Fallen (Dark God Saga)

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Fallen (Dark God Saga) Page 8

by Dubrinsky, Violette; Flowers, Renee

  “Come for me, Simone,” he murmured in his sinful voice as his tongue licked around her nipple.

  She screamed, jerking as ripple after ripple rushed through her.

  Tightening his hold on her hips, Thanatos slammed harder into her body, feeling the need to come, to release inside of her.

  A low groan tore from him and he fell onto her, his seed shooting from his body into hers. He probably shouldn’t have come inside her, especially with her being a virgin and probably not on any form of birth control, but Thanatos didn’t care. In fact, the thought of Simone swelling with his child—children—didn’t terrify him as it should.

  Sated, he rolled over and took her with him. She shivered, and Thanatos recognized that there was a little chill on the air.

  Out of habit, he waved a hand with the expectation of that the covers who cocoon them. Then remembered he was human. Had been human for close to a century, and would probably remain that way for much longer. Opening his eyes, he was about to reach for covers when he recognized Simone’s fluffy pink and green comforter was over them.

  What in the name of the Gods—?

  He tested it again, this time turning off the light. His powers were back—not completely, but they were returning. He could feel them pulsing under his skin in lethargic waves as if awakening from a long slumber. Death lifted its sluggish head, but was there. Alive.

  Thanatos froze. Why? Because he’d taken a virgin? Was that how Hera’s curse was to be broken?

  He didn’t have to wait long to find out because only seconds later the fuming goddess herself appeared.

  Chapter Six

  “What have you done?”

  Simone jumped from the light slumber into which she’d fallen, looked around wide-eyed and pulled the comforter up to her chin.

  What the heck—? There was an extremely angry lady standing over the bed, glaring at both her and Thanatos. What the hell was the woman doing in her apartment? And then she recognized something. The woman was dressed like the angry blond from the Monster’s Ball, in a flowing white gown with a thin golden belt, who’d looked close to killing Thanatos. A feeling of foreboding settled in the pit of her stomach. She wasn’t his girlfriend, was she? Had she followed him, wanting to catch him red-handed?

  She certainly looked like the type that would attract someone who looked like Thanatos, with her strawberry blond curls, clear green eyes and smooth porcelain complexion. He’d said no wife or kids, but he hadn’t actually discussed a girlfriend or girlfriends? Was the blond from the Ball his girlfriend as well?

  “YOU!” The livid woman pointed a manicured finger in Thanatos’s direction, and Simone turned to him. He was staring at his confronter with a look that bordered on hatred. Gone was the lover who’d introduced her to carnal pleasures. This man looked like he saw nothing wrong with attacking women, this one in particular.

  “I will have you castrated, only to watch the crows eat at your flesh, and I will see this done daily, for all of eternity.”


  Thanatos had had it. He was done being nice to Olympian goddesses who turned into raging bitches. First Aphrodite, now Hera. It was one thing to accept punishment because he’d “done” something but quite another to be punished for lying with a human, virgin or not.

  Pushing the comforter aside with his powers, he dressed himself and approached her.

  Hera’s head whipped back a fraction, curls bouncing. Thanatos stopped only when he was a fraction of an inch away, and then he snarled in a vicious voice, “I would like to see you try.”


  Simone was caught in a nightmare. She was obviously sleeping. First the woman had appeared out of thin air seemingly, and now Thanatos was doing weird things, moving stuff with his mind. Okay, she was going back to sleep and hopefully when she woke up, all of this would be gone. Well, maybe she’d awake in Thanatos’s arms and the red-head would be gone.

  “How dare you?” Hera screeched, and Simone watched in horror as a ball of fire sprung from between her palms and launched at Thanatos. She screamed out a warning, but he’d already moved. Disappeared. Right. And then he was at Hera’s back, launching his very own ball, this one black and smoke-like. He’d sent it in her direction when another man appeared—out of nowhere of course—and deflected the ball. Well, more like he released his own ball, this one bigger, and infused with lightening and the black, smoky ball vanished into the air.

  Okkaay. Now was the time for someone to pinch her. Hard. Simone yanked at a fleshy part of her arm, and grimaced. It hurt.

