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Deceit Page 32


  ‘We are going to miss you,’ Kara said, in a sad tone.

  ‘I’ll come and visit a lot, if Rocky lets me. I know he likes to have you all to himself. Talking of which, we have a double visit on Wednesday. I need to ’ave a word about me flat, and, of course, I need a job.’

  Kara slid the letter from Justin into the drawer. She wanted Vic to be excited about her news, not dragged down by her own tales of woe.

  * * *

  Wednesday morning arrived and Kara was brushing her hair. She looked in the mirror and tried to smile, but even her face muscles hurt. She was not in the mood to be happy. Justin was coming to visit her, and it would be a conversation that would fill her heart with endless grief.

  Vic came bounding into the room. ‘Right, babe, are ya ready for the visit?’

  Kara gave a short gasp. ‘Oh, no, I can’t. Only Justin is coming to discuss the baby. I didn’t tell you, Vic. You were so happy about your parole. But Justin’s going for temporary custody and will no doubt win. He has agreed to talk with me first, though, as you can see from this letter he sent me.’

  Vic studied it, and her eyes flashed with anger, as she turned to face Kara. ‘Okay, babe, but I may have to hold Rocky back because he’ll probably want to give this ex of yours a good pasting for what he’s done to you.’

  ‘No, no, please tell him not to do that. It’ll only add fuel to the fire, no pun intended! Besides, Justin is bringing his wife. It’s so hard, Vic. I don’t know how I’ll feel. I mean, I’ve never met the woman. That woman who took my Justin … well, she can have him.’ She grinned at Vic. ‘I have a decent man, a better man. I have Rocky.’

  Vic nodded. ‘Don’t worry, babe, I’ll take care of Rocky. Decent, eh? I wouldn’t go that far. A little fucker at times, yes, but, nevertheless, he loves the bones of you.’

  * * *

  The weather had changed dramatically from bright blue skies to torrential rain. Justin called up the stairs to hurry Lucy along. She stared at her wardrobe that held her orderly collection of coats; she wanted to look good to show Kara that she had what that bitch used to have. She pulled the Burberry raincoat from its hanger and slid her arms inside. It hung a tad loose where she’d lost her baby weight. She hurried over to the mirror and looked at herself, and then she smiled – perfect.

  ‘Lucy, we have to hurry, or they may not let us in.’

  She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath before descending the staircase.

  ‘How do I look?’

  He nodded approvingly. ‘You look great, love.’

  Lucy knew her skin was glowing, and her eyes appeared large, with her new make-up coating her eyelashes. She’d been to the beautician’s and hairdresser’s that morning, to ensure she would look the quintessential wife and mother. Justin had questioned her, but she said she needed to look fresh and attractive, to give Kara the impression that she would be a suitable parent for Denise Rose. Although the thought of having Kara’s screaming child in the house was not in itself appealing, at least Justin had promised a live-in nanny.

  The chaos of flash floods had caused the roads to be gridlocked in parts, and so they arrived after everyone was inside and seated. By the skin of their teeth, they were allowed through to the search room. With a bolshie female officer on their heels, reading the rules on punctuality, Justin looked annoyed. He was not prepared for the arrogance of the officer asking him to remove his shoes and belt. A huff and puff, followed by him rolling his eyes, was not missed by her, and she swiftly took him to task. ‘Sir, it’s your choice. Either follow the instruction or abort the visit!’

  * * *

  Inside the visiting room, Vic was already in the middle of her visit with Rocky, yet his eyes kept darting everywhere, looking for Kara. ‘Sis, I don’t reckon that Justin guy’s gonna show. I bet the weasel has backed out of taking Kara’s baby.’

  ‘No, he’s determined. I read the letter, the poor cow. But listen to me, Rocky – when he shows his face, don’t you do anything, ’cos you’ll only make matters worse.’

  Rocky was shaking inside. ‘I won’t do anything, Vic, I promise.’ He was also interested in what Justin looked like; not that he was competition, but still, he was intrigued.

  ‘I can go and give her a hug, though. I mean, this bloke knows she has me now, don’t he?’

  ‘I don’t know what she’s told him, but just play it by ear. She may call you over, anyway.’

  Vic looked around the room and noticed the only table and chairs available were behind Rocky. ‘She will be right there behind you, anyway, I’m guessing.’

