Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 13

by Doris Miller

Back in the office, Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray excitedly look at the Dianettes. All of a sudden, there are loud excited voices coming from a door in back of the room. Everyone turns and look. They see an excited Madilyn Lewis, her husband Randy Coleman, a short stocky black man around his late 30’s who’s also a singer, who is dressed in a white 3-piece suit, and a few of their entourage coming into the room. Members of the Diaz-Davidson Organization are shocked to see Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman. Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman approach the members of the Diaz-Davidson Organization. The members of the Diaz-Davidson Organization are excited to meet Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman. Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman excitedly approach the Dianettes, Barry, Margarita, Tomas and Diane D's other relatives! The Dianettes, Barry, Margarita, Tomas and Diane D's other relatives are stunned to see Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman. “Dianettes!” Madilyn Lewis shouts. “Oh my God! It's you! I can't believe it! You’re here! How are you all doing?!”

  “Dianettes,” Arty says. “This is the special person who wanted to meet you all! It’s Madilyn Lewis!”

  Madilyn Lewis happily shakes the Dianettes hands and says, “Wow Dianettes! How's everything going?”

  “Okay!” the Dianettes smile and say.

  “Good!” Madilyn Lewis looks around and asks, “Well where's Diane D?!”

  “Oh Diane had to go downstairs to the van in the parking lot all the way at the other end of the building to pick up something,” Barry says. “She'll be right back.”

  “Okay good!”

  “Hey Dianettes, guess what?” Arty says. “Madilyn Lewis came all the way here to the Staten Island Mall to perform with you all and Diane D!”

  The Dianettes become shocked and stunned and shout, “What!” The Dianettes turn towards Madilyn Lewis and look at her stunned. Then they puzzled look back at Arty as Miranda asks, “What do you mean perform with us?”

  “Well I want to perform with you all and Diane D!” Madilyn Lewis excitingly says. “I think you all are a wonderful amazing group, full of energy, full of spunk and I want to get a chance to work with you all, if it's okay!”

  “No it's not okay.”

  Madilyn Lewis, Randy Coleman and everyone else stare at Miranda and the rest of the Dianettes stunned as Madilyn Lewis asks, “It’s not okay?”


  “Why not?”

  “Why can't Madilyn Lewis perform with you all?” Arty asks.

  “Simple,” Lonna says. “We don't need her.”

  “You don't need me?” Madilyn Lewis asks. “Well I just want to perform with you all and Diane D just one time.”

  “That's right,” Randy Coleman says. “My wife is not asking to perform with you all the time. She just wants one chance, just this one evening to perform with you all and Diane D in the mall.”

  “We don't need her,” the Dianettes say.

  “So you're not gonna let me perform with you all?” Madilyn Lewis asks.

  “No,” Nancy says. “We're not interested in you performing with us.”

  Charlotte steps up right to Madilyn Lewis’ face and says, “That's right, do you have a problem with that?”

  “Girls!” Barry shouts. “This is Madilyn Lewis! She's a big star! She’s a celebrity! She wants to perform with you all and Diane! Shouldn't that mean something to you?”

  “That‘s right,” Margarita says. “Can't you all just give Madilyn Lewis a chance?”

  “We're not interested!” the Dianettes shout.

  Margarita and Barry puzzled stare at the Dianettes. Barry then becomes frustrated. He turns around, then back towards the Dianettes and shouts, “Okay now this is ridiculous! Madilyn Lewis wants the opportunity to perform with you all and Diane and you all are gonna turn her down?! Listen, I want Madilyn Lewis to perform with you all, okay?!” Barry turns to Madilyn Lewis and says, “Madilyn, do you know the classic song 'Deep Purple' or know the words to it? Because that's what the girls and Diane are gonna sing.”

  “Yes I know the classic song 'Deep Purple'!” Madilyn Lewis says, “and I know the words to it! Sure I'll sing the song with them!”


  “What!” the Dianettes shout.

  “So we don’t get a say so in this Uncle Barry?” Bernice says.

  “Uncle Barry how can you do this to us?!” Kelly shouts.

  “We don't want to perform with her!” Miranda shouts.

  “We don't need her to perform with us Uncle Barry!” Charlotte shouts.

  “That’s right,” Lonna says. “We can stand on our own, we don’t need any help!”

  “But I want you all to have this one chance in life to perform with Madilyn Lewis!“” Barry shouts.

  “If she goes out on stage, we're not gonna go!” Bernice shouts.

