Broken Faith: Spiritual Discord, 1

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Broken Faith: Spiritual Discord, 1 Page 23

by Brandy Nacole

  I tilt my head back, silently cursing the night sky. Here we go again. All this bickering is starting to get on my last nerve. “Listen, I know you want to protect me and all that good stuff, but does it look like you’re in any kind of shape to do that? No! I’ll be fine, B. Please, just go take care of yourself. When you’re done at the hospital, you three can meet me at the cabin, okay?” I know Briston doesn’t like my plan but it’s the best we can do. He needs to go get fixed up, whether he likes it or not.

  Braylee tips her lips with her finger, “I have a question, babe. How are you going to get nine angels, a vampire, and yourself to the cabin in your little Accord?”

  Crap! I didn’t think about that.

  Harper jumps in. “We can take my mom’s van. Between the van and your car, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “But I need you to go check on Mrs. Porter.”

  Gaige is quick to volunteer. “I’ll go check on Mrs. Porter, while Harper goes gets her mom’s van. It doesn’t take two people to check on a little old lady. If she’s fine, I’ll go with you girls to the cabin. That’ll give Briston some peace of mind.”

  “Thanks man.” Briston says with obvious relief. Ugh, men, always thinking they have to protect the helpless females. I guess that’s a trait that will be around through the end of time, no matter how modern we get. Oh well, it is nice to have a sense of protection from those who love you. I just wish the reins would loosen just a bit.

  Gaige leaves to go check on Mrs. Porter, while Harper takes Briston’s jeep to get the van. Braylee pulls Chase to the side for a private chat. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but whatever it is has Chase pulling Braylee in for a hug.

  I’ve taken up Gaige’s duty of propping up Briston. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, hugging me more than leaning on me. “You know I just want you to be safe. Just like Kayson is protecting Sabrina, I want the same for you. I love you, Em.”

  I squeeze Briston tight, cautiously but tight. “I love you too, B.” We pause in this peaceful moment, relieved that we’re finally seeing an upswing to events. Even if the hounds do come back, at least it won’t be in the middle of my nosey neighborhood.

  As if on cue, lights shine across the yard as someone pulls into the driveway. Harper only lives seven blocks down so I’m pretty sure she couldn’t make it back this fast.

  Braylee’s eyes go wide as she peeks around the front of the house. “It’s Officer Lazy Biscuits.”

  Oh great, just what we need. I knew all this commotion wouldn’t go unnoticed.

  I motion for all the angels and Kayson, who’s still holding Sabrina, over to the back door. “Braylee, take them inside and keep the lights off. I’m going to see if I can get him to leave.”

  “What are you going to say to him? Look at your backyard, Em, it’s not going to be easy to explain this away.” Braylee asks.

  We keep our voices low so Officer Beckett doesn’t hear us.

  “I know, just go.” Everyone goes inside quietly. I can hear Beckett knocking on the front door, even though all the lights are off. I walk around the side of the house, wanting to keep him outside.

  “Can I help you?”

  Beckett jumps and spins around. “Whoah! Didn’t see you there, Emma. I got another call about a loud disturbance.”

  The neighbors might not have seen anything since our privacy fence is ten feet high, but I knew the destruction of the shed would be heard. What can I say? If he takes one look in the back, any explanation I might come up with is dead.

  “Sorry about that, Officer Beckett. I had some friends over and they started getting a little rowdy. I asked everyone to go home.” Oh man, my parents are so going to hear about this. Well, at least they can’t ground me like they did a few years back after my last unapproved party.

  “There was also a report about loud growling and dogs howling.” Beckett looks at me with suspicion.

  “We were playing a shadow game.”

  A shadow game? What kind of freaking shadow game involves dogs howling? Come on, Emma.

  “What is a shadow game?” Beckett asks as he descends down the steps. I move to meet him in the front yard, keeping his line of sight away from the back.

  “Oh, it’s where you hide in the dark and make noises to find one another. Everyone started getting creative and used a boom box to play freaky sounds to echo in the yard.”

