them. It wasn’t worth a twenty-minute struggle with the roof or missing fresh air blowing around him on a hot June night.

  The high-Victorian architecture of the inn dwindled behind him as he drove east on Five Mile Road. He turned right onto Route 121, two country lanes bordered on one side by Millers Kill, the river that gave the town its name, and by dairy farms and cornfields on the other. In the dark of the new moon, the maples and sycamores lining the sides of the road were simply shades of gray on black, so the round outline of his headlights, picking out the violent green of the summer leaves, made him think of scuba diving in the Caribbean, black blinkers around his peripheral vision, gloom and color ahead.

  Twin blurs of red and white darted into view, and for a second his mind saw coral fish. He blinked, and they resolved themselves into rear lights. Backing into the road, slewing sidewise. Christ! He slammed on his brakes and instinctively jerked the wheel to the right, knowing a heartbeat too late that was wrong, wrong, wrong as the car sawed around in a swooping tail-forward circle and crunched to a stop with a jolt that whipsawed Dvorak’s head from the steering wheel to his seat.

  The smell of the Chardonnay was everywhere, sickening in its excess. Steve would kill him for breaking that bottle. His ears rang. He drew a deep breath and caught it, stopped by the ache in his chest. Contusion from the shoulder restraint. He touched the back of his neck. Probably cervical strain, as well. Behind him, some awful hip-hop nonsong thumped over a gaggle of voices. He turned off the engine. Better go see if anyone needed any medical attention before he took down the driver’s insurance and sued him into next week. The idiot.

  A door thumped shut at the same time he heard the hard flat thwack of shoes or boots hitting the macadam. Glass crunched. “Look what we got!” A young man’s voice, taut with excitement. “We caught us a faggot!” Another thump, more crunching, several whoops almost drowning out the stifling beat of the bass. Dvorak’s hand froze on the door handle. The idiot. He was the idiot. He lunged for his cell phone, had the power on, and actually hit a nine and a one before the blow hit across his forearm, tumbling the phone from his grasp and making him gasp from the flaring pain. A long arm reached down to scoop the phone off the passenger seat.

  There were hands on his jacket, tugging him sideways, and he watched as the cell phone arced through the edge of his headlights into the thick young corn. “Queerbait! You like to suck dick? You like little boys?” He twisted against the hands, groping for his car keys, his heart beating twice as fast as the sullen song, thinking he could still get out of this, still get away, until one of them hit him in the temple hard; supraorbital fracture, the part of him that could never stop being a doctor thought as his vision grayed and the key ring jingled out of reach.

  In front of him, the headlights illuminated a swath of achingly green corn, cut off from the shoulder of the road by a sagging fence of barbed wire twisted around rough posts. His door was yanked open, and he wanted to think of Paul, to think of his children, but the only thing in his head was how the fence looked like the one on the cover of Time, like the one Matthew Shepard died on, and he was going to die now, too, and it was going to hurt more than anything.

  “C’mere, faggot,” one of them said as he was dragged from his seat. And the pain began.

  Chapter Two

  “This stuff is going to kill us all!”

  “Why are we having this meeting? This problem was supposed to have been resolved back in ’seventy-seven.”

  “I want to know if my grandchildren are safe!”

  The mayor of Millers Kill squeezed the microphone base as if he could choke off the rising babel with one hand. “People, please. Please! Let’s try to keep some sense of order here! I know it’s hot and I know you’re worried. Skiff and I will answer your questions the best we can. Meanwhile, sit down, raise your hand, and wait your turn.” Jim Cameron glared at his constituents until the more excitable ones grudgingly lowered themselves back into their overly warm metal folding chairs.

  The Reverend Clare Fergusson, priest of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, slid sideways an inch in her own chair. She had come to her first aldermen’s meeting with the nursing director of the Millers Kill Infirmary, and though she was glad for the expert commentary, Paul Foubert was a good six four and close to three hundred pounds. Not only did he spread across his undersized chair onto hers but he also radiated heat. She pulled at her clerical collar in a useless attempt to loosen it. She was sitting next to a giant hot-water bottle on the last and stickiest night of June. In a meeting that had already gone on an hour longer than planned.

