Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Page 14

by Combs, Sasha

  "Well..., I guess I'll let the commander know that your family has arrived."

  "Are you going to the station?" Linda wasn't ready for her partner to leave. They needed to talk strategy. They needed to formulate a plan, syncing their stories. More to the point; she needed to talk to Gerry. Without the envelope and the surveillance camera’s film footage; the techie would have to explain where the tape was and why it wasn’t locked away in the crime lab. In spite of that, Stone headed for the door. He said...

  "I'll check in with you tomorrow Linda. And don’t worry about anything. I’ll be sure to cover this from every angle...quietly."

  There was a hidden meaning in his words that only Linda understood. But the others mistook his comment. Too them, the words sounded anything but professional or work related. Hayford nailed the man with a glance, saying...

  "Thank you detective. And don't worry about Linda. She has her parents and me to take care of her now."

  When Hayford smiled at him, the sentiment wasn't his way of being polite. Stone nodded, unaffected by Hayford's warning gaze and his feelings for Linda remained unchanged.


  Linda stood under the spray. She could hear the sound of music wafting through the speakers. Their taste in music varied but oddly, this tune Hayford played. Linda found the music rather soothing. She rocked slowly, allowing the beat to guide her every move. She felt a draft of air, then the grip of strong wielding hands. He was with her. Sharing the shower he'd encouraged her to take.

  "Come here..." he said. Guiding her body, until she pressed firmly into his. He kissed her; licking a trail up her neck, then down her back. His tongue did less than guileless things to her. Licking her into a sense of bewilderment. She would do anything. Say anything. If only to have him plunge his sex deep inside of her. She’d been discharged from the hospital after less than a twenty-three hour stay. She’d done some fancy footwork, persuading her parents that her body was fine. Yet, no matter how she phrased her words, it wasn’t until Hayford spoke, then her parents finally took notice. He told her parents that he wouldn’t allow her to be left alone.

  Now, as he caressed her body, placing his hands all over her. Every fiber of her being lit with excitement.

  Linda was nearing a point of breaking. She cried out. If only to steady herself.

  "Hayford...." She pleaded with him. Nevertheless, his mouth and tongue surged forward. Heedless of her words. He licked a path. Sucked, until glorious pleasure was achieved. Hayford did things that brought tears to her eyes. Linda was sated. She was beyond herself and she hated him for this. Not in the true sense of the word. Due to her head injury, she’d had to practically beg, just to get him to touch her. But once he got started... For him, turning off his passion wasn’t as easy as turning off the tap.

  Hayford pressed his mouth firmly into her sex; giving until she could handle no more.


  His name slipped from resisting lips.

  “Linda...” He’d promised himself that an enjoyable shower would be all the pleasure she would get. He’d told himself this. But when he walked into his bathroom, seeing her silhouette through the beveled glass, he’d felt a surge of excitement edging him forward. Hayford disrobed, removing his clothes with haste. Now, as his body swelled with want, he was trying to slow his pace.

  Hayford took her hand, caressing her palm while gliding his thumb to rest on her pulse point. Linda’s heart soared to a rapid beat. Her elation matched his own but her condition wouldn’t allow for anything further that he’d already done.

  Stepping back, water pooled down his face, blurring his vision. Hayford raked his hair back, sending a spray of droplets flying in all directions. He studied the glued together gash on the side of her head. The doctor had instructed her to keep the area clean and dry. Hayford parted her hair. He made certain that her scalp was clear of dried blood. Linda stood still, yet her body buzzed with sexual arousal. She wanted him and by the bulge that jabbed her abdomen, she was confident that his desire matched her own.

  “Are you in any pain?”

  “No... I’m fine. But, did I get all the blood out of my hair?”

  He looked again, to be sure. “Yes. All gone.”

  “Hayford...” her lids raised to gaze into his loving eyes. “I’m all right. You know that don’t you?”

