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Gender Swapped Volume Two

Page 3

by Sophie Pert

  We stared at each other, both of us panting with desire and clad only in the scantiest of fabrics.

  When we came back together it was with and urgent need and our hands fumbled to strip the remaining cloth from each others bodies while our lips pressed against each other.

  He unclasped my bra one handed and slid the cups off, his hand grasping the bare flesh of my breast and feeling so hot it was like a brand pressed into me. His other hand tugged at my panties, pulling them down over my thighs and pressing them down my calves and off my feet.

  Both of my hands focused on his boxers, pushing them off of him and tossing them to one side. I grasped his pulsing shaft with both hands, feeling its enormity in my palms and stroking it with fingers and palms.

  I needed it.

  I needed it inside of me.


  There was no more time for foreplay or subtlety. No more time for coy glances or shy kisses.

  I moved my body, straddling him and guiding his shaft with both hands. I stared into his eyes as the thick head of his cock spread the lips of my sex.

  It was so much, pressing me apart and making me feel like I would split in two. Making me feel like there was no way that I could possibly take more of him into me.

  I pushed my palms against his chest, my brow furrowing as I concentrated on the feelings welling up inside of me, the feel of him breaking me apart.

  I slid down, just an inch at most but it felt like so much more. It felt like he was a thick shaft of iron hard metal spreading me apart like I had never been spread before. I gasped slightly and my hands flew to my head, holding my hair as my bottom lip trembled with the sensations he was giving me.

  Again I dropped. I knew there was so much more to take but I didn’t know how I possibly could, the feel of him inside of me was overwhelming. I looked down and saw him staring up at me and knew he felt the same. There was something here that was so uniquely overpowering, a need deep inside both of us that demanded to be filled.

  I fell on him, burying him in me to the core. He filled me so completely, spreading me and pressing into me with his insistent, pulsing shaft. There was a heat to him that spread through my body, warming me up from the inside out until it hit my skin and left me tingling all over.

  His hands ran up and down my thighs, fingers kneading and pressing at the skin of them, feeling me out. My hands slid down my neck and played lightly with my breasts, feeling the weight of them while I began to move.

  I shifted my weight, bouncing slowly up and down atop him and feeling the ridges and veins of his shaft sliding in and out of me. My body acclimated, the sensation of being stretched to the point of breaking fading as I reveled in the sensation of being filled by him.

  Our eyes locked and I saw him struggling to maintain control, felt his abs flexing as he held himself back, kept his animal side from taking over. I saw the barely restrained need behind his eyes and felt him tugging at the lease of his inner beast.

  And something more.

  Something intensely familiar about all of this, something happening and sparking off between the two of us that had happened before. So many times before.

  This was a dance well worn between us, and both of us knew what happened next.

  One of my hands slid around the back of his neck, pulling him to my breast and crushing his mouth against my nipple as he sucked and licked and bit at it.

  The other hand slid back behind us, between his legs to lightly stroke and fondle his balls.

  This familiar move broke his leash, and the inner beast took over.

  He spun me, hands grabbing me and flipping me on the bed. Pinning me below him.

  I swear I heard a growl as his hand gripped my wrists and pinned them over my head. I was fully at his mercy and I had never been so turned on in my life.

  His thrusts were forceful and passionate and quick. Quick and short. Pushing his hard shaft into me again and again, each move punctuated with a gruff grunt.

  His eyes were closed and his body moved rhythmically, methodically thrusting himself into me again and again, faster and faster, until his hips became a blur and I lost myself, closing my eyes and crying out in pleasure below him.

  His grip released my wrists and I reached out instantly, hands on either side of his head as I pulled his face to mine. We locked our lips and our tongues pressed and played with each other.

  His thrusts shifted, losing the fevered urgency in favor of something that flowed much more evenly. Like the forceful crests of a tide we moved together, our bodies in perfect sync as we rose and fell inside of each other.

  We were one, then and there, and there was nothing separating us.

  I felt a tremble in his body and it passed into mine as well. Like the tremors of an earthquake it built up between the two of us with a slow rumble at first and then before we knew it building to an earth-shattering boom.

  Our kiss broke and our eyes locked and lost in the pool of each others sight we both crested over.

  Neither one of us made a sound, our bodies vibrating in sync as our mouths opened in a wide O and we tensed with our shared climax.

  I squeezed around his shaft, feeling it buried deep inside of me as he exploded, coating me inside and filling me up with his hot and sticky passion. My legs trembled in the air, feet shaking as I felt him spurt inside me again and again and again.

  The heat of him spread inside of me and everywhere it touched it released tension in me, until I was relaxed from tip to toe and warm with the pleasure of him. I saw it work on him too, the taut tenseness of his muscles loosening and he relaxed into me and his shaft pulsed one last time.

  He fell on me then, our lips locked in a passionate embrace as our hands slid up and down our slick and sweaty bodies. We kissed for what felt like forever, and when he slid off of me to lie to the side I rolled into him, letting him spoon me from behind and enfold me in his strong embrace.