  What the hell was going on?


  “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, THANATOS?” Zeus roared, his anger palpable from the bulging veins at his neck, the dangerous glitter in his eyes, the way the entire room seemed overcharged, like an electrical circuit was about to explode.

  Thanatos barely coiled his temper. His powers were flowing through him once more, the electrical currents rushing over him like powerful waves, and the need to use them was great. “Hera attacked without cause, Zeus. I was protecting myself.”

  Oh great, Simone thought, shaking her head. Zeus was the tall, handsome blond with the lightening colored ball, and Hera was the red-haired, flame thrower. And they were in her bedroom. And Thanatos was probably something just like them. Wonderful. She’d just lost her ever-loving mind.

  Zeus spun on Hera and said one, clipped word: “Explain.”

  “He’s taken the most sacred of my handmaidens!” Hera said in an accusatory voice. She turned to look at Simone, and Simone could have sworn that she saw regret in those eyes.

  “She lies! Simone is not a handmaiden, and she certainly is not yours!” Thanatos couldn’t believe her nerve. To lie about something like this, involving the very human Simone Randall! His human Simone Randall.

  “Be silent, Thanatos! You have offended me not once, but twice. It is taking more than you will ever know not to kill you where you stand.”

  “The feeling is mutual, Hera.”

  He felt the familiar hum in his body, the one that came when Death reared its head and singled out its prey. Hera’s soul was strong, beating in thudding waves around her body. It would put up a strong fight before leaving its mistress’s body. Taking a soul from a living body was more difficult than retrieving it from a prone form. Death hadn’t collected in that way in centuries, and was eager to practice his skill.

  “I WILL NOT WARN YOU AGAIN, THANATOS!” Zeus roared, pointing a finger toward him. His eyes had gone from a normal human blue to a blue infused with darts of lightening. He turned to his wife, and his stare was no less hostile.

  “Wife.” The word was the equivalent of a curse on his lips. “How is this woman your handmaiden?”


  It was obvious to Simone Zeus had long since lost patience with both his wife and Thanatos. He was glaring, and fuming. It seemed at any moment he might combust, or blow them all to smithereens. At that moment, Hypnos appeared, and he wasn’t alone. A woman with long, ebony jets of hair and grey eyes, wearing a sleek, black dress that came to just above her knees, and a man with hair so blond it almost seemed white and mesmerizing blue eyes, dressed in black as well, appeared behind him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that they were related to Thanatos and Hypnos. Parents, possibly? Even though they looked like siblings. Simone shook her head. Probably other gods. Hell, she wouldn’t be surprised if archangels showed up too. Maybe Gabriel and Lucifer...?

  “I am sorry for your confusion, child,” Hera spoke softly, and Simone was at first confused, and unaware the goddess addressed her until Hera leaned down and cupped her cheek. There was a commotion behind them, and Simone noticed Thanatos struggling against Hypnos and the man who looked like Hypnos, while Zeus crossed his over his chest and glared. The lightening was flashing in the god’s eyes once more. Hera spoke and Simone focused on her. “Your mother was the best handmaiden I could ask for. She cared for me in a way I haven’t experienced since...”

/>   “Handmaiden,” Simone snorted and Hera removed her hand and straightened her back. “My mother wasn’t a handmaiden, whatever that is. She was a nurse.”

  Hera nodded. “Yes, in the human world, she was a nurse. Hyacinth was a handmaiden for hundreds of years, and she served me well, but in the end, she betrayed me. She shifted her allegiance to another, a mortal, and tried to flee with him...”

  Though the story seemed less than plausible, Simone listened. A memory long buried reared its head. Her mother had told her bedtime stories when she was younger, of a perfect and powerful race of people. There had always been some sadness in her eyes as she spoke of them but as a young child, Simone had only been interested in the Disney-like feel of the story. A god with a lightning bolt as a scepter, a beautiful goddess with a long mane of golden hair. There had been so many stories.

  “...I am not one to tolerate betrayal, Simone, so I made her pay for it.”

  Simone felt a chill at Hera’s words. Maybe she didn’t believe the woman—goddess—completely, maybe this was a nightmare, but she still wanted to know. “What did you do?”

