Watching Ember

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Watching Ember Page 15

by J B Reding

  “Like I said, I didn't know who was watching me. Also, I don't have the skills to track him down. I did a little research before coming here and found you had Maddox, who is well known in the hacker community. I assumed he could find Samuel’s location and in return my sister. I know they're together.” She pauses, closing her eyes for a second, looking for strength. “I heard her crying in the background when he called.” She finally whispers. When she opens her eyes to look at me, I see the desperation there. Along with the determination to get her back.

  I nod my head in understanding and share a look with Nixon. If I'm not mistaken, I see a hint of pride in his eyes. My dad’s expression mirrors his and I see a newfound respect in Maddox's. “Okay, cool. So, here’s what's gonna happen. You're going to give Maddox everything you have and then my guys will go get Samuel and your sister. We know for a fact he doesn't have any real allies, so it shouldn’t be a problem. You and I will stay here and get to know each other a little better. Sound good?” I look around the room as everyone nods.

  Look at me being the badass in charge.

  Nixon straightens from his spot along the doorjamb and walks towards me, a gleam in his eyes. A gleam I have gotten to know very well over the past several days. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Maddox and my father listening to Mercy. However, my view is completely cut off when Nixon steps up to me, barricading me against the counter.

  “That was hot… but I'm still mad at you.” He whispers, laying one hand on my hip while the other sets his gun down on the counter behind me.

  “You have to admit having a female present made things go a lot smoother.” I tease, walking my fingers up his chest and around his neck, grasping him tight.

  “It just proves what I already know.” He murmurs, running his lips along my neck.

  “What's that?” I whisper, unable to think about anything other than his lips on my skin.

  “That you’re the perfect woman to rule by my side.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” I smile and give him a kiss of my own.

  “Alright you two, I don't want to see all that.” My dad says from behind Nixon, who then takes a step back and turns towards everyone.

  “What do we have to work with?” Nixon asks, slipping back into Boss mode.

  “I’ll be able to get the location from the picture he sent. Should take me just a minute.” Maddox responds, before heading down the hall with the phone to do just that.

  “Everything else good here?” Dad asks, looking a little unbalanced. I go to ask him if he's okay, but Nixon cuts me off.

  “Yeah. You can head on back to bed.”

  “Okay, goodnight children.” He nods and leaves the kitchen.

  “What's wrong with him?” I press, starting to get really worried. Dad never sleeps this much. And I don’t think it's because of old age either.

  Nixon shrugs but won’t meet my eyes. “Probably just the stress. I need to call Anton.”

  “Where is he?”

  “At the club.” Nixon answers a bit hesitantly.

  “He spends a lot of time there.” I say offhandedly.

  “Well, he runs it. It's expected.”

  “Wait, what? I didn't know y’all had a club. I thought it was just a random place he frequented.”

  He sighs and looks away.

  “What?” I push, getting a little pissed at him for keeping things from me still.

  “It's a club, but it also has back rooms and we…” He trails off, refusing to look at me, which lets me know that I probably won’t like what he has to say.

  “What he’s trying to tell you is The Club is a place they use to make money off their escorts. High end escorts, supposedly. They have back rooms where you can pay to take said escort and you know… use their services.” Mercy supplies for him.

  I look at Nixon. "You’re into prostitution now!” I practically screech.

  “Well, it's not really.” Mercy interjects.

  “We can talk about this later. I need to call him in.” Nixon says, leaving no room for argument. I’m pretty sure he’s using Mercy as a means to get out of this talk.

  “What? So he can babysit me?” I'm a little peeved, so he's going to get some attitude.

  “No, so he can come with Maddox and me. I gave you a gun for a reason.” He shakes his head and walks away.

  “Asshole.” I grumble.

  “Yeah, most guys are.” Mercy laughs.

  “Tell me about it.” I roll my eyes and open the freezer. I look to Mercy. “You want some ice cream.”

  She nods her head. “Sure. Watcha’ got?”