  Moments earlier, passion had been their only concern. Yet, somehow they were on to other things. The inherent dangers associated with her job.

  Hayford reached pass her, turning off the water. He opened the shower doors, reaching for something to cover her. When his hand returned, he opened a plush terry robe, holding it wide, he helped her ease inside. When she was covered he said...

  “Come on babe.”

  As she stepped out into the chill of the bathroom, she roped the tie then lifted up the collar. Hayford wrapped a large towel around his waist, tucking the ends to prevent it from falling.

  “Can I get you something? Are you hungry?”

  “I’m fine Hayford. I can’t believe that Bunts is forcing me to take the rest of the day off.”

  “Linda, you suffered from a mild concussion. You’re lucky that the doctor didn’t insist you stay until tomorrow morning.”

  “Hayford, I’m fine. Besides, if I was in any danger, they wouldn’t have okayed my discharge.”

  That wasn’t wholly true, and Hayford knew this. Linda had wined mercilessly. So much so, that her doctor finally gave in to her promises. Yet, as they rode in the back of his limo, all the way to his home, she plotted and schemed on ways she could still get her work done.

  Exasperated he said...

  “Linda, for once... Let’s not talk about work or anything associated with your job. For now, lets just get you better.”

  He pointed to his room, then said...

  “You lay down, and I’ll fix you some tea.”

  “But...” she was just about to refuse the offer, when he said...

  “It’s either the tea or a meal... Your choice.”

  She pursed her lips, then grinned.

  “All righty then.” He said, while leaving his room. Linda watch him as he left. And from where she stood, she appreciated the view. Every inch of Hayford was a work of art. Sexy muscular, lean, tall and powerful. As for the other things... If she left off his nagging about her job and the dangers associated with her work. If she didn’t consider these things; by all rights, Hayford was indeed a perfect specimen.


  Linda fought, while twisting and turning beneath the covers. In her dream, a spray of blood spurt from the victims jugular. She tried to scream, if only to ward off the predator. Yet, even as her cries rang out, not once did the murderer stop to take notice of her.

  It was three in the morning, and Hayford had been awakened by a swift kick, then a wail storm of Linda’s cries. His hand combed through her hair, steadily calming her while he whispered softly.

  “It’s all right baby. You’re safe. No need to cry.”

  He noticed that she didn’t awake from her dream. He imagined this nightmare was one of her milder ones. Yet, he found it too difficult to fall back to sleep. Instead, Hayford lay up, watching her. He wouldn’t chance another dream frightening her, while he was off guard.

  The following morning, when she woke, Linda rolled over noticing that she was in the bed alone. Hayford was an early bird, much like she was. She could smell the aroma of flavored coffee and something wonderful that smelled like baked bread.

  She padded down the hallway, pass his office, then out into the foyer. She could hear him in his kitchen, singing while he cooked. By the sound of him, Hayford was in a good mood.

  Linda rounded the corner. Immediately, Hayford felt her presence. He stopped what he was doing, to properly greet her.

  Crossing the floor, his arms wrapped around her waist. Before kissing her, he assessed the small glued tear on the side of her head. He nodded, while saying...

sp; “It looks good.”

  “I’m not so sure. I’ve never had my skin glued together like an art project.”

  “The plastic surgeon says that more than likely, there won’t be any scaring.”

  He smiled while saying... “But in your case... A scar won’t take away from your beauty.”

  She pushed his chest, but instead of being annoyed, he kissed her. Soft at first, then as their lips mingled, like lightning, their passion soar. He always made her feel this way. Warm and bubbly inside. Raw and exposed. She wondered if he felt the same about her. When he broke their kiss, Hayford stepped back, guiding her forward, he placed his hand along the small of her back.

  “Have a seat. Oh... And by the way. Your purse was vibrating when I came into the kitchen this morning. I think you missed a call.”

  To keep her from searching, he placed her purse on the table, where he intended her to sit. Hayford pulled out the chair, and waited to assist her once she was seated. Linda reached inside, shifting her belongings until finally she felt her mobile phone.

