Invisible Strings

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Invisible Strings Page 3

by Aj Estelliam

  ‘Someone is trying to kill you.’

  She stared at me. ‘What, really?’

  ‘It’s the reason I came over tonight,’ I revealed. ‘I fell asleep and saw him…he was hidden in the bushes in your front garden. Eve; he had a gun.’

  ‘I don’t believe it,’ was her immediate response, dismissing my visions with a shake of her head. ‘Who would want to kill me?’

  ‘That was exactly what I was about to ask you.’

  ‘You’re serious?’ she questioned.

  ‘I am deadly serious. I didn’t want anything happening to you so that’s why I’m here. I thought I would have a look around when I got here too, to check he wasn’t in the house. That’s why I asked to go to the bathroom…’

  ‘I did think that was weird…well, I take it you didn’t find anything?’

  ‘No, I didn’t. I just…is there anyone? Is there anyone who would hate you enough to want you dead?’

  ‘I don’t think so, Eve! I mean, I hope no-one hates me! I’m not that kind of person! I live a pretty normal life and the cases I write about in the news is the only thing that I could think of which I could connect to this.’

  ‘Really? What have you been writing about recently?’

  ‘Theft in a local community hall,’ she told me.

  ‘Oh…’ I replied.

  Eve looked up at me and seemed perplexed. ‘So; what am I supposed to do about all this?’ she asked.

  I stared at her. ‘I don’t actually know.’

  ‘That makes two of us, Annie. I mean, I appreciate your intentions are good and that you’re trying to help me, but I don’t know what I can do. I can’t go to the police because they’ll ask how I think I’m in danger. Saying someone is having bad dreams involving me in danger doesn’t quite cut it, does it?’

  ‘No. They’d think you’re mad too…’

  ‘Exactly. So what do I do?’

  ‘You stay safe.’

  ‘And how do I do that?’

  I knew then what I had to do; what I wanted to do. ‘I’ll protect you, Eve.’

  She stared at me, long and intensely. ‘How do you propose you do that, Annie?’ she asked me.

  I stood up and walked over to sit beside her. I sat down, close...our knees almost touching. ‘I’m going to stay by your side until the danger is gone.’

  She shook her head. ‘Putting yourself in danger too? I don’t think so…’

  ‘It’s what’s going to happen, Eve. I can also help more if you let me in.’

  ‘Let you in?’ she questioned.

  I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. Being this close to her was slightly unnerving, but necessary for my intentions. ‘If I touch you, I’ll get a lot more information. Dreams are one thing, but physical contact seems to grant me access to everything inside a person’s mind. Maybe I can help?’

  ‘Annie; I don’t want you delving inside me,’ she said huskily. ‘As tempting as it might seem in some ways, you getting in my head is not an option.’


  ‘No,’ she stated firmly.

  ‘So, how am I going to look after you?’ I asked.

  ‘You’re not! I’m a big girl! I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ll take care of myself, Annie. Just like I always do. You don’t need to hang around, honestly. Go on…feel free to leave. I’ll be fine.’

  ‘I’m not leaving,’ I told her resolutely.

  ‘But I don’t want or need your help.’

  ‘I believe you do,’ I replied firmly.

  ‘And I believe you’re wrong.’

  ‘Eve; can you just let me stay tonight then? I mean, you asked to meet up with me anyway so what’s the difference? We could stay and chat which would mean you get what you wanted and I get to stick around, knowing you’re safe.’

  She seemed to be considering this for a long moment. ‘I guess that idea isn’t totally heinous,’ she said after a long moment.

  ‘Exactly,’ I replied.

  ‘As long as we don’t go on and on about this though…’

  I pretended to zip my lips closed. ‘Absolutely.’

  ‘We can just get to know each other?’ she asked.

  I nodded, keen to stay no matter how I managed it.

  ‘Good. Well, can I get you anything? A drink, a snack?’

  ‘I’m fine, thanks. Just the fact you haven’t thrown me out makes me feel happier.’

