Heaven Before Hell: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance Series (Prequel to Heaven in Hell)

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Heaven Before Hell: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance Series (Prequel to Heaven in Hell) Page 2

by Dia Cole

My heart began to pound. “Reed, I gotta go. I’ll see you in a few. Happy birthday.”

  I hung up the phone and looked up at my boss. “What is it?”

  Please, please, please don’t let him fire me. I need this job.

  Max rubbed the top of his balding head. “Mr. Diaz wants to see you.”


  My breath came out in a short gasp. Javier wanted to see me? In all the weeks he and his men had been coming to Eros, he’d never asked to meet any of the girls. Of course, he never looked at the other girls the way he looked at me.

  Cami swiveled around in her chair. “You’re not planning on pimping Lee out to the drug lord, are you?”

  Max jerked as though she’d punched him in the solar plexus and rubbed his hands together nervously. “No. Nothing like that. He just wants to meet her, okay? I don’t like it either, but money is tight. We need his business.”

  Remembering the way Javier stared at me during my sets gave me the willies.

  I don’t need that kind of business.

  I stood up and headed toward the lockers. “I’ve already done two sets. I’m off the clock. Besides, my ride is waiting.” I couldn’t keep Duncan sitting in the parking lot all night.

  “Please, Lee.”

  I stared at Max. The bull-sized man didn’t usually beg for anything.

  Sweat stains wet the underarms of his button-down shirt. He tugged at his candy-cane striped tie as if it was strangling him.

  I sighed in resignation. “Okay, but just a quick how-do-you-do. I’m not doing any lap dances.”

  He bobbed his head up and down so fast, his jowls shook.

  “And I’m skipping my first set tomorrow.”

  It wasn’t as if I’d make any money with the early set anyway, and clearly spending some time with Eden and Reed is long overdue.

  He froze, his watery gaze narrowing. “Friday’s our biggest night and you’re our headliner.”

  “I’ll be there for my ten o’clock.” I slid back on my heels, trying to ignore the protest made by my feet. “Look, do you want me to meet Javier or not?”

  He threw his hands up in the air. “Fine.”

  Cami grabbed my arm as I followed Max to the door. Her face pinched with worry.

  “Be careful, honey. Javier Diaz is a dangerous man.”

  Great. If Cami, notorious for her less than stellar taste in men, was worried, Javier had to be really bad news.

  My stomach became a writhing ball of snakes. “I’ll be fine. I left your phone on my chair.” I gently tugged away from her. “There’s a party at the house tonight for Reed’s birthday. If you’re not doing anything after your set, why don’t you swing by?”

  Her heart-shaped face brightened. “That’d be fun. You know, I’ve always thought Reed was sexy. Maybe I’ll give him a very special birthday present,” she said with a wink.

  Something inside me balked at her interest in Reed. But before I could analyze my feelings, Max threw us an aggravated look.

  “Time is money, ladies. Cami, remember you’re onstage in ten. And have either of you seen Jess?”

  I couldn’t hide the revulsion on my face. The auburn-haired stripper had made my life a living hell ever since Max gave me her time slot and moved her sets later.

  Cami shared a knowing look with me. “No evil-bitch-of-the-West sightings here, Max. When are you going to fire her ass? Last week, Jess poured baby oil all over the stage steps and Lee nearly broke her leg.”

  Remembering the nasty fall I’d taken made me wince. Jess’s mean-spirited pranks were going to get me killed one of these days.

  “I don’t know why you ladies can’t just get along. Hurry up, Lee. Mr. Diaz is waiting.” Max huffed out of the room.

  So much for his begging and pleading routine. I hurried to catch up with my boss.

  He was uncharacteristically quiet as we walked backstage and took the side stairs down to the main floor. It added to my nervousness.

  First Cami, now Max.

  Javier seemed to inspire fear in everyone around him.

  What did a man like that want from me?

  My stomach churned.

  Onstage, Robin was in her element. She’d shed her bodysuit and undulated to the throbbing beat of the music in nothing but a black G-string and her boots. Her whip was wrapped around the professor. Based on the dazed expression on his face, he’d just found his new religion.