  He held me there, us both lying comfortable and familiar with each other as we drifted off to sleep.

  Neither of us knew what came next, but both of us knew that whatever it was it would be something we would face together.

  Getting Dirty: Switching Bodies with the Hot Lady Mechanic

  Back in the day a guy like me would have it so good. I’m not even talking that long ago, maybe 50 or 60 years ago which really isn’t that far back.

  But back then a guy like me would be the king of his castle. I would be working the job I am now with more than enough money to go around, instead of making just enough to scrape by. I’d have my own house with a nice lawn instead of living in a tiny and dirty apartment. I’d have a beautiful wife by my side instead of a bunch of rejections every time I went out to the bar.

  My life would be so much better had I just been born earlier.

  I’m a mechanic, and a good mechanic at that too. Now being a mechanic, it’s not exactly an exaggeration to say that’s a manly job. A man's job. Women don’t really have any part in this.

  Maybe in reception.

  Out on the floor, that’s a place for dirt and grease and sweat. No place for a lady.

  But nowadays everything has to change and apparently that even extends to stuff that should be sacred. Stuff like the shop floor.

  My boss had to go and hire a woman, probably worried that he was going to get protested or something by some people upset that he didn’t already have one hired. So here I am, stuck working alongside a woman.

  Look I have nothing against the ladies, and you can call me old fashioned if you’d like, but I just feel like I need a space to be me. To be the man I am supposed to be. This job was supposed to be that place, but it’s changed since she showed up.

  Used to be we could crack a few dirty jokes, or make a few comments about attractive customers. Used to be that I would get a good chuckle out of the guys everytime I said something like that. But that has all changed.

  Now it’s just blank stares or people rolling their eyes. All these guys want everyone to
be all proper around her, no more posters of women stretched out on the hoods of cars. No more dirty jokes.

  No more making fun of people for being shit at their jobs either.

  I remember when I first started like a year ago all the guys around the shop made a bunch of fun jokes at my expense. Talking about how I didn’t know what i was doing or how I was lazy or stupid. You know, the usual hazing that you get when you start in at a new place.

  I tried the same thing when she walked through the door. Making fun of her for being too dainty and ladylike to do the job. Just the usual sort of stuff.

  All of a sudden no one is laughing. Everyone thinks they’re the judge of good taste and “appropriate” behaviour.

  So stupid.

  I bet every single one of them is just doing this because they want to sleep with her. I mean I understand, if you saw her you probably would too.

  She was hot. Not like poster hot but still really attractive.

  She had brown hair, long I think but she usually kept it all piled up on her head. She was petite but not too skinny, the kind of body that you usually picture on a girl who does yoga and all of that stretching stuff. Really toned and fit but not too big. She still had hips though, she wasn’t a stick by any stretch of the imagination. She was tan too, probably from working outside a whole bunch at her last job. Her skin was a nice smooth brown color.

  Her face was pretty, but not striking. She had an average nose, full lips and pretty high cheekbones. This tiny little upturn on her chin was just adorable. Her eyes were big too, big enough to draw you in and make it difficult to look away. None of the parts of her face really stood out, but when you put them all together she was pretty and watchable in a way that was difficult to fully describe. Like you couldn’t help but watch her face move when she talked.

  Even through the coveralls she usually wore I could tell she had a nice ass too, full and plump. The kinda ass you could hold in the palm of your hand, really grasp the whole thing at once but it was still firm and bouncy. Not much in the way of breasts, but they looked like they sat up nice and high on her chest, perky and petite but real nice handfuls.

  When she smiled or batted her big eyes at you it would make your heart flutter a bit and make your cock jump. It was easy to see how she had all the guys around the shop twisted around her little finger.

  Not me though, I wasn’t going to let her bewitch me.

  No sir, not me.

  I had a plan. Okay well I had a continuing plan.

  I was going to keep up with the pranks and the jokes, because you see after all of the dust settles and everyone realizes she is not going to sleep with them they are going to go back to pranking and joking around and she is going to be left out in the cold. Guys who work in places like this, they’re mans mans and they’re not going to change. Not really.

  So I set out to set up the ultimate prank. Well maybe not the ultimate prank but at least a classic one that would get things moving on the road back to normal.

  You know the prank. I guarantee you know it. Everyone knows this one.

  I’ll give you a hint, bucket, door, water.


  Bucket on a slightly open door, filled with water. Call her in the room and bam, drenched in water.

  Figure this one was great for a few reasons. It’s innocent and I don’t hurt the precious little flower. It soaks her, and ladies look nice when they’re all wet and their clothes stick to them as all of the many posters of sexy ladies that were taken down from around the shop could tell you. Lastly, it gets her wet. Ladies love getting wet… if you know what I mean!

  So I set the whole thing up in the back room, the place we store spare parts and things we never use as well as the wash up station in case of accidents, and tell her I need her help organizing the back room and then I went and hid back there.

  And waited.

  And waited and waited and waited.

