Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 2

by Doris Miller

Later on that evening, Mary, Barry, Nicolas, Mickey, Aunt Celeste, Aunt Jean, Uncle Willie, Dana’s mother Christine, Dana’s dad David, Dana’s brothers Sammy and Thomas and around eight of Christine’s relatives from Jamaica are all at Gracy and Mike‘s house coming down the stairs into the living room. Christine’s sister Patricia quickly comes down the staircase behind them. She quickly turns to them as she passes by them and shouts, “Hey everybody! I’m gonna go to the drug store real quick! I’ll be back!”

  “What are you going to the drug store for Patricia?” Christine’s brother Alan asks.

  “You’ll see!” Patricia turns forward and hurries to the front door. She opens the front door and quickly leaves out of it closing the door behind herself as her family and relatives puzzled look on towards the door.

  Alan turns to Christine and the rest of the family and says, “I wonder wah she’s up to now.” Christine, her family and relatives look at Alan.

  Around forty-five minutes later, Mary, Barry, Nicolas, Mickey, Aunt Celeste, Aunt Jean, Uncle Willie, Dana’s mother Christine and her relatives are still inside the living room of Gracy and Mike’s house standing and talking with Gracy and Mike. Diane D comes down the stairs and approaches everyone. Mary turns to Diane D and says, “Don’t forget you have to see the psychiatrist tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay Mom,” Diane D says. “I didn’t forget.” Suddenly the front door opens. Diane D, Mary and the rest of the family turn and look. Patricia quickly comes into the front door carrying some shopping bags as she shuts the front door behind herself. She comes into the living room. Everybody anxiously approach Patricia as Diane D says, “Hey Aunt Patricia. What you got in the bag?”

  “I’ll show you,” Patricia says as she opens up the bag and pulls out some items in a box. She shows everyone the items. When everyone looks, they become stunned to see Patricia holding a couple boxes of breast pumps and milk storage bottles. Everyone looks at Patricia standing there proudly displaying the boxes of breast pumps and milk storage bottles.

  “Breast pumps Aunt Patricia?” Diane D puzzled asks.

  “And milk storage bottles?” Christine puzzled asks.

  “That’s right,” Patricia says.

  “What the hell, are you doing with those breast pumps and those milk storage bottles Patricia?” Grandpa Mike asks.

  “Well, when I saw that Dana was still lactating, and since she doesn’t have any baby to feed the breast milk to, her breast milk shouldn’t go to waste. It might as well be donated to babies who need it, so I decided to hurry to the drug store to purchase these breast pumps and milk storage bottles for Dana, so breast milk can be collected from her and her breast milk be donated.”

  “Donated?” David asks.


  “You know what happened when you bought breast pumps and milk storage bottles for Dana the first time she had an abortion! She tossed the breast pumps and milk storage bottles right into the trash without ever taking them out the box!”

  “That’s right Aunt Patricia,” Diane D says. “Dana doesn’t want to be bothered with that stuff. She wants nothing to do with it!”

  “That‘s right Patricia,” Gracy says. “If you give those breast pumps and milk storage bottles to Dana again, all she’s gonna do is toss them right into the trash again without ever opening them.”

  “Yeah Patricia,” Barry says. “Dana doesn’t ever want any babies. She doesn’t want to look at any products that have to do with babies at all, so therefore, she’s not going to even look at those breast pumps or those milk storage bottles.”

  “That’s right Patricia,” Aunt Celeste says. “Dana won’t even touch them again, unless she tosses them into the trash, that’s the only time she will ever touch them.”

  “That’s why I’m not gonna give these items to Dana,” Patricia says. “I’ll just pump the milk out of her myself and she’ll never have to lift a finger or even touch or see these items. She doesn‘t even have to look at these items, I‘ll do all the work, just like I did with her breast milk years ago.”

  “Is that right?” David says.

  “Yeah. I’ve learned how to use breast pumps. It‘s very simple, especially this electrical one.”

  “Oh really?”


  “Well you might as well return those breast pumps and those milk storage bottles back to the drug store Patricia because Dana’s breast milk is not for sale!” Christine shouts. “She’s not a cow! You’re not going to take any milk from her and try to sell it!”