  Good for her.

  My gaze was unerringly drawn past the Christmas-light-encrusted bar and garland-wrapped faux Roman pillars to the back of the club. As I suspected, Javier watched my approach with the same intensity he watched my dancing. I felt pinned by his amber gaze. Some kind of primitive fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and I wanted to run. My knees trembled as I forced myself to walk toward him.

  “Come on,” Max said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward. When we got to their table, Max cleared his throat. “Good evening, gentlemen. This is Heaven.”

  Unwilling to meet Javier’s forceful gaze, I glanced at the men around him. They all were dark-eyed with short dark hair with the exception of Javier and the younger-looking man sitting closest to him. The resemblance between the two men was striking, although the younger man’s glossy dark hair was longer, falling free to the middle of his back.

  His eyes were the same golden hue as Javier’s and they heated as he scanned me from head to toe. “You always had good taste in women, Mano,” he said to Javier as he slid out of the booth.

  He prowled around me like a shark circling an injured seal. “What a beauty you are, señorita. And such gorgeous hair.” As he grabbed a lock of my long dark hair, his ring-covered hand brushed against the top of my breast.

  I reared back.

  Max reacted immediately, stepping between us. “Sorry, no touching allowed.”

  Giving Max a look that froze the blood in my veins, Luis slowly opened his hand, freeing my hair. “What fun is there in only looking?”

  Javier jumped up, his hands fisted. “Luis, apologize immediately.”

  The barely contained rage in his tone made me flinch.

  Luis blanched and stepped away from me. “Los siento, señorita. I meant no offense.”

  Max moved aside so I was eye to eye with Javier.

  Even from two feet away, I could feel the power and coiled energy emanating from him. This wasn’t a man to be trifled with. The rumors of how he enjoyed torturing his enemies before killing them flashed into my mind. I clasped my hands together to stop them from shaking.

  He smiled at me, calling my attention to the sharpness of his even white teeth. “Please ignore my brother. He has no manners.” He glared at Luis and the other men at the table. “Leave us.”

  Without a word, the men stood and walked toward the bar.

  Javier gave Max a pointed look.

  “Ah, I should introduce the next set,” Max said, turning and heading for the stage.

  I gritted my teeth. Coward. Max was getting a piece of my mind the next time we spoke.

  “Please sit.” Javier gestured toward the booth.

  Seeing no other option, I scooted in.

  Javier sank into the seat across from me. He was close enough that every breath I took was scented in the exotic spice of his expensive cologne.

  “My name is Javier Diaz. I’m a great admirer of your dancing,” he said with a faint accent.

  The way his eyes bored into mine made me tremble. I felt like a cornered mouse. “Thank you. I’m Heaven.” Too late, I remembered that Max had already introduced me. My face warmed. It wasn’t like me to be frazzled like this.

  “A pleasure to finally meet you.” He extended his hand.

  Once again, I saw no other option but to accept his handshake.

  His long, warm fingers curled around mine. He lifted my hand to his lips and briefly kissed my knuckles.

  The sensation of his warm breath on my hand gave me goose bumps. I tried to pull away.

  He refused to let me go.

; I glanced up to see if Max was watching. Of course not. And Duncan had already left.

  I’m on my own.

  I broke out in a cold sweat.

  Javier stroked one long finger over my palm, making me shudder. Something inside me recognized the danger this man posed and wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

  “It’s rare I’m so captivated by a woman. From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were meant for me.”

  I shifted uneasily. The vinyl seat stuck to my sweaty skin. Normally, at this point I’d be channeling my seductive alter ego, trying to work the guy for tips. But no part of me wanted to encourage this man. Just last week, I’d overheard Jess saying that Javier’s last girlfriend had been found scalped and dismembered. A tremor slid down my spine.

  “I’m having a private event at my home Saturday evening. I’d like you to attend.”