  The hand at her cheek fell and Hera straightened. Regret flashed visibly across her face.

  “I killed the mortal, and cursed your mother to live a human life, afflicted with diseases until her dying breath.”

  Her mother had always been ill. Simone could not remember a time when Hyacinth had been completely healthy. Even in remission from one form of cancer, another loomed.

  “The cancer,” Simone murmured softly, shaking her head. This was a dream, a bad, freaking’ dream, but a dream none-the-less. Her mother’s getting cancer had been bad luck, not a curse. She was dreaming...she was ready to wake up.

  She didn’t know she was crying until the slight wind in the room caressed her wet cheeks.

  “I wish you to know that I deeply regret what I did to Hyacinth. Once done, I could not take it back. Your mother was an exceptional creature—.”

  “You’re lying,” Simone murmured softly, looking behind Hera to where Thanatos stood. His stance was angry, but those eyes—those cobalt grey windows—were sympathetic as they gazed on her. Why did he look like that? Why did she care? It was a dream, right?

  “No, Simone, but for your sake, I wish it were. I am not proud of what I’ve done—.”

  “You bitch!” Simone wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “You heartless bitch!”

  Thanatos was already moving, thinking Hera would surely kill Simone for that, but the goddess didn’t. She surprised him by hanging her head. It was the closest he’d ever seen any goddess come to shame.

  “Yes, I was heartless, Simone, and I am sorry. But I’ve always watched over you as she would have wanted. I sent Samantha to care for you when your mother passed, and I made sure you wanted for nothing.”

  “Samantha is my aunt. Of course she took care of me.” But doubt entered her mind. Hyacinth had not mentioned her younger sister until the cancer had become terminal. And even then, she’d seemed reluctant.

  “No, dear one, Samantha is descended of Astrid, and is another of my handmaidens.” Hera snapped her fingers, and Simone watched in horror as Aunt Sammie appeared, dressed in a flowing cream gown, and bowed before Hera.

  “Aunt Sammie?”

  Samantha lifted her dark, curly head and offered her a little smile. Simone had not seen her in almost four years, but Samantha looked the same as she did when she’d met her at sixteen. She’d thought her aunt the most beautiful woman outside of her mother. She still was. Not a blemish or wrinkle in sight. She’d always thought her aunt a god-send. It irritated her how appropriate that seemed now.

  “That will be all, Samantha.”

  The smile faded, and then Samantha bowed her head and disappeared.

  Simone shook her head. No. Sinking down into the bed until she lay curled in a slight ball, she closed her eyes. No. She shook her head again. No. Kept her eyes closed. Go away. Everyone. Go. Away.

  She felt a light brush against her forehead but kept her eyes closed. A nightmare. She was going to wake up soon. It was a nightmare.

  “Simone?” It was Thanatos, and even though it was so hard to keep her eyes closed, to not open them, and cry her heart out to him, he was just like them. Something different. Gods. Killers. It was not real.

  “Go away. Please. Leave me alone. I just want to be left alone...” She chanted it over and over, rolled herself into the bed, and kept her eyes closed. If she kept them closed, they’d all go away.


  Thanatos ached for her. She was like a lost child, moaning in her sleep as she tried to stave off the chill of what had just happened. So, Simone was a handmaiden, and apparently Hera’s ward. He ran a hand over his face. Hera wanted his blood, but he wasn’t going to let her have it without a fight. His family wasn’t having it as well, so the Olympians had a dilemma.

  Simone moaned again, and twisted in the comforter. He saw tears on her cheek, and got under the covers with her. Using the edge of the pillowcase, he wiped her tears away, and pulled her close to him. Using his powers, he projected safety, warmth, and love to her. Her movements stilled, and she clutched at him.

  Thanatos buried his face in her thick mass of hair. How was he going to let her go?


  When Simone awoke, she was very alone. She might have thought it all a dream except for the soreness between her legs, and love bites all over her skin, and the innate knowledge that everything she remembered last night had been true. Thanatos, Hera, Aunt Sammie—everyone! And of course, her mother. Her poor mother. A vivid image of her beautiful mother lying in a coffin, her face serene but not relaxed, brought Simone to her knees. How could one person—goddess or not—be so cruel?

