Djinn's Destiny

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Djinn's Destiny Page 4

by Kailin Gow

  “You don’t really make it seem too appealing. I mean, I’m young… who says I’ll get the hang of it?”

  “You're also General Adon’s daughter. Not only are you destined to fly, but you're destined to soar over and above everyone.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Want me to teach you how?”

  He flashed me one of the most charming grins I’d ever seen that I melted. Prince Rodin was a charmer. I immediately thought of Torrid. The two djinn princes had charm and masculine sensuality pouring out of them like a second skin. Any female taking a good look at them would easily fall for their charms. I swallowed, looking down.

  “What is it, Kama?” Rodin asked, lifting my chin with his finger so I can look at him. “Why are you looking down and blushing?”

  “Because I’m so damn attracted to you even though I keep fighting it because I’m not supposed to.”

  He bent his head to kiss me softly on my lips. “Why are you fighting our attraction, Kama?”

  “Because I love Torrid. I love Liam. I can’t go falling for another man. This is so confusing. But all I know right now is that I have to help Torrid. More than anything I want to see that charming grin. I want to know he is all right and I want to hear the sound of his voice.”

  “I understand,” Rodin said, pulling back. “It is confusing especially coming from a place like Arcadia where every life choice is chosen for you, including who you marry. In our world, our magical world, we can make it what we desire. We can make it alright for you to love all of us without having to choose as long as everyone is alright with it. I know Torrid loves you, but he also would go with what you desire, especially when he knows that it was me who was supposed to have found you, to have the destiny with you. My little brother and I have always been close. We want what would make each other happy, too. Come, let’s go get Torrid. Isn’t that what you want right now?”

  My voice caught in my throat for a moment. “I want whatever it will take to get to Torrid as fast as we can.”

  Rodin’s gaze softened with understanding. “Then all you have to do is use your desire to find Torrid to make it happen. Concentrate on levitating… just like this.” Without the slightest effort he rose and hovered several inches off the ground. “Desire it, Kama. Think of what it is that you really want and simply come with me into the air. Float away and soar to the destination of your choice.”

  “I don’t know. What if I…?”

  “Take my hand, keep your eyes on me and trust in the magic you have within you. I’m right here if anything goes wrong. We’ll start out hovering low and speed up and soar higher as you get more comfortable with the notion.”

  I settled my hands into his, closed my eyes and envisioned Torrid standing in front of me. As his face came to my mind’s eye, a fluttering of weightlessness shook me and for a moment I felt a wave of panic.

  I peeked at Rodin from under my lashes and his hands tightened over mine. “Don’t worry. You're doing fine.”

  Closing my eyes, I felt the movement of air through my hair and knew we were advancing, though barely.

  “You're doing great.”

  For a few moments, I hovered unsteadily, advanced awkwardly and hovered again, but soon I was steady and sure of my ability… so long as Rodin held onto me.

  “You’ve already got the hang of it, but now I need you to open your eyes and tell me where we’re going.”

  I let out a little girlish yelp when I opened my eyes and saw that we were hundreds of feet off the ground. “Oh, my God. I didn’t think we were so high. I thought we were just hovering a few feet off the ground. You said we’d stay low until I got the hang of it.”

  “But you do have the hang of it. You're like an old pro.”

  “That may be, but don’t let go.” I squeezed his fingers tightly, afraid he’d release me and I’d float away.

  “I’ll hold onto you as long as you need, I promise. Now, where to?”

  “The governor’s mansion.”

  He stopped and we hovered high in the air while confused crows circled us, cawing all the while.

  “The governor’s mansion? You really want to lead me to the lion’s den, don’t you?”

  “Don’t look at it that way. Look, I’m sure Liam is there. Don’t bail out on me now, Rodin. As you asked me to trust you in flying there, I’m asking you to trust me in where I’m leading you, please?” I tugged on his hand and led the way.

