The power broker : Robert Moses and the fall of New York

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The power broker : Robert Moses and the fall of New York Page 181

by Caro, Robert A

  Sulzberger, Iphigene Ochs: New York Times (Dec. 11, 1967)

  Tallamy, Bertram D.: superintendent, State Department of Public Works, Dewey era; federal highway administrator, Harriman, Rockefeller eras (May 14, 1968; 1970)

  Tappan, Hazel: Moses secretary (1969, 1970)

  Truex, James: Harriman aide (July 7, 1968)

  Tugwell, Rexford G.: City Planning Commission chairman, La Guardia era; would-be Moses biographer (Jan. 16, 1968)

  Vollmer, Arnold and Rebecca: Moses aides (July 6, 1968)

  Wagner, Robert F., Jr.: Mayor (Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 3, 1972)

  Warner, Albert L.: Albany correspondent for Brooklyn Eagle, New York Times, Smith era (May 9, 1967)

  Warner, Emily Smith: Al Smith's daughter (Mar. 25, 26, 1967)

  Weeks, George L., Jr.: Islip Town Historian (Apr. 14, May 2, 1968)

  Weinberg, Robert C: reformer, urban planner (May 2, 1968)

  Williams, Arthur B., Sr.: Moses aide (Oct. 3, 1967)

  Windels, Paul: La Guardia Corporation Counsel (Nov. 8, 9, 10, 1967)


  A bibliography for this book would be another book in itself, and an exercise in pedantry to boot. The following list includes only those books specifically cited in the Notes that follow, and I include this list for one purpose alone: so that in the Notes I can use abbreviations.

  Allen, Frederick Lewis : The Big Change. New York: Harper & Row; 1952.

  Allen, Robert S.: Our Sovereign State. New York: Vanguard; 1949.

  Allen, William H.: Al Smith's Tammany Hall. New York: The Institute for Public Service; 1958.

  and Eda Amberg: Civic Lessons

  from Mayor Mitchel's Defeat. New York: The Institute for Public Service; 1921.

  Amory, Cleveland: The Last Resorts. New York: Harper & Brothers; 1948.

  Anderson, Martin: The Federal Bulldozer. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; 1964.

  Andrews, William Loring: The Iconography of the Battery and Castle Garden. New York: Scribner's; 1901.

  : New York As Washington Knew

  It. New York: Scribner's; 1905.

  Bacon, Leonard: Semi-Centennial. New York: Harper & Brothers; 1939.

  Bard, Erwin W.: The Port of New York Authority. New York: Columbia University Press; 1942.

  Baruch, Bernard: My Own Story. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; 1957.

  : The Public Years. New York:

  Holt, Rinehart & Winston; i960.

  Bellush, Bernard: Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of New York. New York: Columbia University Press; 1955.

  Bird, Frederick L.: A Study of the Port of New York Authority. New York: Dun and Bradstreet; 1949.

  Birmingham, Stephen: Our Crowd. New York: Harper & Row; 1967.

  Blakelock, Chester R.: History of the Long Island State Parks. West Islip, N.Y.: The Long Island Forum Press; 1959.

  Bolt, Robert: A Man for All Seasons. New York: Random House; 1962.

  Brandt, Lillian: An Impressionistic View of the Winter of 1930-31 in New York City. New York: New York Welfare Council; 1932.

  Bureau of Public Roads: When All Roads Led to Rome. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Public Roads; undated.

  Caro, Ina Joan: "Building a Public Works Project in a Democracy: The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge" (Unpublished Master's thesis, 1973).

  Catledge, Turner: My Life and the Times. New York: Harper & Row; 1971.

  Clark, Ralph H.: Four Years' Journey with Yale 1909. Privately published; 1967.

  Cohen, Jules Henry: They Builded Better Than They Knew. New York: J. Messner; 1946.

  Connable, Alfred, and Edward Silber-farb: Tigers of Tammany. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; 1967.

  Costikyan, Edward N.: Behind Closed Doors. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World; 1966.

  Cuneo, Ernest: Life with Fiorello. New York: Macmillan; 1955.

  Dahlberg, Jane S.: The New York Bureau of Municipal Research: Pioneers in Government Administration. New York: New York University Press; 1966.

  Doig, Jameson W.: Metropolitan Transportation Politics and the New York Region. New York: Columbia University Press; 1966.

  Selected Bibliography


  East, John Benton: Council-Manager Government: The Political Thought of Its Founder, Richard S. Childs. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press; 1965.

