Complicated Love_A Black Light Novel

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Complicated Love_A Black Light Novel Page 31

by Livia Grant

  Chapter One - Black Light: Suspicion by Measha Stone

  Did people get food poisoning from bottled water?

  Sophie Nelson rubbed her stomach as she inched her way through the crush of the crowd. She’d traded in her daily meals for large bottles of water in anticipation of the evening’s events. Knowing nerves would finally show their ugly head at exactly the wrong moment, she wasn’t taking any chances on getting sick because of them.

  Except, her stomach still twisted and turned. Though she was pretty sure she’d be able to hold it together. She had waited too long to finally go for it—no way she was letting a little nervousness get in her way.

  A quarter of D.C. showed up at Black Light for the Valentine Roulette. Or rather it just felt that way with everyone crowding around, waiting for the event to begin.

  She’d joined the club only a month ago, so it seemed like the perfect way to start down this new path of hers. Go to the party, get paired with someone, and fall to her knees in servitude. Of course, she knew it didn’t really happen that way, but a girl could dream.

  Even though she’d become a member, she hadn’t actually set foot in the club until the night of the roulette game. She considered the wasted money a down payment on her future bliss.

  If this worked and she actually met someone.

  She made her way to the bar and ordered another water. A bourbon straight sounded better, but on an empty stomach it was like lighting a match near an open gas line. She’d never make it back to work in the morning.

  “Sophia?” A deep voice, a familiar voice, a spine-tingling familiar voice, called her name from behind her.

  Placing the bottle of water back on the bar, she pushed on a smile and turned around.


  “Scott! Hi.” She forced lightness, while her toes scrunched up in her flats.

  “What are you doing here?” He maneuvered through a small group of women and stopped right in front of her.

  The odds of her new partner showing up at the same BDSM club, at the same event on the same night as her? Shouldn’t it have been an impossibility?

  Her face heated, but with the dark ambiance and the neon lighting, she could find some comfort in that he probably couldn’t see how deep her blush burned.

  “Same as you, probably.” She gripped the end of the bar, pushing the edge into her palm.

  “By yourself?” he asked, surveying behind her.

  “I didn’t think this was really a plus one event.” She tilted her head and bit down on her lower lip.

  He took half a step back and looked her over. The ground could open up any time now to swallow her up. She’d gone with a pair of black leggings, a white tunic, and a thick black belt to accentuate her waist. His stare paused but didn’t linger where she’d left the top two buttons of the low neckline unbuttoned, showcasing cleavage but more importantly the purple lace bralette she’d picked up for the evening.

  “You’re rolling?” he asked with a furrowed brow. He’d shaved. He must have gone after their shift; his beard was trimmed, his hair neater and styled. The sandy blonde hair paired beautifully with his light brown eyes.

  She cleared her throat to pull herself out of her trance. “Yes. Of course… Are you?” What could be more awkward?

  He laughed. “Yeah. What are the odds, huh?” He leaned one elbow against the bar, his casual smile tore right through her.

  After transferring from the second district to the third within the Metropolitan Police Department, she’d been paired with Scott. As a partner, he was efficient, smart, and completely easy to work with. They’d already managed to get two closed cases under their belts. And while on duty, when she had the badge strapped to her belt, she could forget how handsome he was, how enticing his rock-hard body could be. She forced her libido to chill out. But now, in this lounge where his tight black T-shirt rode up his arm, showing off the tribal band she hadn’t known he had, and his lazy smile occupied all the room in her brain—she couldn’t function.

  “You okay?” he asked, placing his hand on hers.

  “What? Yeah. Of course.” She pulled away, his touch too warm, too tingling. Her head spun, a little tilt at first, but then it really took a nose dive, and she latched onto his arm to keep from falling over.

  “You sure?” His eyebrows knitted together.

  Blinking a few times and grabbing a few more sips of her water, she nodded. “Yep. Just got a little lightheaded. Must be all the people. It’s really crowded in here tonight.” She turned, pushing her back against the bar, wishing it had more of a bite. The rounded edges didn’t do much for a distraction.

  “How long have you been a member?” He tilted his head. She knew that look. He’d given the same one to the suspect they’d questioned in an armed robbery case last week. Casual tone, but serious eyes. He was fishing.