  ‘Oh, come on! If you’re going to stay you can relax a bit. You’ll drink, eat and get comfy! If I’m going to be up at this time of night, it’d better be worth it…’

  I smiled at her. ‘I quite like you,’ I murmured.

  She returned my smile warmly, her gorgeous eyes dipping to my mouth before returning to my eyes. ‘Why, Annie…I quite like you too…’

  A moment passed between us which was pure, electric chemistry. I held her eyes as she watched me and I had to look away eventually as I was struggling to breathe normally.

  She stood. ‘So, go on…what will it be? Coffee, tea, hot chocolate?’

  ‘Hot chocolate please.’

  ‘Good. And to eat?’

  ‘I’m fine…’

  ‘You look like you haven’t eaten in days! Toast? Crumpet? Popcorn?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ll have anything…whatever you’re having,’ I told her.

  ‘What if you don’t like marmite on toast?’ she questioned.

  I lifted my brows in surprise. ‘I love it!’

  ‘Oh, well good…because that’s what I’m having,’ she smiled.

  I watched her go feeling a sense of contentment filling me. It was a strange emotion because I hadn’t felt it for so long. Life had been hard as of late, and I was finding it tough to just deal with the day to day grind of life. All of a sudden, I felt lighter and happier; and it was a result of being with Eve. Considering the information I had shared with her, I was surprised it was working out so well.

  Eve walked back through the door moments later, and threw clothing down onto the sofa beside me.

  ‘There you go…’

  ‘What’s this?’ I questioned.

  ‘Some pyjamas for you. If we’re having a sleepover at God-knows what time tonight, we need to be comfortable.’


  ‘Don’t argue, just go and change. You know where the bathroom is right? Considering you’ve searched the house without my knowledge, you know where everything is, I assume.’

  I met her eyes, feeling slightly guilty. ‘Yeah…sorry about that.’

  She shrugged as if to say ‘whatever.’ ‘Go on…change and we can chill out on the sofa.’

  I rose to my feet, picking up the soft and fluffy feeling pyjamas. I glanced back at her, feeling guilty and then smiled a little. ‘Thanks, Eve. I mean-for not throwing me out…for hearing me out.’

  ‘What other choice do I have?’ she laughed. ‘Go on. Change. We can talk some more in a minute.’

  I nodded before heading out of the room. I went up the stairs and changed in the bathroom before walking back down slowly. I was admiring the pictures on the walls and the art work all around. Her taste was similar to mine and I felt the cosiness of her home as I wandered back to join me.

  ‘There you are,’ she said as I came in.

  ‘I was just looking at your walls. They’re very pretty.’

  ‘Oh, I like my art work. It’s a nice hobby to keep me busy on the cold, winter nights,’ she grinned, her eyes dropping a little and flickering over me wearing her pyjamas.

  ‘It’s your art work?’ I exclaimed.

  ‘It is,’ she smiled, ‘compliments welcome…’ she laughed.

  ‘It’s great! Really! You’re very good, Eve.’

  ‘And you’re very cute,’ she replied silkily, ‘especially wearing fluffy, penguin pyjamas.’

  I met her eyes and felt a tug of attraction once again. Her eyes were stunning, and bore into mine deeply. I wanted to step towards her but I reminded myself it was early days. There was no need to rush this. ‘You
’re a flirt,’ I said quietly.

  ‘And you’re gorgeous. I can’t help myself.’

  I stared at her. ‘How are you not attached?’ I found myself asking, surprising myself at my forward question.

  She grinned at me, chuckling. ‘See something you like, Annie?’

  ‘Well-how come?’

  She sighed. ‘How do you know I’m not?’

  ‘Because you’re being flirtatious with me and you asked me out at the café. They’re the actions of a single woman.’

  ‘True,’ she said, nodding. ‘I am in fact single. Stunning I know, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.’

  ‘Is it through choice?’ I asked curiously.

  ‘I just haven’t met the right girl yet…’


  She shook her head, sighing slowly. ‘I had a couple of relationships which didn’t turn out very well in the end. The last one left a few scars so I’ve been a little hesitant about getting involved with anyone since.’