  He gave me a soft look that would warm any girl’s heart and sighed. “No wonder why my brother would do anything for you, Kama. With those eyes of yours, looking so earnest and sweet, it takes a strong or heartless man to refuse you anything.”

  Chapter 4

  Within minutes we landed on the front porch of the governor’s mansion. I felt the tension in Rodin’s hand and as I let go of him, I saw his agitated scan of his surroundings. He was on alert, the djinn prince and warrior that was much more than the caring gentle lover he appeared to be.

  The house was silent and showed no signs of life. I tried the front door only to find it locked.

  “Let’s go around to the back yard. The back door is often open.”

  On entering the yard, I was instantly brought back to a happier time. Though the yard was now lifeless and portions of the lawn showed signs of damage from the shards of glass that had fallen, I could still see the white flowers, the satin ribbons and the hundreds of people who’d attended my eighteenth birthday, the age I was waiting for, hoping with it came a Life’s Plan that would include Liam.

  It’d been so special, and yet, when I looked back, it’d been the beginning of the end of the life I’d envisioned for myself.

  “Come on. I’ll try the door.” I climbed the steps to the patio and heard movement from the balustrade nearby. Then I saw him, the unmistakable broad-shouldered figure of the man I loved.

  He stood tall and strong, but sad as he looked out over the rose garden, his handsome profile outlined against the sun. My breath caught as I remembered how just one glance from him once could send me into a frenzy. I felt a wave of emotion for him. How could I not? I’d known him for so long and had shared so much with him. I’d planned my life around him… around this very house.

  “You okay?” Rodin said as he came up beside me.

  “There he is.”

  “Then let’s go see him.”

  I put my hand to his arm to stop him. “I think it’s better if I go see him alone… at least to start with.”

  Swallowing the growing ball of angst, I took a tentative step toward Liam. Secretly hoping he’d hear my footsteps, I was reluctant to break his silent reverie. Guilt built up, leaving me feeling selfish and heartless

  “Liam,” I whispered, hearing the pain in my own voice.

  He turned, inhaling deeply as he did so. “I had a feeling you were here,” he said, solemnly and suddenly so tired. His blues eyes met mine. “I don’t know if I smelled that sweet fragrance that always follows you everywhere, or just sensed your presence, but a sudden and very clear picture of you came to my mind out of nowhere.” He stared at me, taking me all in from head to toe.

  “How are you, Liam?”

  Shrugging, he leaned back against the balustrade. “As good as I can be under the circumstances. How have you been?”

  “Things have been pretty rough, but I’m okay.”

  Softening his gaze, his hand rose as if to reach for me, but he quickly brought it back to his side. A tentative smile came to his lips. “You look as beautiful as always; a little disheveled, but great. I’m really happy to see you, Kama, but I don’t understand what you're doing here. I thought you were… well, with… you know. I thought you were with someone else… with that Torrid guy.”

  I saw the hope in his eyes. “I was worried about you,” I said genuinely concerned about him. “Everything has been so crazy these past weeks, and these past few days...”

  Grinning, he came to me, pulled me into his arms and said, “God, I missed you, K
ama,” as he bent his head down and kissed me with such urgency and passion, I lost my breath.

  Then I remembered Torrid and pulled back. “Liam, I…”

  Though he continued to smile, I saw the hard line that came to his eyes as he backed away. He averted my gaze and turned his attention to a low hanging branch that still had a few burnt and dried leaves clinging to it. “Come on, Kama,” he finally said in a throaty tone. “I know you, remember? What did you really come out here for?”

  He looked up at me, but his gazed flickered over my shoulder and the hard line that’d come to his eyes intensified. He’d spotted Rodin.

  “Oh, now I get it,” he said, biting back on the bitterness.

  “We have to hurry, Kama,” Rodin said as he came to stand beside me.

  “Liam,” I said, ignoring Rodin. “Torrid has been caught.”

  His jaw tightened as did his fists, but he maintained his composure. “Where is he?”

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d tell me.”