  “What!” everyone else shouts.

  “Girls you can't mean that!” Barry shouts. “The crowd is out there right now waiting to see you all!”

  “Let the crowd have Madilyn instead!” Bernice shouts. “We're outta here!” Bernice turns to the rest of the Dianettes and says, “Come on girls.” The Dianettes angrily turn around and walk towards the front door.

  “Girls stop!” Barry shouts. “And I mean stop right now!” The Dianettes stop walking. They turn back around towards Barry as Barry shouts, “You mean to tell me, you're willing to walk off and disappoint the crowd?!”

  “Yes we are!” Lonna says.

  “Either she goes, or we do!” Miranda says.

  Everyone looks at the Dianettes stunned. Barry calms a little. He then says, “Okay, if that's what you all want, fine! I’ll respect your wish. You don't have to perform with Madilyn Lewis!”

  “Thank you!” the Dianettes say. The Dianettes walk back towards Barry.

  Barry then says to the Dianettes, “You all and Diane will sing the song to 'Deep Purple', okay?”


  “Good. And when you all and Diane finish performing that song, I'll let Madilyn and Diane get the opportunity to perform another song together.”


  “Yeah. I'll have Madilyn Lewis and Diane sing a different song while they're on stage.”

  “Oh nothing doing!” Nancy shouts. “Diane is not gonna sing any songs with Madilyn Lewis!”

  “Don't worry girls!” Barry shouts. “You're not the ones gonna perform with Madilyn!”

  “Well we don't want Diane performing with Madilyn either!“ the Dianettes shout.

  “Why can't Diane D perform with me?” Madilyn Lewis shouts. “Y'all said it yourself y'all don't need me!”

  “We don't need you!”

  “Diane don't need you either!” Bernice shouts. “She's got us!”

  “I think SHE should be the judge of that!” Madilyn Lewis shouts.

  “Madilyn and Diane WILL sing a duet together!” Barry shouts.

  “No they aren't!” the Dianettes shout.

  “Diane is not gonna do any duet with Madilyn Lewis or any other female singer!” Miranda shouts.

  “Yes she is!” Madilyn Lewis shouts.

  “No she isn't!” the Dianettes shout.

  “If you try to sing with Diane, I swear we'll pull your ass right off the stage!” Lonna shouts.

  “What!” everyone else in the room shouts.

  “Girls!” Barry shouts. “You can't mean that!”

  “Oh yes we do?!” the Dianettes shout.

  “You don't believe us?!” Lonna shouts. She then looks Madilyn Lewis up and down with arms folded and says, “Try it!”

  Everyone stares at the Dianettes stunned. Barry sadly looks at the Dianettes. Then he sadly looks at Madilyn Lewis and says, “I'm sorry Madilyn, I can't let you perform with Diane.” Madilyn and everyone else shockingly looks at Barry. Barry then says, “If I let you perform with Diane, I can see right now that there's gonna be a whole bunch of chaos just like with the Punky Gurlz and we don't need a whole bunch of chaos! That's not what we're here for! It's just not wort
h it.”

  “So you're gonna cater to them and let them have THEIR way?!” Madilyn Lewis shouts. “Okay, fine then! I won't sing or do any duet with Diane D, while I'm here!” The Dianettes puzzled look at Madilyn Lewis. Madilyn Lewis turns away and angrily leaves from the Dianettes and Barry. She heads towards the front door as Randy Coleman angrily follows her.

  Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman reach the front door and stop. Madilyn Lewis angrily turns around towards Barry and shouts, “You know I just want to let you know something! I'm having an upcoming concert at Madison Square Garden next month! I was gonna invite Diane D AND the Dianettes to perform with me! But being that the Dianettes don't want to perform with me and they're not interested in performing with me, I would like to know, if you would let Diane D perform with me at my upcoming concert!”

  “No!” the Dianettes shout.

  “I didn't ask you!” Madilyn Lewis shouts to the Dianettes. She then says to Barry, “Will you let Diane D perform with me at my upcoming concert in Madison Square Garden?”

  “I'm sorry Madilyn Lewis,” Barry says. “I would love Diane to perform with you at your upcoming concert, I really would! But I think it would be best if she doesn't.”

  “Why not?! Would Diane D have a problem performing with me?!”

  “No absolutely not! Diane wouldn't have a problem performing with you at all! She’ll perform with anybody!”

  “She would?”

  “Of course she would! Listen Madilyn Lewis, there’s one thing you might not know about Diane!”

