I Am Free

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I Am Free Page 3

by Regina Bartley

  I slipped on my favorite white shoes that I knew would be great for walking, and grabbed my shoulder bag from the dresser, draping it across my body.

  Despite being nervous about the job, I really hadn’t felt better. There were no crazy animal noises to wake me up at the crack of dawn, no one yelling at me to pick up my pace, and especially no dad. For once I didn’t feel like I needed to tiptoe across my bedroom, although I did it anyway. Habit I guess. Somewhere deep down inside of me I felt like I just wanted to scream, or sing really loud in the shower. But, that would have to wait until later.

  When I glanced at the clock I knew that I needed to start walking. I wasn’t exactly sure how long it was going to take me to get there by foot, and I couldn’t be late on my first day.

  No way.

  The morning sunlight felt warm against my cheeks when I stepped outside. It was a beautiful day. The air was much different here then it was back home. Aunt Darcy mentioned that the night air was a little cooler so I hoped my sweater would be enough until I could get something a little warmer. I’d only brought what little necessities that were most important at the time, and a coat wasn’t one of them.

  I made the walk in a fairly short amount of time. I didn’t take the time to stop and admire the scenery because I was too excited for my first day on the job. Well, hopefully it would be my first day.

  The door opened quietly at the library and there were already a few people inside reading. The smell was wonderful, and my first thought was how perfect this place was going to be for me. It was quiet and serene, everything I was.

  A tall lady wearing a pair of purple-framed glasses stood behind the desk. Before I had even made the walk there, she spotted me. By the look on her face, she knew exactly who I was. Not that I didn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

  She moved quickly around the desk and welcomed me with open arms. That must have been the most common welcome gesture in these parts. I knew that she was Trish the Librarian from her warm welcome. She patted my back like we were old friends, and I nearly threw up on her because of my nerves. Aunt Darcy assured me of just how wonderful Trish was, and that I shouldn’t worry. But I couldn’t help it. It was a brand new adventure for me, a crossover into the real world.

  Thankfully Darcy was right. Trish was super sweet, and she was so grateful that I was able to get started on such short notice. Her kind words made me feel much more comfortable. It only took about ten minutes to fill out my paperwork and then she put me right to work.

  Trish introduced me to the other girl working on the same shift. Her name was Kennedy, and if I had to guess I’d say she and I were close in age. On the outside we were polar opposites. She wore a pair of jeans so tight that I wondered how she moved, and bright red lipstick that you could see coming from miles away. She was a very pretty girl, and probably very popular from the look of her. Her voice was loud though. That was something I wasn’t used to. Of course my knowledge on the human race was mostly non-existent.

  I assumed there was no dress code, seeing as everyone was wearing something different. I didn’t bother asking.

  Trish asked Kennedy to show me around and wanted me to shadow her for the day until I got the hang of things. It was a great idea. Kennedy really seemed to know her way around. She was so friendly too. She didn’t look at me the way most people did when they first saw me. She was kind, and honestly nothing like I’d expected.

  “Where are you from?” She asked as we separated the books on the cart. Her loud voice carried through the library, and I caught Trish eyeing us from over top of her glasses. Kennedy just waved it off as if it were no big deal.

  “Oklahoma,” I replied in a hushed tone.

  “Are you going to school?”

  “Eventually, I think. I’m living with my aunt right now, and my plans were just to work and save some money. At least until I get on my feet. Back home, I sort of had a sheltered life. This is my first time being away. I kind of just want to experience a little freedom. You know?” I’m not sure why I went into so much detail. I hardly knew the girl, but she seemed so easy to talk to.

  Her perfect smile stretched all the way across her face. “I figured.”

  I snickered. “I know. I’m sure I look like such an outsider.” I held out my skirt. Not that I minded.

  “It’s not the clothes, although I assume your entire wardrobe looks like that.” She smiled sweetly. “You just have this very innocent look about you.”

  I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, so I just shrugged my shoulders and continued stocking the shelves.

  The hours passed by so fast, and I was sad to see my first day on the job end so quickly. Kennedy showed me how to close up for the day and we walked out together. Even though she was a good teacher, I figured she’d probably have to show me several more times before I fully got the hang of it.

  “So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said slipping on my sweater. Casual conversation seemed kind of awkward to me, and I hoped that she wouldn’t notice how socially dis-challenged I was. Of course, we’d been together all day and she hadn’t said anything. Maybe I wasn’t so bad after all.

  “I have class in the morning but I’ll be in for the afternoon shift.” She replied.

  “Okay, I’ll see you then. Have a good night.”

  Just as we were saying our goodbyes and I started to walk away, a car sped up to the curb and honked the horn. I was worried at first until Kennedy let me know that it was her ride.

  I waved at her as she walked away.

  “Hey Grace,” Kennedy yelled and I turned around. “Do you need a ride home?” She called out.

  I heard someone yelling from inside the car. It sounded like whoever it was, was against the idea.

  “I’m fine, but thank you.” Besides, I didn’t care much for strangers, and I didn’t want to ride in the car with someone I’d never met before.

  “Okay, see you tomorrow.” She waved goodbye. I buttoned up my sweater and started my walk home.