  Rocky beamed as he saw Kara enter from the back of the room towards where he was facing.

  She smiled back and mouthed the word, ‘Hello.’ Then, she looked straight ahead, and Rocky could see her expression sadden. Vic grabbed his hand and whispered, ‘Don’t look around.’

  His heart was thumping, yet when he saw the concerned look on Vic’s face, he knew something was not right. Her eyes were intent on whoever was behind him.


  She leaned forward and whispered, ‘I want you to say nothing. Don’t look their way, just listen, okay?’

  ‘Do I know him?’

  ‘No, but, look, hide ya face a bit.’

  Rocky was desperate to look, but whatever was going on was serious, and so he tilted his head away.

  * * *

  Kara remained seated and made no attempt to stand and greet the couple. She looked Lucy over, and for a moment, she thought she had seen her before, but she couldn’t place her. Justin looked tidier than he had the last time she’d seen him; his hair was cut short, and the golden waves were mousy, with perhaps a few grey strands weaved in there too. He wore jeans and a smart leather jacket, so different from the Justin she knew. But the generous smile and the glossy eyes – such hallmarks of his appearance – were absent.

  ‘Hello, Kara, this is my wife, Lucy.’

  Kara’s eyes widened, as she glared at her. She’d waited a long time to meet this Lucy creature. She imagined her with darker hair and dark eyes, almost her polar opposite. She was, however, very attractive, although taller than she’d imagined.

  Lucy didn’t smile; she smirked, as if she were mocking the younger woman.

  ‘It’s nice to meet you,’ said Kara, although she had to almost unclench her teeth to say it.

  ‘You too, Kara,’ replied the familiar voice.

  * * *

  Rocky felt his hands shaking. His heart racing, he glared at his sister and flared his nostrils. Vic knew then he’d guessed. Quickly, she gripped his knee under the table and hissed, ‘Don’t. Do. Anything.’ But Rocky’s mindset was not functioning on her wavelength. Slowly, he turned his head, and there, to his disbelief, was Lucy and her fella, Justin, the college boy. Was this more than a coincidence? Either way, he had to say something.

  ‘Well, well, Lucy Lou.’ He didn’t raise his voice but kept it at a low and cold tone.

  Instantly, her eyes were like a bush baby’s, her face flushed crimson. Justin was taken aback, staring at the man who had recently caused a rift between himself and his wife.

  ‘Well, hello, Justin. Small world, ain’t it?’ He smirked.

  Kara shot a look at Rocky and then one at the couple. ‘How do you know each other?’ Her eyes were full of fear.

  ‘Now, this is a funny coincidence, don’t you think, Lucy Lou? And while we’re here all nice and cosy, like, why don’t you tell this lovely young lady just how exactly you know me? Since you and drippy bollocks there’ – he pointed to Justin – ‘want to take charge of Kara’s little Denise Rose.’

  At once, the room went very quiet. Visitors, inmates, and prison officers looked across to see an altercation was about to kick off big-time. Most of those present either knew Rocky or were aware of his reputation. After all, he was a Face. Lucy and Justin were shocked into silence.

  Kara’s mouth dropped open. Her mind was all over the place, watching what appeared to be a Coronation Street dr
ama unfolding before her very eyes.

  ‘Rocky, how do you know Justin?’ she asked again, searching his face for answers.

  With the biggest grin on his face, he replied, ‘Babe, I don’t really know him, but, see, Lucy Lou, I know only too well, don’t I, Lucy?’ He faced her, smirking. ‘Go on, Luce, tell Kara how you know me. ’Cos, girl, I think it’s about time your husband and my girlfriend know exactly who the fucking ’ell you are, and, more importantly, what you are.’

  Lucy heard the word girlfriend and glared back at Kara. ‘She’s your girlfriend? How can that be, Carl?’

  He sniggered. ‘That, my dear, is none of your business, but don’t change the subject. Go on, Lucy, tell them how you really know me? I think, considering that Justin wants to take away Kara’s baby to live with you and him, it’s only fair you tell them a bit about yourself. I mean, as your ex-boss, I could run up a CV, if ya like?’

  Lucy’s humiliation, shock, and horror were all too much. She turned to Justin, her only ally among them. ‘Will you say something? I told you what he’s like,’ she growled, through gritted teeth.

