MAFIA: Dark Romance Collection

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MAFIA: Dark Romance Collection Page 4

by Silver, Kiera

  He lifted a shoulder. “We’ll see.” His intent became clear when he slid down her body to pull her legs apart. Mia whimpered and tried to kick free, but he pressed her thighs to the bed with what seemed like no effort at all. When he lowered his head, she braced herself for the worst thing he’d done to her that night.

  Chapter Three

  He kept her legs pinned to the bed with his upper body and one arm, but the other dipped inside her folds to stroke and explore, breaching her barriers as an advanced guard for his invading mouth. The pleasure assaulted her, making her squeeze her thighs to try to block his touch.

  She wanted to beg him to stop, but she wouldn’t give him the pleasure of hearing it.

  Mia turned her head as the bed shifted, squeezing her eyes shut. When he breathed against her mound she couldn’t stop her own breath from quickening. Clenching her hands into fists, she held herself taut as two of his fingers parted her lips, and his tongue touched her folds a moment later.

  She jumped at the shock of the contact. It was more intense than she had expected, and the gentle way he licked her had her fighting twice as hard not to relax. If she loosened her resisting muscles, she might end up having an orgasm. The shame would be unbearable.

  Shane seemed to be in no hurry as he explored her. Each slow, careful stroke made her tremble. Mia dug her nails into her palms and used all her anger to keep her muscles locked. The taste of copper filled her mouth when she bit down on her tongue to keep from moaning as he circled her clitoris, focusing on the bundle of nerves that sent sharp sparks of electricity through her with every touch.

  It felt so good that it was horrible. Mia didn’t know how she could hold out against him. Her first experience with a man tasting her was proving to be a lot harder to fight than she had expected. She couldn’t keep her stomach from tightening and her thighs twitching when he sucked gently on the sensitive nub.

  He concentrated solely on pleasing her with his mouth, apparently keeping with his intention to “pamper” her after he stole her virginity. Knowing the kind of man touching her didn’t keep the touch from feeling good. Hating him with every scrap of her being, she glared at his head between her thighs. Mia had to bite her tongue again at the unexpected way the sight aroused her.

  Her muscles were relaxing, and Mia knew she was losing the battle to keep from coming. Shane seemed to sense it too, because he started licking her faster. The heat in her belly moved lower, and she was almost on the edge of surrendering when she froze. His finger pressed lightly against her anus, and the violation was like ice water.

  Mia panicked. She started thrashing and kicking him, adrenaline and his distraction aiding her in freeing her trapped legs from his body. His grunt and cursing didn’t dissuade her, and she couldn’t make herself stop fighting him as he leaned over her, trying to pin her legs to the bed with his body. “No. Get off me. You’re not doing that to me. Never again.”

  He loomed so close his face was suddenly all she could see. Mia gasped when he squeezed her throat with one of his hands. She could still breathe, but the reduction of oxygen helped bring clarity for some reason. Stilling beneath him, she looked at him with wide, fearful eyes, awaiting his reaction. Blood poured from his nose, and she got a dark thrill of savage delight to know she had injured him. She was sure to pay for it, of course.

  Her juices still gleamed on his face, making her stomach turn, and she looked away from the sight of his blood mingling with proof of her arousal. “Just kill me,” she rasped.

  His grip tightened reflexively before loosening. “That wouldn’t please either of us, Mia.”

  To her surprise, he reached up to undo her hands.

  “You need some rest.” He rolled off the bed and stood up.

  Mia was ashamed that she couldn’t look away from his taut, toned body as he padded naked back to the bathroom. For a second, she stared at the opened door before realizing she was stark naked too. Diving under the blanket offered a false measure of security, and she was much calmer by the time he reentered the sleeping area, once more dressed in black slacks and the purple button-down.

  “Good night, Mia.”

  She just glared at him, refusing to offer niceties or use manners.

  Shane grinned, clearly delighted. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” His expression darkened slightly. “Maybe you’ll be more cooperative by then.”

