Bad Boys Lies: Bad Boy Romance

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Bad Boys Lies: Bad Boy Romance Page 9

by Soranna O.

  I couldn’t have them both.

  Or could I…?

  I couldn’t go on working with Raul while I took some time to clear my head.

  I needed to be away from both men.

  The only thing that scared me was losing them both while I was sorting out my feelings.

  It was hard choosing between the two of them.

  They were both hot and I was in love with both of them.

  I never even thought that was possible.

  My friend Alice thought that I was losing my mind.

  Maybe she was right…

  Chapter 7

  My father has a vacation house in the mountains and I thought what better place to clear my mind than in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature?

  I asked them both to please not disturb me for as long as I need.

  They promised but I should have known better.

  Somehow they found out where I was, and even though they never showed up there, they did send gifts almost daily.

  It was like a contest between the two.

  I enjoyed the gifts because they reminded me that I was loved.

  I loved them too.

  The problem was that my heart now belonged to both of them.

  I kept imagining how would life be without one of them and I didn’t like it.

  I know it's selfish but I wish there was a way to have them both in my life.

  After two weeks away from the world, I decided to face my problems.

  I had to talk to both of them, if possible, at the same time.

  I needed to be honest with them and with myself.

  What I was about to ask them was crazy.

  I felt so scared because I could end up losing both of them and I didn’t know if my poor heart could take any more pain.

  Before I came into their lives, Raul and James were good friends.

  The first step would be to get them to speak to each other again.

  Maybe there was a way for them to be friends again. I felt really bad for ruining that.

  I also have another selfish reason for wanting them to be friends again.

  Maybe then they would agree to both be in my life.

  I have heard of men having more than one girlfriend.

  Why can't a woman have more boyfriends?

  I explained my theory to Alice and while she thought that was hot, she didn’t believe any of them would agree to this.

  She was right, I doubt I would ever agree to share a man if I were in this situation.

  All I knew was that I had to try.

  At this point, it was all or nothing.

  If they both rejected me I could start over and try to forget them both.

  If they agreed, I could be the happiest woman in the world.

  Chapter 8

  I asked them both to come by my house but I didn’t tell them that I invited the other too.

  This could be dangerous but it's the only way to get them both in the same room and force them to fix their problems.

  Even if both men rejected my crazy proposal, at least maybe I could fix their friendship.

  It was the least I could do.

  They used to be really close and just because of my stupid revenge plan, they didn’t even talk to each other anymore.

  They arrived almost at the same time and to my surprise, they didn’t jump to each other's throats.

  Not yet, at least.

  I asked them to just listen so I could tell them everything that was on my mind.

  I knew if they interrupted me I would lose my courage.

  When I told them that I want both of them, they were speechless.

  I guess they were in shock.

  They looked at each other and then at me.

  Raul asked me what would happen if they said no and that I had to choose.

  I guess in his mind he was sure that I would choose him.

  James was not so sure about my choice. He knew how much I still cared about Raul.

  So, it wasn’t so shocking when he was first to agree to my proposal.

  James said if that is the only way to keep me in his life, he accepts.

  I was grateful and I gave him a kiss on the lips.

  I looked at Raul smiling and I told him that he could have one too if he says yes.

  I never saw Raul so confused but I think he was also a little turned on.

  Without a word, he took me in his arms and kissed me.

  I took that as a yes.

  There were a lot of things to discuss but I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  I told them to go home and come up with a set of rules for me too.

  I didn’t want them to feel that I had all the control in our relationship.

  They had a say too and I was ready to respect their wishes.

  They got out together that night.

  I think they had a lot to talk about.

  I just hoped they could be good friends again.

  This was the only way our crazy relationship could work.

  That night I had a naughty dream.

  In my dream, Raul and James were undressing each other and I was there to enjoy both of them.

  This couldn’t happen in real life because as far as I knew both men were straight.

  But then again, would they agree to a threesome relationship if they weren’t attracted to each other at all?

  This was something I couldn’t wait to find out.

  If they were attracted to each other, it would mean that all my wildest fantasies could come true.

  Was I really that lucky?

  Chapter 9

  A couple of days later, my men came up with a plan and a list of rules for me.

  I was excited to see what they had in mind. This was their list:

  None of us can have sex with other people.

  I was okay with this first rule.

  Two men were more than enough for me.

  I was just pleasantly surprised to see that they both wanted just me in their life.

  We could only have sex when we were all present.

