Falling for Mr. Wright (Bachelors in Suits)

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Falling for Mr. Wright (Bachelors in Suits) Page 11

by Neeley, Robyn

  It was official. She was a horrible person, but as Ryan pulled her in for another toe-curling kiss, she didn’t care.

  “I’m not sorry that we’re leaving,” he said as if reading her mind. He reached down, gently brushing her bangs to the side, his fingers lingering in her hair. “Your hair is so sexy.”

  “Is this what this is about?” She lowered her lashes. “You’re turned on by my blowout?”

  “Maybe.” His mouth curled up in a wicked smirk, while he traced a finger across her lips. “And other parts of you that I need to explore.”

  That did it. “Your place.” She gasped. “Now.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Are you kidding me?” Ryan glared out his windshield. They might as well be parked for the night, because at the moment they were trapped in the middle of Times Square as hundreds of half-naked men and women—of all shapes and sizes—jogged by wearing Santa hats and beards.

  He’d thought cutting across town to get to his apartment would be quicker. Dumb idea, and solely motivated by Sarah’s fingers intently massaging his inner thigh, closing in on his erection.

  Sarah moved her hand away and glanced out the window. “I forgot about this. It’s the annual Santa Run. It’s always the first week in December and draws thousands.”

  “Thousands,” he repeated. “Terrific.”

  “My roommate and I did it last year. It was fun—and cold. I froze my legs off.”

  The thought of Sarah half naked, wearing a Santa hat and not much else, wasn’t helping.

  Ryan sat back and watched the runners streaming past without really seeing any of them. No, his mind was elsewhere, namely on the gorgeous woman in the seat to his right. When he’d caught Sarah leaning against his BMW earlier, he’d known the only outcome he’d be satisfied with involved showing her exactly what she did to him.

  If only the damn runners would get out of his way so he could do just that.

  He stole a peek at the beautiful woman now taking pictures of the runners with her cell phone and laughing hysterically. What if their hot and heavy moment back in the restaurant’s parking lot was gone?

  He’d just have to get them back there.

  “We could be here for a while,” she said. “Check out that guy with the funny white hat.”

  He mentally cursed as a chubby, white-bearded man—who could actually be the real Santa—ran by, his hands flailing in the air and his belly jiggling. Although his furry white Eskimo hat with pink balls hanging from it didn’t quite seem like something Santa would wear.

  “What do you think he does for a living that involves that hat?” Sarah asked, batting her eyelashes in Ryan’s direction.

  The guy with the crazy-ass hat stopped to catch his breath. Fine. If Ryan couldn’t be in his bed right now with Sarah, flirting in his car would have to do. He reached over and cupped her face, bringing his lips to hers for a soft kiss before answering her question. “I think he owns an Eskimo hat factory in Alaska.”

  She opened her eyelids, giving him a coy smirk. “A factory that solely makes Eskimo hats?” She feigned surprise. “That’s a first.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He kissed her again, whispering, “The largest one in the world. They sell those hats to street vendors during the holiday season.”

  “Well, if you do come across one of those hats, I think you should definitely buy it for your Secret Santa,” she said, running her hand back up his thigh.

  His dick hardened. They were done talking about Eskimo hats. “Noted.” He reached down and enveloped her hand with his. He didn’t think it was possible, but he wanted her even more than he did forty minutes ago. She threaded her fingers with his, sending his heart racing. After tonight, things were going to be different between them. Was he ready for something more with Sarah than a casual night of sex?

  Could he finally release the anchor of insecurity chained to his heart and finally let someone he was falling for in? What if she changed her mind?

  Sarah pulled her hand out of his. “It’s moving!”

  Sure enough, the cars ahead of them had slowly begun to creep forward. His instinct wanted to slam on the gas straight for his apartment, but with their friendship on the line, he needed to make sure she wasn’t about to do something with him she might later regret. “Do you still want to go back to my place?”

