Sedona's Heart

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by Sasha Fino

  the name of Blanche, who I’ve been seriously courting, and Lexy

  knows nothing about it,” he confessed to her. “I tried to tell her

  once, but we were interrupted.”

  “I understand, but why are you putting off telling Lexy?” Renee

  asked being a woman of the world, she was not surprised, and she

  strived to take it well

  “Because I don’t know how Lexy will react. Let’s just say it is

  very complicated; Blanche has a husband who is an alcoholic and

  who abuses her. She has not left him.”

  “Blanche… Lexy told me that her friend’s aunt’s name is

  Blanche, the woman’s husband is a drunk, wife-beater.” “Yes.”

  “Do you love her?” Renee asked her eyes wide with discovery.

  Max felt horrible. “I do. Yes, very much so,” he admitted to her “Ah, I’m too late. They say one can never go back. Max, I’m so

  sorry for coming here. I should have known better than to come

  back after so many years,” she admitted

  “Renee, I’m just going to come right out and ask why did you

  come back?” His heart was pounding a million miles a second. As

  he looked in her eyes, it took a lot of effort not to kiss her “I came to see if I had a shot with you, Max. For years I have

  been wrapped up in my fashion line, with no love life. Garin left

  me because I was too busy for him. For three years, I’ve lived

  without love or sex. Oh, Max, I’m so sorry. I was a stupid fool for

  leaving you, my love. Now I’m too late,” Renee said caressing his

  face with her hand

  “For years, I waited for you. That’s why I dated girls who meant

  nothing to me. I hoped and knew in my heart that one day you

  would come home to me…

  I wish that we were seventeen again. Renee, we should have

  run far away from my brother and started our own life together.”

  He could see the tears coursing down her face

  “Oh, Max, I love you, and always will!”

  Suddenly, Max pulled her into his arms as they shared a longawaited, passionate kiss. Without a word more, Max kissed her

  tears away as the sunset. They walked back to the guesthouse,

  where she was staying, stealing a few forbidden kisses on the way.

  Once inside the guesthouse, they moved to the bedroom. With

  great passion and compassion, they made love. The pent-up years

  of frustration and final consummation made their lovemaking

  tender, sad, and as wonderful as the first time. It was as if they had

  never parted, mixed with the years of longing for each other. Max

  and Renee couldn’t keep their lips from each other and undressed

  each other seductively before falling into each other’s arms Time stood still, and they reveled in each other’s bodies all

  night long. Every inch of their bodies was covered in kisses “What now, Max?” Renee asked as they lay cuddled in bed,


  “I have no idea. I love you,” Max said, wrapping his hands

  around her body “You have a serious lover, but you chose to sleep

  with me?” “I am still in love with you, Renee.”

  “And Blanche? You can’t have us both. I don’t want to be in the

  middle between you and her.”

  Max kissed her shoulder, knowing that she was right “You

  won’t be in the middle. Now let’s get some sleep.” “Max, I love you

  very much,” Renee whispered as he fell asleep.

  Chapter 22

  On the day of the annual Heller summer party, Lexy paced back and forth in her room. This event was one of the biggest parties her father threw each year. Two hundred of her father’s top associates and employees attended.

  And each year posed a new challenge for Lexy’s traditional prank. She smiled as the thought of last year’s prank came back to her. Max was going with a woman who was on the board of Heller International, and she was a cold woman. Lexy placed a whoopee cushion over her seat. Before the woman sat down to dinner, she gives a speech about how wonderful Heller International was, then as she sat down there was a loud expulsion of air

  Everyone in the room roared with laughter, and Lexy was grounded for a week. It was worth the memory, Lexy thought, while letting out a small giggle. This year Aunt Renee was here, while that made Lexy happier, it wasn’t going to stop her from planning a prank

  Lexy turned and looked out of her window at the big tent set up in the backyard. People had begun arriving and filling the yard. She could hear them chattering to each other. More people were coming as she watched, and the band was playing. Lexy was all set for tonight, with the sprinkler system set to go off after dinner was over

  “Oh, Lexy, you look lovely in that dress!” Renee exclaimed as she approached the door to Lexy’s room

  “Aunt Renee, I’m so happy you love it!” Lexy said spinning in her dress for her

  “My Lexy! I will miss you when I return home to Paris.” “Maybe you don’t have to go… I know about last night.” Renee was taken aback and entered the room

  “I stayed up until two a.m. watching a movie marathon. Dad never came back from your walk in the gardens,” she said eyeing her aunt.

