Natal Witness, 54, 60, 70, 119, 283n31, 290n41
nationalism in India, xiii, xx–xxv, 138, 140–41, 145; and Gokhale, 140–41; and Mehta, 95–96. See also INC
native Africans: discrimination against, 153–54, 294nn27–28; farms of, 147; as “Kaffir,” 153, 200, 206, 294nn27–28; in Natal, 31–32, 60–63, 134, 280n5; and tramcars, 181; in Transvaal, 147, 149, 151, 153–54, 160, 294nn27–28, 303n7
native practitioners, 22–23, 26, 279n4. See also vakils
Navajivan Publishing House, xxvii
Nazar, Mansukhlal, 136, 141, 144, 292n33
negotiations, xv, xxiii–xxiv; and Adams case, 86–87; for Balasundaram, 64–65; with Coakes, 53–54, 61, 222; for Durban villa, 61; and Law 3 (1885), 171; with Smuts, 217–19, 221–25, 232, 262, 265, 302nn3–4, 303n7, 303n10, 303n12, 304n27
Newcastle, 116–17; Town Council, 116–17, 126; Vanda v. Newcastle, 116, 120, 126, 290n40
Newtown mosque, 212–13
NIC (Natal Indian Congress), 75–79, 84, 285n18; and Askew, 79; and Congress Hall, 93; and DLA, 117–18, 122–23; and Gandhi, 75–78, 112, 117–18, 138, 141, 293n34, 292n19; and Karim, 89; reputation of, 77–78; request for money from, 141; and Rustomji, 65
nonviolence, xiii, xxi–xxii, xxv–xxviii; and anti-Indian mob, 102, 104; in India, xxi, xxiv–xxvii; and King, xxvi, xxviii, 154, 295n32; and power of self-suffering, xiv, xvii–xviii, 175–77, 185; and satyagraha, xxi–xxii, 212; in Serbia, xxvii–xxviii; successful only in controlled situations, xxvi–xxvii; in Transvaal, 154, 176, 218, 301n16
notaries, 284n1
nuclear weapons, xvi–xvii
Olcott, Henry, 12
Oldfield, Josiah, 15–16
oppressors: changing mind of, xiv, 251; and nonviolent discipline, xxvi–xxviii; and power of self-suffering, 176
Orange Free State, 59, 111, 129, 147, 150, 255
Osman, Dada, 122–25
Otpor (Resistance), xxvii–xxviii
Padiachy, Rangasamy, 77–78, 286n26
Pakistan, xix, xxv
Papenfus, H. F., 203–4
paralegals, 26, 47
Pardekoph, 40–41
Parekh, Devchand, 144
Parel, Anthony, 258, 308n20, 309n24
Parmanandbhai (cousin), 3
partnerships: dissolution of, 129, 133, 135; and DLA, 114, 126; law partnership with Askew, 79; law partnership with Coakes, 52–54, 60–62, 64, 67–68, 70–71, 93–94, 284nn47–48; and M. C. Camrooden and Company, 129, 132–33; premiums for, 53; share of profits, 53–54
passive resistance, xxi, 199, 205, 208, 211, 224, 228–29, 254, 261; “satyagraha” as replacement term for, xxi–xxii, 212. See also civil disobedience
Pathan community, 220, 303n19, 303n21
Pather, Poonsamy, 77–78
Paul, Louis, 52–54, 282n12
Peace Preservation Ordinance (1903), 186, 206–7, 244, 299n22
Pearce, F. A., 72
Pearce, Robert, 5
perjury, 57
permits: and Asiatic Permit Office, 165, 176, 178, 249, 296n22; and Asiatic Trading Commission, 167, 170; forgeries of, 211; Indians required to register for, 176, 186, 189, 191–94, 200–201, 210–11; and Peace Preservation Ordinance (1903), 186, 244, 299n22; and Ramsundar case, 191–94; and Receiver of Revenue, 170; travel permits, 174. See also certificates; licenses
petitions, xxi; against anti-Indian legislation, 107–12, 119, 126, 289n13; cover letters for, 109–11; end of, 110–12; against franchise restrictions, 49–51, 109, 282n5, 282n7; in India, 27, 30; and Law 3 (1885), 152–53, 294n24; as “memorials,” 294n24; in Natal, 49–51, 107–12, 134–35, 282n5; for return of application papers, 224–25, 229, 304n35; and rickshaws, 134–35; in Transvaal, 152–53, 224–25, 229–230, 304n35; against Validation Bill, 230