  She reached out and cupped his face, bringing her lips to his. “I want my very own customized Fifth-Quarter Experience with Ryan Wright—and everything that entails,” she said and coaxed his lips open.

  The horn from the car behind them broke the kiss.

  Ryan adjusted his seat belt and hit the gas.

  Game. On.


  Sarah waited on the top step of Ryan’s apartment building while he unlocked the door. She shoved her ice-cold hands in her coat pockets.

  Was this really happening? She brought one hand up to cover the wide smile forming on her lips. Yes. Yes, it is.

  He held open the door for her and pulled her in close, lowering his lips to hers. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Was he? Was he glad that she, Sarah Leonard, was the woman he’d brought home, or would he have said the same thing to Corrine?

  Ryan unlocked the building’s front door and took her hand.

  As they walked up the stairs, it was all she could do to keep from climbing up his body and kissing him crazy.

  Waiting was overrated.

  She stopped at the second-floor landing and grabbed his red tie, pulling him close for an openmouthed kiss, determined to leave him as breathless as he’d made her outside the restaurant.

  “Sarah,” he groaned into her ear. “Inside. Now.”

  He scooped her up, and she slapped a hand over her mouth to keep in her shriek. Ryan Wright, carrying her up two flights of stairs, was too sexy for words.

  He gently set her down and tested the door handle. “Good, we won’t be running into Bridget.”

  Oh, crap. She steadied herself on her heels. She’d forgotten about his sister. What if she was on the other side of the door? Thousands of half-naked Santas was one obstacle, but she wasn’t entirely sure she could go through with having sex with Ryan knowing his sister was home. “How do you know she’s not here?”

  “Because she always forgets to lock the door when she’s home.” He pulled his keys out of his pocket and shoved one in the lock, opening the door. “I need to send her a quick text and make sure she’s okay,” he said, pulling his phone out of his pants pocket.

  What a sweet big brother. Her two younger siblings couldn’t care less what she did on a Friday night. Granted, they were thousands of miles away. Sarah stepped in and eyed the sofa, her lips tingling at the memory of their hot kiss earlier in the week.

  He finished texting his sister and took Sarah’s hands, warming them in his. He then brought her into an embrace, his mouth lowering onto hers.

  She gave him everything she had because, dammit, it was time she admitted who she wanted. Her hands moved up his chest, over his shoulder blades.

  He flinched and broke their kiss, moving away. “Wait.”

  Oh God. Her heart sank. He’s changed his mind. She tried to play it cool, not showing any disappointment. Could he really have second thoughts now? If he said this was a mistake, she’d hold her head high and go home. “Is something wrong?” she asked, not really wanting to know.

  “Not wrong, but I’m not taking any chances we’ll be interrupted.” Before she knew what was happening, Ryan swept her off her feet again.

  Relief washed over her, and she looped her arms around his neck and took a deep breath, letting herself get intoxicated off his delicious mint scent. “Good plan.”

  “You’re not the only one who has them.”

  She gulped. What did he mean by that? Did he have plans for them beyond this evening? She ran a hand over his jawline. She certainly hoped so.

  Once in his bedroom, he gently set her down on his bed, resuming the kiss they’d started in the livi
ng room.

  When they broke apart, she glanced around, trying to steady her breathing while he maneuvered around to his dresser, turning on his MP3 player. “Am I getting the full Fifth-Quarter Experience?” she teased, her breath shaky.

  Ryan shot her what had to be the sexiest grin that had ever been cast her way and held out his hand, helping her off the bed. Moving her hair aside, his mouth made its way to the dip in her collarbone.

  Holy night! I sure am!

  “You know that phrase is just something the rich socialites in my town made up.” He reached behind her and pulled down the zipper to her dress, moving it slowly off her body.

  He slid her dress all the way down, taking her hand to help her step out of it.

  And just like that, the fantasy she’d had shortly after they’d first met of standing in front of him in her lacy red bra and panties finally came true.