  “Why not Christine? I can get a lot of money for the breast milk like I did before. Don’t worry, Dana will get some money.”

  “Listen Patricia. Take those breast pumps and those milk storage bottles back to the drug store!”

  “No I’m not going to return these breast pumps or these milk storage bottles back to the drug store Christine! I didn’t go out and purchase these items for nothing!”

  “Yes you did Aunt Patricia,” Diane D says, “because you’re not going to use those breast pumps on Dana!”

  “Why not?”

  “Like Christine just told you Patricia!” Alan shouts. “The milk is not for sale!”

  “Oh no?”

  “No!” everybody shouts.

  “Now look everybody! I went all the way to the drug store and bought these breast pumps and these milk storage bottles, because my whole plan is to go upstairs, use this breast pump on Dana and pump the milk from her and dammit, that’s what I’m going to do! I am going to pump that breast milk from out of Dana right now!” Patricia angrily walks towards the staircase.

  Diane D quickly steps right in front of Patricia and blocks her way. Patricia stops right in her tracks as Diane D says to her, “You know Aunt Patricia, you need to stop being so money hungry. You’re not going anywhere near Dana with those breast pumps and those milk storage bottles. Dana is resting right now. Let her get some rest.”

  “Uh, excuse me Diane, but, Dana is my niece.”

  “Aaand she’s my cousin!”

  “Just step aside Diane,” Patricia says as she violently shoves Diane D aside.

  “Patricia!” everyone shouts as Diane D is about to fall to the side! Everyone tries to catch Diane D as Diane D quickly catches her balance! Patricia tries to hurry up the steps, but Diane D quickly turns around and angrily grabs Patricia by the shirt collar, pulling Patricia back down the stairs as everyone shouts, “Diane!”

  Christine and everyone else grab and hold Diane D as Patricia turns her head around towards Diane D and angrily shouts, “Don be grabbing mi! Don be grabbing mi!” Patricia tries to shove Diane D off her collar as Diane D continues to pull Patricia down by the collar! Christine and everyone else continue to try and pull Diane D and Patricia apart as they shout, “Diane! Patricia!” Patricia suddenly throws her arms back towards Diane D and smacks Diane D’s head back as everyone shouts, “Patricia!” Diane D’s head goes back and she suddenly falls as she continues to pull Patricia by the collar bringing Patricia and everybody else down to the floor with her!

  Several minutes later, police cars are in the street outside of Gracy and Mike’s house.

  The following day in a control room at a TV studio, two black men, Junior and Zaviar around their mid 30’s and a black woman Gwendolyn around her late 30’s are sitting behind TV monitors looking at a newspaper article with a headline that reads: POLICE CALLED TO DIANE D’S PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS’ HOME! “Wow,” Junior says. “This article says that the police were called to Diane D’s paternal grandparents’ house in Queens yesterday.”

  “Oh yeah?” Zaviar asks.


  “What happened?”

  “It says right here, that Diane D and her cousin Dana’s Aunt Patricia from Jamaica, got into a physical altercation yesterday!”

  “What? Diane D and her cousin Dana’s Aunt Patricia from Jamaica got into a physical altercation?”

p; “Yeah! It says that Diane D and her cousin Dana’s Aunt Patricia were shoving and pulling each other and the family tried to break it up.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Why did Diane D and her cousin Dana’s Aunt Patricia get into a physical altercation?” Gwendolyn asks. “Does it has anything to do with her cousin Dana’s recent abortion?”

  “I think so. This article says that Dana’s Aunt Patricia came all the way from Jamaica when she heard that Dana had an abortion.”

  “She came all the way from Jamaica when she heard Dana had an abortion?”


  “Why would she come all the way from Jamaica if she heard Dana had an abortion?” Zaviar asks.

  “Because she figured Dana might be lactating and figured since there’s no baby to give the breast milk to, the breast milk should be donated to a milk bank, so that‘s what she wanted to do, donate Dana‘s breast milk for money, so when Dana’s Aunt Patricia went to Diane D’s grandparents’ house and saw that Dana was lactating, I heard she quickly left the house! The next thing their family notice is that Dana’s Aunt Patricia came back to the house with breast pumps and breast milk storage bottles!”

