Bad Boys Lies: Bad Boy Romance

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Bad Boys Lies: Bad Boy Romance Page 5

by Soranna O.

  He slept with her once but stopped calling her after.

  Daniel said he was honest with her from the beginning and that she knew this was just a one-night stand.

  He didn't believe the child was his but if the paternity test showed that he was the father, he would take care of the child.

  His explanation made me feel better but I still didn't understand why he had to hide from me.

  How will I ever be able to trust him again?

  He said that was a mistake and that he was just trying to protect me.

  Daniel thought he could fix this problem on his own without me ever finding out.

  I've decided to forgive him but we both promised to always be honest to each other no matter how hard the truth was.

  All we could do was wait to see if the baby was his or not.

  The name of that woman is Denise.

  When she saw that her pregnancy announcement didn't make Daniel leave me and be with her, she announced that she lost the pregnancy.

  That made us think that it was all just a lie to trap him.

  I don't understand how anyone could do that but I am happy it's all over.

  For now I just want to work and spend time with my family and Daniel.

  He is part of my family too, regardless if he ever asks me to marry him or not.

  A couple of months go by and I miss my period.

  This makes me really nervous.

  I would be so happy if I am pregnant but at the same time, after what happened with Denise, I don't want him to think I got pregnant on purpose to trap him.

  The test is positive and I start crying.

  I am not sure if I am just scared or really happy.

  Maybe both.

  This is how Daniel finds me and he gets scared thinking something terrible happened while he was out grocery shopping.

  I normally join him but today I felt sick so I stayed in bed.

  When he was out, I decided to take a pregnancy test.

  I show him the test and say, "I am so sorry Daniel, I didn't mean for this to happen but it did. I must have forgotten a pill or two."

  "What are you sorry for??

  I am the happiest man on earth!"

  He says and takes me in his arms almost crushing me.

  Then he goes down on one knee and says:

  "I was going to wait till our anniversary to ask this but now seems like a perfect time.

  Will you marry me?"

  He asks with tears in his eyes.

  "Yes! Yes! I am so happy!"

  I say covering his face with kisses.

  Chapter 10

  I am so tired, I don't think I can take much longer of this. "It's time to push, Luisa!"

  The doctor tells me and I scream one more time before I hear the most beautiful sound in the world, my baby's first cry!

  I have been like a mother to my little brothers but it's the first time I am caring for an infant on my own.

  Of course, I have Daniel but he has to work and he is clueless when it comes to babies.

  I feel like I am not good enough for this little creature.

  He needs me so much and I hope I can be a good mother.

  We decide to name him Liam.

  I've always loved that name.

  Daniel suggested that being around other new moms would do me good.

  So I go out to some Mommy and Me group.

  I always thought those groups were stupid but now I get it.

  They are not for the babies, they're for the mothers to socialize and make each other feel less crazy.

  It made me feel better to see that I was not the only new mom struggling with the lack of sleep.

  I made some good friends there and my life seems to finally get into a nice routine.

  As a young girl I thought routine was boring, the death of passion.

  Now I love it. I hope our routine never changes because we are truly happy!

  Our happiness didn't last for long though.

  After I gave birth I lost my interest in sex.

  I knew I couldn't please my husband and I felt like the worst wife in the world.

  We didn't really talk about this and he was very nice but I could see his frustration whenever he tried to touch me.

  I always find excuses for why I am not in a mood but to be honest, I don't know why.

  I still love him and I am sure I just need time.

  But how much time I can't tell.

  I am scared, really scared that this will mean he will go look for someone else.

  I have been thinking about this a lot. If he finds someone just for sex, I am okay with it.

  Well, not okay but I can accept it.

  He doesn't get what he needs from me.

  I can't be that selfish to keep him waiting forever.

  But if he is going to find another woman, I want it to be just for fulfilling his physical needs.

  I want it to be someone I can trust.

  Not just any random woman who will want to take my husband away from me.

  I talked to Daniel about this after yet another frustrating night.

  He said that he understands and that he will never leave me.

  I was grateful to hear him say that but I knew things weren't that simple.

  I needed a good plan to keep my man.

  I already had something in mind and I've decided to share it with Daniel.

  To say he was shocked by my idea, was an understatement.

  I told him I will find the woman for him.

  This way I had some type of control and I could be sure that woman would not play dirty.

  I know how women can be, I am one of them.

  I know I would have done anything to have Daniel and now that I have him, I have to fight for our relationship.

  After a lot of talking, eventually I convinced him to go along with my plan.

  He could see how much this means to me.

  He still thought it was a really bad idea though.

  I just had to do something.

