Trick or Orc

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Trick or Orc Page 7

by S. J. Sanders

  “I know that this is probably not welcome, but seeing how your mate is still away… would you care to walk around and take a look at the village decorations with me… and perhaps a walkthrough of the carnival?”

  I spin around, my heart fluttering. He had plans… for me? And then confusion sets in. I frown over at him.

  “My mate? Garval, I don’t have a mate.”

  Back stiffening, his hands lower to the table in front of him and he clenches his fists clench on its surface as if reining himself in. He doesn’t move at all for a long moment as if he is carved from stone. His sides heave with a sharply in drawn breath, and he turns to meet my eyes, his expression tight.

  “You are saying you don’t have a mate?” He speaks quietly, every word drawn out with a harsh intent that is so unlike the charming and charismatic male I’ve begun to get to know. He shakes his head. “Impossible. Bodi said you did, just last harvest festival. He warned me away.”

  My mouth drops open despite the warm pleasure that tingles through me. Even back then when I was mammoth-sized while carrying Matty, he had wanted me.

  Garval scrutinizes my shocked expression and without warning snarls. “I’m going to kill him!”

  “Wait, hold on a sec. He didn’t lie or anything. At that time, I was,” I hasten to correct before he actually gives any serious consideration to beating the hell out of his brother. “But Jason left. I’ve been alone with the kids for over a year since.”

  He narrows his eyes on me thoughtful. His expression is closed, so I’m uncertain as to what may be going through his mind, but I jump a little when a low growl rumbles from him. I’m definitely not prepared at all when he takes several steps forward and sweeps me up into his arms. A gasped shriek escapes me as I’m dragged against an enormous wall of masculine muscle as my bottom is propped on the table I just cleaned behind me.

  I open my mouth, not entirely sure what I want to say, but his lips are on mine, hot and heavy, the pressure of his tusks brushing against my cheeks. He teases my lips with his until they part before slipping his tongue inside. I moan at the taste of him. He tastes sweet like chocolate, masculine heat and the sweet spices from the treats he’s been sampling as he works. I suck at his tongue, eager for more. He happily gives it, kissing me deeply until we are both gasping for breath as our tongues tangle and part.

  Garval grinds close to my body, the massive bar of his cock imprinting against my belly. I hadn’t even been aware of spreading my legs so that he could step in between them. That prick, though, is damn hard to miss. I gasp against his mouth, wet heat soaking through my panties, and he groans again, dragging his lips from mine.

  Gasping for breath, he leans forward, his chest brushing against mine, one of his hands cupping my jaw as the other is braced beside my hip, supporting his weight. Deep brown gold-flecked eyes meet mine, the pupils overblown with passion.

  He licks his lips, enticing me to kiss them again.

  “I intend to have you then, Kassie,” he growls, his gaze heating with his intent. “Stop me now if this is not something that you want.”

  “Gods, yes,” I mumble, leaning forward to catch his mouth again.

  To my surprise he shifts away and grunts. “Good. But it won’t be like this. I don’t want some temporary fulfillment of our lust. I want more, so I’ll be courting you properly.”

  He steps back, righting my shirt in the process before lifting me off the table to set me on my feet again.

  I stare back at him in shock, at a complete loss for what to do. I’m confused. He says he wants me, but he refuses to have sex with me. What kind of mixed signal is that?

  Maybe I’m missing something here.

  “I’m sorry, but what?” I ask, my brow knitting. “Is this some kind of game? Get the human good and worked up, act like you’re interested, and then… drop her?”

  The smile he turns on me is wide, heated, full of promise and a great deal more. There is such intensity to it that it is practically melting me right where I stand. He brushes his mouth over mine in the barest of touches.

  “I’ve no intention of dropping you, Kassie,” he whispers against my lips. “When I play, it is not casual games, but for keeps. So I will be courting you as you deserve. First with the tour through the carnival if you accept.”