  “Breast pumps and breast milk storage bottles?” Gwendolyn asks.

  “Yeah. The police report says that Dana’s Aunt Patricia was about to go up the staircase to Dana, but Diane D got right in front of her and blocked her way and stopped her from going up the steps! I heard that Dana’s Aunt Patricia shoved Diane D aside then tried to hurry up the steps!”

  “She shoved Diane D?!”

  “That‘s what the police report said!”

  “Then what happened?”

  “It says that Diane D quickly turned around, grabbed Dana‘s Aunt Patricia by the collar and pulled her back down the stairs!”

  “Diane D pulled Dana‘s Aunt back down the stairs?”

  “Yeah, because you’re not gonna shove Diane D and get away with it! Then it says Dana‘s Aunt Patricia shoved Diane D‘s head back!”

  “She shoved Diane D‘s head?”

  “Yeah, then Diane D fell to the floor!”

  “Diane D fell to the floor?”

  “Yeah! It got real physical up in there! Diane D and Dana’s Aunt Patricia were at war! That’s why the cops had to be called.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “My goodness! Was anybody seriously hurt?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Was anybody arrested?” Zaviar asks.

  “No. This article just says that after everything calmed down, Diane D left the house and went to her other grandparents’ home and stayed there. I don’t know where Dana’s Aunt Patricia went.”

  “Maybe she went to go meet up with Diane D somewhere to continue their battle.”

  “I sure hope not,” Gwendolyn says. Junior, Zaviar and Gwendolyn continue to look at the article.

  The next day, Christine and David come inside the front door of Gracy and Mike’s house. Dana’s sisters Missy and Londa approach Christine and David and give them hugs. “How’s Dana,” Christine asks.

  “Is she alright?” David asks.

  “Dana is okay,” Missy says.

  “That’s good.” David and Christine turn their heads towards the staircase and suddenly see Patricia quickly coming down the staircase carrying black plastic bags. “Hey Patricia,” David says.

  “Hey David, hey Christine,” Patricia quickly says. “By David, by Christine,” Patricia says as she quickly heads towards the front door.

  “Where are you going so fast Patricia?” Christine asks.

  “I have to hurry back to the store before closing time to return these items because they don’t fit. See you guys later.” Patricia continues to the front door, opens it and quickly leaves out of it, closing the door behind herself.

  Christine and David puzzled look towards the door. Christine then turns to David, Missy and Londa and says, “I hope she makes it back to the store in time.” Missy and Londa worriedly look at Christine.

  The next day, Christine and her relatives are out grocery shopping. Suddenly Christine’s cell phone rings. She goes to the side and reaches into her pocket. She pulls out her cell phone and says, “Hello?”

  “Hello Christine?” a male white gentleman around his mid 40’s says.

  “Yeah speaking.”

  “Hi Christine. This is Marshall from the milk bank calling you. You remember me, from years ago, right?”

  “Yeah I remember you Marshall. What’s going on?”

  “I‘m just here waiting for your sister Patricia to come back to the milk bank?”

  “You’re waiting for my sister Patricia to come back to the milk bank? Oh no. Don’t tell me that she came in there with donated breast milk!”

  “Well she did. She came in here and sold us some breast milk today.”

  “She came in there and sold you some breast milk today?!”

  “Yeah. And she sold us some breast milk yesterday.”

  “Yesterday too?!”

  “Yeah, and the day before yesterday.”

  “What! The day before yesterday too?! You mean to tell me that my sister Patricia came to you and sold you breast milk three days in a row?!”

  “Yeah, she sold it to us twice the first day.”

  “She did?!”


  “You‘re kidding!”

  “No I’m not kidding Christine. When your sister first came in here the other day with storage bottles of donated breast milk, she got so excited about the money she got paid that she told us she was going to go back to collect more breast milk, then that same afternoon, she came back in here with more storage bottles of donated breast milk and sold it to us.”

  “She did?!”

  “Yeah. Then yesterday she came in here three times and sold us more storage bottles of donated breast milk.”

