Falling for Mr. Wright (Bachelors in Suits)

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Falling for Mr. Wright (Bachelors in Suits) Page 9

by Neeley, Robyn

  That last question was tearing her up inside and prompted a deliberate swing by Ryan’s office at the end of the day, but he’d already left the building.

  She stepped out of the elevator, moving through the first-floor lobby while buttoning her coat. She could give Ryan a call and say she just happened to be in his neighborhood and suggest grabbing a drink, but since the Upper West Side where he lived was nowhere near her Brooklyn apartment, that seemed like a bit of a stretch.

  Plus, what if he was excited to be set up with a woman that liked sports as much as he did? What would she say? Ryan, I know I’ve asked you to help me win Logan’s heart, but I can’t stop thinking about our kiss and really want to do it again. Don’t go out with this woman.

  She sighed. Pathetic.

  She passed through the revolving door into the cold, resigning herself to the fact that she’d have to wait to talk to Ryan tomorrow. Maybe she’d see if he wanted to go out to lunch, and she could ask her questions then.

  She tugged on her gloves, glancing in the direction of uptown. The problem was, she didn’t want to wait. Going home and watching reality TV wasn’t going to give her the answer to the only question on her mind: Did Ryan want to be set up?

  Standing on the corner, her gaze darted over to the dry cleaner’s neon-blue sign across the street. Her lips immediately turned up, and she rushed over to the store.

  She had an idea.


  Ryan peeled off his jacket and hung it up in his living-room closet. What a day.

  Strike that. What a fucked-up day.

  After Logan had announced that he’d 1) asked Sarah out and 2) wanted Ryan to join them with a blind date of his own, Ryan had holed up in his office for the rest of the afternoon pissed off.

  If he’d just admitted he had feelings for Sarah, Logan wouldn’t have asked her on a date. So why hadn’t he?

  Because Ryan was a good friend, dammit, and this is what Sarah wanted. What she deserved, too, since Ryan would never be able to give her the kind of relationship Logan could.

  He placed his phone on the coffee table and plopped down on the couch, turning on his TV. None of it mattered. What happened between him and Sarah on the football field was a one-time thing. Hell, he’d told her flat-out they’d gotten carried away and it wasn’t a big deal.

  It wasn’t how he felt, but the awkward tension in the car ride home from Westbrook had been the only reason he’d downplayed what had happened. The fact that Sarah had been quick to agree with him told him everything he’d needed to know. She thought it was a mistake.

  “And this is why I don’t do relationships,” he said out loud to his empty apartment.

  His phone buzzed, and he glanced down at the text message. “What the…”

  Sarah had texted a picture of herself holding up what appeared to be dry cleaning with the message. “Special delivery.”

  He grinned, texting her back.

  Are those pants pressed?

  Yes. Text me your address. I’ll Uber over.

  His heart began to pound against his rib cage. She wanted to come over? How the hell did she get his dry cleaning?

  It took him all of five seconds to text her where he lived.

  Twenty minutes later, his intercom buzzed.

  “Hey. Come on up. It’s apartment 402,” he said into the intercom and buzzed her into the building. Outside his door, he waited until a bundled-up Sarah appeared holding his dry cleaning on hangers behind her back.


  “Hey,” she repeated, handing over his shirts and pants.

  “I can’t believe they just gave these to you. Let me give you some money.” He laid the dry cleaning over his recliner and reached down for his messenger bag to get his wallet. “I’ll have to have a talk with them for giving my pants to a total stranger,” he said, pulling out two twenties and handing them to her.

  “I told them I’m your girlfriend,” she said, batting her eyelashes.

  In my dreams. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She glanced around his living room. “So, this is your place?” she asked, moving over to the large impressionist painting over his couch. His sister had hung it up along with some other prints throughout the apartment. The little sneak had waited until he’d gone away for a guy’s weekend to Atlantic City with Logan and a couple college friends to redecorate. She’d known he’d give her shit about making his apartment too girly, but she’d also known he wouldn’t make her take anything down.

  “I blame Bridget for the decor.”

  He took her coat and draped it over his recliner on top of the dry cleaning. “Can I get you a beer?”


  His heart sped up as he watched Sarah making herself comfortable, looking sexy as hell in her new royal-blue dress and tall black boots.

  Did she really just come over to hand off his dry cleaning? He suspected something else might be on her mind. He quickly retrieved two bottles of beer, twisted the cap open on hers, and brought them over to the couch.

  “Thank you.” She took the bottle and tilted it back, way back.

  Yep something was definitely on her mind. “So…” He slid down next to her. “I heard Logan asked you out.”

  Sarah turned to face him, her boot accidentally touching his leg, sending a jolt up his entire body.

  “Yeah.” She narrowed her eyes. “Did you know he was going to?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She sighed and slumped back onto the couch. “I had his Secret Santa gifts, and after he dumped them on my desk, he asked me out.”


  She gave a short laugh, but that was her only response.

  Loud sirens went off in his head, and he sat up, taking note of her body language. Did Sarah not want to go out with Logan? “So…are you happy he asked you out?”