  It's been months and I knew Daniel needed to have sex soon.

  This way it wouldn't feel like cheating.

  In a way, I was part of it.

  Since we were searching for a babysitter anyway, I thought why not find someone who would take care of Daniel's needs too.

  Of course I would only pay her for the babysitting.

  Daniel is very attractive and I can imagine that he would be great for a lonely woman.

  That's why one of the requirements for our new babysitter was for her to be single.

  This way there were no complications with a potential boyfriend or husband.

  Chapter 11

  Jessica came into our lives on a Sunday morning.

  She was one of the women who responded to my ad for a babysitter.

  I haven't discussed with her the extra duties or as I prefer to call them, the benefits.

  I want to talk to her first and just see if she is the right woman for the job.

  As we started talking, I could see that Jessica was very funny and kind.

  What started as a job interview, turned into a discussion between friends.

  She told me that she just broke up her engagement and she wasn’t looking to settle down any time soon.

  "You go girl, enjoy the single life.

  Before you know it, you are married with kids.

  You are still so young.

  How old are you if you don't mind me asking?"

  I asked.

  "I am 22. You look very young too."

  "Thank you, you're just being nice though."

  I say feeling a bit self-conscious.

  I just turned 36 and I know that even though I still feel 20 inside, I don't look 20 anymore.

  Daniel tells me I am the most beautiful woman for him. I try to believe him.

  As the days go by, Jessica turns out to be an excellent babysitter.

  This actually gives Daniel and I some time alone and we start bein
g intimate with each other again.

  Turns out Jessica really helped our relationship but not the way I though.

  Now I am not that sure that I want to let my husband have fun with other women.

  But can I just take my word back?

  I don't want to seem insecure.

  Daniel hasn't even mentioned it anymore.

  Maybe he is waiting for me to bring it up or maybe he thought I wasn't being serious.

  However, I can see the way he looks at Jessica.

  It's not like I can blame him though.

  I look too as a woman.

  She never wears a bra and her breasts are amazing.

  They just invite you to look.

  I really don't want to get rid of her but I think I might have to do it.

  I don't want to risk my relationship.

  I trust Daniel, but he is only human after all.

  Chapter 12

  My jealousy gets bigger and bigger every time I see Daniel looking at her or when I see her smiling and making eye contact with the love of my life.

  It's hard to hate Jessica though.

  She has such a bubbly personality.

  Thanks to her I started to go out more and I even smile more.

  I can see now that I was becoming a depressed woman.

  I finally have everything I wanted in life.

  A man who loves me and a baby.

  I was forgetting how to be grateful and how to enjoy it all.

  Jessica showed me all that.

  I couldn’t believe how happy she was even though her relationship just ended and she had no family.

  She told me one day that she sees me as family now.

  I was moved to tears.

  My jealousy aside, I got attached to Jessica.

  Whenever Daniel was home and he could watch the baby we would have a girls' night out or we would go shopping together.

  "You know, I look at you and Daniel and I want what you have.

  I want someone to look at me the way Daniel looks at you. I never had that with my ex.

  I think that was the reason I put an end to the relationship.

  There was no love there."

  "I am sure you will have this too.

  Just be patient and don't just rush into a relationship with the first guy who opens the door for you.

  Just wait for the right one."

  "Are there still good men out there, or are they all taken?

  I think you took the last one."

  She said with a sad smile.

  "There are good men still, I am sure.

  You know what, I will help you find him."

  "How? Like a blind date?"

  Jessica asked.

  "Kind of, but it's not going to be totally blind because we will use the internet.

  We will go on one of those dating apps and I will help you choose a nice guy.

  I have experience, I can help you see the warning signs."

  I said.

  "You are the best friend ever!"

  Jessica said suddenly excited.

  Jessica goes home first and I decide to go visit my mother.

  I haven't seen her in a while and I don't want her to worry about me.

  I spend a few hours at my mother's and she even mentions that she loves the change in me.

  She said I look happier.

  I tell her about Jessica and she asks me if I am not worried to have such a young beautiful woman around my husband all the time.

  I am honest with her and I tell her that yes, I was worried and very jealous but not anymore.

  Jessica has become like a sister to me.

  She wouldn't do anything to hurt me and I know

  Daniel wouldn’t do that to me either.

  As I arrive home and open the front door, I have the shock of my life.

  Daniel is in the kitchen kissing Jessica.

  "Luisa, I can explain. It's not…"

  Daniel tries to explain.

  "It's not what, Daniel?

  Not what it looks like? How cliché…"

  I say with tears falling down my face.

  "Luisa, I am so sorry.

  It's all my fault.