  I shook my head. Even if I wanted to rub shoulders with gangsters, going out with patrons was strictly against club rules. “I’m sorry, I’m working and I’m not allowed to—”

  “I’ve already spoken with Max. He said it’d be fine. You’ll be well compensated for your time.”

  My mouth fell open in shock.

  How could Max put me in this position?

  I finally found the courage to meet Javier’s intent gaze. “I’m not a call girl.”

  “Of course not.” He sat up straight as if I’d insulted him. “All you’d be asked to do is dance as you do here at the club. I’ll pay twenty thousand for the evening.”

  My mouth went dry. Twenty thousand dollars. Holy crap. That’d keep Eden, Reed, and me afloat for months.

  There has to be a catch.

  “How many people would be at this event?”

  His fingers tightened around mine. His gaze heated and flickered to my chest. “Just me.”

  Okayyyy. I swallowed hard. The room seemed to spin. This was one of those life-changing moments. I could feel it. If I chose to go down this road, there’d be no going back. I wasn’t a fool. Javier didn’t want me for a dance. He wanted to claim me. To possess me. And not just for the night.

  Am I willing to put my life on the line and sell what little is left of my soul?

  My internal crisis was interrupted by Max grabbing the mic. He announced the end of Robin’s set and introduced Cami’s upcoming dance.

  It was getting late.

  Poor Duncan is probably freezing to death in the parking lot.

  I pulled my hand away from Javier. “I’ll have to think about it.” Before he could grab me again, I slid out of the booth.

  The flash of anger in his gaze told me he wasn’t used to being put off. He pushed something across the table. “Call me.”

  I stared down at the shimmering black metal card.

  Were those real diamonds embedded around the phone number?

  “Thank you for your time.” He reached into his wallet, pulled out several hundred-dollar bills and placed them on top of the card.

  Part of me wanted to turn my back and walk away, sending the message I couldn’t be bought. But the other part of me that was desperate to keep my family afloat had me stuttering, “Th…th...thank you,” while I grabbed the card and cash.

  As if telepathically summoned, Javier’s men left the bar and headed in our direction.

  Before I could make my escape, Javier spoke, “Lee, don’t keep me waiting. I’m not a patient man.” His tone held a note of warning.

  It was suddenly hard to breathe.

  He knew my non-stage name. What else did he know about me?

  Answering my unspoken question, he said, “Even though you live just down the street, I want Nero to drive you home.” He motioned to a dangerous-looking man wearing a black suit.

  Nero flashed me a dazzling smile.

  It took me a second to realize that every single tooth in his mouth was gold plated.

  I backed away on shaky legs. “No. I’ve got a ride, thank you.”

  Javier opened his mouth, as if to argue, and then shut it. “As you wish. I’ll be looking forward to your call, and to our date Saturday night.”

  I inwardly shuddered at the possessive gleam in his eyes. There was no mistaking the hard edge to his tone. Clearly, in his mind, me agreeing to Saturday night was already a forgone conclusion. Turning my back on him, I nearly sprinted all the way back to the safety of the dressing room.

  Has he been spying on me? If so, he knows where I live and who lives with me.

  A sick feeling gripped me. Eden’s and Reed’s faces flashed in my mind. Based on his reputation, Javier thought nothing of threatening and murdering loved ones to get what he wanted.

  And he clearly wants me.


  My mind spun while I rushed to my locker.

  Is refusing Javier even an option? If I say no, will he use Eden’s and Reed’s lives as leverage? If I say yes, will I ultimately end up in a ditch like his ex?

  Shivering at that thought, I threw on a thick cable-knit sweater and worn jeans. My aching feet practically moaned in approval as I slipped into socks and my old boots. Each layer of clothing gave me more confidence.

  I don’t have to take Javier’s offer. I’m not for sale.

  I looked down at the hundred-dollar bills fisted in my hand.

  Well. Not all of me anyway.

  I carefully folded the bills and put them in my purse along with the singles still sitting on my vanity counter. The invisible weight I’d been carrying lessened. I had enough money to bail Eden out of jail and maybe enough left over for a nice meal to celebrate Reed’s birthday.