  She propped up her elbow on the back of the couch and supported her head with her hand. “I guess. I mean it’s what I’ve been working toward.”

  “Right. The plan.” Call off the alarms. He took a long drink, drowning the disappointment growing inside him. “Glad you got what you wanted.”

  “And now you have someone to pick up your dry cleaning for the next three months.”

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “But then I wouldn’t get to see you outside of work. Unless there are more galas coming up?”

  Ryan nearly choked on his drink. Their eyes locked for a split second before she broke contact. “Logan told me you’ll be joining us Friday night.”

  “Uh…yeah. He’s got some neighbor he thinks I might like. He says we have a lot in common, but I don’t know.”

  “Well, maybe she’ll entice you to turn in your bachelor card.”

  “Doubt it.” He stood, really not wanting to talk about dating another woman with the very woman he’d rather date. “Hey, want to stay for dinner? I can order a pizza.”

  “Sure.” She brought her legs up and tucked them under her, reaching for the remote control.

  He made the call, and they moved their conversation from the impending dinner date to more neutral topics.

  “So, tomorrow, I was hoping you might help me sort the Christmas decorations for the office holiday party. I need someone tall to help me with the containers on the top shelves in the supply room,” Sarah said.

  Normally he would have jumped on her request for his assistance, anything to steal a few minutes alone with her during the day, but the last thing he wanted to do was hear all about Sarah’s impending date with Logan. That conversation would be unavoidable if they spent any time together. He’d made the decision this afternoon to not be around. “Actually, I’m going to be at Vert Tower for the rest of the week.”

  “Oh.” She leaned back and propped her elbow up on the back of the couch.

  “Are you excited about Friday night?”

  “Um…” Her question took him by surprise. Excited to see my best friend with you? “I wouldn’t
say excited is the word.”


  She was talking about his date. “Nah.”

  “Not at all?”

  “I mean, there are always things to be nervous about. What will we talk about? Will she find me interesting? Will I find her interesting? Will I kiss her good night?”

  Sarah sat up. “You’re planning on kissing her?”

  “I don’t know.” He frowned. “It might happen.”

  She took another pull from her beer. “Of course. It’s a date. Why wouldn’t you kiss her if things go well?” Reaching for one of his sister’s magazines off the coffee table, she thumbed through it without saying another word.

  He stared at her back. Was she giving him the silent treatment? He grabbed the remote and surfed channels, finding It’s a Wonderful Life playing.

  She tossed the magazine on the table and made herself comfortable. “I love this movie. Let’s watch it.”

  He blinked at her. Damn. Even at thirty-two, he’d never fully understand women.

  But he was willing to try with this particular one. He grinned and settled into the couch.

  Two hours later as the credits rolled, they finished off the pizza.

  “I’m so glad you needed your pants,” Sarah said, her head resting on his shoulder—a move he hadn’t seen coming when she’d leaned against him a few minutes earlier.

  He steadied his breathing, trying to act like Sarah leaning into him wasn’t causing his heart to pump into overdrive.

  “What were you saying about my pants?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Your dry cleaning. I’m glad I could bring you clean pants.”

  “Um…right.” He moved his arm over the couch pillow, and squeezed her shoulder. “Thanks again.”

  “Remember, I’ll be your delivery service for three months. A deal’s a deal.” She patted his chest. “I’m just so glad I didn’t screw our friendship up last weekend. I didn’t, right?” She lifted her head and looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes.

  Maybe it was her sweet vanilla scent or the way her beautiful green eyes gazed into his, but enough was enough. He needed to show her how much he wanted her.

  Screw Logan and her plan.

  He slid his finger under her chin and dipped his head until his lips met hers as easily as they had the first time. He gently coaxed her mouth open, applying light pressure.

  Their kiss on the football field had been spontaneous and a little out of control. For this one, he was determined to take his time, savoring her soft lips.

  The feel of her mouth on his sent a bolt of adrenaline through him, and he pulled her onto his lap, running his hand up her boot until he reached her tights.

  “This could complicate things,” she whispered, splaying her hands over his chest.

  “Not if we don’t let it.” Before she could respond, he swept his mouth back over hers, this time a deeper kiss that caused her to dig her fingers in his shoulder blades as he pulled her in close. He moved his hands up her dress, the feel of her body causing him to go hard. He palmed her covered breasts, causing a soft moan as she tilted her head back.

  Fuck it. Slow was overrated. He cupped her head, his mouth fast on hers.

  Completely consumed with Sarah in his arms, their tongues lashing, he didn’t hear the front door open.

  “Oh my God. I am so sorry.”

  Sarah broke their kiss and slid off his lap, her cheeks flushed as she smoothed her dress.

  “Hey, Bridget,” he said, wanting to turn her right back around and slam the door. His sister had the worst timing.

  Bridget mouthed the word “hi” and continued with her phone conversation in the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry about the interruption.” Ryan nodded in his sister’s direction. “Let me take you home.”

  “No, it’s late.” Sarah grabbed her coat off the recliner and slid it on, fiddling with her phone. “I’ll just call an Uber.”

  He couldn’t argue with her there—one long, confusing day. How was it a few minutes ago she was arching into his touch? Now she looked like she was going to be sick if she didn’t get out of there.