Phoenix settlement, 175, 178, 300n9
physicians, European, 153
physicians, Indian, 100, 188
Pietermaritzburg, 78; railway station, 39–41
Pillay, C. M., 206, 209
Pillay, Moroogasa, 77
Pincott, Frederick, 49, 62–63
The Pioneer (newspaper), 97
plague, 97–98, 113, 288n17
Plato, 216
Plea for Vegetarianism (Salt), 15
Plowshares civil disobedience movement, xvi–xvii, 275n1
Polak, Henry S. L.: admission to bar, 221, 298n17, 303n22; and BIA, 298n17; and border-crossing resistance, 244; and “conscientious objection,” 303n24; and Hind Swaraj, 259; photograph of, xi; and Registrar of Asiastics, 251–54; and tramcars, 184–85
police: and anti-Indian mob, 100–101; and Asiatic Department, 165; and beatings of Gandhi, 100–101, 103, 220, 288n17; in India, xxiv; in Natal, 62–63, 71–74, 81–83, 105–6, 285nn9–11; police brutality, xxiv, 43; police superintendent, 81–83, 100–101, 288n17; and registration of Indians, 189, 191; and resistance to registration, 189, 191, 203–4, 207, 209, 213, 229, 233–35; and rickshaws, 134; and Sorabji case, 233–35; and tramcars, 184; in Transvaal, 43, 165, 176, 184, 189, 191, 203–4, 207, 209, 213, 233–35; and Uncovenanted Indians Act, 105–6
political change, xiv, xvii–xviii, xxv–xxvi, 243, 246
political organizing, 51, 78–79, 126, 180, 248; and Ramsundar case, 194–95
politics: and Abdulla case, 76; and anti-Indian legislation, 107, 112, 115, 126–27; and anti-Indian mob, 98, 102; and Asiatic Act, 187–89, 192, 205, 211, 220, 222; and Balasundaram, 112; and Boer War, 130; in India, xxi–xxii, 27, 138, 145; in Natal, 33–34, 48, 50–52, 61, 76, 98, 102, 107; petty politics, 27; and resistance to registration, 187–89, 192, 205, 211, 214, 220, 222; and spirituality, xvi; in Transvaal, 148, 164, 170–71, 173, 175–77, 180, 185, 187–89, 192, 205, 211, 214, 220, 222, 296n18
Poonsamy Pather and Three Others, Regina v., 77–78, 286n26
poor/poverty: and Islamic law, 70–71; in Natal, 34–35, 65–66, 70–71, 131; and resistance to registration, 201; in Transvaal, 201
Porbandar, 2–3, 27; and Abdulla, 29, 36; British administrator of, 3; and Gujarati language, 34, 39; and Mohamed, 46
Portuguese, 31
A Practical Guide to the Bar (Napier and Stephenson), 7, 10–11
prayer, 44, 231
precedent, 36, 58
prejudice: and DLA, 107, 109–11; in Natal, 37, 53, 60, 107, 109–11; toward native Africans, 154; in Transvaal, 154, 156, 163, 181. See also discrimination; race relations/racism
preparation, xv; for bar examinations, 5–6, 10; failure of, 88, 94; Gandhi known for meticulous preparation, 51, 142; and shipping law, 88, 94; sometimes Gandhi’s strong suit, 113
press. See media; names of newspapers
The Press (Pretoria), 45
Pretoria, 39–47, 162; and Abdulla v. Mohamed, 41–47; and curfew passes, 43; Indian life in, 42–43; and Law 3 (1885), 148–49, 151–52, 154–55, 168; open-air church services in, 44; Pretoria Convention (1881), 148–49; religious exploration in, 43–45; and resistance to registration, 204, 208, 213–14, 217, 219, 230, 243; rights of British Indians in, 73; Royal Courts of Justice, 168
principled action, 51, 190
The Principles of Equity (Snell), 10, 179