  ‘So why flirt with me?’ I wondered.

  ‘It wasn’t exactly a conscious decision,’ she revealed.


  ‘No. You’re unique, Annie. I don’t know what it is about you but there’s something undefinable pulling me towards you…an attraction I suppose you would call it.’

  I looked up at her, holding her eyes in fierce contact. ‘I don’t do this,’ I told her.

  ‘Do what? Get involved with women?’

  I shook my head. ‘I’ve never felt this kind of…physical attraction to anyone,’ I admitted. ‘I can’t do anything about it either.’

  ‘Why not?’ she frowned.

  ‘Because of my screwed up head, Eve!’

  She looked at me strangely.

  ‘Look; I’ve kind of avoided physical contact since these problems of mine.’

  ‘You have?’

  ‘I don’t like the way it makes me feel,’ I explained quietly. ‘I don’t like suddenly being bombarded with emotion, worry, issues and problems. It’s not pleasant, Eve. The thing is, I get all that from simply touching a hand-what would happen if I were to have closer contact with someone?’

  ‘I suppose you’ve never attempted to find out?’

  I shook my head. ‘No, I haven’t…and I don’t intend to,’ I told her. ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, Eve, but my reason for being here is about your safety-not about the attraction between us.’

  ‘So you admit there is an attraction.’

  ‘Of course,’ I said, reddening. ‘I’m not blind, deaf and dumb…this is the most tangible sense of attraction I have ever felt in my life before.’

  Her eyes connected with mine and I was unable to look away.

  ‘But I don’t want to pursue it.’

  ‘What if I do?’ she questioned.

  I swallowed hard. ‘I, uh…

  ‘Look, Annie-we’ve only just met, right? It’s early days? How about we spend some time together simply getting to know each other a little better. I’d really like that. We don’t need to worry about anything else that’s going on between us.’

  ‘Really?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yes, really. Come on-let’s get settled in the lounge. It’s a chilly night and I’ve set up the sofa bed so that we can be warm and comfy.’

  ‘That sounds nice.’

  ‘It does, doesn’t it?’

  I headed to the lounge, following her in.

  ‘I’ll go and get drinks and food-you make yourself at home.’

  ‘Okay-thanks Eve.’

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ she said warmly, smiling at me before turning to leave the room.

  I smiled to myself and sat down. I hadn’t felt this kind of delicious anticipation running through my body in such a long time. It felt good…it felt right. I settled back on the sofa and waited.

  Chapter 5

  When Eve returned, she carried a tray of goodies. Placing it on the coffee table, she gestured to it.

  ‘Help yourself to anything you fancy,’ she said, sitting down on the sofa bed beside me.

  Eve had pulled out the bottom section of the sofa, covered it with a fleecy blanket and piled pillows up for us to lean against. A large duvet topped the set-up making it cosy and warm. I felt like I was hibernating as I settled back in my position with a hot chocolate warming my hands.

  ‘This is bliss,’ I murmured after sipping the delicious drink.

  She smiled at me. ‘It sure is. I think I’ll regret it in the morning when I have to go to work but right now, I’m glad to be up late with you.’

  ‘Those are problems I’d actually like to have,’ I said quietly, and thoughtfully.

  ‘Oh yeah?’ she said, questioningly.

  I glanced over at her. ‘It’s surprising how useless you feel after a while of not working. I’m used to being busy, working hard…now I have nothing.’

  She looked at me closely for a long moment. ‘Do you like being a doctor, Annie? I’m guessing it’s hard work-and long hours.’

  ‘I…’ I thought for a moment. ‘I’ve liked it now and then-but the job isn’t what I hoped it would be. I’m too busy trying to meet the demands of the time restrictions to really be able to enjoy what I do. Now this has happened, I don’t know how I’ll ever do the job again!’

  ‘What-because of having to touch people?’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, nodding. ‘It’s unavoidable and knowing myself as I do-I’m just going to land myself in trouble again. If I see or know about something unjust happening, I’m going to speak out about it.’