  “We were talking and lost track of time,” Renee told her as she looked at her. “Your father and I were talking about my having you in Paris for a week before school starts. I can show you the new fall line.”

  “I would love that! May I bring Kimberly?”

  “Sure, I would like that. Now we need to do something with your hair, my love. Sit down,” she said, as she picked up a hairbrush.

  “Yes, Aunt Renee.”

  Lexy walked over to her vanity, sat down, and let her aunt arrange her hair just as she had years ago when Renee was living at the mansion

  “This week has been so wonderful; I am happy that you came.”

  “Me too… Lexy, I owe you an apology. I should have never left your father or you. I should have been here when you needed me the most. I should have taught you how-to put-on makeup, been there when you had questions about your maturing body, or to talk to about boys. Things that you should have learned from a mother.”

  “You’re here right now, and that’s all that matters to me. Dad has been pushing the whole ‘how I need a mother figure in my life,’ bit lately… perhaps you can be it like you were when I was younger?”

  “I would like to be, Lexy. I don’t care if you call me at 4:00 a.m. I will be there.”

  They stopped talking while Renee did her hair. She just smiled at her aunt, wanting to ask her if she was really back together with her father, but she figured they would tell her when they were ready

  “I can’t wait for you to meet Kimberly and Aunt Blanche.” “I am looking forward to meeting Kimberly and her aunt.”

  “Trust me, you will get along with Blanche; I just know it!” Lexy said happily as her aunt faced away from the vanity mirror

  Before she could ask her aunt, what was up, her father walked into the room dressed for the evening

  “Lexy and Renee, how lovely you girls look tonight!” Max exclaimed,

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “You look dashing, Max,” Renee said, and the glance that she gave him told Lexy the answer to her earlier question

  “We’d better go; I don’t want to be late to our own party— especially since we are holding it in the backyard!”

  As their old jeep pulled up to the Heller Mansion, Kimberly, Blanche, and Dean sat dressed to the hilt. Aunt Blanche looked beautiful as ever to Kimberly in a long, black dress with her hair regally swept up. Uncle Dean was more dashing than she ever would have imagined in his tux. Kimberly, herself, was resplendent in a light, a lemon-colored dress that Lexy had loaned her for the night
br />   “What the hell are we doing here?” Dean asked as they passed limos and luxury cars all along the driveway

  “I am sure we will have a fun time, Dean,” Blanche said happily “Yes, we will Uncle Dean,” Kimberly piped in.

  “We don’t belong here, Blanche, with snooty people we don’t even know! We are not in the same class.”

  “Dean, coming to this party is more of a ‘thank you’ to Mr. Heller. That’s why we are here.”

  “Okay, but I’m not going to be buddies with him; I don’t want to be. Blanche, I am begging you to let us go to our favorite BBQ place on the creek, instead,” Dean pleaded

  “No, we can’t, and besides, this will be fun!” Blanche promised him.

  “I feel uncomfortable talking with men who have more money than I do.” “Please, you will have a good time Uncle Dean.” Kimberly told to him.

  “All right, why not!” Dean said, getting out of the car and walking around to where Blanche was seated. Dean opened the door and kissed his wife’s cheek as he took her hand and helped her out of the jeep

  “That’s the husband I know and love! Kimberly, lead the way,” Blanche said as she held onto Dean’s arm. Kimberly followed Blanche out of the jeep. Dean put a hand on Kimberly’s shoulder and smiled at her

  They walked up to an older man who was checking the guest list.

