Watching Ember

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Watching Ember Page 6

by J B Reding

  “Tell me.” I take several more steps until I’m standing directly in front of him. Close enough that I can feel the heat radiating off him.

  His eyes connect with mine and in them I see all the frustration and pain and worry that he’s feeling.

  I lift my hand and rest it on his stubbled cheek. “Talk to me, please?”

  Next thing I know, his lips slam into mine, knocking me back a step. His hand reaches out and snags my waist, pulling me flush against him. A moan slips from me the same time a groan rumbles deep from his chest.

  His tongue plunders deep, invading my mouth like he has every right. And I let him. God, do I let him.

  My hands develop a mind of their own and caress down his chest to his clenched eight pack. Then up his rippling back muscles. Muscles I’ve dreamed about in my darkest fantasies. Fantasies that are finally coming to fruition.

  His hands grasp my waist before gliding down to squeeze my ass. The warmth in my belly turns to lava and travels south as he lifts me up and turns to set me on the counter behind him. The cold granite against my ass adding to my arousal.

  But then he snatches his lips from mine and backs away. Leaving me wanting more, needing more.

  “Fuck, we shouldn’t do this.”


  Am I stupid?


  My dick sure thinks so.

  All I want is to keep going, but right now my dick can’t be in charge. They are things that she doesn’t know that could make her regret this. At least if she was smart, she would.

  “What do you mean we shouldn’t do this? We both know that it will happen eventually, so why stop now?” She leans back, her eyes blazing with anger and, if I’m not mistaken, desire.

  “There're things—” she throws her hand over my mouth cutting me off. I lick her hand, and she wrenches it back.

  “I swear to God if you say, ‘things I don’t know’,” She makes air quotes. “I’ll knee you in the balls.” And she’s right, I need to stop avoiding the subject. I’m not a pussy. I face challenges head on and without fear of the ‘what-ifs’. In my line of work, you won’t live long if you’re constantly wondering about the ‘could be’s’. You have to make a decision and fucking stick with it. So, I do.

  “You’re right.” Her mouth gapes open. A mouth I desperately want another taste of. I mentally shake my head. “I’ve been holding back because I’m afraid of what you’ll think. I don’t want you to look at me differently.”

  God, I sound like a pansy ass.

  “Nixon,” she sighs, her face softening as she places her hand back on my cheek, the very thing that started all this. “You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything. No secrets and no judgments, right?”

  I nod. Those were the rules of the devil’s hour. At least our rules. I made them up one night when she was freaking out and wouldn’t tell me why. She never ended up telling me, but she gave me other insights to her thoughts. “Why don’t you go upstairs. I’ll be up in a minute.”

  “Okay. You better not bail on me.” She concedes, pointing a finger at me.

  I smile and lift her off the counter. Stepping back several feet so I’m not tempted to continue where we left off. “Go on. I’ll be up in a few.”

  She walks away, her ass swaying as she exits the kitchen. I bite back a groan.

  Resisting Ember is becoming harder and harder. First with her coming down in that skimpy bathing-suit earlier. Goddamn, I could practically see her nipples through the white material stretched over her generous tits. I can’t count the number of times I’ve dreamed of baring them to me. But that’s beside the point. Her showing up in the kitchen in those short-ass shorts that always drove me crazy, just made it, and me, ten times harder.

  I grab my gun and make my way down the hall to the security room to check the feeds one last time before I turn in. I nod my head at the two guards to stay seated when they start to rise as a sign of respect. “Just checking in for the night.”

  Things have been rough since I got back. Just today I had to deal with one of our shipments being blown up. Not stolen, like any normal hit, but destroyed. Which just confirms that all this shit is personal, not business.

  We believe that he might have someone on the inside, a rat in our ranks. So, not only can we not trust anyone, but are also currently re-vetting all the guards surrounding the house. To be safe, we’re keeping everything between the four of us.