  Eberlein, Harold B.: Manor Houses and Historic Homes of Long Island and Staten Island. Port Washington, N.Y.: Ira J. Friedman; 1928.

  Ellis, David M., James A. Frost, Harold S. Syrett, and Harry F. Carman: A Short History of New York State. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press; 1957.

  Ellis, Edward Robb: The Epic of New York City. New York: Coward-Mc-Cann; 1966.

  Farley, James A.: Behind the Ballots.

  New York: Harcourt, Brace; 1938. : Jim Farley's Story: The Roosevelt Years. New York: Whittlesey

  House, 1946. Felker, Clay (ed.): The Power Game.

  New York: Simon & Schuster; 1969. Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Great Gatsby.

  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons;

  1951. Flynn, Edward J.: You're the Boss. New

  York: Viking; 1947. Fowler, Gene: Beau James. New York:

  Viking; 1949. Freidel, Frank: Franklin D. Roosevelt:

  The Ordeal. Boston: Little, Brown;

  1954. : Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Triumph. Boston: Little, Brown; 1956.

  Garrett, Charles: The La Guardia Years. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press; 1961.

  Gervasi, Frank: The Real Rockefeller. New York: Atheneum; 1964.

  Gilder, Rodman: The Battery. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 1936.

  Gluck, Gemma La Guardia; edited by S. L. Schneiderman: My Story. New York: David McKay; 1961.

  Graham, Frank: Al Smith, American. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons; 1945.

  Graham, George A.: Education for Public Administration. Chicago: The Committee on Public Administration; 1961.

  Gulick, Luther H.: The National Institute of Public Administration: An Adventure in Democracy. New York: The National Institute of Public Administration; 1928.

  Gunther, John: Inside U.S.A. New York: Harper & Row; 1951.

  Hamburger, Philip: Mayor-Watching and Other Pleasures. New York: Rine-hart; 1958.

  Handlin, Oscar: Al Smith and His America. Boston: Little, Brown; 1958.

  Hapgood, Norman, and Henry Mosko-witz: Up from the City Streets. New York: Grosset & Dunlap; 1927.

  Havemeyer, Loomis: My Student Days at Wall Street. Privately published;


  Herndon, Booton: The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1964.

  Hoover, Edgar M., and Raymond Vernon: Anatomy of a Metropolis, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; 1959.

  Ickes, Harold L.: The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes. Vol. I: The First Thousand Days, 1933-1936. New York: Simon & Schuster; 1953.

  Isaacs, Edith: Love Affair with a City. New York: Random House; 1967.

  Jacobs, Jane: The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House; 1961.

  Jenkins, Shirley: Comparative Recreation Needs and Services in New York Neighborhoods. New York: The Research Department, Community Council of Greater New York; 1963.

  Jones, John F.: The Jones Family, Descendants of Major Thomas Jones, 1665-1726, and Allied Families. New York: Tobias A. Wright; 1907.

  Josephson, Matthew: The Robber Barons. New York: Harcourt, Brace; 1934.

  and Hannah Josephson: Al

  Smith: Hero of the Cities. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 1969.

  Kaplan, H. Elliot: The Law of Civil Service. Albany, N.Y.: M. Bender;


  Kieley, John B.: Moses on the Green. University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press; 1959.

  Klein, Woody: Lindsay's Promise. New York: Macmillan; 1970.

  La Guardia, Fiorello Henry: The Making of an Insurgent: An Autobiography, 188 2-1919. New York: Lippincott; 1948.

  Leavitt, Helen: Superhighway-Super-hoax. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday; 19

  Lewinson, Edwin R.: John Purroy Mit-chel: The Boy Mayor of New York. New York: Astra Books; 1965.


  Lewis, Arthur B.: The Day They Shook

  the Plum Tree. New York: Harcourt,

  Brace & World; 1963. Lie, Trygve Halvdan: In the Cause of

  Peace: Seven Years with the United

  Nations. New York: Macmillan; 1954. Limpus, L. M., and B. W. Leyson: This

  Man La Guardia. New York: Dutton,

  1938. Lipson, Leslie: The American Governor

  from Figurehead to Leader. New York:

  Greenwood Press; 1939. Lowe, Jeanne R.: Cities in a Race with

  Time. New York: Random House;

  1968. Lundberg, Ferdinand: America's Sixty

  Families. New York: Citadel; 1937. : The Rich and the Super-Rich.

  New York: Lyle Stuart; 1968. Lynch, Richard M.: Alfred E. Smith: An

  Anthology. New York: Vantage; i960.

  Manley, Seon: Long Island Discovery.

  Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday; 1966. Mann, Arthur: La Guardia: A Fighter

  Against His Times. Philadelphia: Lip-

  pincott; 1959. : La Guardia Comes to Power:

  1933. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1965. Matz, Mary Jane: The Many Lives of

  Otto Kahn. New York: Macmillan;

  1963. Mitgang, Herbert: The Man Who Rode the Tiger. Philadelphia: Lippincott;


  Mockridge, Norton, and R. H. Prall: The Big Fix. New York: Holt; 1954.

  Moger, Roy W.: Roslyn — Then and Now. Roslyn, N.Y.: Roslyn Public School; 1965.

  Moley, Raymond: 27 Masters of Politics. New York: Funk and Wagnalls;


  Morris, Joe Alex: Those Rockefeller Brothers. New York: Harper & Brothers; 1953.

  : Nelson Rockefeller: A Biography. New York: Harper & Brothers; i960.

  Morris, Newbold, in collaboration with Dana Lee Thomas: Let the Chips Fall. New York: Appleton-Cen-tury-Crofts; 1955.

  Moscow, Warren : Politics in the Empire State. New York: Alfred A. Knopf; 1948.

  : What Have You Done for Me

  Lately? Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall; 1967.

  : The Last of the Big-Time Bosses:


  many Hall. Neu York: Stein an • 1971.

  Moses, Ruber i

  Great Britain. New York: The I of Political S, a of Columbia University; 1914.

  [for the Committee on the State-Park Plan]: A State Park Plan for , h York. New York: New York State Association; 1922.

  [for the Committee on the State

  Park Plan]: The State Park Plan for New York — Revised to Show Pr, to Date. New York: New York State Association; 1924.

  ■: Four Years of Park Progress.

  New York: The City of New York, Department of Parks; 1938.

  ■: Six Years of Park Progress. New

  York: The City of New York, Department of Parks; 1940.

  ■: Flushing Meadow Park, Tenth

  Anniversary. New York: The City of New York, Department of Parks; 1949. ■: Working for the People. New

  York: Harper & Brothers; 1956. : La Guardia: A Salute and a

  Memoir. New York: Simon & Schuster;


  •: Flushing Meadow-Corona Park:

  A Family Park. New York: New York's World Fair 1964-65 Corporation; 1962. : A Tribute to Governor Smith.

  New York: Simon & Schuster; 1962. ■: Public Works: A Dangerous

  Trade. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1970. and Carl H. P. Thurston (eds.):

  The Life and Times of Carmine De Sapio and the Rise and Fall of Tarn-

  Yale Verse. New Haven: Yale Publishing Association; 1909. Mumford, Lewis: The Highway and the City. New York: Harcourt, Brace; 1963.

  Nevins, Allan: Herbert H. Lehman and

  His Era. New York: Charles Scribner's

  Sons; 1963. and John A. Krout (eds.): The

  Greater City: New York, 1898-1948.

  New York: Columbia University Press;


  Owen, Wilfred: The Metropolitan Transportation Problem. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution; 1966.

  Perkins, Frances: The Roosevelt I Knew. New York. Viking; 1946.

  Phillips, Cabell: From the Crash to the Blitz: 1929-1939. New York: Macmillan; 1969.

  Pierson, George W.: Yale College: An

  Selected Bibliography


  Educational History, 1871-1921. New Haven: Yale University Press; 1952.

  Poling, James (ed.): The Rockefeller Record. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell; i960.

  Pringle, Henry F.: Alfred E. Smith: A Critical Study. New York: Macy-Ma-sius; 1927.

  Pritchett, Victor S.: New York Proclaimed. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World; 1965.

  Proskauer, Joseph M.: A Segment of My Times. New York: Farrar, Straus; 1950.

  Rankin, Rebecca B. (ed.): New York Advancing: A Scientific Approach to Municipal Government; An Accounting to the Citizens by the Departments and Boroughs of the City of New York, 1934-1935, F. H. La Guardia, Mayor. New York: Municipal Reference Library; 1936.

  : New York Advancing: The Result of Five Years of Progressive Administration in the City of New York, F. H. La Guardia, Mayor. World's Fair Edition. New York: Municipal Reference Library; 1939.

  ■: New York Advancing: Seven

  : The Age of Roosevelt. Vol. II:

  The Coming of the New Deal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 1959.

  : The Age of Roosevelt. Vol. Ill:

  More Years of Progressive Administration in the City of New York, 1939-1945. Victory Edition. New York: Municipal Reference Library; 1945.