  Mutely, I nod, but like a skipped track on a record, everything comes to a screeching halt.

  “Wait, I can’t. There’s Matty, and then I have to be there when Nora and Chris get home.”

  His warm chuckle stirs my blood, making me ache for him and damning whatever chivalry has gotten into him. He draws back further, his eyes sparkling down at me.

  “It’s already arranged. I told Lynn that you needed a break to see the sights, and she agreed to keep the kids so you can have a night to yourself.” His face screws up in a thoughtful expression. “Come to think of it, she was mighty pleased with it.” He shook his head, casting me an amused glance. “I fear that she took my intentions much further than I meant at the time.”

  I lick my lips. “And what of now? What are your intentions for tonight now?”

  His smile widens again, looking a bit cavalier. “We will have to see.” He steps away and gives me a light swat that sends a delightful sting across my ass cheek. “Get yourself together and let’s finish up so we can enjoy our night.”

  I nod again and return to my work, my mind spinning. This sweet orc is showing a side to him I never would have expected, and this complexity and contrast in his nature of sweet and spice stirs me to the core.

  He’s like a ginger snap that I want another taste of, and I just can’t wait.

  Chapter 11


  I’m still reeling as I lock up the shop behind us. Kassie is available… and, as far as I’m concerned, very mine. My cock surges at the reminder, eager to fulfill my claim. It is only the fact that I want to woo her and claim her heart completely that slowed me down and gave me some space for my brain to kick in. Truthfully, it was a miracle that I had been able to. As I kissed her, everything within me demanded that I sweep aside all of the mixing bowls and containers and make her mine right there on the counter.

  That would hardly be fitting for a treasured mate. Well, not for my mate. I’ve known a few males who have taken their females for the first time in situations I personally find unsavory, but to each their own.

  In my opinion, a post-battle or post-training fuck is more something that one does once the relationship is established, and a couple can enjoy it as a bit of added spice. The first time is different. It should be special. I’m determined to make it memorable for Kassie. After that, if she wants to screw around in the kitchen after closing, I’ll be more than happy to oblige.

  Excited, I immediately begin to steer my mate toward the village center, her small hand fitted perfectly within my larger one. I’m so ridiculously excited that I feel like I’m a juvenile orcling who is just learning the sweet mysteries of the fairer sex again. I want to enjoy every minute of the time I now have with my female. I assume the feeling is mutual with the way she’s been blushing and smiling while we closed the shop, so I’m naturally surprised when she draws back with a reluctant expression.

  I stare down at her, my brow dipping in confusion. She responds with a sheepish smile.

  “Not that I’m not eager to get started on this date, but do you think we have time for me to go home first and change?” Kassie asks as she tries dust off the plain tunic she wears under her apron during the day.

  Of course she would want to change after sweating in a kitchen all day. I have little doubt that I too could use a change of clothing before engaging in further intimacy with my female. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t consider it. I also need to feed Korf so that the delfass doesn’t take to trying to eat any of the chickens. The silly birds still have plenty of seeds out so I’m not too worried about them outside of curbing my companion’s appetite.

  I nod, my own lips twitching ruefully. “Yes. I’l
l do likewise and meet you at your cottage in about an hour if that’s acceptable?”

  Her expression turns to one of relief. “That would be wonderful. It would really be nice to get cleaned up a bit before we get started.” Her lips twist into a grin. “I would really love a bath since I have that cottage to myself, but that can wait until later. Heating up water takes a crazy amount of time.”

  My cock thickens, the shaft heavy where it strains against my breeches as I imagine her in the bath. Water kissing her skin and running off her body with her every movement. I can even picture that drowsy contentment and seductive pleasure on her face as the exposed parts of her body gleam from the steam. I’m so caught up in the fantasy that I have to remind myself to keep walking and to pay attention to where I’m going because the temptation to just stand there in the middle of the road and fantasize is too great.

  “I have bath oils, salts and herbs,” I offer.