  “And what’s that?”

  “She doesn’t have an ego issue!”

  “She doesn‘t?”

  “No! She doesn’t have an ego issue, like some people I know!”

  The Dianettes annoyingly look at Barry.

  “So why can't she perform with my wife?!” Randy Coleman shouts. “Because THEY have a problem with it?!”

  “Well that's right,” Barry says.

  “Well that's not right of you to do that!” Madilyn Lewis shouts. “That is not right of you to stop Diane D from performing with me or anybody else because THEY have a problem with it! I think Diane D herself should be the judge of that and answer for herself! I would rather hear the answer from HER! I want Diane D to perform with me at my upcoming concert and I am going to find her and ask her if she would like to perform with me whether any of the Dianettes like it or not!”

  “Oh yeah?!” Nancy shouts. “You go anywhere near Diane and there will be hell to pay!”

  “Oh yeah?! I AM gonna go near Diane D, as soon as I find her!” Madilyn turns to Barry and says, “You said Diane D went to a van in the parking lot all the way at the other end of the building? Well I'm gonna go to that van and meet Diane D herself! And I'm gonna go to that van, right now!”

  “Oh no you not!” the Dianettes shout.

  “Oh no?! Watch me!” Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman angrily turn around and open the door. They walk out the door slamming the door behind themselves!

  The Dianettes angrily look at the door. They then look at each other. Lonna then shouts, “Come on girls, y'all ready?!” Lonna and the rest of the Dianettes angrily throw their fists up in the air and shout, “Let's....get her!” The Dianettes start to charge towards the door, but Alex, Harvey, Norman, Kory and the rest of the men in the room quickly grab them all and stop them! The Dianettes scream and struggle towards the door, trying to break away from the men's grip as they desperately try to go for the door! “Goddammit let go of us!” Lonna shouts, “We got to stop her!”

  “No we can't let you go!” Harvey shouts.

  “But she's gonna go find Diane!” Bernice shouts. “Let us gooo!”

  “No we're not letting you go!” Kory shouts.

  “But she's gonna go to Diane!” Miranda shouts.

  “So what!” Norman shouts. “Let her go to Diane! Just let her go!”

  “No we can't!” Charlotte shouts. “Let us go!”

  “Don't let them go guys!” Barry shouts. The men continue to hold tightly onto the Dianettes as the Dianettes desperately try to break away towards the door!

  “Aaaah!” Charlotte shouts. “You're hurting me! Let me gooo!”

  “No we're not gonna let you go after Madilyn Lewis!” Harvey shouts.

  “But we have to!” Kelly shouts.

  “Aaaah!” Miranda screams. “Chomp! Come on girls y'all ready?! One two three chomp!” Miranda and the rest of the Dianettes suddenly grab and tightly hold the men by the arm and bite their teeth hard into the men's arms, hands and fingers sinking their teeth into the men's flesh!

  “Aaaah!” the men scream and yell in pain as they try to pull their arms, hands and fingers away! “They’re biting us!” Harvey shouts. “Aaaaah!” The Dianettes continue to bite down hard on the men's flesh as the men continue to scream and yell in pain! “Aaaaaaa!” the men scream as they quickly let loose of the Dianettes! The men pull their arms, hands and fingers away in pain! The Dianettes kick the men in the groins and break away from the men leaving the men's arms, hands and fingers are all red, bloody, wet, swollen and bruised! Bernice rushes to the door!

  Bernice opens the door and races out of it! Charlotte races out the door behind Bernice! Miranda and Nancy race out the door behind Charlotte!

  Kelly and Lonna bump into a couple of the men! The men, Kelly and Lonna fall hard on the floor! Lonna and Kelly quickly get up off the floor and run to the door!

  Lonna and Kelly race out the door as the two men lay on the floor in pain! Four other men stand around holding their arms, hands and fingers in agony! Barry and other men in the room charge after the Dianettes! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray and some members from the organization race towards the door out the room while some other members from the organization tend to the injured men!

  Bernice angrily races down the back hallway as Charlotte’s voice shouts, “Get that bitch!” Bernice continues to race away! Charlotte races down the hallway after Bernice! Four seconds later, Miranda and Nancy race down the hallway after Charlotte! Four seconds later, Lonna and Kelly race down the hallway after Miranda and Nancy! Five seconds later, Barry, the men and everyone else from the room scream and race down the hallway after the Dianettes!



  Chapter 38

  Attack Of The Angry Women!


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