  ‘That’s an admirable trait,’ Eve commented, ‘but probably won’t put you in good stead for going back.’

  I glanced at her from under my lashes. ‘I don’t think there’s much chance of me going back at all now, Eve. I may as well accept the voluntary redundancy they’ve offered me.’

  Her eyebrows rose. ‘Redundancy?’

  ‘Yeah…it’s an option.’

  ‘I’d take it if you know you can’t do that particular job anymore. Have some time off and then decide what to do next.’

  ‘But what can I do? I’m a doctor who can’t touch anyone-where does that leave me?’

  She thought for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. ‘Surely there’s call for doctors where this won’t be a problem…’

  ‘I don’t see how,’ I replied.

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Go on then-enlighten me,’ I responded.

  ‘Work with the dead-not the living.’

  I stared at her, stunned. My mind went into overdrive and spun with possibility. Why had I not thought of that? What a brilliant idea, I mused!

  ‘Eve-I can’t believe what a good idea that is!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘I’m good, right?’ she joked, chuckling to herself as she bit into a piece of toast.

  ‘It’s actually a very good idea. I can still do the job I’ve trained for so many years to do but touching the people won’t give me the visions and information that’s been troubling me.’

  ‘Look into it,’ she suggested. ‘I’m sure something will come up.’

  I smiled at her. ‘Thank you, Eve. I feel more positive about the whole work problem now.’

  ‘I’m glad I could help-even if it is just a little bit.’

  I watched her as she ate, feeling fascinated by this gorgeous woman sat across from me. ‘So, Eve-I know you’re a journalist but tell me more…what’s your job like?’

  She smiled. ‘I love my job,’ she said happily.

  ‘That’s rare! What do you love about it?’

  ‘I love researching things, I love interviewing people and finding out tidbits of information…I love writing a story and seeing it published with my name in print…it all gives me one hell of a kick. It’s what I always hoped to do and I’m doing it!’

  ‘That’s really cool. It must be nice to enjoy your working life so much.’

  ‘It is. It makes the day to day less mundane.’

  ‘I can imagine. Do you have man
y big stories which you cover locally?’

  ‘We’ve had a few big stories…I mean the most exciting ones so far were the woman who fell off a cliff locally and survived-that was front page. Also we covered a murder in town of a young man. That dominated the headlines for days. Generally, it’s local, mundane topics- beach clear ups, what the politicians are up to and petty crime stories. No matter what it is though, I love it. The whole process really gets me going.’

  ‘I can see your passion for it. It’s inspiring.’

  She smiled at me. ‘You’ll have to read some of my work and review it for me.’

  ‘I’d love to,’ I said happily, enjoying her company.

  Her eyes held mine for a long moment and then she cleared her throat. ‘So, uh…Annie…what’s the plan?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I asked her, confused.



  ‘You plan on staying?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yes. I want to keep you safe after the dream I had.’

  ‘Annie-there’s no-one here threatening me-you saw that for yourself.’

  ‘I did, yes-but that doesn’t mean you’re completely safe! What if I leave and something happened to you?’

  ‘Nothing is going to happen to me! No-one wants to hurt me, Annie! I don’t have enemies whatsoever.’

  I held her gaze and somehow knew she was wrong. There was someone intent on hurting her, I just didn’t know who it was.

  ‘You think I’m wrong?’

  ‘I do, yes,’ I said.

  ‘Annie-I don’t know you…how can I trust what you tell me is genuine?’

  ‘Because I am genuine, Eve. Look into my eyes and see why I’m really here. I’ve been given some strange kind of insight into the lives of others. I really believe that I have to do something with it.’

  ‘Like save me?’

  ‘I just don’t want you to come to any harm.’

  ‘No…but I really don’t see that I’m in danger.’

  I sighed, heavily and resigned myself to what I was about to do. ‘Eve?’


  ‘I want to touch your hand.’

  ‘I thought you didn’t like physical contact?’

  ‘I don’t. I think it’s important though. If I touch you and find out more about what is going on, we can both decide what to do-and you’ll understand that I’m being honest about all of this.’


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