  The words come out of nowhere, and my mortification rises instantly. I had spoken as if she had invited me to bathe with her.

  “That is, you’re welcome to share them. I mean, if you want some, I’ll be happy to bring some to you,” I add, trying to salvage the situation.

  Surprisingly, she doesn’t balk. Instead, a curious look fills her eyes as she regards me. A secretive smile curls the corners of her mouth, and my lust surges uncomfortably to the forefront. She must have some witch blood in her with the way she has me so beguiled. I’m certain of it.

  “That’s good to know,” she murmurs, her cheeks a rosy pink. It is so different than the boldness of a female orc, or even the human from earlier, that I find myself charmed. I want to gather her up against me and draw more from her than the shy appreciation in her gaze. “I might have to ask you to bring some over later,” she adds in a husky whisper that makes my blood plunge in a hot arc down to my prick.

  A shiver of blatant desire runs up my spine, and it’s all I can do to not just throw her over my shoulder like my father would have done, skipping the date altogether to go straight to the bath. It is only with considerable willpower that I part ways with her soon after and continue on to my own home.

  With the midafternoon sun pouring in through my windows, I don’t bother lighting the hearth or any candles despite the chill. That would take too much time, and I’m eager to return to Kassie. I don’t even heat the water that I pump out in the kitchen sink. The village’s well water is icy, but I ignore the discomfort to give myself the world’s quickest and coldest bath in existence.

  Only when I’m clean and in fresh clothing, my wet hair combed and slicked back once more into its customary knot, do I head out the door, stopping to throw a large meaty leg bone out to Korf. The delfass purrs, rubbing his massive body up against me as I give him a few good scratches and pats along his wide back and all the itchy spots on his brow until he drags his supper back to his den. Assured that he’ll behave, I make a beeline for Kassie’s cottage.

  After the first several steps, my step slows, and I look around myself worriedly. Should I stop to purchase something such as flowers or some small courting gift? I curse my eagerness that I didn’t think of this before. I am woefully ignorant about human courtship, without any examples outside of the disaster that was Bodi’s courtship. Orgath, the first among us to mate with a human, did all of his wooing in the privacy of his home, so that—while sounding like a damned fine idea—was of little help.

  I consider sneaking into a garden to liberate a few late season flowers, but I nip that idea in the bud. Orcs are territorial enough that it extends to our homes and gardens. I would rather not risk an attack from offended male or female when I’m otherwise ready for my date with Kassie.

  I’m still mulling over my options when I notice a strange shadow across the street. My eyes immediately lock onto it, my vision sharpening as I track it. Three juvenile orcs, one with the barest hint of stubble on his chin, duck between cottages, heading in the direction of the carnival. I have little doubt that they are up to no good, given the mischievous grins they exchange as they dart behind a corner to avoid detection from the street.

  I snort, unconcerned with whatever foolishness they are willing to risk their necks for, until I note that it is actually two orcs and one human male. Chris is wedged between them, his brown curls standing out next to the coarse dark hair of his friends.

  I growl with frustration, because this is not a delay I need, but I can’t, in good conscience, allow them to go any further before I wrangle that male in.

  Sighing to myself, I walk quietly over, keeping to the shadows as I stalk my prey. I smile, keeping every step light enough to not be heard. This will be a good lesson for all of them. My amusement, however, soon fades when I get close enough to see that they have a basket full of potion bombs and can hear them whispering amongst themselves.

  “Look at them,” one hisses, clearly the ringleader. I recognize Avari immediately. He is the son of one of the keep guards. “Humans swarming all over our village, coming to get a bit of a thrill by getting up close and personal with orcs, thinking they are better than us. That we aren’t good for anything except entertaining them. That’s okay, though. I think we can give them something to remember their visit by.”

  The male is not entirely wrong, but I do not like the viciousness behind his prank. The other orc with him, however, chuckles with delight. I squint a bit and make out Davith, another guard’s son. Their fathers will be delighted to know what their younglings were up to, and both males are creative with punishments doled out to the males training under them. I do not envy Avari and Davith for what will come later. At least one among them has some sort of conscience. From where I’m standing, I see Chris frown at him.