  I was feeling jealous and insecure. I wanted your life.

  Don't be mad at Daniel.

  I kissed him.

  He had no time to respond.

  I took him by surprise."

  Jessica said.

  "I am sure he didn't enjoy it at all.

  And you, I thought you were my friend!" I scream.

  "Now wait a minute, I didn't do anything wrong.

  It happened exactly like Jessica said.

  And don't forget, it was your idea to find a babysitter who could satisfy my needs too."

  Daniel said.

  "That was when we weren't having sex!

  Now everything is back to normal!!"

  I said still crying.

  "I know, and even if things weren’t back to normal between us, I still wouldn't have slept with someone else.

  I just didn’t want to keep talking about it and I let you believe that I agree with you.

  I was hoping you would let it go and in the end you did."

  Daniel said.

  "What… So all this time you two were just using me?"

  Now it was Jessica's turn to feel hurt.

  "No, not all this time.

  Just at first.

  After that I got attached to you and I started to love you as a sister.

  But I guess nothing matters now."

  I said.

  "I guess I am going to pack my things and go.

  You will never see me again. I am sorry…"

  Jessica said.

  "Tell me just one thing before you leave."

  I said.

  "Yes, what do you want to know?"

  Jessica replied.

  "Are you in love with Daniel?"

  I asked.

  "Luisa, no, I am not in love with Daniel.

  I guess I am in love with the relationship you two have.

  I wanted to see how it feels for a moment but I swear, I don't feel anything for him.

  It was just a moment and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

  Now I lost our friendship, my job and I probably hurt your relationship too.

  I just hope you two will work it out because it would really break my heart if you break up because of my stupidity."

  Jessica said.

  I walk towards her and she said, "Are you going to slap me?

  Okay, I deserve it."

  Without a word, I take her in my arms and give her a long hug.

  We both cry and then I ask her to stay.

  I have done enough stupid things in my life too.

  I can forgive her.

  "What about me?

  Are you still mad at me?"

  Daniel asked.

  "No, I have no reason to be.

  If it happened like you two said, it wasn't even your fault."

  I say, and then he walks over to me and gives me a kiss.

  Chapter 13

  The very next day, we started looking online for Jessica's future man.

  If she wanted what I had, I decided to give it to her.

  How hard could it be to find a decent, nice, attractive man to love her?

  Turns out, it was very hard.

  I had no idea it's so hard nowadays in the dating world.

  There are some real freaks out there.

  Most of the men we found were just interested in her for one night, maybe two.

  Jessica could have any man she wanted for this.

  But she deserved more.

  She wanted to give up many times but I didn't let her.

  I promised her love and I never give up.

  When it looked like we finally found the one, we found out that he was married with 4 kids at home!

  Thank the lucky starts for social media because now it's really hard to hide a family and say that you are si
ngle to fool women.

  Jessica was grateful for me because she never would have thought to google the guy.

  He seemed genuine and honest.

  We found out about his double life before she invested any feelings so that at least was a win.

  As we were discussing about online dating at a coffee shop, a guy at the next table overheard us and he told us that we shouldn't look online for love.

  "Where should I look then?"

  Jessica asked.

  "Well, how about in coffee shops?

  May I buy you a coffee?"

  He asked.

  "What is your name, stranger?

  I need to know before I leave my friend with you."

  I asked.

  "My name is Colin."

  "Well, Colin, My name is Luisa and this here is Jessica.

  I will give you one hour and I will come back.

  Be nice to her."

  I said and got up to leave.

  Jessica looked at me surprised but I just smiled and left.

  That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship and two years later, they asked us to be godparents to their baby.

  Ready For Love

  My friends call me Amy.

  I am the girl next door, the girl any man would be proud to bring home to his Mom.

  But I have never been the sexy girl, the one who always gets all the attention.

  No, that girl is Dianne, my best friend.

  We've known each other ever since we were kids.

  Sometimes I wonder if we would still be friends if she weren't stuck with me.

  We have nothing in common and I would give anything to have her looks and her life.

  I am tired of guys approaching me just to ask what's the deal with my friend.

  If she is single or if she is seeing anyone.

  I thought that when she got her engagement ring, men would get the message and look at me for once.

  But that was not the case.

  Dianne loves to play with men too.

  She doesn’t let a small detail as her fiancé stop her from flirting with any man who shows interest.

  I love her as a sister but at the same time I hate her.

  I don't hate her because she gets all the attention from men, no, for that I am only a little jealous.

  She has the love of the man I love.

  Yes, that's right.

  I am in love with my best friend's fiancé.

  I know this makes me the worst possible friend but I can't help it.


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