  He shrugged.

  “A band of Catchers got a hold of him while we were in the Coliseum. I thought you might know where they would take him.”

  “Kama,” he said. “I’m a Catcher now.”

  I heard a gasp escape me and was surprised by the sound. My heart thundered with panic and uncertainty. “Liam, no.”

  “Don’t look at me like that, Kama. I can’t stand it. I’m not the kind of Catcher you think. I’m the leader of a group of Catchers who only want to capture Rogue Magical Ones.” He took my hand. “I know you’re half-djinn, Kama. Although you’re no longer with me, I could never harm you like that, catch you like some common Magical One.”

  “Oh, Liam,” I said with a heavy sigh. “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that. That’s wonderful, and I know you’ll do a great job.” I turned to look at Rodin and gestured for him to approach. “And I know the Crowned Prince of the djinns will be happy, too.”

  “The who? Crowned Prince? Of the djinns.”

  “Yes.” I hooked my arm into Rodin’s. “Liam, this is Rodin, the Crowned Prince of the Nethers, of the djinns.”

  They stared at each other for a tense moment.

  “You're a Catcher,” Rodin stated simply.

  Liam nodded.

  “So you must know where they’re keeping my brother, right?”

  A sure and confident smile came to Liam’s lips and in that moment I saw a maturity in him that had never been there before. There was a strength in his shoulders that had not been there before, a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

  A sense of pride in Liam rose in me, and my faith he’d become a strong and empathetic leader, was strengthen. This was a Liam I’ve caught glimpses of throughout the time we’ve grown up together, but now looking at him, he had become more confident and bold.

  “I have an idea where Catchers would bring such a coveted prize such as Torrid. I doubt they…”

  “So that means you’ll help me… us.”

  “As strange as it may sound, I want to see Kama happy, and if that means bringing her to Torrid, then yes, I’ll help… her.”

  “I… I really appreciate it,” I said, touching his shoulder.

  His eyes bore into mine then. “Just because we’re no longer a couple doesn’t mean I no longer care for you. I’ll admit it hurts, a little more than I would have ever thought, but I accept your decision. I still want to consider you a close friend and I hope you’ll always think of me as a good friend.”

  “Of course I will, Liam. You're such a huge part of my life. I’d miss you terribly if I lost you.”


  Chapter 5

  “Lead the way, Catcher. The sooner we find Torrid the better,” Rodin said.

  “Not so fast,” Liam said, crossing his arms over his chest with finality.

  “Liam, you said you’d help.”

  “I can’t take him. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I think I can take care of myself,” Rodin said with a mocking grin. “I’m not only the Crowned Prince, but I am a competent warrior.”

  “I have no doubt that you are, and I mean no disrespect, but a djinn in a place where Catchers run rampant, you’d stick out in a far too obvious way.”

  Rodin looked at me and I saw his desire to argue, but I interceded. “Liam, if a djinn is so easily detected in this secret place of yours, then how do you plan on protecting me? How will I survive so many Catchers?”

  Liam kept his eyes on Rodin, taking in his agitation and angry stance. “This secret place of mine is a veritable fortress, protected, guarded and patrolled by the best Catchers in Arcadia. Nothing moves in or out of there without their detection, especially a djinn.” He turned to me. “As for you, you’ll be okay because you're your mother’s daughter.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You're part human; just enough to keep the Catchers from detecting the djinn in you.”

  I glanced at Rodin. “It makes sense. There’s no point taking such a huge risk.”

  “It’s more than just a huge risk. It’s guaranteed suicide. These Catchers can smell a djinn miles away. They’ll be on him… on us in seconds.” He cocked a brow at Rodin. “Just think of the celebration they’d have if they had both Torrid and you, both princes from the Nethers.”

  “He’s right,” I said. At least I hoped he was right, not only about the danger of Rodin coming, but that I’d be safe. “Since when do Catchers use scent to track down djinns?”