  Shoot. I cross my fingers, hoping he buys it. Heck, I don’t even believe the lie I am telling. After this is all over, I am visiting the closest bookstore in hopes of picking up Lying for Dummies.

  Beckett gives me his legendary calculated stare. He really seems to think that makes him look superior. What am I going to do, squeal like a baby because of his narrowed eyes? Um, think not.

  Beckett clears his throat. “I’m glad to hear you sent everyone home. Are you staying here alone? When will your parents be back?”

  “I’m not sure. They said it could be a couple of weeks. I’m only staying for a couple of days. Mom has me on plant duty.” Which just got extended for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, I can repair the damage done to her garden out back before they come home. The less I have to explain the better.

  “Okay, well keep your doors locked. That suspicious girl is still on the loose.” I thank Beckett for checking things out as he gets back in his cruiser. I’m lucky he used the circle drive instead of pulling up to the side where I park. His view of the backyard is obscured by the house and the darkness that hid the side yards.

  Harper pulls into the driveway driving her mom’s mini-van a few minutes after Beckett leaves. Gaige comes around the privacy fence at the same time.

  “How’s Mrs. Porter?” I ask with a knotted stomach. I am so scared for Mrs. Porter and what the hounds did to her. I’m afraid of what Gaige’s answer will be.

  “I found her tied in a closet. She was unconscious but still alive. I moved her into the living room and left her on the floor.”

  “You just left her?” I ask outraged.

  Gaige is quick to explain. “She was wearing one of the medical alert necklaces. I pushed the alert button so someone will be coming to check on her. We don’t know exactly what she’s seen, and I didn’t want to explain why I decided to break into her house at one in the morning just to see if she’s okay.”

  A little relief settles over me but not much. We still don’t know her condition. She could have had a stroke or be in a coma from the shock. We go inside the house and find everyone huddled in the living room floor. Everyone except Briston. Briston is sitting in the corner chair, arm tucked close to his body, while he holds his bloody leg. My shirt has helped with the blood loss, but it still looks bad.

  “We’re clear. Braylee you need to get Briston and Chase to the hospital, ASAP. The rest of us can load up to head to the cabin. Let’s go peeps.”

  The angels all file out the door to load up in the vehicles. I am more worried about Briston getting to a hospital than getting the crew to the cabin. His injuries are bad, not life threatening, but still bad. My demand to get a move on it was more for his sake than the others.

  I help Briston to Braylee’s car. Before ducking to get in, Briston pulls me into a hug. “Please be careful. We still don’t know—”

  Yeah, yeah, we don’t know anything about the angels, or the vampire, and there are still hell hounds, yada, yada, yada. I cut him off with a hug, causing him to stumble back. I reach out, steadying him.

  We smile at one another and the old Briston comes to life. “You just keep sweeping me off my feet.”

  I playfully shove him, then give him another hug before he carefully lowers himself into the car. I give Braylee strict rules on making up a good story. I didn’t need her telling the hospital nurses some over-the-top story that no one would believe.

  Once they pull out of the driveway, I get into my own car, with Rainn riding shotgun and Kayson and Sabrina in the back. Kayson is still holding Sabrina tightly in his arms. The affection he shows for her,
even in front of the others disapproving eyes, is painfully romantic. I knew all along that those two had something going on between them, even if they didn’t know it.

  I pull out of the driveway with dread. Angels, hell hounds, vampires, and now ghosts.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  I carry Sabrina into the house and gently lay her on the sofa. It’s covered in dust from years of neglect. I can feel angry spirits within the house moving, trying to hide from my sudden appearance. When Stille and the others enter into the room, the spirits go mad. They start flying through the room, screeching with horror.

  Stille sticks his hand out and with command yells. “Cease.” The spirits stop screaming, but I can still feel their presence. Stille lowers his hand to his side, but continues to calm the spirits. “Now rest spirits.” I can feel the spirits of two different individuals before they show themselves.