  Reed, Henry H., and Sylvia Duckworth: Central Park: A History and a Guide. New York: Clarkson N. Potter; 1966.

  Rethi, Lili, and Edward M. Young: The Great Bridge. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux; 1965.

  Riordon, William L.: Plunkitt of Tammany Hall. New York: Dutton; 1963.

  Rodgers, Cleveland: Robert Moses: Builder for Democracy. New York: Holt; 1952.

  Rodgers, William H.: Rockefeller's Follies. New York: Stein and Day; 1966.

  Rosenman, Samuel I.: Working with Roosevelt. New York: Harper & Row; 1952.

  Saalman, Howard: Haussmann: Paris Transformed. New York: Braziller;


  Sayre, Wallace S., and Herbert Kaufman: Governing New York City. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; i960.

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Age of Roosevelt. Vol. I: The Crisis of the Old Order. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 1957.

  The Politics of Upheaval. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; i960.

  Schreiber, Hermann: Merchants, Pilgrims, and Highwaymen: A History of Roads Through the Ages. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons; 1962.

  Sherwood, Robert: Roosevelt and Hopkins. New York: Harper & Brothers; 1950.

  Silver, Arthur: Jews in the Political History of New York City, 1865-1892. New York: Yeshiva University (unpublished thesis).

  Sobin, Dennis P.: Dynamics of Community Change: The Case of Long Island's Declining "Gold Coast." Port Washington, N.Y.: Ira J. Friedman; 1968.

  Stiles, Lela: The Man Behind Roosevelt: The Story of Louis McHenry Howe. Cleveland and New York: World; 1954.

  Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps: The Iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909. 6 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead; 1915-1928.

  Strunsky, Simeon: No Mean City. New York: Dutton; 1944.

  Talese, Gay: The Bridge. New York: Harper & Row; 1964.

  : The Kingdom and the Power.

  New York and Cleveland: World; 1969.

  Thompson, Benjamin F.: History of Long Island from Its Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. Port Washington, N.Y.: Ira J. Friedman; 1962.

  Tieck, William A.: Riverdale, Kings-bridge, Spuyten Duyvil — A Historical Epitome of the Northwest Bronx. Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell Company; 1968.

  Tugwell, Rexford Guy: The Art of Politics. Garden City, N.Y.: Double-day; 1958.

  Ulmann, Albert: A Landmark History of New
York. Port Washington, N.Y.: Ira J. Friedman; 1969.

  Warner, Emily Smith: The Happy Warrior. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday; 1956.

  Weeks, George L., Jr.: Isle of Shells. Islip, N.Y.: Buys Brothers; 1965.

  Whalen, Grover: Mr. New York: An Autobiography. New York: Putnam's; 1955.



  Whalen, Richard J.: New York: A City Destroying Itself. New York: Morrow;

  1965. White, Norval, and Elliot Willensky

  (eds.): AIA Guide to New York City.

  New York: Macmillan, 1968. White, Theodore H.: The Making of

  the President i960. New York: Athe-

  neum; 1961. : The Making of the President

  1964. New York: Atheneum; 1965. ■: The Making of the President

  1968. New York: Atheneum; 1969. Wilson, Rufus Rockwell: New York

  Old and New. Philadelphia: Lippincott;

  1902. Wood, Robert C, with Vladimir V.

  Almendinger: 1400 Governments:

  The Political Economy of the New

  York Metropolitan Region. ( ami Mass.: Harvard Uni ersit) IVv WPA: New Yorl I Gu >m-

  prehensive Gallic to the Five Borough*

  of the Metropolis. New York: Random House; 1939. : New York Panorama: A Comprehensive View of the Metropolis, Presented in a Series of Articles. New York: Random House; 1938.

  Zeckendorf, William: Zeckendorf.

  New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston;

  1970. Zinn, Howard: La Guardia in Congress.

  Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press;



  ASHPS American Scenic and Historical Preservation Society

  BMR Bureau of Municipal Research

  BPR Bureau of Public Roads

  DN New York Daily News

  DPW State Department of Public Works

  FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  HT New York Herald Tribune

  Impy Vincent R. Impellitteri

  J-A New York Journal-American

  LaG Fiorello H. La Guardia

  LI Long Island

  LIE Long Island Expressway

  LIRR Long Island Rail Road

  LISPC Long Island State Park Commission

  MCTA Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Authority

  MRTC Metropolitan Rapid Transit Commission

  NYC New York City

  NYT The New York Times

  OHR Oral History Reminiscence(s)

  O'D William O'Dwyer


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