  “Thanks honey.” She said. Hayford nodded, then he returned to the stove, giving Linda her privacy. She pressed the icon, that listed her missed calls. One number belonged to Stone and the other call had come from the precinct. According to her phone, she had one voicemail waiting. Linda pressed the button, then listened. The message said...

  “Linda, this is Stone. I should have known that you would persuade the doctors to agree to an early release. I just hope that Bunts won’t piss a fit when he learns about it. Anyway... I’m going into the office early to get a head start on my day. Call me if there’s anything I need to know. Take care, and I’ll talk to you later.”

  Stone disconnected the call, and Linda felt a pang of disappointment. She still had not reconciled with the notion that the evidence had been stolen.

  “Is everything all right?” She lifted her eyes, finding Hayford standing near the stove with a spatular balanced in his hand. His face held a question, and for a second she had to ask herself if he’d said something. She looked at her mobile, then she understood his concerned expression.

  Linda placed her phone back in her purse. She stretched, trying not to appear at all bothered.

  “Everything is fine. Hey... What are you cooking over there?”

  Hayford raised one brow. She was deflecting, using food to push him off point. If it weren’t for the healing gash on her head, he wouldn’t have been so easily moved.

  Hayford turned back to the stove. He said...

  “I’m making your favorite. A western omelet.”

  “Hayford... You really needn’t bother yourself.”

  “Linda... Breakfast isn’t a bother. I promised your parents that I would take care of you. And that’s what I’m doing.”

  He lifted the omelet, laying it on the plate. As he approached, his mind went back to last night. Linda had experienced a nightmare but this morning, she didn’t appear to have any memory of it.

  “Coffee, or juice?” he asked.

  “Coffee please.”

  “So... I was thinking. You can stay here while I make a quick run to the office.”

  “Here?” She portioned off a piece of the omelet, then sampled the cooked eggs. Hayford said...

  “I’m sorry honey but a few days ago, I scheduled a meeting... If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t go into the office at all.”

  “Hayford... Please, don’t change your schedule for me. You go to work. Don’t make any changes on my part.”

  She tasted another forkful, then said...

  “Actually, I was thinking about going into work myself.”

  Hayford positioned a mug of coffee to her right, then he lay his mug on the table.

  “Linda... You have got to be kidding me. You just got released from the hospital, and now, you’re talking about going into the precinct? Today!”

  After all she’d been through, she didn’t know where to begin. Hayford didn’t know about the items that had been stolen after she’d been knocked unconscious. The flub had been her mistake. She needed to go into the precinct to repair this blunder. Even if it meant telling commander Bunts that their lost traction could be blamed solely on her.

  Hayford pulled out the chair to her left. She watched as his hands covered his face. She could see him attempting to contain his calm. She questioned his struggle but when he spoke, she marveled at his self-control.

  Inhaling deeply, when the air left his lungs, Hayford nearly growled.

  “Linda... When you listened to your voicemail... Did you hear something that involved one of the murders you’re working to solve?”

  “No... But...”

  “Linda... I’m not asking for details... I’m only asking if that message affected your decision to go into work today.”

  She didn’t want to lie, so instead she said...

  “Not directly, but the message did remind me of my responsibility.”

  “What about the responsibility you have to yourself? Getting well. Healing and getting better.”

  “Hayford... I’m fine.”

  “Oh... Are you really.”

  He said, then he stood, leaving her to sit in the kitchen without him. She didn’t want to fight and she completely understood his reason for concern. Linda eyed the perfect omelet, but after watching him leave, her appetite was gone.

  “Crap.” She said under her voice but now was not the time to leave things unsaid. Linda pushed back from the table. She rushed from the kitchen, in search of Hayford.