  But what’d been missing in her fantasy was his smoldering gaze and the slow burn inside her his look produced.

  He brought her into his embrace, wrapping one arm around her bare back while running his lips across her shoulder. “God, you taste good.”

  She lifted her chin and gazed into his blue eyes, until their lips met again.

  Yep, reality was way better than her fantasy.

  His hands moved down her back, unhooking her bra. Before she knew what was happening, he spun her around, sliding the straps down her arms. Her nipples pebbled the minute he cupped both of her breasts from behind.

  “Ryan,” she murmured as he flicked her nipples while kissing her bare shoulders.

  Without a word, he turned her back to face him and moved his hands down her body, his touch causing a jolt to run through her. His thumb skimmed the top of her panties. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  What I do to him? Like right now or was this something more? Her heart raced, hoping it was the latter. “Tonight?”

  She met his gaze with that question and got a lopsided grin in response. “Yeah, tonight,” he said before bending down and kissing her stomach. “Definitely tonight.”

  A pang of disappointment shot through her. She knew better than to expect more from him. Ryan had always been honest about his unwillingness to commit to any woman. Why should it be different with her?

  Still, as his mouth traveled farther down her body, she ceased any more analyzation of his motivations. The only thing she needed to concentrate on was how incredible his tongue felt on her skin.

  She buried her fingers in his hair, her head tilting back, giving in to his soft touch as his mouth found its way to her inner thigh.

  Her other boyfriends had been eye-on-the-prize in bed with foreplay being practically nonexistent. Normally, she was the giver, and she liked that role. It kept her in control. “Ryan,” she panted as his lips swept over her sensitive parts. More than nice.

  But there was one problem. He was still dressed, which needed to change. She grabbed onto his shirt and gave him a little tug up.

  “Everything okay?” he asked and straightened.

  “No. It’s not.” She tried to sound serious.

  “I’m sorry. I thought this was what you wa—”

  She pressed a finger over his mouth to silence him. “I think we need to even the playing field,” she said, unloosening his tie and sliding it off his neck. “I need the other team to show more skin.”

  “I can respect that.” He smirked and unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off.

  Her breath hitched as she splayed her hands across his hard chest, one hand touching his beating heart. “This is much better,” she said, massaging his chest with her fingertips.

  “Now, can I get back to seducing you?”

  She stepped out of his embrace and gave her best sexy shoulder shrug. “I guess so.”

  “Good.” He scooped her up and flipped her onto the bed, running his hands over her breasts. Lowering his head, he took one into his mouth, drawing out waves of pleasure as he sucked on one and then moved his attention to the other.

  Best tackle ever.

  She murmured her approval.

  He reached down and pulled her panties off, followed by her stilettos. Sliding his hands up her legs, he kissed the inside of her thigh.

  Did he have any idea how much pleasure was currently jolting through her? She closed her eyes, focusing solely on the ecstasy his mouth produced as he explored her sensitive parts. His tongue swirling over her clit, causing her toes to curl as her hands gripped his sheet.

  Her back arched as she plunged her nails into his shoulder blades. “Ryan.” She moaned out her orgasm and withered underneath him. “I need you inside me now.”

  He hovered over her for a second. “I’m glad this is how your date ended.”

  “Me, too,” she whispered, sweeping her lips over his chin and reaching for his pants zipper. “I need more.”

  He slid off the bed and opened his nightstand, pulling out a foil packet. Time stood still the minute he removed his boxers and she took in his naked body. As he sat on the edge of the bed, unwrapping the condom, she moved behind him, running her fingers up and down his back. She needed to touch him.

  And she needed to taste him. Her mouth swept over his neck, doing exactly to him what he’d done to her in the restaurant parking lot.

  “Sarah…” he moaned out her name and slid on the condom. Her own desire heightened at the sound of his groan.

  She reached for his hand and pulled him down, cupping his face. “I want…” She paused, her thoughts racing as she moaned.