  The man and woman are older, both wearing clothing not suitable for this era. The man grabs the woman’s hand before speaking. “This is our home. You have no right to use it.”

  Saja steps up beside Stille, with Hanna flanking her.

  “Your spirit can rest now. The greed you have about your home must be released. Let your spirit free so you may find happier times together.”

  Saja has always had a strong influence over the spirits. The short amount of time I have spent with Saja on earth has shown me how much of a positive influence we can still have upon the earth. As much as I want my wings back, I know we can still bring good tidings for the human’s souls as we are.

  The spirits resist Saja, but when Hanna steps up with her hand out stretched they back away. “You have protected your home, now protect your souls. Let go.”

  The man and woman look at one another with affection. Their spirits float around the room as they touch each individual item they hold so dear. With their hands resting on a photo of them on the mantle, they let go.

  The room goes quiet as the angels give a moment of silence for the freed spirits. It was our custom to respect a spirit that leaves a place they hold so dear, for a new beginning. Just like a moment of silence is held for every soul that enters through Heaven’s gates. Each soul is leaving behind loved ones, places they hold dear, and a life that is hard to let go. Those souls and their life should be remembered with honor and respect.

  After a moment, Stille starts looking through the house to make sure everything is clear. I leave Sabrina’s side to speak with Emma, standing near the door, biting her thumb. She and her friend look petrified. I’m sure the two spirits in their vengeful appearance was frightening.

  “Are you two okay?”

  Emma’s friend nods her head fiercely. Emma’s shocked eyes widen just a bit more. “That was freaky.” I can’t help but smile at their awe and bravery. Not too many humans would be able to grasp all the things that have been witnessed by Emma and her friends these last few days. Yet, Emma stood her ground. She continued to help us when she didn’t have to. She could have easily gotten rid of me and Sabrina days ago and continued on with her life. In fact, she could have made both our lives a living hell by handing us over to the authorities. But she didn’t. And for that I am very grateful.

  I address Emma’s friend. “I don’t think we have been introduced. I’m Kayson.” Emma’s friend shakes my hand with a little flush on her face. My bare chest is probably the instigator of that flush. I am going to have to ask Emma if she can provide us with some necessities.

  “Hi, I’m Harper.” Harper’s smile is infectious. I offer her a kind smile in return.

  “And I’m Gaige.” Another one of Emma’s friends steps through the door to join the rest. Gaige seems a little guarded, but I’m sure he is looking out for the safety of his friends.

  “Nice to meet you, Gaige.” I turn back to the other fallen and make introductions. “You’ve already met Rainn and William. This is Hanna.” Hanna smiles and waves awkwardly. Hanna hasn’t been around too many humans. She’s stuck to the quiet and peace of the land, staying clear of all the hate and war. “This is Mena.” Mena’s ability when she had her wings was to offer strength to humans when they needed it. “This is Kari.” Kari had the ability to control the winds. I think she has the hardest time coping with a life without her ability. While the others can still feel joy or peace, Kari no longer feels the winds stirring her spirit. Next is Saja, who as we’ve seen still keeps an echo of her ability to calm a situation. Taran had the ability to control thunder. Noam, who was a calmer like Hanna.

  “And of course you have already met the almighty Stille, fierce protector of the angels.”

  Stille turns around with anger in his eyes, but I don’t care. If he is going to continue to be crude because of Sabrina, then I feel no need to be polite. Stille and I have always been close, but this time, my actions have driven him to a point of understanding beyond which he cannot go. While I respect that, I do not agree with him.

  “And what must we do now, Kayson? Wait for the hounds to come tearing down our door.” Stille’s tone is still challenging.

  “Stille, if we are put out in the open, running, then we will be ambushed with no plan of defense. You know no matter where we hide, they will find us eventually. But at least for now this place is unknown to them. It’s better if we stay here, hidden, so we can come up with a plan of defense.” I smile at him, knowing I’m about to rub salt in a wound. “Has it been too long for you to remember the proper strategies of a Warrior?”