  “She came in there three times yesterday?!”

  “Yeah and twice today.”

  “Twice today?”

  “Yeah. I‘m just waiting for your sister to come back a third time today.”

  “Oh really?!”


  “How many times have my sister come in there and sold your company donated breast milk?!”

  “Altogether, seven times.”

  “Seven times?!”


  “Where did my sister say she got the donated breast milk from, because it certainly didn’t come from her! She doesn‘t have any babies!”

  “I know she doesn’t. She claimed she got the donated breast milk from her niece Dana.”

  “Her niece Dana? Is that right?!”

  “Yeah. When your sister came in here the second time today and sold us more storage bottles of breast milk, she said she was going to go back to her niece Dana to collect more breast milk. She said she ran out of milk storage bottles and said she have to hurry to the drug store to purchase more milk storage bottles, then hurry and get back to her niece Dana to collect more milk before the rest of her family comes home, then she said she will bring more storage bottles of breast milk this evening, then she quickly left out of here. Your sister left out of here a while ago. She should be on her way back to her niece Dana now.”

  “Oh yeah?! Well thank you Marshall! I have to rush home.”

  “You have to rush home? Why? Is everything alright?”

  “No everything is not alright Marshall!”

  “No? What’s wrong?”

  “Patricia is going behind our backs using the breast pumps she bought from the drug store on Dana taking breast milk from Dana like Dana is some cow or some milk machine, just so that SHE can make money off of it, which isn‘t right! My family and I told Patricia not to do it, and she goes behind our backs and does this anyway!”

  “You and your family told Patricia not to do this?”

  “We sure did! Obvious
ly she didn‘t listen to us!”

  “You didn’t know that she was coming in here selling us donated breast milk?”

  “No we had no idea!”

  “Has Dana said anything to anybody about what her Aunt Patricia is doing?”

  “No Dana hasn’t said a word about it!”

  “She hasn‘t?”

  “No, she hasn’t said anything at all! Yesterday my husband and I went with Dana to the doctor! Then after that, we brought Dana back home and dropped her off in front of the house! After Dana went inside the house, my husband and I went to the store, when we came back home, we ran into my other two daughters Missy and Londa inside the house, then my husband and I saw Patricia hurrying down the staircase carrying black plastic bags heading straight towards the front door! I asked Patricia where is she going so fast! She told me she have to hurry back to the store before closing time to return some items because they didn’t fit, then she hurried to the front door and quickly left out the house! Later on, Missy and Londa told me and their dad that before my husband and I picked up Dana and went with her to the doctor, their Aunt Patricia was coming in and out of the house back and forth going up to the room where Dana was!”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Well what did Missy and Londa said happen when your sister Patricia went to the room where Dana was?”

  “They said they don’t know because their Aunt Patricia would close the door shut!”

  “She would shut the door?”

  “Yes! Then Missy and Londa said later on, they could overhear the breast pump machine going on inside the room!”

  “They overheard the breast pump machine going on inside the room?”

  “That‘s what they said! Then Missy and Londa told me and their dad after that, their Aunt Patricia quickly left the house with a black plastic bag! Then they said while their dad and I were at the doctor with Dana, their Aunt Patricia had came back to the house and went right back up to the room!”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah! They said when we dropped Dana back home from the doctor, their Aunt Patricia was already up in the room waiting for Dana! They said she started placing the pillows from the bed up against the headboard again!”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah! Missy and Londa said when Dana came upstairs in the hallway, their Aunt Patricia got so happy and excited when she approached Dana, telling Dana she needs to collect more milk from her so she can hurry and bring it to the milk bank before closing time!”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “What did Dana say when Patricia told her that she needs to collect more from her?”

  “Missy and Londa said Dana just calmly told her Aunt Patricia to hold on then Dana stepped away to the restroom! They said when Dana came out the restroom and went inside the bedroom, their Aunt Patricia closed the door shut again! Then they said they overheard the breast pump machine going on inside the room again! So when my husband and I came back home, that’s when we ran into Patricia coming down the stairs with black plastic bags. So now I know what was in the black plastic bags, milk storage bottles full of breast milk! When we ask Patricia about it, she would deny it to us!”

