outlier outing/psychological consequences, 339
Outliers (Gladwell), 105
Paths to Glory: How Great Baseball Teams Got That Way (Armour and Levitt), 13
Paultz, Billy, 152
Peak (Ericsson), 211
Pearce, Steve, 285
PECOTA, 16–17, 351
PEDRO (pitching, evaluation, development, research, and optimization), 141
Pelican Grip Dip, 205, 206
Peña, Carlos, 14
Pérez, Roberto, 159–160, 237, 238–239
Perry, Gaylord, 130, 199
Petti, Bill, 206–207
Pettis, Gary, 197
Pineda, Michael, 201
Piniella, Lou, 145
pitch-framing, 127, 173, 174, 324
pitch tunneling, 31
Pitcher Abuse Points metric, 69
aquatic therapy, 225
classifying, 337
elbow spiral and, 246–247
extended breaks and, 116–117
pitchers (continued)
preventing balls in play, 323–325
releasing pitch and, 108–109
string setup/feedback (Rickey), 43, 44
“yips” and, 243–244
young players/injuries examples, 69
breaking balls trend, 122–126
labels, 110
percentage/four-seamers thrown high (Boston/2015–18), 142, 143 (fig.)
physics and, 111–112, 140–141
promoting “secondary stuff,” 121–126
sticky substance use and, 200–207
PITCHf/x, 14, 352
PitchGrader, 215
pitching biomechanics, 71, 71–72, 106, 110–112
pitching machines, 44, 327
player development
astronauts analogy and, 198
baseball history and, 40–41
as Betterball, 19
chance occurrences and, 54–55
communication/cultural awareness, 127–129, 289–292
cluture shock/second-language and, 289–292
data analysis/mechanics need, 126
education and, 290
fan game enjoyment and, 323–325
fielding and, 324
financial literacy and, 290–291
gender skew in staff and, 292
genetics and, 278
high school and, 218
history summary, 61–62
host families and, 290–291
imbalance between defense/offense, 255–256
increasing staff/expansion, 177–180
insiders vs. outsiders (baseball people vs. numbers people), 127–129
international leaders and, 296–297
international market and, 331
last mile concept and, 129
medical analogy, 139
meditation and, 287, 288–289
mindfulness and, 287, 288–289
minor/major leagues and, 178–179
off-season and, 330–331
pitch-framing and, 127, 173, 174, 324
player change examples, 8–9
player examples, 5–8
school comparison, 126–127, 128–129
softer factors and, 286–295
spin and elasticity, 278
sports science/strength and conditioning, 295–301
stress sources and, 289–295
trading for someone and, 186
unfixable flaws/examples and, 263–276, 277
“unlikely source” and, 128–129
velocity/muscle and, 278
weaknesses and, 278
writing about, 17–19
year-round support and, 330–331
youth and, 331–332
See also colleges/player development; conduits; minor leagues
player-development era, 9–11
Players Association, 298, 322–323, 325, 352
Players’ Tribune, 331
Plutko, Adam, 245
Polanco, Gregory, 249
Polar, 298
Pollock, A. J., 310
Popova, Maria, 25
Popular Mechanics, 226
Porcello, Rick, 310, 339–340, 341
Porter, Bo, 176, 179
postseason/players, 335–341
Powell, Alonzo, 197
Practice, rule/Gladwell, 105
Pressly, Ryan, 163, 179
pitch spins and, 167, 201–202
pitching/improvement and, 8, 164–167, 187, 192, 339
Price, David, 64, 339, 340–341
Prior, Mark, 69
Prospect Development Pipeline, 331
Proteus equipment/assessment and Lindbergh, 224–226
Psychologist at Bat, The (Tracy), 287
Puerzer, Richard J., 45, 46, 51
pulldown/long-toss, 28, 29, 33, 36–37, 199, 242
pulling the ball, 257
Putila, Pete, player development, 182–183, 194, 197
Quantitative Hitting (Willardson), 126
Quick Bat II, 226
Radison, Dan, 174
Rakuten, Tohoku, 145–146, 147
Ramírez, José
Bauer and, 284
as hitter, 257–260, 260 (fig.)