  “And maybe pigs will fly out your ass.”

  With a sigh that sounded full of annoyance he shook his head and left her room. Mia lay there for a couple of moments before gathering the courage to slide from the bed.

  She knew the door would be locked, but she had to try it anyway. Mia grabbed the blanket to wrap around her before padding over to check. Even expecting it not to turn, she still cursed and slammed her hand against the wood.

  “Behave,” barked Bruno from the other side.

  Fuck, a lock and her own personal goon detail? He must really want to keep her around for a while.

  Remembering how hard it had been to keep from coming, Mia began to shake. What was she going to do? Physically, she was no match for Shane. She hadn’t been able to keep him from taking her.

  And when it came down to it, hadn’t wanted to keep him from taking her.

  Squirming with shame, she acknowledged she couldn’t fight herself either. She had almost lost the battle not to orgasm in the shower and had been too close to coming on his face until he touched her backside. If that hadn’t brought back a rush of hated memories, she would have surrendered to the climax he’d been determined to give her.

  Still, she wasn’t going to just give in and do whatever he wanted. Even if her efforts proved futile, she would still fight him—and herself—every step of the way. It was the only thing she could do and maintain a scrap of self-esteem. Surely, when he realized she wasn’t going to yield easily, he would be done with her and let her go.

  Her heart lodged in her throat as she considered the odds of that really happening. Was he ever going to let her go? Mia didn’t think she’d be the object of his obsession for the rest of his life, but maybe hers. After all, he was a man used to making people disappear. He wouldn’t hesitate to dispose of her when he was finished satisfying his dark lust. The only escape from this nightmare was to find a way out for herself.

  * * *

  She was surprised to find a note on the nightstand inviting her to brunch in the solarium at eleven a.m. A glance at the clock told her it was a little past ten. Her head was still fuzzy from lack of sleep, since she had tossed and turned fitfully despite the physical exhaustion she’d felt after working a busy shift, combined with the toll her altercations with Shane had taken.

  Mia started to roll over and go back to sleep, but her eyes popped open when it hit her that if she didn’t join him, he would probably come back here. She didn’t want him anywhere near her while she was in a bed. He could violate her wherever they happened to be, but there was no reason to make it easier on him.

  With a reluctant groan, she lifted her head from the soft pillow and slid out from under the down comforter. There was a faint chill in the March morning that was particularly noticeable through the hardwood flooring under her feet. Shivering, she hurried into the bathroom, going immediately to the large tub to start filling it. No way was she ready to face that shower stall again after what had happened in there last night.

  As she waited for the bath to fill, Mia examined herself in the mirror. Scratches and bruises were scattered across her body, but she didn’t look as bad as she had expected. Her face was the worst of it, bearing a large purple bruise under her left eye that extended most of the way down her cheek. She didn’t even remember hitting her face. She must have collided with the shower wall when he’d tossed her inside in his annoyance and not even noticed the pain at the time with the rush of adrenaline flooding her.

  She discovered an ache between her legs when she slid into the hot water, followed by a sting, but it soon dissipated. A flick of the switch on the
panel started the bubbles, and she leaned back into them, enjoying the soothing sensation.

  Her mind tried to conjure images of the previous night, but Mia ruthlessly quashed each picture as it bloomed in her mind. She didn’t want to remember what had happened or dwell on how she had almost betrayed herself by succumbing. Her time would be better spent figuring out an escape plan. Right now, she was too drained to focus on that concept either, so she let her mind drift.

  Finally, when she was as relaxed as she could be in the situation, Mia stepped out of the tub, turned off the jets, and opened the drain. The towels were as fluffy as she remembered, and it only hurt a couple of spots to dry. She was still tender from his possession, but she could move around freely.

  Mia brushed her hair, planning to leave it down, but paused in the act of smoothing the dark strands over her cheeks. Why should she hide what he had done to her? He was the one who should feel shame. Defiantly, she gathered the locks and smoothed them into a ponytail, secured with a simple black hair elastic she found in an unopened package in the drawer.