  Bridget came back into the living room, interrupting the obvious awkwardness. “Hi.” She looked at Ryan and then approached Sarah with an extended hand. “I’m Bridget.”

  “I’m Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Bridget gave Sarah what he knew was her “I know my brother wants to have mad sex with you” grin. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Ryan talks about you all the time.”

  “Not all the time.” Ryan picked up Sarah’s scarf and gloves from the recliner and handed them to her.

  “Thank you, and thank you for sending Ryan to work with so many yummy desserts,” Sarah said, wrapping her scarf around her neck.

  “Anything for this guy.” Bridget punched his stomach.

  Sarah smiled and turned to Ryan, raising her phone up. “My Uber’s here. I’ll see you Friday night?”

  “I’ll be there.” Ready to kick Logan’s ass.

  He walked Sarah out, waiting downstairs until she was in the car. Once he was back in his apartment, he picked up their empty beer bottles and remaining pizza.

  “What’s happening Friday?” Bridget called from the kitchen.

  “Nothing.” Not if he could help it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ryan punched the treadmill speed, settling into a pace faster than his normal. A good workout often helped clear his mind. For tonight’s date, he needed a huge mental reset.

  He’d majorly screwed up. Five days ago, he should have swept a breathless Sarah into his arms and moved their hot make out into his bedroom.

  But no. He’d lost all brain cells the minute their lips touched. They were sitting ducks for his sister to bust open the front door and ruin the moment.

  That night had given him hope that she’d call off her date. He’d thought his actions were clear how much he wanted her. Her response had seemed to indicate she’d wanted him, too.

  Sweat trickled down his face that probably had more to do with his recalling the sexy sound of her moan as he’d palmed her breasts and not that he’d broken his record for running a mile.

  He brought down the treadmill speed and slowed his pace. Yeah, their second kiss was hot, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t change the fact she was still going through with her date with Logan tonight.

  He’d be lying if he didn’t admit that earlier in the week his confidence had surged to an all-time cocky level, convinced that after their make out, Sarah would cancel her date.

  Yep, he’d played out that fantasy: She’d show up at Vert Tower and announce that her plan to make Logan fall in love with her was over. Elated, he’d sweep her off her feet and carry her into one of the empty offices for hot, wild sex.

  But he hadn’t heard from her all week. No Vert Tower visit, no call either.

  She was obviously sticking to her plan.

  It sucked, but he’d managed to talk himself into believing his best friend might actually be a good match for Sarah.

  It would save him from the heartache down the road if Ryan and Sarah did get together and she changed her mind and left him for Logan, or anyone for that matter.

  He knew without a shadow of a doubt Sarah wasn’t Melanie, but there were no guarantees she wouldn’t leave him one day.

  Bridget had spent all last night telling him he was going to blow a great thing if he didn’t 1) stop being a bonehead and realize that being a bachelor would ultimately result in his ending up alone and 2) fight for Sarah.

  Fight for Sarah. And tell her what, exactly? I enjoy hanging out with you, I find you extremely attractive, and I thoroughly enjoy kissing you, but I can’t guarantee you any sort of future.

  That probably wouldn’t win her over.

  He increased his speed, determined to push away the realization that her date with Logan was happening and he might lose any chance with her after tonight.


  Sarah bolt
ed out of her bedroom, holding up a red strapless dress and a longer black one. “Which one should I wear?” She stepped in front of the television to block her roommate’s view.

  Chloe sat up and cocked her head to see past Sarah. “For Logan or Ryan?” she asked with the same sheepish grin she’d sported earlier in the week when Sarah had confessed to what went down on Ryan’s sofa.

  “To have dinner with a good-looking man who is interested in me.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.” Chloe motioned for Sarah to get out of the way.

  Sarah let out a frustrated sigh and moved to the couch. She didn’t answer it because after five days of dissecting her kissing Ryan for the second time, she still didn’t have any answers. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  After the heavy make-out session with Ryan, she’d thought about canceling her date with Logan, but the next day, Logan had been so sweet to her, giving her another compliment on her outfit and repeatedly mentioning how much he was looking forward to Friday.

  Her plan was going swimmingly.

  Even though Ryan had said he’d be at Vert Tower for the rest of the week, she’d hoped that he would stop by the office so they could talk, but that didn’t happen. She hadn’t heard a peep from him since that night in his apartment.

  If he was really into her, would he let her go out with his best friend without saying anything? “Ryan and I have obvious chemistry,” she admitted. “However, it would never work out between us.”

  “Let’s put aside the fact that Ryan seems to be anti-relationship.” Chloe sat up, bringing her knees in. “He’s kissed you twice now. How does kissing him make you feel?”

  Sarah’s heart began to speed up. That’s exactly what Ryan kissing her did. It caused ridiculous heart palpitations. “Unbelievably awesome.”

  Chloe patted her knee. “Then that means something.”

  Sarah shook her head. “It can’t. He’s my friend. He doesn’t do commitment, and I can’t ignore what he’s made perfectly clear. Besides…” She frowned. “If he was really interested in me, he would have called…or sent a text…or something.”


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