  I sigh and lean over to get a closer look at the screens taking up the wall. I zero in on Ember’s hall; her cracked door letting a sliver of light slip into the hall. She has a habit of not closing doors. I’m not sure if it's intentional or done subconsciously. Either way, I don’t like it. Leaving the two guards to do their job, I exit and make my way up the stairs and to Ember's room.

  Stopping outside her door, I listen for any movement. The toilet flushes, so I push the door open and take a seat in the chair by the window, placing my gun on the windowsill. I’m staring out into the backyard when she comes out of the bathroom.

  “I’m glad to see you didn’t chicken out.” She smirks, coming around to my side and sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing me. Her shorts rise up further to the point where they’re more underwear than shorts. I swear she wears these things just to torture me. “Alright, lay it on me.”

  Fuck, I wish.

  “The morning after the party, Maddox is taking you into the city. I have a safe house there that few know about. I’ll be joining you a little later in case anyone is watching us and they get suspicious. We’re hoping that whoever it is, thinks he knows us well enough to know, that if you were to leave, it would be with me. Hopefully, with a wig and Maddox behind the wheel, they won’t think anything of it. We don’t think they will mess with Liz because of who her dad is, so we don’t have to worry about an attack on you when you leave. Liz will stay behind and act as your double just for a few hours to give you enough time to settle. With all the curtains shut and her staying inside, no one should suspect a thing.”

  She nods her head. “Does Liz already know?”

  I smile internally. Always worried about everyone else. “Yes. That’s what Maddox was doing earlier. She’s perfectly fine with staying here. She just wants you to be safe.”

  “Why bother even leaving?” She leans back on her arms, pushing her tits into the air. I try not to notice how her nipples are erect. I look out the window to stop from staring.


  “Who's we?” She cuts in and I know this is it. This is the moment I’ve been dreading, but also secretly waiting for.

  “Your dad and I.” I say gingerly.

  “Since when has my dad and you become a ‘we’. As if y’all are equal and making these decisions together?” Her dad never really consulted on things that involved Ember. But now that I’m Boss, she’s under my protection and in return her safety, and decisions concerning her, are up to me.

  I pause. Here it is. The moment of truth.

  “Since I took over for him and became Boss.” I declare, keeping eye contact so she knows I’m being serious.

  “Um… what?” Her eyebrows shoot up and she just barely stops her jaw from dropping open.

  “You knew it would happen, eventually. We all did.” Which is true, but no one expected it to be so soon, which is part of why we did it. Something was going on but we couldn’t figure it out, so we threw everyone off center in hopes to gain the upper hand. And it worked. For the most part. Until it didn’t. Like when I read the letter and they started targeting Ember. Now, that just pissed off two of the most powerful people in the underworld. Which just begs the question of what is so important that they'd risk everything for it?

  “Yes, but I thought it would be years from now. Dad’s not even that old!” She stands up and begins pacing in front of me, her ass hanging out of those fucking shorts, jiggling every time she takes a step. One day I will burn those fuckers. Or maybe not. “When did this happen?”

  I stay silent.

  “Nixon…” I can see the anger starting to rise. So, I shut it down before she explodes.

  “Can we do this in the morning, please?” I ask playing on her compassion and rise out of my chair, stepping closer to her and invading her space. “It’s almost four and I haven’t gone to sleep yet. It's been a long day.”

  She sighs then nods, the fire in her eyes receding for now. One thing I love about Ember is how fast she gets over her anger. Don’t get me wrong, when she’s mad, it's explosive. But she never holds a grudge. At least when it comes to me. Which is great considering all the times I’ve fucked up with her. She proves my point by asking, “Do you wanna sleep in here?”

  I stare at her. Can I really turn down a night with Ember in my arms?

  Fuck, no. I'm not that strong.

  I nod and grab my gun off the windowsill. I walk around her and to the other side of the bed. The side I always slept on when things were much simpler. I place my gun on the nightstand and slide under the covers. I’m immediately hit with the smell of strawberries and peaches. I bite back a groan as the scent goes straight to my dick. One day this girl is gonna get me killed.

