Ride Her Hard (The Hard Boys Book 1)

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Ride Her Hard (The Hard Boys Book 1) Page 11

by Sam Crescent


  “Will the house be warm enough?”

  “It’s why I was cutting the logs.”

  “Oh, yeah, I saw you.”

  He glanced over at her and saw her grimace.

  “I mean, I was looking out my bedroom window and I saw you cutting logs. Not like I was a bad stalker or anything. Just you know, observing.”

  “I get it.”

  “You do? That’s great. I’m not a weird person. So, Mount, tell me, do you miss … you know, not having to travel down a really rocky path to get to town?” she asked.

  He caught her gaze on him. She had pretty blue eyes, and he loved her hair. Long, blonde, and wavy. It was so long, it was down to her ass.


  “You want to know if I miss living with civilization?”

  “I … I guess so, yeah.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I’ve got to know, how come? I mean, no internet.”

  “Have no need for it, nor do I want it. The only real connection you need is with people and if they’re more interested in their phones or whatever, it’s not real.”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you.” She held her hands up.

  “You haven’t upset me.”

  “What caused this? she asked. “William told me that you weren’t like this before.”

  He wasn’t going to answer her questions. “We’re here,” he said, pulling up in the parking lot of the grocery store.

  “That was fast.”

  Mount didn’t linger. He didn’t need to make excuses for the way he lived his life. This was what he loved and the truth was, what he’d always wanted. Grabbing a large cart, he headed inside.

  The truth was there was something missing from his life, and it was the love of a good woman. For a long time, he could ignore the want building inside him for a wife and kids, but he couldn’t be out there, not anymore.

  He loved spending his days walking the forest, caring for his vegetable garden, chopping logs, taking care of his dogs, and when the woman came, he’d love her and their children more than anything.

  Meghan rushed to keep up to his long strides. She had on a big jacket and pulled on a hat to cover her head and face. She looked incredibly cute.

  He’d been around women, sure, but none of them had ever given him this kind of reaction, and he’d be lying if he didn’t say he was at least curious. He was, so much.

  But he couldn’t have Meghan, and he certainly wouldn’t make her pick between the city life and his. It wasn’t fair to do that to anyone. She had a life of her own, and one day, she would go back to it, leaving him behind.

  End of sample chapter





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