  So, this meant a lifetime of threesomes. It sounded hot. I just hoped I could keep up with my men.

  Even if the third person wasn't involved in the sex

  session, he or she could at least watch.

  Again, a very hot rule.

  I was already getting turned on.

  I had a question about this last rule though.

  I was curious to know if they would ever agree to have sex with each other.

  So, I just asked.

  There should not be any secrets between us.

  They smiled at each other and confessed that in the past they had sex once.

  They never talked about it since but they were both more than willing to try it again.

  That’s everything I wanted.

  I can't believe it's that easy.

  We were about to enter into a relationship and it was new territory for all three of us.

  We weren’t scared though because after all we've been through, we knew that we loved each other.

  Nothing could stand in our way.

  We all moved in together and we started our new life.

  A life filled with sex and love.

  Sure, we have our arguments but we never go to bed angry.

  Our bed is huge and I sleep in the middle.

  I feel so protected and loved between my two men.

  The hardest part is coming out to the world with our lifestyle.

  People will always judge though, so who cares?

  We're happy and that's all that matters.

  Chapter 10

  The first time we had sex together was very confusing for all of us.

  We had no experience with this type of relationship but we made it work.

  I mean, most people have a hard time making things work in bed in a two-people relationship.

  We started by kissing and just exploring each other's bodies.

  The men were both f
ocused on me but I wanted to see them in action too.

  So, I asked them to kiss and undress each other.

  I just watched and I was surprised by how hot I was getting just by enjoying the show.

  Raul and James were good friends again and even though they didn’t want to admit that they had feelings for each other, I could clearly see it.

  They were not just friends, they were lovers.

  I thought that would make me feel jealous but I was okay with it.

  I was more than okay, I loved it.

  I knew they loved each other and I also knew they both loved me.

  The only thing that could ruin our relationship would be if any of us would cheat.

  I was sure that would not happen though.

  Little did I know, Raul was already seeing another woman.

  I guess people don't change.

  I would like to say that I wasn’t angry or jealous, but that would be a big lie.

  James felt the same way and he wanted us to leave Raul.

  I felt like I just got him back, I couldn’t lose Raul again.

  Raul was filled with regrets and he promised it would never happen again.

  Before I took any big decision, I wanted to talk to Raul and find out why he did it.

  We thought we had everything we ever wanted.

  Why would he look for sex or love somewhere else?

  Raul said that maybe the reason he cheated was because he knew it was forbidden.

  I thought a lot about what he said.

  Raul didn’t like rules and in a way I could understand this.

  Since we were in a threesome relationship, we had to understand that monogamy was overrated.

  I was desperate to keep my men, both of them.

  After thinking for hours, I came up with a solution.

  I told them I want out relationship to be open.

  No strings attached.

  They both looked confused at me.

  I explained that we could all see other people if we chose to.

  This way we wouldn’t feel like we had to do something we didn’t want to.

  There would no longer be any forbidden things.

  The funny thing is that my idea actually worked.

  I had no intention to see other people and neither did James.

  The problem was Raul and he hated rules.

  The moment there were no more boundaries and no more rules, everything was okay.

  Raul lost his interested in dating other people.

  Chapter 11

  We never talked about having kids but we never really did anything to prevent it from happening.

  I guess I was too happy and too excited to think about getting pregnant.

  It's true that I always wanted to be a mother but I never imagined my child would have two fathers.

  I woke up one morning feeling sick.

  I didn’t even have to make a pregnancy test.

  I just knew it.

  I was pregnant and I had no idea who the father was.

  It could be either of the men but did it really matter?

  The three of us were in love and we made this baby together.

  I was nervous about telling the men but I had to do it.

  To my surprise, they were both so excited and neither of them asked who the father was.

  Telling my parents was not so easy.

  As I expected, they were shocked to hear about my relationship with two men.

  Then when I told them they were about to be grandparents, they were happy but also very worried.

  My parents don't believe our relationship will last and they think I will be left to raise my child alone.

  I guess we just have to prove them wrong.

  It took some time, but now my parents love both my men.

  They are like the sons they never had.

  That is all I ever wanted.

  The rest of the world is not very understanding but we don't care.

  Hot and Steamy

  Chapter 1

  I still remember the day he left my house. Some heavy words were said and we both cried even though he tried to hide his tears.

  Dilan is a jerk but deep down I know he loved me, maybe he still does. I know for sure I still spend my days thinking about him.