  “Names, please,” The gentleman said with the airs of a trusted family steward

  “Dean and Blanche Burlington and Kimberly Aldridge,” Dean answered the man looked down at his list, and for a second, he didn’t reply

  “I don’t see your names on the list… Ah, it appears that all three of you are on the Heller’s VIP list. Go right in Mr. and Mrs. Burlington, and Ms. Aldridge. Please help yourselves to a corsage for each lady and a boutonniere for the gentleman. These will distinguish you as our very important guests. You will be seated with the Hellers at dinner

  Kimberly, Blanche, and Dean entered the garden and were immediately impressed with the setting. Everything was beautiful and perfect. People were scattered around the grounds and would stop talking out of deference to their special status and say “hello” and introduce themselves. Dean loved it, acting the part of a wealthy entrepreneur. Kimberly looked for Lexy, but she was nowhere in sight

  “Would you like a drink, sir, and for the lady, as well?” inquired an approaching waiter

  “Yes, a rum and Coke for me. What would you like, Sweets?” Dean asked “The same, please,” Blanche replied

  “And for the miss?” The waiter asked Kimberly

  “No, thank you, I am not thirsty right now,” Kimberly told him

  The waiter went to get the drinks and was back before Kimberly realized he’d left

  “Here you are, sir. Two rums with Coke.”

  “Thanks, how much do we owe you?” Dean asked putting his hand in his pant pocket

  The waiter looked at Dean kind of funny. “There’s no charge, sir,” he said “Wow, I could get used to this. Keep the drinks coming,” Dean said happily “Yes, sir,” the waiter answered, and when Dean said no more, he walked

  away from them

  “We told you that you would love it,” Blanche said

  “Yes, I do! Thanks, Kimberly, for making friends in high places!” Dean said raising his glass to her

  “Yes. To Kimberly!” Blanche said also raising her glass

  “You are welcome,” said Kimberly, praying to god that the night would go well

  Now to find Lexy in this big crowd Kimberly thought

  Chapter 23

  Everyone at the party stopped talking when they saw Max, Lexy, and Renee walking out onto the balcony. Lexy was on her dad’s right side. While Renee was on Max’s arm, the band played Max an introduction. People waited expectantly for what he had to tell them

  “To the Board of Trustees and senior executives of Heller International, and to all of my good friends, welcome to my annual summer party. This year might be bad for the economy, but Heller International is doing better than ever. I singlehandedly created jobs around the country, giving more hope to American families. We promoted better education for children because, as a parent, I know how much you want your child to have the best education possible. One day soon our children will be the leaders of this fine country

  Just the other day, I helped a woman realize her lifelong dream of opening a coffee house. I was pleased and gratified that I have the means to invest in individuals who show promise. I will continue to maintain an interest in their futures and their families. If my forefathers are looking down at me, I hope they are smiling at the successes and relationships I am creating for Heller International. I had an astonishing father, James Heller, who raised me to take the reins of this billion-dollar empire. It is his example that I have followed in raising my daughter, Lexy

  Someday I will leave Heller International in my daughter’s hands knowing full well that she will make me proud. Heller International is about family. I’m blessed to have my family here with me, today my late brother’s wife Renee Rara-Heller and my daughter Lexy Heller. God bless America, God bless Heller International, and God bless my father. Now let’s party!”

  One and all applauded and shouted their approval of Max as he stood there on the balcony. Max let go of Renee’s hand and hugged Lexy. The band started to play as everyone went back to their previous conversations.