  Justin faced Kara. ‘I think, under the circumstances, I’ll go for total custody. You, Kara, are mixed up with a nasty, dangerous man who raped my wife when she was fifteen years old. I will never let my daughter anywhere near someone as vile as him.’

  Kara trembled, thinking this was like a car crash, with her stuck right in the middle of it. She looked at Rocky, and her face appeared crushed. Yet Rocky wasn’t in the least fazed by the events unfurling. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying the whole experience. Grinning and nodding his head, he said mockingly, ‘Oh dear, dear me, ya never stop lying, do ya, Lucy Lou? Well, Justin, I was gonna let you carry on living a lie, ’cos you are no one to me, but it’s time ya knew the fucking truth about your wife.’

  Justin jumped up from his seat. ‘I’m not listening to this bullshit.’

  Rocky laughed. ‘That’s as may be, but you may want to hear this.’

  Lucy was up on her feet, ready to leave. She knew he held her secrets, and right now, the only way was to get out of there and fast.

  But it was Vic who spoke up. ‘I would listen to him if I were you, before you make the biggest mistake of your life.’

  Justin threw a spiteful glare at her. ‘And you are?’

  ‘I’m the teller of the truth, his sister, and that skank there is not who you think she is.’

  ‘Are you threatening me?’

  ‘Justin, I’m not threatening you, I’m warning you for the little one’s sake. I would steer well clear of her, for your own sanity.’ She pointed to Lucy. ‘And I definitely wouldn’t have her anywhere near my baby, if I were you.’

  ‘Well, it’s none of your business.’ He looked at Carl and shook his head. ‘And it’s none of yours either, so stay away from me and my wife.’ He turned back to Kara. ‘I would suggest you pick your friends more carefully. He is a rapist.’

  The uncomfortable expression on Kara’s face was telling another story.

  ‘Wait a minute, Justin …’

  ‘No, Kara, you’ve changed, and I can see why, mixing with scum, but, mark my words, I will have custody of Denise Rose, for her safety, if nothing else.’

  Rocky knew then he had to do something fast before he made matters worse. He was now beginning to think his sister was right, and perhaps on reflection he’d been unwise to go for a full-on confrontation. But he had, he hoped, an ace up his sleeve, or in this case on his finger. The ring. ‘Wait, you may want this ring back, Justin. I’m assuming this little beauty was a gift from you to her, but she owes me a lot of money, and this was given to me in part payment.’ He pulled the ring from his finger and held it up, showing a beige-coloured gemstone.

  Justin stared for a while. ‘Good try, but I’ve never seen that ring before. Perhaps it belonged to the old lady who was murdered in the flat below us.’

  Slowly, Rocky turned to Lucy and stared, shaking his head. ‘The old lady is dead? What, that sweet old dear in the flat below yours?’

  ‘Yes, and the police will be questioning you!’ spat Justin.

  Rocky stared at Lucy, flaring his nostrils.

  But it was Kara who snatched the ring from Rocky. ‘Oh my God. This ring!’

  They all turned to face Kara, puzzled by her outburst, her expression, and particularly by the desperate tone in her voice. ‘Did she give you this ring?’

  Rocky frowned. ‘Yes, babe, why?’

  ‘This was my mother’s ring. Look, see inside. It has my name engraved. She was leaving it to me. It was her mother’s ring, to be handed down, and my mum had my name put inside.’

  Vic grabbed the ring and read the name. ‘Where did you get this ring, Lucy?’

  Lucy was literally on her feet, heading for the exit, but Justin caught her and brought her back to the table. ‘Where did you get the ring?’

  ‘I, er … I never had that ring. I’ve never seen it before in my life. He’s lying. He probably stole it. That’s him all over, a proper villain.’ Her words were tripping over themselves. But her mind wasn’t on the faux pas – her deep-seated anger was now directed at that bastard Carl and the bitch Kara. Like a raging fire tearing through her body, she saw Carl leave his chair and comfort Kara. She’d never seen him so affectionate and it ripped her in half.

  Rocky whispered in Kara’s ear, ‘Babe, listen to me, call your lawyer to inform the police.’

  She snapped out of her state of shock and slowly turned to him. ‘You’ve never been to Australia, have you?’ Her words begged him to tell the truth.