  “Dude, I’m human and I’m living here. Does that mean you have a problem with that too?”

  Avari gives him a sharp grin, ruffling Chris’s hair with one hand in a manner that makes me swallow my instinctive growl. I don’t like seeing the male treating him as if he were some sort of pet. I make a note to track down that male and have a private discussion with him later. I have his scent, so it won’t be any great obstacle.

  “Don’t worry,” the male laughs. “You are safe. You actually try to fit in, not just walk around as an observer. We like you.”

  “Yeah, your mom looks like the type who will stick around with whatever orc dick she gets,” Davith says, laughing.

  I stare at his neck, longing to throttle him.

  “Dude, gross. Let’s not talk about my mom like that, okay?” He gives a visible shudder, and then another wary look toward the potion bombs. Chris is smart enough to be skeptical as I creep even closer to apprehend them. He nods to the basket. “Will those potions hurt them any?” he asks cautiously.

  Avari snorts. “Nah, it’ll just scare the piss out of them and give us a good laugh. A couple are hallucinogenic and will make them see whatever frightening things that lurk in their minds. Nothing really bad.”

  “We have to do something,” Davith says. “We are warriors. It is up to us to protect the honor of our village.”

  I roll my eyes at the orcling’s statement. Warriors my left foot. Regardless of their intent, this all sounds bad enough to me. Our village is just beginning to show signs of prosperity with the human tourism coming in, bringing in the gold, silver, and copper coins they exchanged their human currency for before crossing the portal. Chieftain Orgath encourages tourism, and Sammi, his mate, is often at the center of new ways to bring in revenue. I’m not going to let these males disrupt all of the work our village has undertaken.

  I’m soon just a few steps behind them, shaking my head at how utterly unaware of my presence they are. If they so much as bothered to scent the air, they would have probably caught something despite my position. This is pitifully easy.

  With a snarl, I rush forward, my large hand clamping on both of the orclings’ necks, my grip firm. They squeal like piglets, and that primal sound of fear coming from a juvenile who has not yet developed
an adult’s bellow shatters the pretense of being clan warriors. I give them both a shake, hoping to knock some sense into their brains. Chris has stumbled to his feet and stares at me in mute alarm.

  “What do you think you three are doing?” I growl with another small shake. “Potion bombing tourists and insulting the decision of our clan chief… is that your plan?” I cast a sharp look at Chris. “And you, I figured you would have enough sense to stay away from dunderheads like these two. They are bound to do nothing more than get you in trouble,” I snap.

  At least he has the decency to blush and drop his head with genuine shame, unlike the squealing and snarling males still held in place by my hands at either side of me.

  “Let go!” Avari snarls, his hands slapping back toward my wrist in a vain attempt to claw me. “My father will have your head for this, baker,” he sneers.

  I give him a chilling smile. “Is that a fact? Then it is a good thing that we are so near the keep. I have plans for this evening that I do not appreciate you delaying, so I will be sure to drop you with your fathers immediately. Now don’t even think of dropping that basket unless you wish to add to the severity of your punishment,” I warn.

  I level a hard look at Chris as I begin hauling the males toward the keep. “You’d better be getting yourself to Lynn’s cottage if you know what’s best for you,” I warn. “It isn’t smart to betray the trust your mother’s giving you while she enjoys an evening out. She deserves to be able to enjoy a night to herself.”

  Shame-faced, Chris jerks his head in a nod, his gaze slanting apologetically toward the juveniles under my claws. He doesn’t need to apologize to them, and I decide to speak to him more on this later. He needs to know that the other males in the clan will respect him more if he carves out his own path with his integrity rather than following these two miscreants around. I understand wanting to belong, but this pair is nothing but trouble. I don’t want to see them dragging Chris into their schemes.


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