  She took a long shower, resting her head against the smooth tile as she tried to convince herself it was all a dream. She couldn’t.

  By the time she stepped from the bathroom, she was badly wrinkled. She wrapped herself in a robe, placed a large towel onto her head, and sat on the edge of her bed.

  Misty strolled into the room, and bounded up to her, taking up position in her lap. Picking the Persian kitty up, she hugged her close.

  “I miss her so much,” Simone whispered to the purring cat. As if understanding, Misty lifted her face to Simone’s and licked her cheek before burying her soft, furry head in the crook of Simone’s neck.


  “So you’re really going to remain here and mope?”

  Thanatos sent his twin a hostile glare that only encouraged the other god to enter his bedroom.

  From his position on his bed, Thanatos growled, “What do you want?”

  Hypnos did not respond for long moments before he said, “I wanted to let you know that I’m going to Earth, New York in particular.”

  Eyes narrowing, Thanatos waited for him to continue.

  “Why you ask? I’m meeting a friend.”


  “And I can easily check in on your human if you give me permission.”

  He contemplated it before shaking his head once. It was too soon. She didn’t want to see him or any of the gods for that matter so even if his connection with her would allow him to find her anywhere she went, he’d give her that privacy.


  Hypnos’s eyes flashed before he nodded. “Have it your way, then.”

  His brother turned and was heading from his room when Thanatos asked, “Who are you meeting?”

  “A friend.”

  “Succubus?” Thanatos retorted, sharp, grey eyes narrowing.

  An easy smile curved Hypnos’s lips and he replied, “I will return by tomorrow evening.”

  With that he disappeared, leaving Thanatos frowning. Succubae were dangerous creatures. Spawned by Lilith, the lesser goddess who’d gotten on Hera’s bad side, they needed sexual energy to survive. While succubae, like the rest of the creations of gods, posed little threat to gods, there were a community who utilized their powers in ways that made them ma
tches for unsuspecting gods.

  Shaking his head, Thanatos dismissed his concern. His brother was old and powerful enough to know how to fend off an attack from many a creature, succubae included. Hypnos would take care of himself.

  His thoughts returned to Simone and he forced himself to remain in his domain and not flash himself to where she was. Time. He would give her time.

  Chapter Seven

  It was two more days before Simone felt good enough to actually go out. She’d called her boss and told him she was sick, and had been surprised when Johnson had not only been extremely nice about it, but had insisted his personal physician check on her. So that was what happened when you landed the New York Traveler a big story.

  “So, spill. Why the doom and gloom?” Janet asked, tearing off a piece of her roti and mopping it around in the curry. She lifted it to her lips, chewed, and then asked in a Guyanese accent, “Why ya acting like ya na hearin’ me?”

  Simone found her first smile since the whole “god” incident. Janet was born in the US, bred in the US, had probably visited her mother’s home country a sprinkling of times, but get her mad and she acted like she’d just got off a plane from Guyana.

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “Yea, and I’m Oprah.”

  “Now that you mention it—.”

  “Seriously, Sims, what’s wrong? Was the Ball that bad?”

  “No, it wasn’t,” Simone said after a long while. She explained that the Ball was great, and even told Janet that she’d seen Thanatos again. She didn’t mind speaking about him, because she didn’t consider him part of the “bad” anymore. He was just...different. Thanatos had been charming, and gentle, and just perfect...and then he’d left. She’d been terrified, and he’d left.

  “So, did you fuck him?”

  That earned Ms. Potty Mouth a glare, before Simone replied, “I wouldn’t tell you if I did.”

  “Ooh, it was that good, huh?”

  Shaking her head, Simone dipped her spoon into the stewed oxtail and rice, before lifting it to her lips. Although Golden Krust had really good Caribbean food, they couldn’t hold a candle to Janet’s Mom’s cooking. She wondered if Thanatos could cook. Was he one of those macho-guys who didn’t know their way around kitchens, or was he the versatile type, easily adapting to new challenges? She pegged him for the second. And then smiled dreamily, imagining him in an apron.


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