Principles of the Law of Real Property (Williams), 10
Privy Council Judicial Committee, 117, 126, 291n2
procedure, law of: and adversarial speech, 26; and appellate judges, 132; Civil Procedure Code, 18; as defense for resistance, 125; and DLA, 115–120, 125; and Laughton, 116–17, 125, 131–32, 135, 152, 201, 234; and Law 3 (1885), 152; in Natal, 59, 115–120, 125, 135; and rickshaws, 135; and Sorabji case, 234–35; and trading without licenses cases, 238, 306n33; in Transvaal, 152, 201, 234–35, 238, 241
produce stands, 114–16, 128–29, 289n27
professional ethics: and commissions, 27, 29–30; in India, 25, 27–30; in Natal, 60, 67–68, 85; and touts, 25, 280n28; and undue influence, 27–28
prohibited immigrants, 233–34, 254, 259, 261–62, 307n55; and children, 261; and Rambhabai, 262
notes, 39, 41, 61, 128, 174, 190, 200
public interest/pressure, xiv, xvii–xviii, xxiii–xxvi; and Arab Spring, xviii; and border-crossing resistance, 244–45, 247–48, 306n51; in Denmark, xviii; in Egypt, xviii; in India, xxiii–xxv; international, xxiii–xxv; and Natal Indian Congress, 77; and Ramsundar case, 191, 194–95; and Salt Campaign, xxiii–xxv; and Sorabji case, 236; and trading without licenses cases, 237–38, 241; and tramcars, 181–82, 185, 242; in Transvaal, 170, 176, 181–82, 185, 191, 194–95, 205, 209–10, 227–28, 236–38, 241–42, 244–48, 305n28, 306n51
public persons, 19, 26, 95, 199, 279n27
public speaking, 30; and adversarial speech, 26; on Clyde, SS, 14, 20; in Durban, 93, 96, 133, 199; fear of, 14, 16, 20–22, 26, 30, 43, 96, 103, 139–140, 199; in India, 20, 93, 95–96, 139–140, 153, 287n3; in London, 16, 20–22; petitions contrasted to, 108; in Rajkot, 20; in Transvaal, 42–43, 162, 187, 189–190, 199–200, 204, 209, 212–13, 250–51
punishment, xiii–xiv, 191, 266–67; and castes, 4; and Indian workers, 74; and resistance to registration, 184, 208, 241, 245, 247–48, 254. See also deportation orders; fines; jailings
Quarantine Act, 105–6, 113
quarantine crisis, 98, 101–2, 288n11; no lawsuit for damages, 102–3
Quinn, Leung, 204, 217, 219, 225, 230
“Quit India” movement, xxii
race relations/racism, xv; and Adams case, 90; and anti-Indian mob, 98–103; in Natal, 37–38, 53–57, 60, 72–73, 81–83, 105–7, 109, 113–14, 119, 133–34, 285nn9–11; and native Africans, 153–54, 294nn27–28; and railway system, 39–41; and rickshaws, 134–35; and stage coaches, 40; and tramcars, 181–85; in Transvaal, 43, 148, 151, 153–57, 161–64, 181–85, 260, 294nn27–29; in U.S., xvii–xviii, 154. See also anti-Indian law (Transvaal); anti-Indian legislation (Natal); discrimination; prejudice
railway systems: and first-class tickets, 39–40; in India, xix–xx, 139; in Natal, 39–41, 73–75, 299n18, 304n2; and racism, 39–41; and reserved berth and bedding tickets, 40; and strikes, 74, 299n18, 304n2; in Transvaal, 40–41, 203
rain, 213
Rajkot, 2, 4, 17–18, 20; Gandhi’s law practice in, 26–29, 138, 141–43
Ramaswamy and Others, Rex v., 239
Ramsundar Pundit, 191–96, 203–4, 228, 299n33, 299n40; as faded memory, 236; fleeing from Transvaal, 196, 208; jailing of, 191, 194–96, 203; religious grounds for resistance of, 193, 299n40; wife of, 193