  “These Catchers are different. They’re mongrels. They have just a few drops of djinn in them, enough to make them incredibly precise in their hunt.”

  “I’ll accept that it’d be suicide for me to go, but how can you be so sure she’ll be safe… what with their precise hunting skills and all.”

  “Because she’ll be with me.”

  “Fine. Can we stop arguing about it and just get on with it.” I rolled my eyes at the two. “Rodin, you stay here. Liam, lead the way.”

  “And what am I supposed to do while you guys go off to save my brother?”

  “Sit tight and wait.”

  The straight line of his lips didn’t even begin to express how unhappy he was with the situation. Narrowing his eyes, he glared at Liam. “I’m not comfortable with that, but I’m ready to compromise. I’ll follow you as far as I can safely do so. I’ll give you an hour to find Torrid and bring him back. If you’re not back in an hour I’ll come after you.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “And, let me warn you, Liam. If anything should happen to her.” He pointed at me. “If you harm her in any way, or let any harm come to her… you’ll learn just how precise my hunting skills are.”

  I silently gasped and held my breath, taken aback by the ferocity of his statement. His eyes had turned deadly as he stared Liam down.

  “I have no intention of letting anything happen to her. If you must know, I still love her deeply. I will protect her with my life. As a man who is in love with this woman, you too would know how it is.” Liam looked from Rodin to me and back to Rodin. “Not just one prince who is in love with you, but this one, too, Kama.”

  Rodin stiffened and said, “At least that’s what we have in common, human.”

  Liam smiled a crooked smile. “That’s what you get for falling in love with Kama…a woman who is worthy of so much love and admiration, she’s bound to have men lined up for her.”

  “It’s just a matter of who she will choose,” Rodin said, “Or will she choose?”

  I crossed my arms and said, “The world is at war, my hometown is destroyed, and innocents are being imprisoned; choosing to only love one person while forsaking the love of the others is something I don’t want to think about right now. Right now, I love you all. I will do anything to protect and save my loved ones, just like I am trying to save Torrid now. If it was you, Liam, I would do the same. If it was you, Rodin, I would too. All I know and all I desire is to be able to love whomever I want, and I care for all three of you. I love you, L
iam, and I don’t want to give that up. I don’t want to break your heart by just choosing Torrid or Rodin. I also know I have some connection with Rodin…that I can’t help caring for him, too.”

  Liam smiled and looked at me in shock. “You really do want to be with me still, even though you care about someone else?”

  “Yes,” I said. “Seeing how sad you are, I can’t bear it, Liam. I still love you, too.”

  Liam came over to me to hold me in his arms. “Kama,” he bent down to kiss me passionately before breaking away. Unshed tears shone in his eyes. “What was worse than the fall of Arcadia, and even finding out about what my father was doing with the Magical Ones, was losing you. This nearly killed me, Kama. The thought of losing you forever. It was worse than anything I’ve ever known.”

  I put my forehead against his. “I know. I can’t help hurting for you, too, and worrying about you, too, even though I was with Torrid.”

  “I will accept you being with Torrid and with Rodin, as long as I have you in my life…have your love in my life, Kama. After everything is over, we will be together again.” He bent to kiss me again. “But first, we need to get Torrid out.” He turned to Rodin. “I know where you can sit tight and wait for us. It’s just outside the perimeter controlled by their power of scent and you’ll be safe… and relatively close.” Liam turned to me. “I’ll just let my group know I went off to a special mission. They were expecting me on a hunt for a small band of Sanz’s Magical Ones. I’ll let them know they can proceed without me.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled, hearing the lack of conviction in my voice. Despite his reassurance, the idea of walking right into a fortress fortified by Catchers, Catchers dead set on catching all djinns and turning them into slaves or Magical Ones as they are known in Arcadia as, with the acute ability of smelling out djinns didn’t sit well with me. With all my heart I wanted to go out and find Torrid, but the prospect seemed unbelievably dangerous with just Liam and me against them all.


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