  “Recently enrolled. Really hoping for the free month though, right?” She laughed then cleared her throat again. When the hell were they going to get the party started?

  “Uh, huh. So, you’ve been here, how many times exactly?” He took the water bottle from her hands when the plastic crinkled.

  “What about you, new or veteran member?” Turn the questions on to him and maybe he’d drop it. She didn’t need to explain her complete lack of experience. It was nerve-racking enough being a complete newb in the presence of so many people who looked every bit like they belonged there. A neon light over her head pointing her out how virginal she was in their realm would only make her nerves heighten.

  Her stomach swirled, and she swallowed. The lightheadedness from a moment ago increased. The crowd moved forward.

  “Looks like they’re starting.” She pointed, moving forward along with the crowd. Scott followed, standing behind her.

  Another couple appeared beside him, talking with each other. The low murmur in the room rose in volume. Chattering, laughing, a squeal from a microphone. She touched her forehead to steady her mind.

  She was actually going to go through with it. She was going to be paired up with a man, who would spend the next three hours dominating her. Finally, she’d know what it was like. All the fantasizing, all the horrible attempts with previous boyfriends who placated her would finally be worth something. Those experiences brought her to where she stood.

  What if she couldn’t do it? What happened if she had her turn to spin the wheel for an activity that sounded perfectly hot when she’d filled out the application, but once in the middle of it, she needed to cry red. She wouldn’t only be blowing her own chance at a free month’s membership, but her partner’s as well. It would be her fault. He’d hate her. He’d tell everyone in the club how much of a pussy she was, and she’d never find anyone. She’d be stuck in the vanilla world forever.

  Her chest constricted. Air became harder to take in as the crowd moved again, closer. Too close to her. She tried to turn to her side, to give her chest more room to expand. Nothing. Maybe it was the bralette; maybe she had it too tight.

  “This was dumb,” she muttered to herself. Scott moved behind her. She could feel him shift from one foot to the other.

  Again, her mind lurched, spinning off its axis. She needed air. She needed to get a grip.

  “I- I can’t do this,” she said and turned to push her way out of the crowd. Instead of taking a step, she fell into darkness.


  He glared at her.

  When Sophie opened her eyes, the dim lighting didn’t hide his hard stare. Scott sat beside the medical cot she lay on, leaning over her with a fierce frown planted on his face.

  “You’re awake,” he said, although it sounded more like an accusation.

  Of course, she was awake. Her eyes were open, weren’t they?

  “Hey.” She smiled, pushing her hands against the cot and trying to get up.

  “No.” He shook his head and put a hand on her shoulder, putting her right back down on the cot. “Not until Garreth looks at you again and tells me you’re okay.”

p; “Can’t I tell you I’m okay?” She pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes. She’d fainted. Fuck. She hadn’t fainted since high school. Her head fogged up, and a headache wasn’t too far off.

  “No, but you can tell me what you ate today.” No more lighthearted questions.

  She sighed. “Nothing. I ate nothing. Which is probably what made my blood sugar drop and made me faint.” No sense in lying. “Why are you here? You should be out there.” She jerked a finger at the door. “They’re going to start soon.”

  “They already did.” He sat back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Oh.” She closed her eyes again. She’d ruined her night, and his. No wonder he was pissed.

  “You didn’t need to stay with me. I’m fine.”

  “Hey, you’re up. Good. How do you feel?” Garreth walked up to her with an open bottle of water and some sugar cookies.

  “Like an idiot.” She swung her legs over the side of the cot and sat up. Scott didn’t move from his position, so she had to scoot down to make room for herself. “I’m really sorry.”

  “Not a problem. It happens. Nerves are normal when you’re trying something for the first time. And tonight is a big event.” Garreth handed her the cookies. “As long as you’re doing okay, I’m going back to the floor. There’s a medical scene I want to be near tonight.”

  “Yeah. I’m fine. A few cookies, and I’ll be good to go.”

  Garreth looked her over again. “Okay. If you need anything, Scott can come get me.” He slapped Scott on his back.

  “Will do,” Scott answered, but continued to grind his glare into Sophie as she nibbled on her cookies.

  “Okay, then,” Garreth said and left.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” She pointed a finger at him and shoved the last cookie into her mouth. The buttery sugary crumbles melted on her tongue. Her stomach growled.