  Truthfully, I never expected the day to go so well. The job was much easier than I expected it’d be, and I made a friend. It was so much more than I could have ever imagined. I hoped that it was just a little taste of all of the good things to come.



  “Don’t freaking offer someone a ride when it’s not your car.” I took off before Kennedy had barely shut her door.

  “I was just being nice. Damn, what crawled up your ass?”

  “Maybe I’d be in a better mood if someone hadn’t made me late for practice.”

  “Seriously Jackson, we’re back to this? I said I was sorry, now get over it already.”

  I rolled my eyes. She was such a pain in my ass sometimes.

  “Who was that milk maid you were trying to give a ride to anyways?” I asked. I didn’t get a good look at her face from inside the car, but those clothes were hideous. I knew I’d never seen her before. I’d remember that train wreck.

  “She’s the new girl, Grace. She’s so nice, and really different. I like her. I think we’ll be good friends.”

  “Whatever, she looked ridiculous. She should have hitched a ride home on her cow.”

  “Quit being such a dick.”

  “Ouch, dammit.” She pinched me in the side. “It’s a good thing I’m driving.”

  “That’s what you get. Those good looks have gone straight to your head. You’ve turn into a superficial girl.”

  “You just wish you were this cool.”

  “Puhlease, I’m much cooler than you’ll ever be, and superficial is not my color.”

  Sisters, I swear. Why couldn’t my parent’s have stopped with me?

  “I cannot wait until you see Grace’s face.” She laughed. “I bet you’ll be changing your mind real quick, because she is beautiful.”

  I just shook my head. I knew a beautiful girl when I saw one. She was far from it.

  I opened up the stereo as loud as it would go, so I could drown out her voice. />
  The sooner we got home the sooner I could ditch her. One more day of riding in the same car together, and I’d probably kill her. Not literally, but damn she got on my nerves.

  The television was blaring when we walked inside the house. It wasn’t typical so I knew that Tucker was home. He was probably out of groceries at his house. That was his usual reason for coming home. It was never just to visit.

  In the living room I found him stretched out on the couch, a sandwich was sitting on the plate that rested on his chest, and an open bag of potato chips were between his legs. He was a total mooch. Can’t say I blamed him though. Mom and Dad never minded that he showed up at odd hours just to eat. Seeing him lying on the couch without a care in the world is what bothered me. Maybe I was envious.

  I called out his name, but he couldn’t hear me over the T.V.

  “Tuck.” I yelled again.

  He jerked his head around to see me, but only gave me a head nod.


  I stomped past the couch and made my way to the kitchen. Mom and Dad weren’t home or else Tucker wouldn’t be slouching around like a pig. Mom would wring his neck for eating on her good sofa. I just walked in, and already he was getting on my nerves.

  There was note on the refrigerator from Mom that said they wouldn’t be home until late. Her and Dad had plans with the Thompson’s at some fancy restaurant in town.

  No wonder Tuck was here.

  I scrounged through the fridge to find some leftovers and heated myself a plate. The longer I stood there watching the microwave, and listening to that damn T.V., the angrier I was getting. Tonight was so supposed to be my night to study. It was really my intention, but after arguing with Kennedy and Tucker’s loud ass T.V. I just wanted to get out of the house. There was no way in hell that I was going to get any studying done now. Not here. Not in this house. The damn T.V. was too loud; I wouldn’t be able to hear myself think.

  Fuck it.

  I’d go out instead.

  I left the plate in the microwave, grabbed my keys and my books, and stormed out. I didn’t even bother telling anyone I was leaving.

  Before I reached the car I had already dialed Holly, and the phone was ringing.

  “Hey Babe,” she answered.

  “Hey. I had to get out of the house. Can I come to your place?”

  “Of course. Get your ass over here. I miss you.”

  All I heard was, – I need sex, come fuck me now. She didn’t have to ask me twice.

  “I’m on my way.”

  So much for studying, unless you counted the way my hands would be studying her body. In that case, I’m sure I’d get an A. The female anatomy was my best subject.



  “I got a call from your Dad today.” Aunt Darcy was giving me her saddest and most pitiful face ever.

  “What did you say?” I asked. My pencil stopped tapping on my notebook as I waited for a response.

  “I lied through my teeth. I told him I hadn’t seen you. I sounded really worried, so I think he bought it.”

  I let on an exasperated breath, and hoped she was right. Things were going so great. I didn’t want him messing everything up.

  “You know if you want to talk about anything with me, you can.” She said as she took the seat next to me on the couch.

  “I know, but there’s really not that much to say. You’ve met him.” I smiled.

  “Unfortunately yes.”

  “Exactly, I’m not ready to revisit those moments just yet.”

  She patted my forearm. “I understand. I really do.” I could tell that she was sincere. I knew that she would be there for me no matter what. “Let’s talk about something that’s not so depressing. Tell me all about your first day on the job.”

  I started to speak, but she stopped me. That was one thing I had already learned about Aunt Darcy. Her mind raced a million miles a minute, and sometimes it was hard for me to keep up.