  “She would?”


  “Dana never said anything to anyone in your family about it at all?”

  “No, Dana never said a word about it, she doesn’t talk about the breast pumps!”

  “She doesn’t?”

  “No she doesn‘t talk about any of that stuff!”

  “How come?”

  “She wants nothing to do with it!”

  “She wants nothing to do with it?”


  “Well how can she not have anything to do with the breast pumps if the breast milk is coming from her?”

  “Simple, she doesn’t look at the breast pumps, she doesn’t touch the breast pumps and she doesn‘t even think about them! She just completely ignores the breast pumps like they don’t even exist! Obviously she’s able to block her mind off the situation and just sit back while her Aunt Patricia does all the work! I guess once Patricia finishes pumping the milk from Dana, Dana just goes about her business like nothing happened, so she says nothing about it!”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah! The only reason why Dana is putting up with and tolerating her Aunt Patricia collecting breast milk from her in the first place is because she loves her Aunt Patricia and she sees how happy and excited her Aunt Patricia gets about the money she’s making off of it, that’s the only reason why Dana is putting up with it!”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes! She’s doing it all for her Aunt Patricia!”

  “Well maybe Dana is getting something out of it too. Maybe your sister shares some of the money with Dana.”

  “I don’t think so, because Missy and Londa claimed they overheard their Aunt Patricia offer Dana some of the money!”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah, then they overheard Dana tell her Aunt Patricia not to worry about giving her any of the money because she wants nothing to do with the money!”

  “Dana told Patricia she wants nothing to do with the money?”

  “That’s what Missy and Londa overheard Dana saying. Then they said they overheard Dana tell their Aunt Patricia to just keep the money or share it with the rest of the family!”

  “They overheard Dana tell your sister to keep the money or share it with the rest of the family?”


  “Well did your sister keep all the money or did she share it with the rest of the family?”

  “I guess she kept all of it, because she knows if she were to share that money with the rest of the family, we would question her about ‘Where she get the money from‘, then she would have to tell on herself how she got the money and let us know that she went behind our backs to get breast milk from Dana, so therefore she didn’t share any of the money with the rest of the family!”

  “She didn‘t?”

  “Not that I know of!”

  “But I don’t understand. Why would Dana even tell your sister Patricia to share the money with the rest of the family if the rest of the family is dead set against your sister Patricia collecting breast milk from her?”

  “Because Dana doesn’t know that the rest of my family and I are against her Aunt Patricia collecting breast milk from her?”

  “She doesn‘t know?”

  “No, she was upstairs in the room resting with the door closed when my family and I first told Patricia not to do it!”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes, Dana doesn’t know that her Aunt Patricia is actually going behind our backs collecting the breast milk from her!”

  “She doesn’t know?”

  “No she doesn’t know, we kept it from her!”

  “You did?”

  “Yes we did!”


  “The thing is, Dana doesn’t like it when her family argues, fusses or go against each other!”

  “She doesn‘t?”

  “No, it would really upset her if she knew the rest of her family and her Aunt Patricia were going at it because Dana loves her entire family and she won’t take sides if she knew her family members were going against each other! If my family and I tell Dana not to let her Aunt Patricia collect breast milk from her, she’ll feel bad for her Aunt Patricia, especially if she sees that her Aunt Patricia is so happy and excited about making money off it, but at the same time, she wouldn’t want to go against the rest of her family either and allow her Aunt Patricia to collect the breast milk from her if she knows it‘ll upset us! She’ll feel caught right in the middle!”

  “She would?”

  “Of course she would, because she doesn‘t want to hurt either side. That’s why my family and I never told Dana that we‘re against her Aunt Patricia collecting breast milk from her, because we don’t want to upset her, she already went through enou
gh right now! I guess my family and I have to be the ones to take care of Patricia! Listen Marshall, I have to hurry back to my in-laws’ house and catch up with Patricia real quick before she takes more milk from Dana because that milk is not for sale anymore!”

  “It isn‘t?”

  “No! I have to call my family‘s home to make sure they stop Patricia from going back to Dana when she gets there!”