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m the asshole sitting across the table from you in an interrogation room. So, I’m a new member, never been here before. I was nervous, so I didn’t eat today. And now I’ve ruined my night, and yours. I’m sorrier about ruining yours.” Her shoulders drooped. Humiliation could be handled, but tanking someone else’s fun just plain sucked.

  She focused her attention on the bottle of water in her hands. He should be saying something. Anything would be good. The silence stretching out made her ears throb.

  “Did you drive?” he asked after a heavy sigh.

  “No. I cabbed it. Wasn’t sure if I’d be—”She stopped herself from finishing her sentence. She wasn’t about to tell her partner, her very hot partner, that she’d hoped to go home with someone that night.

  Ugh. What a whore she’d sound like. She capped the water and placed it on a nearby table.

  “I’ll drive you.” He stood from his chair and offered his hand to help her up.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she argued. “Maybe you can still get a partner? Maybe they’ll let you still roll? Or someone from the audience will want to join and take my place?”

  He shook his head and wrapped his hand around hers when she didn’t take his offer.

  “I’m getting you a burger then taking you home and putting you to bed.”

  She didn’t put up a fight when he pulled her to her feet. He didn’t back up, either, making her breasts brush against his chest. She didn’t match him in height, but he didn’t dwarf her either. She stared at his chin in silence. He’d never been so close to her before, although they’d shared a car since being paired up.

  Hell, he smelled good. Like musk and leather.

  “A burger sounds perfect.”

  “Let’s go.” He laced his fingers with hers and pulled her along. “Before I change my mind and give you the ass whipping you deserve.”

  She heard him, but it had been said so soft, without a glance in her direction, she figured it hadn’t been meant for her ears.

  About the Author

  USA Today bestselling author Livia Grant lives in Chicago with her husband and furry rescue dog named Max. She is fortunate to have been able to travel extensively and as much as she loves to visit places around the globe, the Midwest and its changing seasons will always be home. Livia's readers appreciate her riveting stories filled with deep, character driven plots, often spiced with elements of BDSM.

  Connect with Livia!

  Also by Livia Grant

  Black Light Series

  Infamous Love, A Black Light Prequel

  Black Light: Rocked

  Black Light: Valentine Roulette

  Black Light: Rescued

  Black Light: Roulette Redux

  Passion Series

  Wanting it All

  Securing it All

  Having it All

  Protecting it All

  Expecting it All

  Corbin’s Bend Series

  Life’s Unexpected Gifts

  Psychology of Submission

  Red Petticoat Saloon Series

  Melting Silver

  Anthologies and Boxed Sets


  The More the Merrier Two

  A Lovely Meal

  Sting of Lust

  Hero to Obey

  Royally Mine

  Stand Alone Books

  Blessed Betrayal

  Call Sign: Thunder

  Don’t miss Livia’s next book!

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  Black Collar Press

  Did you enjoy your visit to Black Light? Have you read the other books in the series?

  Infamous Love, A Black Light Prequel by Livia Grant

  Black Light: Rocked by Livia Grant

  Black Light: Exposed by Jennifer Bene

  Black Light: Valentine Roulette by Various Authors

  Black Light: Suspended by Maggie Ryan

  Black Light: Cuffed by Measha Stone

  Black Light: Rescued by Livia Grant

  Black Light: Roulette Redux by Various Authors

  Complicated Love, A Black Light Novel

  Black Collar Press is a small publishing house started by authors Livia Grant and Jennifer Bene in late 2016. The purpose was simple - to create a place where the erotic, kinky, and exciting worlds they love to explore could thrive and be joined by other like-minded authors.

  If this is something that interests you, please go to the Black Collar Press website and read through the FAQs. If your questions are not answered there, please contact us directly at:

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  Thank you from Livia

  Like most authors, I love to hear from my readers. The art of writing can be a lonely activity at times. Authors sit alone, pouring our hearts into our stories, hoping readers will connect with our words and fall in love with our characters. It’s easy to get discouraged at times.

  And that’s where you come in.

  I’d sure appreciate it if you’d take a few minutes to drop me a line or better yet, leave a review to let me know what you thought of the book you just finished. Reader feedback, good and bad, is what helps me continue to grow stronger as an author.

  Happy reading!





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