  Ember hits the lights before climbing into bed, turning on her side to face me. “Has it really been that bad since I’ve been gone?”

  “Yeah, we had a shipment blown up today. Lost a few guys.” I shouldn't tell her this, but fuck it, it's Ember. If I can’t talk to her, who can I talk to? I trust her more than I trust most.

  “I’m sorry, Nixon.” She whispers and I know she means it.

  I turn towards her, brushing my fingers along her cheek. She closes her eyes as a tear slides down her cheek. “You have nothing to be sorry for. This is our life. Sometimes it's dangerous and people die. But I will always keep you safe. No matter what.”

  “As long as you stay safe, too.” She begs, placing her palm over my heart. The heat of her hand sends shivers down my back.

  I grasp her hip and pull her into my chest. “Don’t worry about me, Ember. If I know you're safe, then I’ll be fine.”

  “I wish it could always be like this.” She sighs, before falling asleep.

  “Me too.” I whisper. One day, Ember will be mine and no one will be able to take her from me.

  8. Answers

  The sun glaring through the window rudely awakened me. A quick glance around confirms what I already knew.

  Nixon left.

  Not that I’m all that surprised. I am, however, surprised that he even agreed to stay in the first place. When he walked past me last night, I could have sworn he was about the leave. But then he slid into my bed, and I swear my heart almost stopped. It's been a long time since I shared a bed with Nixon. In the most innocent way, that is.

  I haven’t slept that soundly in a while. There were no nightmares or dreams, just… peace.

  I turn my head to the clock on my bedside table and see it’s already past eleven. I chuckle to myself. Of course, he’s still not in bed. Knowing him, he probably only slept for two or three hours before getting on with his day.I shudder at the thought of having to wake up that early. It’s something I avoid at all costs.

  Next to the clock is a torn piece of paper.

  Looks like he’s staying true to his word.

  I slid out of bed and quickly change into some yoga pants before stepping into the hallway. I freeze when I find Maddox, yet again, leavings Liz’s room. “Is this going to become a habit? Me catching you sneaking out?”

  He grunts and walks away.

  I laugh and follow him down the stairs and into the back hallway. He keeps going to the security room while I stop at the study, knocking on the door.

  “Come in.”

  I enter to find Nixon sitting behind dad’s desk.

  Well, shit. I guess things really are different. Nixon wouldn’t be caught dead sitting in Dad’s chair before I left.

  “This is weird. I kind of feel like I got called to the Principal's office.” I joke, shutting the door behind me.

  He shakes his head. “Sit down.”

  “You really are the head honcho now, huh?” I ask, taking a seat in front of the desk.

  He nods. “Been Boss since you left for college. Your dad didn’t want to worry you with anything, so we didn’t bother telling you. There really was no reason for you to know, anyway.”

  I nod. I guess he’s right, but it still hurts. I should be used to him icing me out by now, but he knew everything about my life when I was in California, while I knew jack shit about his. At least when I was here, even though he was ignoring me, I still heard about him and was occasionally in his presence. But now, he’s almost a complete stranger. Last night I saw glimpses of the guy I used to know. It made me hopeful.

  In any case, I’m happy Dad is out of the business, at least as much as he can be. But on the other hand, it means Nixon is now the main target. And I don’t like that. At all.

  “Maddox is your Underboss?”

  “Something like that. Him and Anton are on equal ground. They just do different things. Usually.” That makes me feel a tinge better. I know those two would give their lives to save Nixon. That’s what a good Boss needs, too. People he can trust with every fiber of his being.

  “I’m glad you have them. What’s Dad doing now that he’s technically retired?” Lord knows he always has the need to stay busy.

  “That’s something you're gonna have to ask him.” He looks away and I get the feeling he’s keeping something from me, but I let it go. I can ask Dad about it later.