  A rumble shakes Stille’s chest, but before he can answer me, William steps between us. “Come on you two, we need to work out a plan. This fighting is getting us nowhere.”

  I want to point the blame at Stille for being so ridiculous, but is he really being ridiculous? He has held fast to his beliefs, which did not include protecting a blood child, yet here he is anyway, helping us.

  I push my inner child away and step up to be a man. “He’s right, Stille. Let’s come to terms with the situation and control it the best that we can.” He agreed to the situation in Emma’s yard, and although he’s still grumbling about it, he needs to cool it so we can move on.

  I know he is uncomfortable with the decision, but Stille agrees with clenched teeth.

  “Fine. First, we need to rest. We can work out battle strategies in the morning.” Stille storms off down a small hallway in search of a quiet spot. Hopefully some time alone will cool him down.

  The others disperse throughout the cabin to check the place out. If we are going to be staying here, might as well make ourselves comfortable. I return to the couch with Sabrina. No doubt this is where I will be staying until she is better.

  Sabrina’s is still unmoving, which worries me, but I am sure she’s still alive. Vampires have no pulse, nor do they breathe. That makes it a little tricky to know whether they are alive or not. I have watched over history as some use this to their advantage to trick their prey. They would lie in wait, pretending to be unconscious or dead, until some naive person comes to see what has happened. But Sabrina would have turned to ash by now if she were dead.

  Emma and Rainn come to stand behind the couch and observe Sabrina. “How is she?” Emma asks.

  “Only time will tell. My blood has seemed to heal her some, but not completely. She will need time and maybe more of my blood to completely heal.”

  Rainn hesitantly speaks. “What if it doesn’t work? What if she can’t be healed?”

  “It will.” I see Rainn give Emma a doubtful look, but I ignore her. Instead, I stretch out beside Sabrina, laying her body tightly against mine. There is no doubt in my mind that it will work, and once that happens, I will do everything in my power to save her. For the first time in a long time, I fall into a peaceful sleep. A deep sleep that isn’t filled with pain or worry, but one of hope.



  I lay in Kayson’s arms, trying to feel comfort in his embrace, but the pain has overtaken my senses. I can only guess it’s from the hound’s bite an
d Kayson’s blood battling for my body. Kayson believes me to be unconscious, but that’s because I want him to believe that. I don’t want him to know of the agony boiling through my veins.

  Death is tempting. But I can’t help but hang on to the hope Kayson has filled me with. To have my soul back. It is what every half could wish for. I want to be whole, to see where my fate takes me. I want to see Kayson prove his belief that we can be redeemed. I want to be with him.

  I had been shocked by his admission of falling for me to the other fallen. Never has an act of love for a half been exhibited by an angel. I don’t think any half or blood child even knows what love is like after turning. Our desire to please Lucifer had been the only emotion driving us. If Lucifer hadn’t turned on us, I’m sure that even I wouldn’t know what love is. It was his betrayal that allowed us to question our loyalty to his faith and desires.

  After spending so much time alone in fear and plagued by the loneliness of a solitary existence, I began to remember the years before I had been transformed. I was able to regain a bit of my unconsciousness, which included the memory of love. I don’t know if others like me were able to do the same. The fear of the hounds can drive the mind mad with fear and make you think of nothing but that fear. I still held a fear for the hounds, but my memories of my family and their unyielding love had crept into my mind every day the hurt of loneliness weighed me down.

  To now have someone who actually cares for me, who knows who I am, and wants to be with me is amazing. It has been everything I ever wanted, for so long. Someone to talk to and listen to me when the fear and hurt plagued my mind. To finally have what I’ve always wanted, a friend by my side, is amazing. But to feel the struggle in my body drawing me away from that kinship scares me. I don’t want to be lost in a world of a ruler who is ruthless. I don’t want to be submitted to years of torture for my so-called ignorance of Lucifer’s will. I want my soul freed so I can rejoice in a happier time.


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