  “Babe... Honey...” She said. Hayford was in his closet, leafing through jackets when she found him. She walked inside to join him and without warning, the large space overwhelmed her senses. Like most of his apartment, Hayford’s home was designed to suit his taste. One of a kind this and specially crafted that. His closet resembled a high end mens clothing store. Every item, down to his cufflinks had its own padded space.

  Linda sat on one of the chairs near a wall lined with shoes behind individual glass enclosures. She knew her approach had not been a silent one but Hayford didn’t turn to look at her. He was purposely avoiding an argument the only way he knew how. He ignored her. But Linda wasn’t the type of person easily dismissed, she said...

  “Sweetheart... Don’t be like this. You heard the doctor. I’m fit to return to work, as long as I don’t overdo it.”

  “You’re twisting his words Linda. That isn’t what he meant and you know it.” Hayford’s fingers glided across his jackets; deciding which outfit he wanted to wear. In truth, he really didn’t care how he looked today. In his mind, when Linda had come home with him; Hayford had planned to clear his calendar after conducting the meeting that was to late to cancel. But as he should have expected, Linda wouldn’t have any parts of that idea. His hand fell to his side, as certain truths rammed into his chest; causing him to see reason.

  Turning to face her, Hayford stared at her from where he stood. The gash on her head didn’t appear as angry looking this morning. Her soft brown completion shown its beauty, and he saw no signs of dishevelment.

  Crossing the carpeted floor, Hayford snagged a chair, placing it directly in front of her. His finger reached out, tracing the smooth lines on her face. He cocked his head to the side, wondering if she realized how much he loved her. He wondered if she knew how much he constantly worried for her safety. Linda’s face pressed into the soothing cup of his hand. She smiled, tempting him with her easy going sexual lure. The smile that always broke through his stiff resolve.

  Inhaling deeply, he said...

  “You can’t drive. You know that...don’t you?”

  “I know. And I won’t.”

  “If you insist to return to work, will you at least consider desk duty today?”

  Linda disliked lying and she knew, without knowing what lay on her desk, his request was something she couldn’t rightly promise. But she didn’t want to hurt Hayford any more than this ordeal had already affected him. After seeing his worried express
ion in the hospital, she’d wondered if the hue in his eyes would ever be the same.

  Linda tried her best to sound convincing.

  “I’ll try but, I can’t make any promises.”

  He was silent for a moment. Deciding if the subject was worth fighting over. With a slow nod of his head, he gave in because there wasn’t much more he could do.

  “Fine...” he said. “I’ll drop you off at the precinct, after you’ve eaten your breakfast.”

  Linda leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, then said...

  “That’s why I love you.”

  “Why...? Because I’m putty in your hands?”

  She squeezed even closer when she said...

  “No, that isn’t the reason.” Pulling back, she nailed him with her soft brown eyes. The playfulness was gone, and he noticed a seriousness in her countenance.

  “Hayford... I’m no fool. I know how much it cost you not to argue with me when it comes to certain things. My job... The nightmares. I’ve watched you and I know that I’m not the easiest person to be around.”

  “Stop Linda...” He pressed one finger, stilling her lips in silence. He disliked the idea of her numbering her faults.

  “Sweetheart... No one is perfect and most days, your flaws aren’t even a thought. I love you Linda. That’s all that matters. That sums it up for me.”

  Linda forces back the tears in her eyes.

  “Come on.” While lifting her from her chair, he said... “Finish your breakfast, while I get dressed.”

  He tugged at her belted robe, while saying...

  “Are we stopping by your apartment this morning?”

  Linda looked across the room, seeing a rack of clothes Hayford had purchased months ago. The wardrobe had been a gift to entice her. He wanted her to feel free to stay overnight at his home more often and the best way to accomplish this, was to duplicate her closet in every way possible. On that point, he’d overshot his ambition. Each outfit cost more than her weekly salary and she’d often cringed over the idea of wearing the pricy clothes to work. But the thought of forcing him to be late for his meeting, simply to appease her insecurities.... Well, she couldn’t bring herself to do that. Linda smiled, then said...


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