  “What time is the dinner tonight?”

  “Seven.” He grows serious. “You will stay by one of us throughout the entire night. Do you understand?”

  I guess this is Nixons Boss side. It’s kinda hot, if I’m being honest.

  It’s different from when he used to tell me what to do when we were younger. That was just annoying. Yeah, he had my best interest at heart, but he wasn’t my dad or in charge of me, so I never took him seriously. But me being the mafia princess that I am, him being Boss makes me see his demands in a different way.

  A sexier way.

  I smirk. “Yes, sir.”

  His eyes grow a little heated. “Seriously, Ember.”

  “I know.” And I do. I get how dangerous this life is. “I get it. I’ll stick to you like glue. You know, I don’t like these things, anyway.”

  “Do you have a dress?”

  “Yup. Liz will prob force me into one of hers.”

  He groans.

  “What? They’re not that bad…” They were.

  He gives me a dubious look.

  “It’ll be fine.” I hesitate. “Who’s on the guest list?”

  “He’ll be there Ember.” He says, looking at me cautiously. “But you’ll be okay.”

  “I’m keeping my gun.” I state. No way will I be near that bastard without one.

  “You don’t need it Ember—”

  I cut him off and state firmly. “I’m having my gun.”

  Just because he’s Boss doesn’t mean I will stop giving him attitude.

  “Fine.” He surprisingly concedes, standing up from behind the desk and coming towards me. “You know you’re safe with me though, right?”

  I look up at him and whisper. “But you won’t always be there.”

  He sighs, pulling me into his arms. He rests his chin on top of my head, his breath tickling my hair. “I wish I could be.”

  I breathe him in. God, I’ve missed him. “Me too.”

  He places his hands on my shoulders and pushes me back, intently staring down into my eyes. “But, Ember, if you ever talk to me like that in front of anyone outside our group, there will be consequences.”

  I shiver. “I understand.”

  Like I said, Boss mode is sexy. As. Fuck.

  9. Monsters

  Getting ready for the party is fun. If only for the fact that Liz stole a bottle of champagne from the kitchen. I wouldn’t say I’m drunk, but I’m definitely buzzing.


  I pull my phone from between my boobs. Unfortunately, this dress doesn’t have pockets. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, you know?

  Nixon: Come to my room.

  Me: whyyt?

  Shit, am I slurring over text?

  Nixon: You better not be drunk.

  Me: and what if I am?? You gonna punish me? ;)

  Nixon: Ember.

  Me: alright alright im coming

  Okay, so maybe I’m a little drunker than I thought.

  I stand up from the vanity and stumble a bit, knocking the empty bottle of champagne to the floor.


  I snort. Nixon is gonna be pissssed.

  “Liz! You got me drunk!!” I giggle.

  Me—the girl who hates giggling… giggles.

  “Whoops!” She laughs from inside my bathroom.

  “That’s what I said!” I snort but grow serious when I remember how pissed Nixon is gonna be. “Fuck he’s gonna spank my ass.” I mumble, “Maybe that’s a good thing.”

  “What did you say?” She shouts a little too loudly.

  “Nothin’. I’m goin’ to see Nixon.” My southern accent coming on stronger due to the alcohol.

  I slip off my heels so I don’t fall on my face and check the time. The party doesn’t start for another hour. Maybe I can sober up by then.


  Probably not.

  I make my way out the door and down the hallway to the other side of the house. Which, if you're asking me, was done on purpose. Nixon’s room placement, that is. Fucker knows he can’t resist slipping into my bed at night.


  I cover my mouth.

  Was that out loud?

  I look around and giggle.

  I’m so getting spanked.

  “Who’s getting spanked.” A voice calls out from inside one of the rooms I passed. I pause and walk backwards to the open door. Turning only my head, I look into the room to find Anton reclined in his bed. He’s already dressed in his tux, a remote in his hand as he flips through the TV out of view.


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