  “Okay then Christine. Sorry the milk is not for sale anymore. Well, take care.”

  “I will.” Christine gets off her cell phone and quickly dials a number. She puts the cell phone to her ear. She then speaks into it and says, “Hello Londa?”

  “No Mom,” Londa’s triplet sister Landa who’s in the kitchen says from the other end of the phone. “It’s me, Landa.”

  “Hey Landa. Did your Aunt Patricia come in the house yet?”

  “No, not yet. Why?”

  “Because Marshall from the milk bank just called me and told me that your Aunt Patricia came in there and sold some breast milk today!”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, and he said your Aunt Patricia sold them some breast milk yesterday and the day before yesterday! He said your Aunt Patricia came there and sold them breast milk three days in a row, twice the first day, three times yesterday and twice today.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes! That’s seven times altogether! Marshall says he’s waiting for your Aunt Patricia to come back a third time today!”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes! I asked him where did your Aunt Patricia say she got the donated breast milk from. He told me she claimed she got the donated breast milk from Dana. Marshall said your Aunt Patricia told him that she was going to go back to her niece Dana to collect more breast milk but she ran out of milk storage bottles and said she have to hurry to the drug store to purchase more milk storage bottles, then hurry and get back to Dana to collect more milk from her before the rest of her family comes home. Marshall said your Aunt Patricia told him she will bring more storage bottles of breast milk this evening, then quickly left out of there and is on her way back to the house to collect more milk from Dana and I don’t want her to do it! Listen Landa. When your Aunt Patricia comes in the house, I want you to stall her and keep her away from Dana until the rest of the family get there, okay?”

  “I’ll try Mom, but I’m not sure how I’m going to do that because Diane is here.”

  “What! Diane is there?!”


  “She’s there now?!”

  “Yeah she’s here right now. She came in here a little while ago with a whole lot of Chinese food she bought for everybody.”

  “She bought Chinese food for everybody?”

  “Yeah. She and I already set up the kitchen table waiting for everybody else to come home.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Oh no! Well if your Aunt Patricia comes into the house with more milk storage bottles, I don’t want Diane to run into them and see them! She might literally try to stop your Aunt Patricia from bringing that stuff to Dana like she did before, then they’ll go at it again! We can’t have that! What part of the house is Diane in now?!”

  “She went upstairs to bring Dana some Chinese food.”

  “She’s in the room with Dana now?”


  “That’s exactly where your Aunt Patricia is heading, right up to that room to Dana and Diane will definitely see those milk storage bottles! Landa, see if you can stall both Diane and your Aunt Patricia and keep them apart while your Aunt Patricia got those milk storage bottles in her hands!”

  “Okay Mom, I’ll try my best.” Suddenly the sound of the front door opens. Landa turns to look. She sees Patricia stepping right inside the front door with plastic white shopping bags. Landa looks at the slightly see through shopping bags as Patricia turns and closes the front door. Landa turns her head back and whispers into the phone, “Mom, Aunt Patricia just walked in the front door.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah. She got shopping bags in her hands.”

  “She does?”


  “Oh no. Are you able to see what’s inside the shopping bags?”

  “A little bit, not much.”

  “Well put her on the phone right away!”

  “Okay.” Landa turns to Patricia and sees Patricia walking right towards the staircase. She quickly shouts, “Hey Aunt Patricia!” Patricia stops in her tracks, turns to the side and looks at Landa as Landa says to her, “You’re just in time because Mom is on the phone.”

  “She is?” Patricia asks.

  “Yeah mon. She wants to talk to you. Come take the phone.”