  “That was the best speech I’ve ever heard,” Renee told Max “Thank you, Renee,” Max replied

  “I think you inspired everyone with your speech! Someday, I hope I will make you proud!” Lexy said looking down at the cheerful people

  “Thanks, Lexy! I am very proud of you,” Max replied

  “You are both amazing, and I am honored to be part of this family! Renee added

  “Dad, may I go and find Kimberly?” Lexy asked him

  “Of course, enjoy the party,” Max said with a big grin as he watched her turn to go. He couldn’t believe that his little girl had turned fifteen and was growing up before his eyes. It seemed like only yesterday that she was five and demanding that he play dolls with her

  “Shall we?” Max asked Renee

  “Yes, my love! It’s time for us to mingle with your guests,” Renee told him as they started to walk down the stairs

  When Max and Renee came down, a big crowd of guests approached them with greetings. Max watched Renee lovingly as they mingled. Then as Max’s eyes roamed the sea of people, they came to rest on Blanche and Dean. His delight sank a little to see her with her husband. Before Max knew it, he had made his way over to them calm and cool

  “Blanche, good evening,” he said to her

  “Hello, Max, it’s nice to see you. I want you to meet my husband, Dean. Dean, this is Max Heller,” Blanche then turned to Max meeting his eyes. Max looked at Dean, trying to decide if he liked this man or not as they shook hands.

  “It’s nice to meet the great Max Heller at last. It’s a wonderful party! Thank you for inviting us. I have to admit that I have never been a VIP at a party before,” Dean told Max

  “You are welcome. I am happy to have you as my special guests,” Max replied

  “I’m curious why you decided to give Blanche the shop and your support?” Dean asked, abruptly changing the subject.

  “Dean!” Blanche said, embarrassed

  “It’s quite okay. I met Blanche at a school fundraiser. We discovered that Lexy and Kimberly were good friends. Later Kimberly sent Blanche to see the vacant shop. We started to talk about her dream of running a coffee shop. I realized that a coffee cafe at that location would be a good investment—it would bring people into my gallery and the surrounding businesses, so I rented the space to her.”

  “Funny, that a guy like you is helping my wife out.”

  “As I told you, Kimberly and Lexy are close friends, and it is a good investment for me. That’s why,” Max repeated to him

  “Kimberly, of course. She has been a pain in the ass from day one,” Dean said an

  “Dean, don’t talk like that!” Blanche told him as her face turned red.

  “So, Mr. Heller, what will you get out of helping my wife open her damn shop, or are you sleeping with Blanche?”

  Max was speechless, looking right at Blanch. Unsure what else to say to Dean,

  “Any word about when I get the final the paperwork?” Blanche asked him changing the subject.

  “I apologize, Blanche, I would have phoned sooner, but the man who is doing the paperwork is taking his time. He told me that everything is in order and he will fax the papers to me on Monday morning. Does this sound good? The newspaper did a great story on the café.”

  Max saw Blanche’s face light up and saw Dean look hesitant

  “I am so thankful for the incredibly wonderful newspaper writeup on The Sedona’s Heart Café! Did you read it, Dean?” Blanche asked her husband with wonder and happiness in her voice.

  “Boy, was it a great news article! I’m going to the bar,” Dean said walking away from them

  Max saw that Blanche was distressed at her husband’s behavior

  “I am so sorry, Max. I don’t know what has gotten into Dean. He was fine last night. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t worry; I understand. Blanche,”

  “God, I knew he will be acting up.”

  “May you come with me; I want to show you something.” Max looked at her. It took Blanche a while to reply to his question.

  “I would love to.”

  The sun started to set as Kimberly and Lexy tried to find somewhere that wasn’t packed full of people. Kimberly felt a breeze fluttering her silk dress as they made their way out of the crowd and down the walkway to the pool

  “Everything is ready, but first you have to meet Aunt Renee,” Lexy said to Kimberly once they were out of earshot “Great, I can’t wait to meet Renee. I just hope that my

  wonderful uncle won’t wreck the party tonight!”

  “Don’t worry; if he does, my father will kick him out. I have

  wonderful news!”

  Kimberly looked at her unsure if she wanted to know what this

  great news was about

  “How about the week before school starts it’s you and me in


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