  In the bedroom, she took the most comfortable underwear she could find—meaning the least sexy too—and shimmied into them before exploring her clothing options. The dresser was full of filmy, feminine things she didn’t have the nerve to parade around in, especially in the middle of the day with who knew how many thugs in the house.

  Last night, she had skipped searching the closet, and she rectified her mistake. There were several outfits in there, and she breathed a small sigh of relief. At least he didn’t plan to keep her completely confined to this suite and wearing only the bare minimum.

  She chose a pair of skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, though part of her wanted to opt for the yellow sundress, because it would display the bruises on her upper arms and the long scratch down the inside of her thigh. Mia wanted to rub those in his face, but she decided going for modest clothes was still safer. Besides, was he likely to be bothered by what he had done to her? Doubtful. To Shane O’Mara, she was simply a toy to use. He wouldn’t care about collateral damage to her person, as long as she could still fulfill the designated role.

  Feeling sick with apprehension, and a strong dose of anger, Mia marched to the door, mildly surprised to find it unlocked despite the invitation. She stepped warily into the hall, finding it deserted. Mouth dry, she veered toward the stairs and took them two at a time in her haste. A small, foolish part of her hoped she could somehow make it out the front door. Then all she had to do was some lightning-ninja shit to jump over the daunting fence and run how-many-ever miles back to civilization. Yeah, no problem.

  First things first. Get out of the house and figure out the rest from there.

  That notion was dashed by the appearance of Wallace at the first-floor landing. He seemed to have been waiting for her and fell into step beside her. “Good morning, miss. The boss asked me to show you to the solarium.”

  “Yay.” She walked beside the goon in a facsimile of cooperation so he wouldn’t manhandle her into going with him.

  He led her away from the front door, of course, and down a long hallway. After what seemed like a ten-mile hike, they entered a glass-enclosed room. Mia had to catch her breath, surprised by the loveliness of the lush greenery. The sun seemed to stream brightly into the room, though it was an overcast day. She didn’t know if it was a treatment of the glass or discreet lighting.

  The room was also warm, and with all the plants, it reminded her of the garden on the roof of her father’s building. Stefania had tended it lovingly until Vadim destroyed it in a fit of rage for perceived disrespect. Her stepmother had never tried to replant, and the woman herself had started to fade gradually at that point.

  Shane sat at a wrought iron table, but got to his feet as she approached. He nodded to Wallace, who disappeared without a word, as he came toward her. “Good morning, Mia.”

  She glared at him. Did he really think she was going to sit around making pleasant conversation with the man who had kidnapped and debased her?

  Her angry gaze raked his face, and she swallowed slightly when she saw the bruise on his cheekbone. His nose also looked a bit swollen. She had left her mark on him, and she didn’t know if she was sickened or delighted by that. He had conquered her, but it hadn’t been an easy victory. Neither would his next attempt, or any thereafter.

  “You look pissed off.”

  She blinked, surprised by his words almost as much as the charming smile accompanying them. Her stomach did a slow flip, and she cursed that she could find anything attractive about the mafia man in front of her. “You look a bit rough.” She grinned sweetly at him as she deliberately touched her right cheek before flicking her finger in his direction.

  “Aw, how sweet of you to notice.” He cupped her sore cheek, rubbing lightly across the swollen space. “What happened here?”

  Mia hissed slightly when he pressed against it hard enough to make her feel a little pain. Gritting her teeth, she continued to glare at him, refusing to ask him to stop or show any signs of discomfort. She shrugged. “I think it’s from when you threw me against the shower.”

  “I didn’t intend to toss you around, and if I caused this, I’m sorry.” Regret flickered in his gaze, and he dropped his hand from her face. In the same motion, he lifted one of hers and tugged her reluctant body toward the table. “Eat. You must be starving.”