  Patricia turns and walks towards Landa. Patricia and Landa suddenly hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Patricia stops in her tracks again as she and Landa turn their heads to the side and look up towards the staircase. They see Diane D coming down the staircase holding a carton of Chinese food in one hand while looking down at the Chinese food and holding a bitten off carrot stick in the other hand while chewing some of the carrot as she says, “Hey Landa.” Diane D reaches the bottom of the steps as she continues to look down at the Chinese food. She turns to Landa as she continues to look down at the Chinese food not noticing Patricia standing several feet away from her. She stops right at Landa and says, “Dana ate a little bit of Chinese food then she fell right to sleep.” Diane D looks up at Landa and says, “I guess I’ll have to finish the rest of this Chinese food for her.” Diane D smiles at Landa. She then looks back down at the Chinese food as she starts to turn away towards Patricia. Landa quickly grabs Diane D by the arm and stops her. Diane D still not noticing Patricia turns her head and puzzled looks up at Landa. She then turns her body a little towards Landa. She takes another bite out of the already bitten off carrot. She smiles at Landa again as she chews on the carrot. She then shrugs her shoulders to Landa then turns away back towards Patricia again as she looks back down at the Chinese food. She starts to walk away again but Landa quickly grabs Diane D again trying to stop her. Diane D suddenly looks up and sees Patricia standing several feet away from her looking at her. She stops right in her tracks and puzzled looks at Patricia. She then says, “Aunt Patricia,” as she chews the carrot. Diane D stares at Patricia as Patricia stares at her. She then says, “What a surprise. I didn’t know you were standing there. How long were you standing there?”

  “Not too long,” Patricia says. “I just got here.”

  “You did?”


  “Well that’s good you‘re here, because you’re just in time to have some Chinese food. I bought plenty for everybody.”

  “You did?”

  “I sure did. Have some.”

  “I’ll get to the Chinese food later. Right now, I have to get to Dana real quick.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah.” Patricia turns and starts to walk towards the staircase.

  “Aunt Patricia!” Landa shouts. Patricia stop in her tracks again as she turns her head towards Landa. Landa then tells her, “Mom is still on the phone. She wants to talk to you.”

  “Oh Landa! Is it important? Can it wait? I have to hurry and get to Dana.”

  “Dana is asleep Aunt Patricia,” Diane D says. “She took a few bites of Chinese food then fell fast asleep.”

  “Yeah I heard you telling Landa that. But that’s okay, I’ll just wake her up real quick.”

  “Wake her up? I don’t know how you’re going to do that Aunt Patricia, Dana seems to be knocked out.”

  “Knocked out?”


  “Well that’s okay, Dana doesn’t really need to be awake for this.”

  “Dana doesn’t really need to be awake for what?” Diane D looks down at the shopping bags Patricia is carrying. She then asks, “What’s that in the bag Aunt Patricia? Is that milk storage bottles ag

  “Yes it is.”

  “It is?”


  “Why do you have those milk storage bottles again Aunt Patricia? What are you planning to do with them? You don’t plan on using them on Dana are you?”

  “Of course I’m planning to use them on Dana Diane, that’s why I bought them in the first place.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “So you’re really determined to collect breast milk from her?”

  “Of course I‘m determined to collect more breast milk from Dana, so I can bring it to the milk bank before they close this evening.”

  “What do you mean collect MORE breast milk from Dana? Have you collected breast milk from Dana already?”

  “I sure did.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes I have. I’ve been pumping the breast milk from Dana for the past few days.”

  “You have?”


  “Well Dana never said anything to me about it.”

  “And she’s not going to.”

  “She‘s not?”


  “Does the rest of the family know about this?” Diane D turns to her right and looks at Landa as Landa puzzled looks back at her.

  “No the rest of the family don’t know about it,” Patricia says as Diane D takes her eyes off Landa and looks back at Patricia. Patricia then says, “So now if you will excuse me Diane, I have to hurry and get to Dana.”

  “For what? To collect more breast milk from her?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Aunt Patricia, Dana is not a cow. I can’t just sit back and watch you treat her like she’s some cow or some milk machine!”

  “You don’t have to watch Diane, because you‘re not going to be in the room with me and Dana! You’re going to be shut out.”

  “Shut out?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Oh really.”


  “Landa wah’s going on over there?!” Christine shouts on the other end of the phone.

  “Diane came downstairs,” Landa says.

  “She did?”

  “Yeah. She ran into Aunt Patricia and saw the shopping bag with the milk storage bottles in them. She was questioning Aunt Patricia about them. They are about to fuss again.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “I’m on my way!” Christine closes her cell phone then turns and rushes away!



  Chapter 29

  Round 2 Of Diane D Vs. Dana’s Aunt Patricia!


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