  “Yes. The chair recognizes Everett Daniels.”

  A gangly, balding man stood up. “Back in ’seventy-six when they started making such a flap about PCBs, we were told we didn’t have anything to worry about because we were upstream from the factories in Fort Edward and Hudson Falls where they used the stuff. Are you telling us it’s now migrating up the Hudson and into Millers Kill?”

  “They did find elevated levels of PCBs in our river, Everett. Obviously, water doesn’t flow backward. But we are awful close to the core contamination sites, and our river joins up with the Hudson just a couple miles from where we’re sitting. The DEP folks don’t know yet if the stuff is coming into the Kill from the wetlands or groundwater or what.”

  A woman’s voice cracked through the air. “Why don’t you tell the truth? The stuff is coming from that damn storage dump we allowed in the quarry back in nineteen seventy! And that new resort development is bringing up the chemical and letting it run straight downhill into town land!”

  “Mrs. Van Alstyne, I asked that everyone raise a hand to be recognized!”

  Clare jerked in her seat. The only Van Alstyne she knew in town was Russ Van Alstyne, the chief of police. His wife, Linda, was supposed to be gorgeous. Clare made a futile swipe at the damp pieces of hair that had fallen out of her twist and craned her neck for a better view.

  A woman in her early seventies stood, sturdy as a fireplug and so short, her tightly permed white hair barely cleared the heads of the people sitting around her. Clare tried to see around the people sitting near the woman. She couldn’t see anyone who could be Linda Van Alstyne.

  “I was saying it back in ’seventy and I’ll say it now: Allowing that PCB dump was a big mistake. They said it was airtight and leakproof and they waved a chunk of money in front of the town council until the aldermen rolled over and said yes. Then they put the blasted thing in the old shale quarry, even though a high school geology teacher, which you were at the time, Jim Cameron, could have told them shale was a highly permeable rock!” She turned her head to address her neighbors. “That means it leaks!”

  “I protested against it, too, Mrs. Van Alstyne,” the mayor said.

  Clare’s mental fog cleared away. That wasn’t Russ’s wife. “It’s his mother,” she said under her breath. Paul Foubert looked at her curiously. She felt her cheeks grow warmer.

  “The state cleaned up that site in ’seventy-nine,” Mayor Cameron continued. “Last tests show traces of PCB in the quarry, but they’re at acceptable levels.”

  “Of course they are! The blasted stuff leaked away into the bedrock. Now along comes BWI Development and gives us the same song and dance, this time promising lots of money from the tourists and lots of jobs, and what does the Planning Board do? Roll over and hand ’em a permit to start plowing and blasting over fifty acres of Landry property. It’s been
three months they’ve been working, and suddenly we find PCBs in the Dewitt Elementary playground. This stuff causes cancer, and it’s in our playground!”

  “Can we just stop the hysterics and stick to the facts!” An angular blond woman stood near the front row. In contrast to the Wednesday-night casual dress of the rest of the crowd, her suit was so sharply cut, it looked bulletproof. “Before we ever started construction, we had to get a permit from the state Department of Environmental Protection. It took them two years to grant it. Two years! They tested the quarry. They tested the water. They tested the damn trees, for all I know. The PCBs are at acceptable levels at the resort site. Acceptable. Levels. There may be more of the stuff in the river, but there’s no reason to act as if my property is some sort of Love Canal!”

  “Damn it, Peggy, will you just wait your turn!”

  She rounded on the mayor. “I came here tonight because I was told there was a motion to suspend construction due to the so-called PCB crisis.” She pointed toward the aldermen’s table. “My property was certified by the DEP. I have provided you with their environmental-impact statements, which, if you bother to read them, clearly say the development is within parameters approved by New York State. I have also provided you with copies of our zoning approval and our construction permits. Which documents you, gentlemen, issued only six months ago!”

  The mayor turned away from the microphone and leaned over the wide wooden table. The four aldermen shoved in closer to hear whatever it was he was saying. They were shuffling papers like blackjack dealers. Clare nudged Paul. “Who’s the woman?” she whispered.


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