size, 258
Ramírez, Neil, Bauer and, 245–247, 342
Rapsodo, 3–4, 110, 113, 141, 204, 205, 235, 268, 269, 271, 294, 303, 305, 306, 309, 314, 344, 353
Ravizza, Ken, 288
Raymond, Tubby, 47, 48
Rendon, Anthony, 36
Research Program for Baseball, 47–49
Reuss, Jerry, 98
Revisionist History (Gladwell), 151
Rice, Robert, 264
Rickey, Branch, 41, 173–174, 208, 216
Dodgertown opening, 43–44
farm system/player development, 41–42, 65, 176–177, 184, 321
innovations and, 41–44, 45, 49, 56
on luck, 341
Pirates and, 42
players’ running speed and, 50
Robinson/color barrier and, 41
Snider and, 208–209, 212
statistician employee and, 56
status/reputation, 65
string setup/pitchers feedback, 43, 44
unfixable flaws and, 263–264
Rickey, Branch, III, 54
Rindal, Curt, 282
Ringer, The, website, 282
Rizzo, Anthony, 287
Roberts, Dave, 248
Robinson, Effie, 55
Robinson, Jackie, 41, 208
Roegele, Jon, 69
Rogers, Scott, 288
Rondón, Héctor, 166
Rose, Pete, 48
roster rule changes/effects (1930s), 41, 43
Royals Academy, 49, 51–54, 185
requirements/tryouts, 50–51
significance of, 55
See also Kauffman, Ewing M.
Rule 5 draft, 163, 354
Russell, Addison, 308
Ruth, Babe, 9, 55, 95, 186, 263, 317
Ryan, Nolan, 28, 130
Saber Seminar, 16, 138, 353
sabermetrician, 55–59, 353
SABR (Society for American Baseball Research), 45, 51, 351
sacrifice bunting and Moneyball, 16
salary, minor leagues and, 293–295
salary cap, 321
Salazar, Danny, 93
Sale, Chris
Cy Young Award/chase and, 188, 280, 282, 284
Hill and, 121, 123
injury and, 282, 284
as pitcher/stats, 10, 237, 252, 278
Sanó, Miguel, 250
Sanstreak, 3, 107, 345, 352
Santana, Johan, 134
Sarason, Seymour, 127, 128–129
Sarris, Eno, 330
Savage, John, 34
Save America’s Pastime Act (2018), 292–293
Sawchik, Travis, 100, 101, 150, 200, 202–203, 218, 221
Scherzer, Max, 119, 123, 188, 210
Schimpf, Ryan,
Schwarber, Kyle, 308
Science of Hitting, The (Williams), 53, 99, 211, 231–232
Scioscia, Mike, 56
before minor leagues, 40
player-development era/technology and, 190–194
Research Program for Baseball and, 48
Seager, Corey, 96
Seaver, Tom, 130
Segedin, Rob, 145
Severino, Luis, 305
Shah, Ronit, 10, 196
Sheehan, Joe, 128
Sherwin, Jason, 328–329
Shields, James, 64
Shiokawa, Tatsuya, 146
Silver, Nate, 16
Silver Slugger Award, 7
Simi Reality Motion Systems, 297
Sisler, George, 208
Slaughter, Don, 99
sliding pit origins, 43, 44
Sneed, Cy, 323
Snell, Blake, 239, 343
Snider, Duke
as baseball player, 208–209
Rickey and, 208–209, 212
specialization in sports, 117
spin types, 111
SpinGate, 200–207
baseball rules and, 201
experiments/data on, 204–207
Sporting News, 41, 49–50
Sports Illustrated, 23, 36, 37, 54, 69, 181, 264
Springer, George, 170, 182, 185, 186, 342
SQL (Structured Query Language), 141, 177, 316
Staff, Jacob, 75
Star Tribune, 271
Stassi, Max, 166, 174
Stat Speak, 173
Statcast, 353
“barrels” and, 102
fly-ball revolution and, 97
Japan’s similar system, 146
MLB introduction/uses, 14, 142, 191, 197, 204, 206, 313, 324
Statcast Podcast, 317
stealing bases and Moneyball, 16
Stearns, John, 23
Steinhorn, Russ, 217
on copying Astros, 196
player development, 181–182
steroids era, 9, 97
Stewart, Art, 50, 51, 52–53, 55
sticky substance use
Firm Grip, 200, 202, 205
Pelican Grip Dip, 205, 206
Statcast and, 204
See also SpinGate
Stocking, Trevor, 102
Strength Training and Coordination: An Integrative Approach (Bosch), 76
Stride Tutor, 264
Strikeout rate
rise, 325–326
spin and, 326–327
technology/player development, 326–329
Strom, Brent, 179–180
Astros/player development, 30, 164, 180, 197