  ‘Australia? No. Babe, I ain’t been north of Watford. I don’t even ’ave a passport. Why?’

  She looked at Justin and then sneered at Lucy. ‘Because this ring was on my mother’s hand, wasn’t it, Lucy? The last time I saw my mother, she was alive and well, living in Australia.’

  ‘Kara, love, me brother hasn’t got a passport, ’cos as tough as he is, he’s too scared to get on a plane.’

  She knew then he was telling the truth: Vic would never lie to her.

  Lucy began to panic. ‘Justin, let’s get out of this shit-hole. I can’t breathe.’

  With so much confusion, Justin also needed air, and without another word, he grabbed Lucy’s arm and marched her out of the visiting room. But he didn’t get far.

  Rocky managed to catch him, just before he was out of the door. ‘I’m gonna make sure your wife comes back here for a very long time, because I know what she’s done, and by Christ, I will make her pay, and you, ya fucking prick, will be done as an accessory. But remember this, Justin. You hurt that girl in there, and I will see to it you never fucking walk again, and that is a threat!’

  ‘Get ya hands off me! You won’t need to call the police because, when I get home, I’ll be doing exactly that, and you’ll be the one serving time.’

  Lucy stood in silence, the anger still eating away at her. ‘You, Carl … you just fucking wait. I hate you, I fucking hate you!’

  The venom in her words made Justin wince. He’d never heard that tone and felt his stomach churn over. Yet he wasn’t going to back down to Carl, the common-or-garden gangster who had somehow wormed his way into Kara’s affections.

  Barbara was watching and grinning. This was actually better than any soap opera. She should, by rights, have escorted the confrontational visitors off the visit, but she was hoping for more fireworks. And, of course, she was bored. Her colleague, a new officer, went to approach them, but Carl held his hands up. ‘It’s okay, miss, they were just leaving.’ He winked and headed back to Kara, who was now being comforted by his sister.

  She was holding the ring tightly in her hand and tears were falling like Niagara Falls. He moved his sister away and pulled Kara into his arms. ‘Listen, babe, I love you, and I won’t let them get their hands on the baby, not while he is with that bitch.’

  She felt his heart beating fast in his chest and allowed herself to be held and calmed by him.

ara could see the situation was quietening down and decided to add fuel to the flames. ‘Right, Bannon, your visit is over. I’ll take that ring, thank you.’ She held out her long witchy fingers.

  But Kara gripped the ring even tighter, and then she placed her hand over Rocky’s. ‘Take this. I only trust you with it, and please, let the police know …’

  Barbara roughly grabbed Kara’s arm. ‘Come with me. I said, visiting for you is over.’

  Vic jumped up and stood in the way. ‘Barbara, you are manhandling an inmate for no reason. Kara hasn’t said or shown that she’s not going back to the wing. You’re a fucking heartless bitch.’

  Kara held up her other hand. ‘It’s all right, Vic, I have some calls to make.’

  Rocky quickly stole a kiss, before Barbara frogmarched Kara away. ‘I’m on it, babe,’ he called after her.

  He watched until she was out of sight, and then sighing heavily, he flopped back down on the chair. Anxious to ensure his sister didn’t become embroiled in this saga, he said, ‘Sis, you need to keep ya nose clean. No bashing the life out of anyone, ’cos I need you on the outside, all right? So, no fucking up ya parole.’

  Seeing the look of concern on her brother’s face, Vic placed her hands over his and smiled encouragingly. ‘I will be the perfect angel.’

  ‘Good, ’cos I will need help to get Lucy locked up, the double-crossing whore.’

  ‘What does she have on you, though?’

  With his arms stretched wide and his chest puffed out, he gave a full teeth-baring grin and shook his head. ‘Absolutely fuck-all.’

  Sighing deeply, Vic went on, ‘Well, I feel sick to me stomach. The girl saved me life. I like her. Are you sure they’ve nothing on you?’

  ‘As if! Christ, girl, you know me, by now. On the outside, I’m fucking squeaky clean. I leave no stone unturned, but that’s where me and Lucy are different. She’s distracted by her emotions, the thick prat. Well, she has marked her own grave now.’ He looked at the ring. ‘And to think, the fucking div gave me this. She has a wedge that belongs to me, and I want it back.’


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