Rand Daily Mail: and Asiatic Act, 186; and Asiatic Trading Commission, 169; and burning of registration certificates, 232, 305n13; and Gandhi’s London trip (1906), 198, 300n2; and Motan v. Transvaal Government, 173; and Ramsundar case, 299n33; and trading without licenses cases, 238, 253–54
Ravishankar (cook), 19
reform, curative/institutional, xvii–xviii, xxv, 185, 227, 242. See also political change; social change
refugees, Indian, 164–65
Registrar of Asiastics, xv, 192, 219, 251–54
registration regimes: Peace Preservation Ordinance (1903), 186, 244, 299n22. See also Asiatic Act
religious explorations, 10, 12–13; and Hind Swaraj, 256; in Transvaal, 43–45, 178–79, 218
religious struggle, 193, 206, 208–11, 231, 251, 299n40, 301n32, 301n40
Renaud, Eugene, 63
Republic of Natalia, 31–32, 58, 280n1
resistance to registration. See Asiatic Act
responsible government model: and Natal, 32–34, 105, 280n3; and Transvaal, 198, 300n1
retail dealers, 106, 110, 115, 125, 289n27; in Transvaal, 185–86, 252–53, 308n10. See also merchants, European; merchants, Indian
Reuters, 97, 209, 287n6; and interview, 212
revolution: in Egypt, xviii; handbook for, xxvii–xxviii; nonviolent, xxvii–xxviii
Rhodes, Cecil, 147
Richards, Samuel, 81–82, 85, 100
rickshaws, 100, 134–35; losing battle against, 135; and separate-but-equal by-law, 134–35
ridicule, 18, 71, 136; and Adams case, 85, 87–89, 92
Riebeeck, Jan van, 58
Ripon, Lord, xx, 50–51, 108–9, 152
Ritch, Lewis W., 265–66, 310nn48–51
Roberts, John Lutchman, 81–82, 85, 100
Robinson, John, Sir, 78
role-differentiated behavior, xv–xvi, 246–48
Roman-Dutch law tradition, 55, 58–59, 277n24, 283n25, 283nn35–36; examinations for, 55; and M. C. Camrooden and Company, 129
Roman law, 58, 283n25; examinations for, 7–10, 277n23, 277n24, 277n29
Roosevelt, Theodore, 135
Round Table Conference, xxii–xxiii
Rubie, J. F., 169
rule of law, 231, 247, 263–64
rupees and pounds, 86, 91–92
Ruskin, John, 216
Rustomji, Parsi, 65, 100, 288n16, 308n10
Sabarmati Ashram (Ahmedabad), xi, xxiii, 297n54
SABIC (South African British Indian Committee), 265
sacrifice, xxii, 173, 187, 194, 242, 251, 266, 306n39
Safari, SS, 35–36
Salt, Henry, 15
Salt Campaign, xxii–xxvi, 227–28, 276n11; and march to sea, xxiii–xxiv
Samaldas College, 2
“Sami,” 40
sanitary conditions: and DLA, 106, 110, 113, 117, 122–24; in India, 140; and Indians, 42, 110, 117, 134, 149, 153, 260; and Law 3 (1885), 149, 153, 260; in Natal, 106, 110, 113, 117, 122–24, 134; and rickshaws, 134; and tramcars, 181–82; in Transvaal, 42, 149, 153, 181–82, 260
satyagraha, xxi–xxii, 212, 255, 306n39
scavengers, 140
Scheurmann, Max, 66–67
Schlesin, Sonja, xi, 212, 310n51
Schmitthener, Samuel, 24
schoolteachers, 81–82
Schuurman, P. J., 204, 207, 214, 233–34
Scott, Walter, Sir, 216
Searle, Malcolm W., 150
sedition, 192–94
segregation: and Freedom Riders, xviii, xxvi; in Louisiana public library, xvii; and tramcars, 181–85, 187, 228, 249, 298n11, 298nn13–14, 299n19; in Transvaal, 128, 181–85, 187, 228, 298n11, 298nn13–14, 299n19; in U.S., xvii–xviii, xxvi
Selborne, Lord, 218–19, 230
Serbia, xxvii–xxviii
servants, Indian, 181–84
settlements, xv; and Balasundaram, 65; and Indian workers, 74–75; of Salt Campaign, xxiii–xxiv; and Tuohy case, 72, 285n11; and willingness to compromise, 132
Shapurji, Sorabji, 233–38, 243, 246, 250, 257; as heroic figure, 236. See also Sorabji case