  Not too shabby.

  Once dressed, I stood in the dressing room doorway chewing my lip in indecision.

  Should I confront Max, or head home?

  My head throbbed to the beat of Cami’s sugar pop music.

  Home. Definitely home.

  Duncan was waiting and I didn’t have another stressful meeting in me. Not after working a double shift at the restaurant and dancing two sets.

  I’ll call Max and rip him a new one tomorrow.

  Decision made, I ducked out the side exit. It dumped me out into the alley between the club and the adult sex store next door. The acrid scent of urine had me wrinkling my nose.

  I rubbed my arms in a fruitless attempt to fight off the chill working its way under my sweater.

  Damn Eden for stealing my favorite jacket. I’ve had enough of her shenanigans. When I get her out of jail I’m reading her the riot act. She’d better forget about all this bleeding heart animal rights crap and get a real job or I’ll throw her out of the house.

  I straightened my spine in resolve.

  An inner voice whispered, It’s your job to protect her.

  I shook my head trying to shake loose the words that had haunted me most of my life.

  Eden is an adult now. She needs to start acting like it. I’ve been carrying her long enough.

  For a moment, I fantasized about how different my life might’ve been had Gran not suffered a stroke and died.

  I wouldn’t have had to assume guardianship of Eden and Reed. I would’ve finished high school and joined my best friends in the Peace Corps. Right now I’d be traveling the world. Saguaro Valley, Arizona would’ve become nothing but a fading image in the rearview mirror of life. I let out a heavy sigh, my breath steaming the air.

  The sound of loud chewing pierced my melancholy. My first thought was some stray dogs had gotten into the Dumpster at the end of the alley. But that would’ve been impossible. All the dogs in town had been put down months ago.

  I peered down the alley. The dim, flickering light from the parking lot illuminated the shape of a large man hunched over something.

  What’s he doing?

  I took two steps closer. As my eyes adjusted, I saw a pair of high-heeled feet sticking out from underneath the man.

  Oh my God. He’s attacking a woman.

  Adrenaline flooded my veins.

  I have to get help.

I backtracked to the club door. I jerked the handle, remembering too late that the door was locked from the outside. I’d have to run to the front and find Duncan.

  The sound of clothing tearing had me spinning around.

  “Help, someone’s being attacked.” I beat on the door hoping someone would hear me.

  The man stumbled to his feet and turned to face me.


  My heart raced as I fumbled around in my purse for pepper spray. For the first time, I was grateful to Duncan for insisting I carry it. I held it outstretched in front of me. “Stay where you are. I’ve called the police. They’re on their way.” I prayed he couldn’t hear the lie in my shaky voice.

  He stumbled toward me, his head canted so far to the right it looked as if he was about to topple over.

  Is he on drugs?

  A strange clicking noise echoed in the alley.

  Goose bumps ran down my arms.

  What’s that noise?

  It got louder as the man got closer.

  Fear coated my tongue. “Stay back.”

  Ignoring me, he lumbered into the light. The man looked to be in his early twenties. Bright red blood coated his jeans and flannel shirt. Crimson smeared his mouth and chattering teeth. His cloudy, unfocused gaze creeped me out even more than his pale skin and the doglike way he sniffed the air.

  What the hell is wrong with him and what did he do to that woman?

  My heart hammered against my sternum. Not wanting to turn my back on him, I walked backward toward the parking lot on shaking legs.

  Behind him, a tall, slim woman lurched to her feet. The skintight minidress she wore rode to the tops of her thighs. I recognized her immediately. There was only one person bold enough to wear yellow as their signature color.

  “Jess, are you oka—” My words cut off as she stumbled into the light.

  Her throat was ripped out, her dress shredded down the front. Intestines streamed out of the open wound in her stomach like grizzly Christmas garland.

  Horror glued me to the asphalt. No one could survive those kinds of wounds. “Jess…”

  She lifted her head and met my gaze with eerie white eyes. She gnashed her teeth together and tottered in my direction in platform heels.


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