  At night I try to stay busy with other men and that seems to help a little bit. But only a little.

  As soon as I am alone in my big bed again, I remember Dilan's kisses and the promises he made to me.

  He promised to love me forever and never to cheat on me. The first part of the promise I don't know if he will keep.

  However, I know for sure that he broke the last part of his promise. He did cheat on me more times than I can count.

  Dilan thinks that monogamy is not made for humans but I wish for once he could feel what I feel.


  I wish I could have my revenge. Maybe then I would be able to forget him and leave the past behind.

  Chapter 2

  I know for sure that Dilan wants me back in his life. For the past two months I've tried my best to avoid him.

  However, now that I've come up with a revenge plan, I need to get back together. I hope that will not twist the knife even harder in my heart.

  I hope that being around him again will not make me forget all the pain he brought to my life.

  I don't know how I will react if I see him again every single day.

  If we share again the same bed…

  If I feel his lips all over my body again.

  I tremble with desire just thinking about it.

  My body seems to betray my heart too.

  The point is to hurt him, not hurt myself all over again.

  So, I just have to be strong and put a wall around my heart.

  I have to make him think I've forgiven him and that I am ready to be his woman again.

  And then, when he is happy and sure that nothing can break us apart, I will cheat on him.

  I will find some other man to make him jealous with.

  I will break his heart just like he broke mine when I found those pictures online with him and that other woman.

  The first step was to get back in contact with Dilan.

  I've decided to keep it simple and I just sent him a short text.

  Hey, Dilan, what's up? Hope you are okay.

  In less than a minute, I got a reply.

  Hey beautiful, it's so good to hear from you. I am fine but it would be great if we could meet to catch up. Lunch at our spot?

  Bingo! Just what I wanted.

  I could have asked him out first but I didn’t want to seem too eager.

  I want him to feel like he is the one who convinced me to get back together.

  Dilan loves to be the hunter, like most men I suppose.

  If a woman is too available to them, too easy to get, they quickly lose interest.

  So, I just have to play the game.

  I know in the end I will get him just where I want.

  Chapter 3

  We met at our favourite spot for lunch and a chat.

  Just to catch up like he said, but we both knew that we would end up in bed together that night.

  I have to be honest, the thought of ending up in bed with him, wasn't that bad.

  I would just detach and just enjoy the pleasure.

  For a few moments I just want to feel him deep inside me.

  Who says you can't mix revenge with pleasure?

  It wasn’t even night when we returned to his apartment.

  We didn’t even bother to get to the bedroom.

  He took my clothes off like a man starved for sex.

  No, he wasn't just starved for sex.

  He missed me.

  He missed my body just as much as I missed his.

  We were always perfect for each other when it came to sex.

  Makes me wonder why did he feel the need to sleep with other women.

  Wasn't I enough?

  He could
have a different woman every night.

  Dilan never had a problem with that.

  He is attractive and a billionaire so there's no wonder that women of all ages would do anything to be with him.

  I used to think that if I show him real love, he wouldn't need to look elsewhere.

  I was wrong but soon he will have a taste of his own medicine.

  After we made love he practically begged me to move in with him and start again.

  I pretended to think about it for a minute but then I kissed him and told him that I accept.

  The next step in my plan was to find a new man.

  Someone to date.

  Someone to use for revenge.

  It didn’t take me long because an idea popped into my head as soon as I saw Dilan's new assistant.

  His assistant was a very attractive male.

  I asked Dilan why he doesn’t have a hot female assistant and he told me that he takes work very seriously.

  With a male assistant he doesn’t have to worry about getting distracted while at work.

  I appreciate that about him.

  Dilan's work is his life.

  That made him even sexier in my eyes.

  Most people would say that he is a very lucky man.

  I knew better though.

  Dilan didn’t believe in luck.

  He worked hard for everything he had.

  His fortune didn’t come from his parents.

  He grew up in a poor neighbourhood and had a very tough childhood.

  Chapter 4

  His assistant's name is Markus.

  I invited Markus out for a drink one day when Dilan was away on business.

  At first, Markus said that he would love to but he really doesn’t want to lose his job.

  I promised that if by any chance he will get fired for going out with me, I would offer him a job as my assistant.

  I need someone anyway so this was just perfect.

  He had nothing to lose.

  I had more fun than I expected with Markus and I don't just mean in bed.

  I was surprised to see that he has such an amazing personality.


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