  I want this. I want us.

  “I want you, too,” he whispered in her ear, threading his fingers with hers and lifting them over her head.

  “Oh God.” She grabbed on to his back, her legs wrapping around him as he entered her. She squeezed his hands and arched into his quick thrusts.

  “Ryan,” she called out repeatedly as waves of pleasure slammed through her, building higher and higher until her second orgasm came crashing all around her.

  Seconds later, he groaned deep.

  She rested her chin on his shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his body, his heartbeat syncing with hers.

  Yes, this was definitely how she wanted tonight to end.

  She settled into his arms. Eventually this evening would end. He’d said he’d wanted her tonight, but tonight wouldn’t last forever. Tomorrow, he’d be the same Ryan—the one that didn’t do relationships.

  Sadness washed over her. She’d known exactly what she was getting into when she’d come back to his place, but after what they’d experienced, it would hurt too much for him to admit he wasn’t interested in anything more than friendship.

  She needed to lock up her heart because she was pretty sure she’d let it out in Ryan’s arms and it was now his.

  But Ryan wasn’t asking for her heart. He might never be capable of taking it.

  If she was going to protect her heart, there was only one thing she could do. She moved from his embrace and sat up, pressing her feet to the floor.

  She’d have to take it back.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ryan gazed up at the ceiling, catching his breath while savoring the adrenaline now pumping through him.

  Holy fuck. He reached over and pulled Sarah back down into his arms. “That was—”

  “Yeah, it was,” Sarah agreed before he could finish his sentence. She wiggled out of his arms, pulling his white sheet over her. “I can’t believe you’ve never told me how skilled you are in this department.”

  He sat up and propped his elbow up. “I’m not sure that’s appropriate office conversation.” He reached over and brushed her bangs off her face. God, he couldn’t wait to be inside her again.

  “I’m so glad you came out of the restaurant when you did.”

  His heart beat faster, more than a little relieved to hear her admission. “Me, too.”

  She stretched her arms in front of her. “Now that we’ve gotten this thing between us out of our sys
tem, we can get back to normal.”

  Rewind. “Normal? What do you mean by ‘normal?’”

  “You know. Like you said back in the restaurant’s parking lot. This doesn’t have to be weird if we don’t let it.”

  Was she serious? As he watched her move off the bed and slip on the red bra and lacy red panties he’d slid off her, he had a feeling she was. He raked a hand through his hair. “I had a great time tonight,” was all he could say.

  “I did, too, but we’re not going to let this be awkward on Monday, right?” she asked, stepping into her red dress.

  He sat up, trying to understand what she was saying. Was that her only worry? That they’d be tiptoeing around the fact that they’d had sex when they bumped into each other in the hallway? “No, it won’t. We don’t have to bring it up at all.”

  “Great.” She reached behind her back and started to zip her dress, her mouth open as if she was about to say something, but she quickly shut it.

  If she brought up her plan, he was going to lose his shit.

  How was it only an hour ago she was standing in that spot, letting him run his mouth down her body, and now, her only concern seemed to be how they would act at work. Flabbergasted, he said the only thing he could, “We both got what we wanted.”

  “Exactly.” She came over to the bed and turned around. “Can you help me with my zipper?”

  His chest hardened. They were really going to pretend this didn’t happen. Frustrated, he scooted over to her. How could she treat what they’d done tonight so casually, and why was she in such a rush to leave?

  He gave himself a mental swat and reached for her zipper. They’d had sex. It had been great. She wanted to move on.

  There was only one problem: he didn’t. Shit, at the very least, he wanted to do it again.

  “You don’t have to go.” He tugged up the dress zipper, resting his free hand on the small of her back. “It’s late. I could take you home in the morning.”

  “And run into your sister on the way to the bathroom? I don’t think so.” She laughed. “I can’t risk her not wanting to bake me cupcakes anymore.”


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