  “Tell me in the kitchen. I need to make us some dinner.” She waved me into the kitchen, and I followed.

  I slid my bare feet across her floor so that I could feel the softness between my toes as I made my way towards the kitchen. The carpet on her floor was a nice change from what I was used to. It was warm and inviting. I actually walked around barefoot all the time here. Not like at home. At home you’d get splinters from the old hard wood floors.

  “So, did you have a good day? Were they nice to you?” She asked.

  “It was great. The job wasn’t too hard, and I caught on really quick. The computer is still a bit tricky, but I think I’ll get the hang of it.”

  “You will.” She said.

  “I think I even made a friend, a young girl about my age. Her name is Kennedy, and boy was she different. She was so nice though, and very pretty.”

  Darcy turned around and gave me a quizzical look. I knew she’d be surprised.

  “Look at you,” she smiled big. “I’m proud of you. You are so young and you should be making friends, and living life. This change of pace is going to be good for you. I can already see it.”

  “You think?” I propped my elbows up on the counter and rested my head in my hands.

  “Oh honey, I know.” She kissed my cheek. “Oh, I forgot to mention that Paul is going to come over for dinner. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”


  Her face lit up when she spoke his name. I didn’t need to ask anymore. She loved this Paul guy. I could see it all over her face. Just saying his name made her all flustered.

  “He’s so great. You’re going to love him, and he can’t wait to meet you too.”

  The glow radiated from her skin. If she loved him this much, how could I not?

  “I’ll go wash up a bit, and change clothes. Then I’ll be back down to help anyway I can.”

  She shooed me away, and I hurried upstairs. I was actually thrilled. We were having a dinner party. It wasn’t something that I was used to. It was exciting and new. It made me giddy like a child. I hoped I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself.

  I dressed in my Sunday best. It was the nicest skirt I owned. It was crème colored and had very tiny lace work around the seams. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I smiled. I cleaned up nice.

  Darcy gave me her seal of approval when I walked back into the kitchen.

  “Will you set the table? Everything you need is in the china cabinet.” She pointed to the massive wooden cabinet against the far wall. “Oh, can you keep an eye on the food while I go change. He should be here any minute.”

  “Sure.” I giggled at her. She was hopping around all frantic like. It was funny to watch. I wondered to myself if all people that were truly in love acted like that. My parents never did.

  As I placed the last setting at the table the doorbell rang.

  “Grace, can you get that. I’m in my underwear.”

  I laughed. There was never a dull moment with that woman. Then for a brief moment my face fell. I had this mental image of Darcy cantering out wearing nothing but her underwear. Hopefully that wasn’t going to be a sight that I needed to get used to seeing. I shook off the thought.

  I peeked out the side window near the door and saw a man standing there. He was holding flowers –very sweet, and I knew that it had to be Paul. I didn’t make him wait any longer. Opening the door, I found him standing there with a big smile on his face.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “You must be Grace.” His voice was deep, and there was a cute little dimple on his cheek. I nearly blushed. Handsome man and conversation, my social skills were about to work overtime. I looked down at my feet, but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. He was older, clearly older than Darcy, but I could see her interest. He was a very good-looking man.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Paul right?” I fumbled with my words a bit.

  “That’s me.”

  I stood back and let the door open wider. “Come in?”

  “Thank you. These
are for you.” He held the flowers out to me.

  “For me?” I was shocked. I hadn’t ever gotten flowers before, and I was surprised that he’d brought them for me and not Darcy.

  “Darcy told me that you were family. Like a daughter to her.” He leaned in a little closer and whispered, “I was trying to make a good impression.”

  I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Great job. Your secret is safe with me.” I said, in return.

  He already won me over, and I’d only just met him. I understood easily why Darcy was head over heels for him.

  “Something smells great,” he said slipping out of his coat.

  “Oh food! Excuse me.” I rushed into the kitchen. I could hear Paul snickering behind me.

  Luckily nothing was burned.

  Paul took a chair at the table while I rushed around.

  “Do you have any kids?” I asked him. I was trying not to be too forward, though he didn’t seem to mind. I was just making conversation.

  “Yes and no.” He answered.

  I eyed him curiously, unsure of what he meant.

  “I don’t have any of my own,” He said. “But I have a stepdaughter. My ex wife had a child from a previous marriage and I raised her from the time she was about five years old. She’s my daughter. I still see her all the time, even though she’s grown now.”

  “That’s really great of you. What’s her name?”

  “Carly,” he smiled when he said her name.

  “Paul,” Darcy said as she walked backed into the room. Her face lit up, and so did his. Together, they made a handsome couple. They seemed perfect for each other.

  “Hey babe,” he pulled her into a hug and they shared a kiss that made my face light up like Rudolph’s nose.

  Whoa! I had to turn away.

  “I heard you talking about Carly. Grace, I can’t wait for you to meet her. She’s a wonderful girl, only a couple of years older than you.”

  “That sounds great, I’d love to meet her.”

  Darcy and I carried the food over to the table. She’d really outdone herself with all of this food. I was under the impression that she couldn’t cook like this, but that wasn’t the case. She just didn’t like to cook for just herself, and I could understand that.


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