  Mia wanted to deny her hunger. After the things she had been through, she should be too depressed to eat. The Eggs Benedict and fresh fruit were too tempting though, and she knew she enjoyed food too much to even attempt a hunger strike. What purpose would it serve anyway? He wouldn’t capitulate, and it would just leave her too weak to escape when the opportunity presented itself. And there would be an opportunity. She just had to remain alert.

  Seated across from him as they ate was disconcertingly normal. As she chewed, she watched his every move, waiting for him to strike out or grab her.

  He sighed halfway through, placing his fork on the plate. Shane’s sea foam eyes captured her blue gaze as he looked at her intently. “I’m not going to fuck you on the solarium table. Relax and eat.”

  “You wouldn’t fuck me anywhere. Fucking implies a level of consent missing from our encounter.” She swallowed the bite of watermelon though it seemed the size of a boulder, determined not to reveal the fear behind her angry reminder.

  He scowled. “I don’t want to hurt you, Mia, but I will have what I want.”

  She curled her lip, touching her cheek. “Never mind what it costs, huh?”

  Shane mirrored her motion, touching his own bruise. “You didn’t play nicely either, baby.”

  Mia rolled her eyes. “Why would I? I don’t want to be here. I don’t want you.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “You’ll change your mind.”

  Stunned, she blinked, literally speechless for a moment. “And you’re out of yours. I don’t want to be your sex slave. I want to go home. My cat needs me, and his needs are far more important than yours.”

  Shane didn’t bother to reply as he drained his orange juice. Instead, he glanced at his watch. “I have to go into the city for a while.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “May I go too?”

  He laughed heartily, clearly amused at her expense. “Now who’s out of their mind? It will be a long time, if ever, that I trust you enough to let you leave the grounds.”

  She resisted the urge to sulk. “What am I allowed to do then, oh great master?”

  “That’s a start.” He laughed again at the glare she gave him. “You can do anything you want in the house. The stables are also open to you. Keep in mind the house is monitored electronically, as are the grounds. Someone is always watching you.”

  She shivered at that thought. “Is my room on the system too?”

  He nodded. “I’ve asked the security guys to shut off that feed. Unless you prove yourself completely untrustworthy, you’re entitled to a little privacy.”

  “So generous.” She sneered
. “Well, don’t let me keep you. You must have people to murder and guns to distribute.”

  He put aside his napkin and got to his feet. “Don’t forget I need to feed the last sex slave to the pigs.” His grin indicated he was joking, but his eyes were dark with a trace of warning.

  Mia stilled as he walked to her side, bending down to brush his lips across her unmarked cheek. “Be a good girl, Mia,” he whispered into her ear. “This doesn’t have to be unpleasant business for either of us.”

  She turned slightly to meet his gaze. “You set the parameters when you kidnapped me and stole my virginity. Don’t expect me to be happy or cooperative.” He sighed a second before his mouth claimed hers in a deep kiss. Mia tried to keep herself from responding, but the persistent stroking of his tongue and gentle way his lips molded hers made it difficult. As soon as her mouth softened, he broke contact.

  Their foreheads touched for a second. “You will be happy tonight, Mia. You’re going to come for me, no matter how much you try to fight me.” A small smile quirked his lips upward. “And yourself.”

  She wanted to deny his words, but settled for clamping her lips together and glaring at him until he stood up and walked away. To her mortification, she was sure he was right. Shane knew enough about a woman to eventually get the response he wanted. It wasn’t just his skills though. She had to contend with her own unwanted physical attraction to the man. If he hadn’t been trying to dominate her last night to prove a pint, she might have ended up an enthusiastic participant.

  The thought turned her stomach, and she shoved away the remains of her breakfast. The realization was appalling, but she’d rather be honest with herself than pretend there was no attraction, and he had no power over her. Forcing herself to remain oblivious would only make the situation harder for her when the truth blindsided her. Better to know and acknowledge it now, so she could try to formulate a plan to counter his control over her.

  That didn’t mean she was going to let him wield that power with impunity. If he expected her to be a simpering miss that eagerly graced his bed, he really was out of his mind. Mia would not stop fighting him, even if she lost every single time.


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