  I know she was working on a job when I asked her to help me out but I never expected her to take this long. I mean damn, this is what I’m talking about hiring chicks to work in a shop. They take for freaking ever.

  Finally I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Light little footsteps so I know it’s her.

  “Hey Nick,” I heard her voice, sweet and high, “What was it you needed my help with exactly?”

  I get up and stand in the middle of the room, facing the door and ready to laugh as soon as the water hits her.

  “I just need some help organizing some things Jen,” I say, struggling to keep from laughing, “Come on in and help me.”

  Door knob twists and the door opens inwards.

  And then everything went sideways.

  The bucket didn’t exactly fall right. It fell straight down and the bottom of it hit her on the head. The bucket fell backwards, splashing right outside the door, while she fell forwards and her and the door careened into me and me into the rack of supplies behind me.

  I remember seeing her slouch towards me, remember the feel of her body pressing against me and then remember crashing into the steel rack behind me and cracking my head off one of the shelves.

  Then darkness.

  I was only out for a second, I’m sure of that because it felt like just a flash and I was back. It’s weird to say but it was like I was never really ‘out’ it was just a quick flash, like a really slow blink.

  And then I was back.

  Scramble to my feet, try to find my footing. Back.

  Standing on my own two feet.

  And I felt weird. Really weird, like something had happened, like a crack on the head had more than thrown me for a loop. Like it had left me changed.

  But I shook my head and pressed on.

  I stood up, pushing myself to my feet and rocking back and forth on unsteady legs. That knock on the head had really thrown me for a loop. I felt so out of sorts.

  I blinked a couple of times, then blinked a couple more because the sight in front of me was difficult to believe.

  I saw a body lying sprawled on the floor. It was wearing coveralls and was for all the world mainly indistinct. There was nothing about this body that should be disarming to the average person.

  Except it was me.

  It was my body.

  My body lying unconscious on the floor.

  For a minute I figured I was dead, that the hit had been far harder than I thought it had and it had somehow knocked something loose and killed me. Now I’m not sure what comes after death but there was a conspicuous absence of a bright light or a feeling of weightlessness or anything like that. I felt like I was perfectly normal and standing in a body.

  Though the body felt different.

  And that was about the moment I realized that Jen was missing.

  Slowly and tentatively I put my hands at my sides and patted once through the fabric of my coveralls. I felt something odd, something oddly like feminine hips. I patted again, this time at my stomach level and I felt a body beneath the fabric that was decidedly not mine. I reached up and patted my chest, and didn’t feel a hint of my pecs, instead I felt something much squishier and feminine.

  With my breath caught in my chest I rushed over to the wash up station and stared at myself in the mirror. Jen was staring back at me.

  I blinked my right eye, she blinked in the reflection.

  My mouth dropped open in disbelief, and so did hers.

  “What the hell?” I whispered, and heard her soft voice speak those words.

  I felt dizzy, felt it hard to keep up with all of this. My hands gripped the sink and I stared at the reflection, stared at Jen moving as I moved my body.

  This couldn’t be happening? This couldn’t be real? I couldn’t be-

  I heard a stirring behind me and my head swivelled to look. My old body was groaning, struggling to fix itself. It pushed itself to a sitting position and blearily looked up at me.

  Immediately I saw my eyes go wide and realized the truth.

  Jen and I had switched bodies! />
  “What the hell?” I heard my deep voice whisper, then everything seemed to hit her all at once and Jen jumped to her feet and backed up, “What the hell?!”

  “Wait,” I said, turning to look at her with my hands out like I was trying to calm a rabid animal, “Take deep breaths. You can’t freak out.”

  “Why can’t I freak out?” she cried, her voice getting louder, “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Nick,” I hissed, “I don’t know what happened either but look.”

  I gestured to the mirror and stepped to one side. Jen cautiously circled around me, keeping her distance from me and then turning to look in the mirror.

  She gave a little start when she saw my body staring back at her and briefly did the same things I did, moving a hand or testing a body part and watching the reflection make the same moves.

  “Oh my god!” she shouted.

  “Be quiet!” I hissed loudly in reply.

  I heard footsteps coming down the hall, heavy footsteps and I turned to look while Jen just kept looking at herself in the mirror.

  The door opened brusquely and standing in the doorway was my boss Adam, the owner of the shop. He had a look on his face, like he was unimpressed and really had better things to be doing. He always looked like he had better things to be doing.

  “What’s going on in here?” he asked, his voice curt and gruff, “Why is there water all over the hallway out here?”

  He looked from me to Jen and then back to me. Jen was just now finishing staring at herself in the mirror and looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

  Adam's eyes narrowed as he looked at Jen, then he turned to me and with a soft voice asked, “Is everything okay here?”

  His words were direct and laced with intention. It was clear the meaning behind them. He was implying that I had done something wrong, Nick me that is… the guy me...

  Just like him to always look to blame anyone but the girl.

  “Everything is fine,” I heard my voice from behind me reassure him.

  His eyes darted to my old body and then back to hers.

  I just nodded, trying to keep a neutral expression on my face.


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