  I list off the different flavors and get us both a bowl. I set hers in front of her and lean against the counter. Don’t think I don’t notice the slip in her accent. It just confirms what I already knew. Mercy is not what she seems. To use an old metaphor, she’s like an onion. An onion I can’t wait to peel.

  I watch as she eyes the gun behind me where Nixon left it.

  “You’re not the helpless, naïve little princess they make you out to be, are you?”

  “Nope. The last guy Samuel sent after me got one of my bullets.”

  She smiles. “I think I might like you.”

  I smile back, then watch as Nixon finally reenters the kitchen. “So, what’s going on?”

  “Maddox got the location. We’ll meet Anton in the city to save on time, we don't want to take the chance of Samuel moving.”

  “I wish you would let me go with you, after all it is my sister.” Mercy says, obviously annoyed.

  “Yes, but I don't trust you to have my back so you're staying here.”

  “Yet you trust me with your girlfriend?”

  “More like I know my girlfriend can handle herself. Plus she seems to think you’re good and I trust her judgment.”

  “Wow.” Is all she says. I can see that she’s surprised by Nixon's faith in me. I’ll admit that I am too. But more than likely he's called in more security.

  Nixon walks over and gives me a quick kiss, whispering ‘love you’ one last time before leaving again.

  “I'm surprised he gives you such leeway. They make him out to be such a ruthless bastard.”

  “Oh, he can be. You should have seen how he treated me before. We just finally got together. Let me just say, it’s been a journey. But he beefed up security no doubt, or else he wouldn't leave me here without one of the three of them.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “I don't know, something’s been off with him recently. But tell me more about you. How old’s your sister?”

  “You go right for the hard stuff, huh?” She huffs out a laugh.

  “What do you mean? I thought the hard stuff is asking why Nixon and Maddox were so concerned when you told them your name. Which, by the way, I know isn't your real name.”

  She laughs. “Talking about work is easier than talking about my personal life.”

  “Well, I'm open to listening about either. Lord knows how long they’ll be. You know what? Let's move to the living room.” I put our bowls in the sink and grab the gun. When I look back to her, I stop. “You are unarmed, right?”

  “Yeah, but that means nothing, I can disarm you within seconds. But I won’t to show good faith. I honestly didn't come here to hurt you. Plus, I genuinely like you. Which is rare for me when it comes to the female population. I’ve never talked this much outside of my family.” She laughs nervously.

  “I’m glad you're talking to me, but I totally get the friends thing. My only female friend is upstairs sleeping at the moment and she didn't give me a choice about being friends.” I laugh and lead her across the foyer and to the smaller sitting area. The one that didn't get shot up. Which I was thankful to see was fixed when we arrived earlier.

  God, was it only today that we got back? Well, yesterday. But I still haven’t gone to sleep, so we’ll say today.

  “She didn't wake up to my banging? Which by the way was intentional.”r />
  I laugh, and take a seat in one of the armchairs, laying the gun on the table next to me. “Liz is a very heavy sleeper. But thanks for bringing that back up.”

  She smiles and takes a seat on the couch, sitting on the very edge as if ready to bolt at a second's notice. “Yeah, so, I'm a mercenary, or assassin depending on who you ask. I get assignments which can involve anything from killing someone to stealing an artifact. And then I get paid. I’m picky about my targets though and always do research beforehand to decide whether or not to take the job.” If she’s able to be picky then she must be good.

  “So, what's your real name.”

  “If I tell you I’ll have to kill you.” She keeps a straight face and I try to do the same, but we bust out laughing. “No, but my real name is Mazy.”

  “Ooh, that’s a cute name. I really like it.”

  “Thanks, your name is pretty cool, too.”

  “Yeah, got picked on a little as a kid till they realized who my dad was.” I laugh.

  “I bet.”

  “Tell me about your sister.”