Sharp, Gene, xxvii–xxviii, 275n6
Shepstone, Theophilus, 280n5
shipping law, 88, 94
Shukla, Dalpatram, 14, 143–44
Singh, Lal Bahadur, 193
smallpox, 184
Smith, Albert, 112
Smuts, Jan Christian, xv, 199, 202–4, 211–12, 227–230, 242, 246, 249, 251; London trip concerning Union of South Africa (1909), 255; negotiations with, 217–19, 221–25, 232, 243, 262, 265, 302nn3–4, 303n7, 303n10, 303n12, 304n27, 309n41; and Rambhabai, 262, 309n41; and Ritch, 265; and Sorabji case, 233
social change, xiv, xvii–xviii, xxv–xxvi, 1, 249–250; and failure of courts, 260, 264–65; in Natal, 36, 74, 178–79; and resisters denied permission to land, 264–65; in Transvaal, 173, 175–76, 178, 185, 227–28, 237, 242, 245, 307n52
Sodha, Rambhabai, 261–62, 309n41
Sodha, Ratanshi, 261–62
solicitors, 55–56; in Durban, 119–120, 290n42; in India, 23–24, 143, 293n15; in Transvaal, 162, 293n15, 307n56
Solomon, William H., 225, 304n36
Somnath case, 117–122
The Song Celestial (Arnold), 13
Sorabji case, 233–38, 243, 246, 250, 257; and acquittal, 234–35, 305n19
South Africa, xiii–xvi, xviii–xix, xxi–xxii, xxviii; map of, ix; railway system in, 39–41. See also Cape Colony; Natal; Orange Free State; Transvaal
South African Republic, 73, 146–154, 172; and discrimination, 147–49, 153�
��54, 156, 159–160; High Court, 41–42, 45, 149–150, 152, 154, 156–57, 160, 249; Volksraad, 149, 157. See also Law 3 (1885)
South African War. See Boer War
Sparks, Harry, 99
Spiller, Peter, 59
spirituality, xxviii; and Baker, 44; and detachment from worldly possessions, 178–79; and politics, xvi, 173, 177; and theosophy, 12–13; in Transvaal, 173, 177–79
stage coaches, 40
Standerton, 40
stands, removable, 114–16, 128–29, 289n27
steamship lines, 85–87, 98, 101–2, 104; and Quarantine Act, 105; and quarantine crisis, 98, 101–2. See also Courland, SS
Stephenson, R. M., 7, 10–11
storekeepers, Indian, 62–63, 72, 75
The Student’s Guide to the Bar (Ball), 7
suffering, xvii–xviii, xxii, xxiv–xxvi; from beating, 103, 220; and border-crossing resistance, 242, 245, 247–48; power of self-suffering, xiv, xvii–xviii, 175–77, 185, 220, 227–29, 237, 240–42, 245, 247, 305n28, 307n52, 307n3, 309n35; and Rambhabai, 262; and Salt Campaign, xxii, xxv–xxvi; in silence, 80, 240–42, 245, 247, 250, 259; and trading without licenses cases, 237, 240–42; in Transvaal, 173, 175–76, 185, 212, 220, 222, 227–28, 231, 237, 240–42, 245, 250–52, 254, 259, 262, 307n3
sugar, 32
Suleiman, Ismail, 149–150
Suleiman case, 149–150, 152, 172
Swan, Maureen, 34–35, 48, 73, 147, 153–54, 282n5, 303n21
“swaraj,” 256, 309n23, 310n43
sympathy, xxv–xxvi, 191, 205, 227–28, 244–45, 252–53
Tatham, Fredric, 70–71
taxes: in Egypt, xviii; salt tax in India, xxiii, 276n11
Taylor, Daniel, 114, 119, 122, 124–25
tenants, 60, 77, 117, 123, 174–75
test cases, xvii–xviii, xxii–xxv, 43, 227; Aswat suit, 223–25, 303nn35–36; Coovadia case, 182–85; and DLA, 115; and Law 3 (1885), 154–58, 166–67, 169–173, 178; Lucas’ Trustee v. Ismail and Amod, 166–67; Mohamed v. Government, 155–58, 170, 172; Motan v. Transvaal Government, 171–73, 178; Sorabji case, 233–38, 243, 246, 250, 257; and tramcars, 182–85, 227; in Transvaal, 150, 154–58, 166–67, 169–173, 182–85, 224–25, 232, 253
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