injuries/rehab and wearables, 298
trip to mound/talk with pitcher, 251
Stroman, Marcus
Boddy on, 80
his slider/Bauer and, 157–158, 269
Sullivan, Jeff, 186
Sundberg, Jim, 56–58, 174, 354
Tango, Tom, 276
Tappe, El, 46
Taylor, Brien, 176
Taylor, Chris, 7
changes, 226–227
injuries/rehab and, 297
minors vs. majors, 299
player development and, 345
privacy issues/ethics and, 299–300
purchasing own equipment and, 330–331
wearables, 298–299
TED Talk, 24, 25, 70, 168
Texas Baseball Ranch
Bauer and, 22, 23, 30, 31, 39
Boddy and, 81
cameras/technology and, 30, 39
constraint/differential training, 152
practice drills/activities, 30, 31
Strom and, 179
Wagner and, 29–30
Tezuka, Kazushi, 246
“Theory of Attentional and Personal Style” (Nideffer), 242
Thompson, Fresco, 44
Thorn, John, 325
threshold model of collective behavior, 151–152
Thrift, Syd, 52
Tippett, Tom, 138
Tomlin, Josh, 241–243, 304
Tommy John surgery, 6, 78, 79, 117
Tommy John surgery database, 69
Tony Gwynn Lifetime Achievement Award, 303
Towers, Kevin, 37
TPI, 222–223, 351
TrackMan, 354
college use, 215
golf and, 60, 101
high school and, 218
Japan and, 146, 147
other uses, 14, 59–61, 101, 122, 171, 183, 210–215, 227, 272, 294, 326, 328, 331
Saber Seminar and, 138
University of Missouri, 210–215
Tracy, David F., 287–288
Trainer Partnership Program, 331
transverse spin, 111
Trout, Mike, 165, 227, 254
Trumbo, Mark, 276
Trump, Donald, 149
Turner, Justin
broken wrist/consequences, 253–254
Byrd and, 90, 91–92
Latta and, 94–96, 253–254
swing/Betts and, 89
transformation/sharing information, 7, 90–92, 94–96, 101, 102, 253–255, 322
Tuxen, Fredrik, 59, 60
umpires and strike zones, 137
University of Iowa, 216
University of Missouri
baseball program, 210–211, 214–215
player development and, 210–215
University of North Carolina, 215–216, 217
USA Baseball, 331
Van Burkleo, Ty, 258
Van Poppel, Todd, 69
Van Scoyoc, Robert, 100, 101
velo/velocity slap, 250
velocity improvement, 29
Ventura, Robin, 81
Verlander, Justin
Cy Young Award chase and, 282
improvement, 8, 164, 187, 188, 201
injury/All-Star games and, 237
as pitcher/spin rate, 8, 164, 187, 188, 201, 202–203
Vermilyea, Brian, 227, 229, 235
virtual reality, 327
Voros’s law, 128, 355
Votto, Joey, 237–238, 274
Wade, Ed, 168
Wagner, James
Bauer and, 28, 29, 108
ThrowZone Academy, 108, 112
Wagshol, Matthew, 74
Wallenbrock, Craig
fly-ball revolution and, 98, 99, 100, 101
Latta and, 98, 99
Lisle and, 218
Ward, Turner, 100
Washington, U L, 54
Wasserman agency, 22–23
Weathers, Casey, 78–79, 80, 113, 115
weighted balls, 27, 28, 30, 65, 267, 306
Bauer and, 27, 119, 148, 152–153, 242, 245
Driveline and, 75–79, 150–151, 248, 304, 320
Weinstein, Jerry, 58, 303–304
West, Joe (“Cowboy”), 309, 310–311
White, Doug, 164, 197, 346
White, Eli, 229–231
White, Frank, 54
White, Tyler, 189, 258
Whitlow, Robert W., 47
Wilk, Kevin E., 29
Willardson, D.K., 126
Williams, Ted, 53, 99, 211, 231–232
Science of Hitting, The/advice, 53, 99, 211, 231–232
Willis, Carl, 239, 250, 251
Wilson, Bobby, 252
Winsett, Tom, 263–264
wOBA, 97, 352
Wolfe, Joel, 36, 37
Wolforth, Ron
Bauer and, 30, 32
Boddy and, 80
pitching mechanics/clinics and, 29–30, 39
Woodard, Robert, 215–216, 217
Wright, Craig R., 55–59, 174
Wright, Steven, 125
Wright, Wilbur/Orville, 20, 73
Wrigley, Philip, 45–47, 49
Wrigley, William, 45
wrist-weight training, 71, 248
Yelich, Christian, 276–277, 317
“yips,” 243
Young, Chris,
youth baseball, 331–332
Zimmer, Kyle, 220
Zito, Barry, 28
Zobrist, Ben, 230
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