  She pauses. “She's fourteen, an oopsie baby, eleven years younger than me. Isabel is a typical teenager. Into boy bands and gossiping with her friends. She's normal, it was something I didn't really get to be when I was her age. Mom worked her ass off and, I had to help support us after my dad was killed. He was a cop. Funny, since I turned into a criminal. But I made a promise to myself that when I was older I would take care of my family and I have in the only way I know how.”

  “Is your mom still around?”

  She smiles. “Yeah, it's just the three of us, but it's all we need.”

  “I feel that, found out yesterday that Samuel arranged for a hitman to kidnap me and sell me into the sex trade and to kill my mother. I made it. She didn't.” I laugh humorlessly. “This got really dark really fast.”

  “Yeah, but that’s life isn't it.” She murmurs, lost in thought.

  “Yeah it is. Wanna watch a movie?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Sure, as long as it isn't action. I have enough of that in my life.”

  “Ain't that the truth. Is romance okay?”

  “I may be a badass mercenary, but I can’t pass up a good romance.” She smirks.

  “I think we're going to be good friends, Mazy.” I smile.

  20. Choices

  Using the coordinates Maddox found off the picture, we were able to find Samuel and the girl in some sketchy cabin in the mountains north of Atlanta. He’s alone, so we’ve assumed he hired a desperate druggie to kidnap the girl. After all, no one else would be stupid enough to work with him after I blacklisted him. Plus, Samuel was never one to get his hands dirty. Ember and her mother seemingly being the exception.

  Maddox, Anton and I are currently scoping out the cabin from a small hill to the left, the night providing us cover. The fact it’s almost four thirty in the morning is nothing. There have been several times we’ve pulled all-nighters scoping out a target before.

  “Feels like old times, huh?” Anton asks, reading my mind.

  “Yeah, thought we got past this shit.” I chuckle.

  Maddox grunts, never really caring one way or the other. I think he likes the solitude of the forest. I’m sure he has his own cabin in the woods. A lot less creepy, though, I hope.

  A light flips on in the kitchen. We watch as Samuel goes about making himself coffee like he doesn't have a care in the world. No other lights are on in any of the other rooms we can see. We’re going in mostly blind, since there was no way to get a layout in such short notice. I’m just glad Samuel is too stupid to know anything about technology.

  “You guys ready?” I ask.

  “Yeah, quick question though, who's driving the girl back?” Anton asks.

  Maddox and I look at Anton in answer.

  “Why do I have to do it?” He practically whines.

  “Because you're less intimidating. Once we get Samuel secure, you’ll find her while Maddox and I wait outside so we don't scare her more. Got it?”

  “Fine, fine. You guys owe me for this though.” He grumbles, pushing to his feet. Maddox and I stand with him and we proceed to the cabin.

  I hope this doesn't result in a shootout, I think idly, Samuel deserves to suffer first. We silently make our way up to the front door. Thankfully, the sketchy cabin is well built and doesn't give away our presence. Maddox checks the door to find it unlocked.

  I roll my eyes at Samuel’s stupidity. If I didn’t know any better, I would think this was a trap with how smoothly everything is going.

  Maddox quickly checks the window next to the door and shakes his head, telling us that Samuel isn't in the main part of the house. Which means he’s still in the kitchen.

  I push open the door and enter slowly, flipping off all the lights. I walk over to the door with the light underneath and listen. A toilet flushes then the water runs. I take a step to the side and wait for him to exit. The door swings open and he steps out, freezing at the dark room. I take advantage of his hesitation and hit him upside the head with the butt of my gun.

  He collapses to the floor.

  Anton whistles. “Damn, man. I was not expecting that.”

  I shrug. “Find the girl. Maddox help me drag him outside.”

  They nod.

  Anton checks the other doors while we drag Samuel's unconscious body outside.

  We make it to the door when a muffled scream lets out behind us. I look back as Anton immediately yanks the door shut. I drop Samuel and cross my arms, staring Anton down.

  “Was not expecting that, either.” He says looking a bit sheepish.

  “What else would she do? She’s been kidnapped.” I roll my eyes.

  “We should have brought her sister.” He grumbles, staring at the door like it's the gateway to hell.

  “Yes, but we didn't know what we were walking into or if we could trust her.”

  “You trust her alone with Ember.” He points out.

  “She’s not alone, there's a shit ton of security and I gave Ember a gun. She knows to keep her distance. She’s a smart girl.”

  “Not smart enough if she’s fucking you.” He smirks.

  “Do you want to get shot?” I ask, reaching for my gun“No.” He mumbles. Then calls out to the other side of the door. “Please do not scream. Your sister sent us, okay? I'm going to open this door and then we’re going to get the fuck out of here. Sound good?” He waits a second, but there's no response. “Cool.” He opens the door, silence greeting him.

  I shake my head and gesture for Maddox to grab a foot while I grab the other. We drag him down the few stairs, letting his head bounce against each one. He's going to have a major headache when he wakes up.

  “Go grab the car.” I say to Maddox. He does so immediately and jogs off into the woods. We parked down the road not too far from here and tracked through the trees as to not give ourselves away.

  I look down at Samuel laying in the dirt where he belongs; the moonlight shining down on his unassuming features. He looks like a regular old blue-collared man. But on the inside, he's as ugly as they come. I hope he left this girl untouched. I thought I knew what he was capable of, but after what Ember told me and we discovered, I realize I didn’t know him at all. Guess abusers are always good at hiding it. Fucking cowards.

  I hear Anton talking with someone and snap my head up to find him on the phone; the girl trailing behind him. He hangs up and walks down to me, the girl staying at the top of the stairs staring down at Samuel’s body. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I swear Anton does not know how to follow the simplest directions. Complex shit? Yeah, he's good. But easy shit? Nope. It's like he saves all his brain power for the important things. Which is more than I can ask for from him.

  “Who were you talking to?” I ask him.

  “The girl wouldn't come with me and I wasn't about to put my hands on her, so I called Ember and had the girl’s sister talk to her.” He shrugs as if he sees
nothing wrong with what he did. Which I don’t expect him to, considering he didn’t possibly put the love of his life in harm’s way. I doubt he’ll ever understand either. I don't like the fact that Ember got close enough to hand Mercy a phone, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

  I look to the girl and she really is just a girl. “What's your name?”

  “Isabel.” She answers quietly.

  “You okay with being in the car with this guy.” I nod at Samuel and her eyes go wide. “It’ll only be for a second. We need to drop you off at the other car. Then we have a good hour drive back.”

  She nods her head reluctantly.

  Finally, after standing around for another minute or two, Maddox pulls up. Anton helps me throw Samuel in the trunk, not bothering to be gentle. I let Isabel take the passenger seat and tell Maddox to hop in the back with Anton so I can drive. We take off and a few minutes later we pull up behind the other SUV parked on the side of the road.

  “Anton here will drive you back to my house where your sister is and then we’ll get you both home. Sound good?”

  She nods her head and opens her door. I look back at Anton through the rear-view mirror and gesture for him to get out. He grumbles as he exits the car and hops into the other one, letting Isabel sit in the front seat.

  I can only imagine how that ride will go.

  Maddox moves to the passenger seat and I pull out onto the deserted road, Anton following behind me.

  I spend the hour back contemplating what I’ll do to Samuel and whether or not I will let Ember in on it. Yeah, she's shot someone and has dealt with some bad shit but watching someone be tortured is a whole other level. I decide to let her make the choice.


  I hear the front door bang open and jump to my feet, rushing into the foyer with Mazy close behind me. I stop short when I find Maddox and Nixon dragging Samuel's body into the house. A gasp from the top of the stairs reveals that Liz is finally up. My father exits the hallway as a girl rushes into the house and straight into Macy’s arms. I look away to give them privacy and watch as Anton comes in and finally, we’re all here. It feels significant, everyone being in one place like this.


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